
33 Work

After greeting with Sveta, I had to rest, and it wasn't until the next day that I got down to work. I called secretary Kowalski to me and told him about the events in Tarnów and Łańcut, but the latter did not surprise him ... the news that I had killed Stadnicki's sons probably reached the whole Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth through word of mouth... and the information that I became the main heir of my grandfather was already on the mouths of many people across the country. In a time without the Internet and tabloids, rumor was the main source of information.

Secretary Kowalski was surprised how quickly I got ius stapulae for Jazłowiec and he was very pleased with this news, I also expect a similar reaction from local people and merchants ... It will certainly reduce the need to travel to other cities to buy necessary goods. Product availability will increase and prices will likely fall.

"... and so I became the heir of my grandfather. That's it for me, and what happened in Jazłowiec in my absence?" (MC)

"The planned harvest will be higher than last year, and at least twice, there will be a problem with the storage of grain, we do not have so many granaries. The settlement you ordered to build was almost finished, I also brought some new settlers from Lviv with their families ..."Quo Vadis" has already been printed and all copies are already in Jazłowiec. That's probably all. " (Secretary Kowalski)

"These new settlers, what are their professions? How is furniture production now?" (MC)

"Three additional carpenters, five builders, two stonemasons. After the houses are built, they will be placed in this settlement. If we talk about furniture production, they are already being produced, but I can't say if they are exactly as they should be." (Secretary Kowalski)

Since "Quo Vadis" was already printed, I will have to make another list to whom to deliver it, this time also Vienna, Rome, maybe Paris and London. The king, a few noble families and people in high places. To deliver all these books, I'd have to send at least thirty messengers, or I'd have to take the courtesy of the merchants and get the books through them ... anyway, it was a pain in the ass ... I was beginning to miss DHL.

According to the words of Secretary Kowalski, I should assess the quality of baroque furniture myself, as in the case of any production, I expect a few errors, it is unavoidable ... I only hoped that they would not be Fiat Multipla errors.

Secretary Kowalski also provided me with all kinds of bills, profit and expense balance, reports, tax books ... I looked at the pile of documents and I wanted to cry ... fucking bureaucracy. Ours were only documents for one month of mine, but it took me all day to go through them. "I have a question, what is happening with the inn and public bath? It's already another month where you can see a drop in income. What is the reason for this?" (MC)

"I don't know, there may be many reasons. Few people visit our town, people save money on the baths..." (Secretary Kowalski)

"I understand, I'll take a look at it ... you can leave me alone." (MC)

Though these were small interests in the whole machine of my income, I did not want them to bring me losses. Since their income has been falling for several months, something must be wrong ... If the brothel is losing money, you have to replace the whores, not the curtains.

I spent the following days diligently, compiling a list of people and places where the books need to be delivered, a total of almost 100 copies. Another thing I did was check the furniture production, I was expecting something worse so I was pleasantly surprised. The furniture was not bad or ugly, my carpenter just lacked practice and experience ... I can't expect them to be masters of their trade within a month.

At the very end I left myself an inn and a bathhouse, the latter was not a problem. Just if someone earned a 30 penny a day and a bathhouse cost 10. The price of the service was inadequate to the earnings of residents and was too high for a potential consumer. After long reflection, I decided to make the baths for city residents free ... although I would like to earn money, I decided to focus more on hygiene, in over 40 years a great plague will break out in London. Although Jazłowiec is not London, it is sometimes better to lose a little money now than a lot more in the future.

The inn was quite different ... the food was poor, alcohol also not the best, the inn was ugly, dark, smoky and smelled bad ... the "waitress" was so nasty that the customer should get a tip for just looking at her ... and the worst it was that she was trying to be cute and flirting, which resulted in my reverse erection, my penis hid inside out of fear. I grew up at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries ... I saw all sorts of bizarre people and not much could surprise me ... but she did.

The inn will have to change a lot, maybe I will be able to introduce some recipes from the future, I will also hire new waitresses whose sight will encourage you to eat, not to vomit. Renovating the premises, introducing more light, better ventilation, better tables and benches ... a lot of it, but if everything goes as planned, people will fight for a place to eat here.

Not only did I spend my time working, every morning I tried to take care of my condition, I ran, swam and sparred with Ensign Olszewski. In the evenings, I trained other parts of the muscles, and sometimes I also trained them during the day... I also became more clumsy, often things spilled in my office and Sveta had to wash the floor.