
Ch.03 : The notice board

Without knowing a one year passed, other than the guilt left in her heart for what she did, Ollie's life was completely normal. She had new friends, they were good for her. But at some point Ollie felt that her friends were jealous of her good grades. But she just kept it to herself as she feared that she will be left out.

In one early morning Ollie was walking to the school, she passed the Bremingham middle school on her right. There was a big notice board on the front walls of that school where all the records, notices or even news were announced and reported any kind of victory earned by the school. Ollie stopped walking, she was straightly looking at one of poster on the notice board. Her eyes were fixed only on a one person who looked very familiar to her.

At the depth of heart, there was a sudden strange feeling. She went near it and took a closer look. Surprisingly that was that boy whom she couldn't take the look away from, on the entrance exam to Bremingham. As Ollie's father had to change his workplace, they moved to Newtown. So eventhough she passed the entrance exam she had to change her school as well because of her father and it seemed that boy also managed to get in to that school. She was aghast and simultaneously she felt happy for finding him again. She wondered how things could have been if they didn't nove to Newtown. That boy was just a someone whom she hadn't even talked or met, he was a complete stranger. But even seeing the face of him made her to feel so closed as if they have known each other for so long. She didn't even knew his name. Only what she knew about him is that he had passed the exam to Bremingham. But for her it was like kind of earning a victory.

According to the poster, that boy had won a gold medal in a badminton tournament. Ollie was curious about him more than ever but at the same time she thought that she should concentrate on the school work than wasting her time over an unknown person. But her heart was whispering her to telling that she should find the boy instead. Ollie at that time listened to what her mind said not the things what her heart said. So she followed the path which her mind said to follow.