
cole young: story retold

after an isekai senario, Mar Grant, reborn as Cole Young, carries the memories of the vengeful Scorpion.

TheCrimsonKnight · Phim ảnh
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19 Chs


Wednesday, December 6th, 2023

The chaos of New York City buzzed around Mar Grant as he navigated the bustling streets. He was a man born and bred in the concrete jungle, his soul as vibrant and diverse as the city itself. The worn leather bag slung over his shoulder was a familiar companion, a symbol of his journey through life. Today, however, his usual carefree hum was replaced by a melody born of contemplation.

Suddenly, a child's laughter pierced through the cacophony, followed by a startled gasp. A crimson ball, propelled by an unseen force, rolled towards the path of an oncoming truck. Without a moment's hesitation, Mar lunged forward, his body a desperate shield against the impending impact.

Time seemed to slow down as he leaped, the world around him blurring into a dizzying kaleidoscope of colors and sounds. His scream mingled with the screech of brakes, a horrifying symphony of metal and flesh.

Then, darkness. A cold, suffocating darkness.

But just when he feared despair would consume him, Mar found himself in a strange, ethereal space. He stood before a figure cloaked in shimmering light, a being whose eyes held the wisdom of eons.

"Mar Grant," the figure spoke, his voice a calming balm on Mar's fractured mind. "Your sacrifice was noble. You saved an innocent life, but at the cost of your own."

Grief and regret washed over Mar. He yearned for the familiar sights and sounds of his city, the warmth of Central Park in the spring, the electrifying energy of Times Square. But then, a spark of defiance ignited within him. He would not let his sacrifice be in vain.

"I am Rob," the figure continued, "and I have been granted the power to grant you three wishes. Choose wisely, for they will determine your destiny."

Mar's mind raced. He envisioned a life filled with purpose, a life where he could protect others from the dangers that lurked within the city's underbelly. He knew exactly what he desired.

"My first wish," he declared, his voice firm, "is for instant mastery. I want to learn and grow with unparalleled speed, to become the best version of myself."

A smile flickered across Rob's face, a flicker that held a hint of approval. "It is granted."

A surge of energy coursed through Mar. He felt his mind expanding, his body becoming an instrument of unimaginable potential. He was no longer Mar, the ordinary young man. He was now Cole Young, a being forged by sacrifice and destiny.

"For my second wish," Cole continued, his eyes gleaming with newfound resolve, "I wish for the Mortal Kombat system. I want the power to fight, to protect the innocent, to become a champion of justice."

Rob's smile widened. "It is granted."

Cole felt the Mortal Kombat system weave itself into the fabric of his being. He saw visions of ancient warriors, of powerful techniques, of battles fought to save not just cities, but entire realms. He understood the burden and the glory that came with this gift.

"My final wish," Cole declared, his voice ringing with determination, "is for infinite system points. I want the resources to push my limits, to evolve beyond what is considered possible."

Rob's smile held a touch of awe. "It is granted."

A wave of power engulfed Cole. He felt his body becoming stronger, faster, more attuned to the energies around him. He was no longer just Cole. He was a warrior, a protector, a champion.

"Go forth, Cole Young," Rob said, his voice echoing through the ethereal space. "Remember your purpose, and use your power for good. Your city, your world, awaits their hero."

With newfound strength and purpose, Cole Young stepped into the unknown, ready to face the challenges that awaited him. His journey would be fraught with danger, but he was prepared. He had been given a second chance, and he would not waste it.