
Code Zulu Alpha: Nerd in the Apocalypse!

"Better to have and not need than to need and not have." Sky Ishiyama is a nerd with Photographic Memory who after the bumps and turns in his life, turned to be a Doomsday Prepper. The story takes place in our world where our MC was diving through the Dark Web just for fun and discovered something that could only be found in books, movies, novels, manga, anime, or games. Zombies, Walkers, Freaks, Infected, Biters, or whatever you may call them. They're fucking real. Ever wondered what you could do in a zombie apocalypse where you actually know what you're doing? Actually surviving properly while preventing stupid deaths? Doing what is right and necessary? Or better yet, actually doing what you shout in the monitor when you're watching a film? Our MC is coupled with the knowledge of not just fighting z's but actually surviving by securing his home, finding allies, scavenging for supplies, building a community and so much more. If you could, kindly like the tags I've put up and it would be huge, huge help for me, thanks in advance! Also, a comment, a review, or even a vote of a single power stone would help me out a lot! Thanks again! Disclaimer: All of the names and places mentioned in this novel are fictional and any relation to people IRL is purely coincidental. Discord Server Link: https://discord.gg/3JstDAV (It's just something I created for fun and random chatting with people that want to discuss more about zombie things and other random stuff. It's created on 16/07/20 so it's fairly new and nothing much is in there lol Anyway, everyone is free to drop by and spend a few minutes to pass the time.) My Discord: Sky2316#9623

Sky2316 · Kinh dị ma quái
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1409 Chs

A-Aren't they... tongues?

The group gave a mix of worry and solemnness with their expressions because even if we have the tools to defend ourselves, if, by some chance, the group was actually big and just biding their time, we would've been plunged into a very difficult predicament because we would be severely outnumbered.

Just by crossing the bridge earlier, we would've had the chance to get to the City of Malabon by using the backroads if we wanted but we decided to continue driving straight by using the main highway. Doing that made the trip much quicker but it made thoroughly checking around a street block for our objectives slightly neglected because we still haven't encountered a pile-up.

"I should start grabbing footage, right? I'm gonna send a drone now, bro." Jared said to me.

"Wait a sec, let me park by that Daddy John's Pizza first so we'd have a few options to drive through." I replied.