Miguel and Brooks were standing in front of a pool and looking at Johnny, who tied up their hands and said "If you want to learn how to kick, you can't use your arms. When you're in a fight you instinctively use your arms right? You have to get rid of that."
Brooks had an idea and Miguel said "How are we going to do that Sensei?" Johnny said "Well you just.. do this!" as he pushed both Miguel and Brooks into the pool.
Brooks fell into the water and cursed "Fucking bas-" before sinking down. He looked up and kicked his legs as hard as he could, before he could drown a hand pulled him up by his hair. Brooks and Miguel gasped for air and Johnny said "Drowning is for pussies. Don't be a pussy, use your legs!" before pushing them down again.
Brooks repeated the same action and kicked his legs hard as he struggled to get to the top, but he got it! Brooks' head peeked over the water and he gasped for air, Johnny grabbed Miguel from the water and said "Look! Brooks is doing it! You got this, I'm not helping this time! Kick for your life!" Miguel nodded and submerged again before kicking his legs.
Brooks was kicking hard just to stay floating and Miguel finally kicked up to the surface. Johnny clapped and said "Yeah you got this, keep kicking!" Brooks cursed "You fucker, I'll kick you!" Johnny laughed and said "That's what you get for drinking my beers!" Brooks was stunned and said "You knew?!"
Johnny said "How could I not?" Brooks cursed again and kicked for his life while Miguel laughed and kicked as hard as he could.
Time flowed by
Johnny said "Ten minutes!" suddenly they all heard "Hey! What are you doing here!?" Johnny said "Oh fuck. Lets go, get out quick we need to go." Brooks and Miguel got out of the pool and started running, Miguel said "I thought you knew that guy!" Johnny said "I lied. Hurry!"
Time passed by with days
Johnny trained Brooks and Miguel in kicking boards and occasionally swimming for their lives in the pool. Time went by fast and Miguel and Brooks succeeded in kicking wood boards in half. Johnny said "Good job!"
Miguel started getting dressed again and Johnny said "Put your costumes on I'm bringing you both to that dance. We're going recruiting." Brooks stood still and Miguel started putting on... Well something.
Brooks looked at him in thought and Johnny said "What the fuck is that?" Miguel said "My halloween costume! My Yaya made it. It started off Deadpool, then Spiderman, and now this." Johnny and Brooks looked at each other. Brooks just shook his head and Johnny said "You're not going out as that. We have a reputation to uphold."
Johnny looked at Brooks and said "You too, good thing I have a spare." Brooks raised a brow and Johnny just smirked.
A while later
Brooks and Miguel walked into the gym where the party was. Miguel and Brooks were dressed as skeletons with a full jumpsuit. Brooks looked around and Miguel said "A party!" Brooks looked at him and said "Barely. There's no booze at all, what's the point." Miguel looked at him and said "Dude."
Brooks replied "What?" Miguel just shook his head and walked towards Eli and Dimitri. Brooks chuckled and followed him. Miguel said "Hey guys. I like you sorcerer costume Dimitri." Dimitri said "Sorcerer? I'm a Necromancer. See the runes?" as he pointed to the things under his face.
Brooks passed by and said "Wrong Runes, beanpole. Those are dryad Runes." before adding seriously "I'm going to get some punch. Start recruiting or we'll have to shut down." Miguel nodded and brought Eli and a dumbfounded Dimitri away.
Brooks made his way to the punch bowl and looked around before taking out a bottle of vodka from his costume and pouring it all in the punch bowl. He suddenly heard a voice next to him "What are you doing?" Brooks looked over and smiled "Well, if it isn't Princess! How's it going?" as he continued pouring.
Samantha looked at the vodka and then Brooks before she said "Why are you putting Vodka in the punchbowl?" Brooks said "Making it better. What's a party full of sober people?" Sam said "So you're drunk?" Brooks spun the vodka bottle in a circle, making the pouring faster, as he said "Not yet, sweetheart."
He paused and said "Are you really going out with that asian kid?" Sam was startled and said "Why?" Brooks shook his head and said "Because he's a douche. I don't like you very much, but you're a good person and I know a guy who likes you. Keep your head up around that guy. You don't have to listen to me, I don't really care."
The bottle emptied and Brooks threw it in the trash before scooping a big glass of it and winking at Sam before walking away saying "Enjoy the party, princess." Sam looked at Brooks' back with a pondering expression before turning to Aisha, who was there the whole time, and starting a conversation.
Brooks walked around the party and drink his cup before stopping and turning his head. Brooks narrowed his eyes and said "What are you doing here, old man." Daniel looked up and saw Brooks, his face fell as he said "Chaperoning. Where did you get that costume." Brooks smiled and said "Where do you think."
Daniel clicked his tongue and said "Stay out of trouble." Brooks raised his glass with a grin and said "I will." Daniel frowned and Brooks walked away saying "Look behind you, Mr. Larusso. You and I both know that me and my dad weren't wrong." Daniel was confused and turned around to see Samantha and Kyler walking away from the gym.
Daniel looked back at Brooks, only to see him walking away, giving him a thumbs up. Daniel grunted and left the gym after his daughter.
Brooks was leaning on the wall and sipping from his punch cup when he heard everyone laughing. He looked over and saw them pointing at Aisha and laughing while oinking. Brooks just watched the bullying with amusement in his eyes. They slowly got over it and stopped paying attention to her.
Brooks walked over and said "Hey Piggy. Why are they laughing at you?" Aisha just showed him the video on her phone, Brooks squinted and looked at the pig video before scoffing and saying "That's it? What a waste of time." as he shook his head. Aisha said "That's it?! What do you mean that's it?! It's humiliating!"
Brooks looked at her with a blank face as he said "So?" Aisha choked on her words and was speechless. Brooks spoke again "Who cares. Want to get revenge?" Aisha nodded and Brooks grinned "Join Cobra Kai. Give me your phone." Aisha handed him her phone and Brooks put in the website before handing her phone back and saying "Also, why are you worried about an airport runway. I'd rather feel up a wall, maybe there's bad construction and I get to feel a bump."
Aisha chuckled and looked at the web page. Brooks added "Also. I wouldn't drink the punch. You look like a light weight." Aisha rolled her eyes and drank a glass in one shot. Brooks laughed and slapped her shoulder saying "Atta girl! I'll see you at the Dojo! Hahhaha" before walking away.
Brooks cracked his neck and saw Kyler coming back with his group laughing, he sneered and went to the bathroom. He opened the door and took a piss when he heard groaning. Brooks was confused because it didn't sound like sex noises.
Brooks finished up and walked up before freezing and trembling in rage as he clenched his fists. Miguel was on the ground with blood all over his face. Johnny was crouching next to him, Brooks said "Migs. Who did this to you." his tone was cold as ice.
Johnny looked back and said "Calm down Brooks." Brooks was grinding his teeth and Miguel said "Kyler." Brooks immediately ran away and Johnny said "Fuck!" before sighing and looking over Miguel.
Brooks stepped into the gym with an outraged expression. He looked through the crowd before finally seeing Kyler with Sam and the other girls. Brooks immediately walked over and stopped behind Kyler. He said coldly "You think what you did to Miguel is funny?" Kyler turned around and saw Brooks before freezing.
Brooks was enraged and Sam said "Wait! Hold one, what happened?!" Brooks looked at her and pushed her away with one hand as he said "Mind your business, Princess. There's no saving him today." Kyler immediately pushed someone in front of him before running away into the hallways.
Brooks tossed the guy aside and ran after him, Daniel saw Brooks running out of the gym and got flashbacks. He cursed and chased after him, Sam also followed, while everyone else was confused.
Kyler ran down the hallways and Brooks caught up to him before tackling him in the hall way where the bathroom was. Brooks blocked the elbow and punched Kyler in the stomach, making him curl like a shrimp.
Brooks stood up and kicked Kyler into the wall as he shouted "You like bullying my buddy?!" he grabbed Kyler's ankle and pulled him towards himself as he said "You think it's funny!?" Brooks knocked his pirate hat off and grabbed his collar before punching him in the face.
Daniel showed up and Brooks shouted "You hurt him, you hurt me! You think you're slick doing it where nobody can see you?!" Brooks punched him in the face again and kept shouting "You hurt one of us, you hurt us all!"
Johnny came out of the locker room with Miguel and looked at Brooks.
Brooks lifted Kyler up to eye level and said "We're Cobra Kai and Cobra Kai..." he paused and cocked his fist back as he grinned and finished "Never dies." before unloading his fist into his gut and dropping him to the floor.
Brooks sneered and walked away, he passed Miguel and said "Next time, you do it yourself." before passing Daniel and going back to the Gym. Daniel sighed and looked at Kyler on the ground before looking at Miguel, he looked at Johnny and said "We never saw each other." Johnny nodded and passed him with Miguel.
Brooks walked through the hallway, still angry and Sam stood in front of the gym with her arms crossed. Brooks stopped and said "What." Sam said "Where's Kyler." Brooks spat "Hopefully concussed. Your dad is there, now be a good girl and move out of my way." Sam frowned and passed him, going to see what happened.
Brooks clicked his tongue and went back to the gym, grabbed 3 cups of Vodka-Punch and left. He walked around for a bit before finding Johnny and Miguel. Brooks smirked and handed the two some punch as he said "Drinks?" Johnny sighed and said "Let the kid do it himself next time." as he took the cup and drank a bit.
Miguel drank some punch and spit it out as Brooks said "He can get him again next time. That guy definitely won't give up. He'll take any chance when I'm not there. I know this type of scumbag really well. Only when Migs beats his ass will he stop."
Johnny looked at the punch and said "You put Vodka in this?" Brooks grinned and said "I put a whole bottle in the bowl." Johnny laughed and said "Nice!" as he high-fived Brooks. Brooks pulled his hand back and made a small smile, Johnny smiled a bit too.
Miguel drank the cup and said "Don't worry. That piece of trash is going down. He gave Samantha a fake bracelet." Brooks slapped him as he said "Dumbass! What are you thinking about girls for? You just got your ass kicked!" Johnny said "The fake bracelet move still works?!"
Brooks was stunned as he looked at his friend and dad. Miguel looked at Johnny, completely speechless for a moment before saying "Sensei, come on man!" Johnny said "What? They were different times!" Miguel and Brooks looked at each other and laughed.
I'm really just on a roll I guess. I don't need sleep I need Cobra Kai. Also for full effect on the fight scene with Kyler, play Show must go on by Queen. I don't know the exact timestamp but you can probably figure out how to sync it with 'Cobra Kai never dies'
Also check out Ancient Pride and My Hero Academia: Quirkless-Remastered