
Chronicles of Power

An earth-bound teenage boy experienced the passaged of death in his sleep, one unfair, dark night. Upon his death, the boy made fortunate contact with a Random Omnipotent Being! Sitting upon his throne, the overpowered existence glared at the boy. “Take the pen, pick up the book. Create your desired traits and embrace them.” And from that moment on. That kids life took a turn for the best

Sheedts · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Lectern of Names!

 BANG! *

"Agh! W-What the hell!?" Flailing like a rat stuck in a trap, the holder of the voice groaned. 

His dark brown skin shone brilliantly under the reflecting golden lights from the same, matching golden pillars along the hallway the boy resided.

With luscious locs that fall just to his shoulders, the boy reached his feet. Dusting himself off as his head whirled around, observing his newfound environment.

Rubbing his head while doing so, he hummed. 'A hallway of gold leading to a great big white shiny door? Definitely shouldn't go that way...' He thought, squinting as he gazed at the door nearly 100 meters away from his current position.

Before he began down the path though, something indescribable pulled his gaze towards his hands. Inspecting them with a frown, the boy was left flabbergasted at the sight he saw.

His palms were whitening at frightening speeds. 

A backlash from being in the Hallway of End for too long.

His breathing began to pick up, his chest rising and falling rapidly as he shook his hands and darted straight towards the door. He didn't know what was happening, however, he knew that that whatever's going on with him, the cure would be behind that door.

With every step, the floor rumbled, and the walls thundered. The vibrations caused him to lose his balance, ending in him slipping. "Gah!" He yelps, falling face first.

His body shook to its very core, his eyes shaking just as bad as he clumsily gets back to his feet and getting back on the move. 

'Fuck. Fuck. Fuck! This isn't good!' Glancing down at his hands, the disappearance had spread to his mid-forearm. His fear shifted to anxiousness the moment he took his first steps on the very platform the giant door resided.

As if stepping through an invisible force field, his chaotic emotions smoothened and his disappearing limbs began to back track, reversing any and all damage that had already been done. 

The boy marveled and sighed with relief. Inspecting his hands with great vigor, scared they would dissipate again.

"H-Holy shit..." He muttered, a cold sweat running down his forehead with an awkward, nervous smirk. Taking this time to catch his breath and steel his nerves for whatever's behind the door.

Once he was ready, he clenched his jaw and pushed with all his might with two hands on the divine, white, golden plated door.

It creaked for but a moment and swung open with haste the next. The boy was pleasantly surprised when his eyes landed upon a giant entity made of pure, white energy. Its eyes were a bright, daunting purple that glowed eerily in the distance.

In the middle of the new room, standing between the boy and his new friend, was a lectern; An open notebook filled with blank pages rested idly, the two presented pages floating in the air, as if they were made to hover.

The boy dared not to make a sudden move. His eyes were stuck like glue on the entity on the throne. The mere sight of it made the boy want to shrivel up and die in a ball.

He resisted that fear and humility and shoved it deep down within his consciousness. There was no need for fear now, he was already at the checkpoint.

'...No shot this guy wipes me off the face of existence as soon as I move...' No matter how strong he appeared on the outside, his inward stability was no good.

Taking slow, hesitant steps towards the lectern, a gulp followed every other step. Showcasing just how distressed he really is.

The entity on its throne simply watched the dark-skinned boy. Its eyes glimmer with a glare of amusement. It was like watching a puppy slowly approach you while submitting.

Eventually, the boy reached the lectern, bringing him closer than he ever was to the True Singularity within the room.

The blank pages suddenly dropped, the boy eyed that change with a frown, his stance putting him in a position for easy evacuation.

'...Does it move? I don't wanna touch anything that might cause big guy over there to come squish me into paste.' By now, the boy was practically drenched in cold sweat, though, that didn't really seem to bother him.

His attention was snatched within an instant.

The once inactive book had boomed to life once more, this time, the pages levitated with a golden fervor that soothed the soul.

Next, the pages hummed, vibrating as black ink began to seep into the pages magically- subtitling it, 


It was just... A name.

His name.

He stared blankly, his eyes plain and empty. "Huh." Looking around the book, Hitoshi rubbed his chin quizzically. 

'What's this thing for? Does it... Tell me my future?' He poked it, prodded. He even turned the page only for it to just repeat his name, over and over and over.

"Gah!" He began to grow frustrated. Even after trying all, he could to exam the book- even going as far as to directly speak to the entity in the chair.

"Hey! Uh, sir!?" He exclaimed, making a cup around his mouth with his hands. The entity's eyes moved a smidge, bringing the boy back to its main point of attention.

Hitoshi took a step backwards; he wasn't expecting an answer- He definitely wasn't expecting it to move.

Swallowing hard, he let out a shaky breath and regained his ground. "D-Do you know... Where we are?" He asked, looking around as he did so. A moment of silence passed between the two before Hitoshi spoke up once more.

"Uhm, do you at least have an idea on how I could get out of here then?" He, in turn, got nothing in response. Much to his expectations.

Sighing, he wandered back to the book and inspected it harder. This time, he inspected every little detail on the pages shown. 

From the little rumples on the silk-like pages, to the odd, stray marks of... Mistakes. Hitoshi tilted his head but thought nothing of it. If his name was made of ink, surely someone else's would have been too.

Leaning back, Hitoshi felt compelled to run a finger along the paper- And then it happened.


The book let out an intangible, overpowering force that dominated the room and the bodies in it. Except for the giant Entity on the throne.

"Gah!" Hitoshi grunted, shielding his face with his arms. 

The wave was over just as fast as it had ejected. The Entity shifted in its chair slightly, causing a slight wave of power to wash over the room, clearing out whatever residue from the book was left over.

Hitoshi had broken into a hyperventilating mess; he was seriously starting to reach the end of his fuse.

But, his irritation soon came to a screeching halt as a deep, booming voice interrupted his chaotic silence.