You wake up as Matt Garetty the day you get your powers. Oh, and you have a system. What do you do? Go. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Reboot of my first novel with a different premise. ~~~ (Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.)
"Ugh, couldn't that have been done a better way." I complained as I came to.
And opening my eyes to check my surroundings, I saw I was in an alleyway with dumpsters and dirty water.
'Aw man, I hope I didn't spawn in piss or shit.' I thought as I stood up to check whether I had, and thankfully I hadn't.
'Off to a good start then. First things first, investigate what world I'm in. It looks like a modern world so it might be a little harder to immediately recognize what world I'm in. I'll see if my phone works here.' I thought before pulling my phone out only to see it had no signal.
'Let me try the Spy Watch's built-in PC which can hijack into any network given enough time.'
Twisting the watch face to the PC option and pressing it, a hologram of a desktop appeared.
'God this thing is so cool.' I thought as I navigated to the network settings and started the search.
But to my surprise, nothing popped up.
'No networks available? How? This is a modern world?' I thought, before trying the search again only for the same thing to happen.
As I tried the network search one more time, I realized something.
'It's quiet.' I thought looking to the exit of the alleyway.
'I've been standing in this alley for a few minutes now and I haven't heard a single car pass by. And I can't even hear any of the sounds that should be present in a city. No network signal and a very quiet city. It's an apocalyptic world, isn't it?'
And right as I came up with a guess about what world I was in, something stumbled into the alleyway.
"A zombie. Apocalyptic world it is then, but which one? There are so many to choose from." I said.
Looking at the zombie, I saw that it was looking right at me and was slowly making its way to me.
"It's not World War Z or The Last of Us. Those zombies are much faster plus they look different. I can only think of two worlds, that I know of, that have slow zombies. Highschool of the Dead and The Walking Dead but considering it doesn't look like I'm in Japan, my guess is The Walking Dead." I said to myself while keeping an eye on the zombie.
"Looks like I was right." I said as I checked the Mission tab.
World: The Walking Dead (TV)
Difficulty: Easy
- Investigate what world you are in √
- Kill 1000 walkers (0/1000)
- 500 SP
- Random Item (Low)
- Random Ability/Skill/Talent (Low)
'The Walking Dead, huh? Good thing it's the TV show and not the comics or I'd be completely lost. At least with the show I've seen 3 seasons, I think. Not that it'll matter too much since I don't have to interact with the main cast but instead just kill zombies. And it's not like I remember every single detail or episode.
But killing 1000 zombies is quite a feat. And this is considered an easy mission by The System? I mean, all things considered, it is relatively easy, it's just a little troublesome. But with my PK I could probably finish this mission in one day. Maybe. If I really push myself. But first, I should take care of the one right in front of me.'
The zombie was now a few feet away from me and the main thing I noticed was the smell. Nothing I had ever smelled before could even come close to what the zombie smelled like.
It was so bad, I had tears in my eyes from trying to hold in my vomit, but the urge was too strong. So I used my PK to hold the zombie in place before throwing up.
"Should've brought mouthwash. And air freshener." I mumbled as I wiped my mouth before looking at the zombie who I felt struggling against my hold, which was too strong for it to break.
'Okay. Your first kill. It is a zombie, but still. Who knows what other things you'll have to do in other missions? You can do this.' I thought, mentally preparing myself for what I was about to do.
Ready as I'll ever be, I took out my KA-BAR from the Inventory before walking up to the zombie and stabbing it straight through the eye, killing it.
Hearing the sound of flesh being penetrated by my knife was not pleasant and almost made me vomit again, but I was able to get it under control. And with a few deep breaths, I was okay.
After slowly guiding the body to the ground so as to not make more noise and attract other zombies, I let my hold on the corpse go.
'Not as bad as I thought it would be, but I'll probably throw up if I take a human life. And depending on where in the story I'm in, I'll probably have to kill a human. But if it's me or them, I'll do whatever it takes to survive.' I thought, steeling my resolve for the future.
While cleaning my knife of residual zombie matter, I checked the mission information and saw that the count had increased by one.
'999 to go. It'll take a while but this is as good a testing ground as any for my PK. I can test out some moves I've been thinking about trying on these zombies. If the zombies had recently appeared, then physically they should still be quite close to humans. But if it's later, then their bodies may have decomposed too much and won't be good benchmarks.
If I'm going off the zombie I just killed, I'd say it's pretty early in the apocalypse.' I thought as I looked at the zombie I had killed which still had most of its flesh and wasn't just a rotting corpse.
'Anyway, first I need to figure out where I am and then come up with a plan of how I'm going to kill the zombies.'
Looking around the alleyway, I noticed a ladder that goes up the building and ends at the roof.
'Not the tallest building in the world but it might give me a good viewpoint of the city.'
As I climbed up the ladder, I heard the growls of what seemed like a large group of zombies followed by a horse whinnying really loudly and then some gunshots, which triggered my memory of the end of the first episode.
'I got sent here right when Rick gets to Atlanta. That was his horse being eaten by the zombies. Then he hides in a tank and is saved by Glenn, they get trapped in a department store and then they go to the camp.' I remembered as I stopped midway to the roof.
'I know I said I don't have to interact with the main cast but what's the point of coming to different worlds if I'm not going to do so? Besides I can leave the group anytime I want to finish the mission. I don't want to be here for years either, a month at the most is my max.
But if I'm going to interact with the main cast, I'll wait until they come back to the city the next day when they come back for Merle. I want to take some of these abandoned military weapons home with me and I can't do that with them watching. I'll wait until nighttime for that. Not the best plan but it'll do.'
Done with my thoughts, I continued to climb the ladder until I finally reached the roof. Not seeing anything out of the ordinary, I used my Radar technique to check, just in case, with no response 100 feet in any direction.
'I'll check the rest of the building later. Might be some goodies.' I thought before making my way to the edge of the roof, making sure to stay low so I wouldn't be spotted.
Looking over the roof diagonally to the right of me, I could see a tank that was being swarmed by zombies. Though most of them were moving toward the horse, which was being ripped apart.
'Ugh. Gross. Seeing that is my wake-up call to train to create a PK armor around me.' I thought as I continued to watch the tank until a few minutes later, the hatch swung open, and out came Rick Grimes, future badass.
Shooting the zombie that was near the hatch, he then jumped off the tank and ran down the street while being chased by zombies before being stopped at an alleyway by Glenn. Then they ran into the alley and a few moments later I could see them climbing up the ladder and disappearing out of my sight.
'That's that, for now. As for me, I guess I'll explore this building I'm on. Create a little fort to rest in for the night.'
I decided on TWD because I was watching The Last of Us, which is really good by the way, and it triggered my memories of TWD, so I decided to go with it because TLOU is a little more complicated than TWD. And I haven't played the game in so long that I've completely forgotten what happens.
As for the kill 1000 zombies/walkers, I decided to go with that instead of having him save the main cast or something like survive for a month which would be sorta easy for him. And this way he can get his first kill out of the way and train his PK in more offensive-oriented ways without worrying about hurting someone.
And chapter-wise, I'm aiming for 5ish so the next few ones should be longer to allow for the mission to wrap up in that time. Hopefully.