
A Short Flight

"Whoo-hoo!" shouted Steve as he soared through the sky, doing loop-the-loops, barrels rolls, and other tricks.

"Don't go too crazy either, you barely started to fly!" I shouted to him, hoping he heard me through the loud noise of the whooshing wind.

"Haha, he won't listen. He's too excited." said Andrew who was flying in place next to me as we looked at Steve go crazy.

"I thought you'd be more excited?" I asked.

"I would be but I was reading up on radar technology in preparation for our first time flying and it kind of scared me. They might be watching us right now." he said looking around, half-expecting a fighter jet to come out of the clouds.

"It's fine. Radar technology is more aimed at detecting larger objects, like planes and missiles. If anything they'll think we're just a couple of birds or something. Birds going faster than any known bird should be able to go but still." I said, patting his back to calm him down.

"You're the tech genius, so guess I'll have some fun too." he said, easing up a little and joining Steve in flying through the skies.

'Good thing the Spy Watch has an Anti-Radar function or else we'd probably have fighter jets on us in no time.' I thought.

The Spy Watch truly had almost every possible function it should have for a spy which included Anti-Radar for when a spy had to HALO jump into enemy territory. Even luckier was that it could create small detachable plates to make other things invisible from radar which is why Steve and Andrew were both able to fly around so carefree. The way it works is the tiny plate just absorbs all the radar signals, rendering whatever they're stuck on invisible from radar.

'Though I did always wonder how they got away with it in the movie. They probably didn't spend much time in the sky is my guess or they would land before anything could happen. It's also just possible that it was ignored by the creators because teenagers aren't all that careful about anything.'

"You going to join us?" asked Steve who was floating above me and had snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Sure. Let's race." I said, a smile on my face as I took off flying, not giving him a chance to respond.

"You're cheating!" I heard him faintly shouting over the noise of the wind and because of how far I had already flown, but Steve was nothing if not competitive and followed soon after.

The three of us raced through the clouds, dipping in and out of the sea of white like a couple of fish jumping in and out of the ocean, passing by the city, the mountains, the forest, everything.

After 15 minutes of non-stop flying, not at my top speed, since Steve and Andrew wouldn't be able to keep up with me if I had flown at full speed, the two of them slowed down to a crawl before floating in place.

"Come on is that all you guys got? I feel like I could still go for a couple of hours." I said.

"Huff, how, huff, are, huff, you, huff, not, huff, dying?" said Steve in between breaths while Andrew just silently floated while trying to catch his breath.

"I don't know. Just more talented I guess." I said jokingly, chuckling as they both flipped me off.

"All right, let's rest for a little while before we go back." I said before quickly going below the clouds to check where we were.

Seeing nothing but forest for miles around, I then started to fly back up, but before I could reach the two of them, I felt something I hadn't before.

I got a feeling that something was wrong with Andrew, but as opposed to being a gut feeling, it came from my PK.

And then I saw Andrew's body pass me by before hearing Steve shouting something I could not hear because all my focus was on Andrew, who I quickly stopped from falling before bringing him close to me.

"Matt, is he okay?!" shouted Steve as he descended next to me.

"I don't know." I said worriedly, as I used my fingers to get a pulse and check his breathing while also using Observe on him.


Name: Andrew Detmer

Title: Weird Kid with a Camera

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Age: 18

A quiet kid with a troubled past but a bright future, and an interesting ability to boot who is currently unconscious due to overuse of said special ability.

"Phew, he's fine. I think he just passed out from using his powers too much." I said.

"Oh, thank god." said Steve, letting out a sigh of relief, "Can't even imagine what would have happened if he had hit the ground."

"Told you guys not to overdo it."

"You're the one who wanted to race!" said Steve.

"Oh, right. My bad then." I said before looking around the forest and spotting a small clearing.

"Let's go rest over there for now. We can go back home once after Andrew wakes up." I said, pointing to the clearing.

"Okay. Hope there are no bears around." said Steve as we flew over to the clearing.

Before touching down, however, I used my radar to check the surrounding area and found nothing but wild animals.

I then used my PK to pick some leaves from the trees before bringing them together to create a sort of bed for Andrew and then I put him gently down on top of the pile of leaves.

"That looks...uncomfortable." said Steve seeing Andrew laying down on a pile of pine leaves.

"Best I could do. Besides, maybe the uncomfortable nature of the pine leaves will help wake him up faster."

"I hope so. It's cold out here." he said as he adjusted his jacket and rubbed his hands together for warmth.

Flying, while fun, is not as comfortable as it might seem. Especially when the person who is flying only has a normal human body that is still susceptible to temperature. The sky is a cold place, and during Winter, it's even colder so wearing the appropriate clothing is essential to survival and comfort.

"The one bad thing about flying they don't talk about in comic books." I said while also rubbing my hands together for warmth.

"Takes away some of the magic." mumbled Andrew as he returned to consciousness.

"Already awake, Sleeping Beauty? That was fast." said Steve.

"What happened? And why is my back itchy?" asked Andrew as he sat up and scratched his back.

"You passed out from using your powers too much. And you're itchy because I used pine needles for your bed."

"Shit, sorry guys. Got too carried away."

"All good. Just be more careful next time. I almost shat myself seeing you freefall like that until Matt caught you." said Steve.

"Thanks for saving my life then, Matt. I owe you one."

"Don't mention it. But I did feel my power react when you were in trouble. I think we might be connected somewhat." I said, bringing up the connection I know we all have with each other, which seems to be much weaker than it was in the movie, most likely due to my fight with the Crystal.

I know in the movie when one person exhausted their powers or overused them, the others would get a nosebleed and would feel it. Unlike the movie, however, it seems we can only feel when any one of us is in danger.

I say this because I've exhausted my PK during training before and not once have the other two ever brought up feeling something or getting a nosebleed.

Though I'd much rather prefer the situation we currently have than the one in the movie because it seems a little inconvenient to be so closely connected all the time.

"Now that you mention it, I felt something too. It's why I noticed that Andrew was falling." said Steve.

"So, we have some danger sense connection or something?" asked Andrew.

"Seems like it. Quite useful if I'm being honest." I said.

"Agreed. It means we can know when one of us is in danger at all times. It'll especially be useful if we get caught and experimented on by the government." said Steve.

"Please don't joke about stuff like that." said Andrew.

"He's not wrong." I said.

"I know, but it sucks to think about, that's all."

"Actually, we should come up with some rules. I've been meaning to bring this up but just haven't. Now's as good a time as any." I said.

"Rules? About our powers?" asked Steve.

"Yeah. Rules to keep us safe." I said.

"Okay. Like what?" asked Steve.

"First rule, no using our powers in public or at least being obvious about it. If the government or any bad people find out what we can do, we'll be taken and experimented on."

"Solid rule. Don't want to be experimented on, have too much to live for. What else?"

"Don't use our powers on living things, unless absolutely necessary. I know it's naive to say never to use them because there might be circumstances where we're forced to, but only if the situation really calls for it should we use our powers on living things." I said, even though I had already done so on more than one occasion.

"Agreed." x2

"Good. Last of all, if any one of us were to one day go rouge, the other two will hunt them down."

"What?!" x2

"What do you mean hunt them down?! You think any of us would do something like that?!" yelled Steve, getting angry while Andrew was looking a little hurt.

"Calm down, you two. This is a last-resort situation. I love you two like brothers and I trust you with my life, you know that. But in case you didn't notice, we got powers from an alien or whatever it was, that we know frighteningly little about.

We don't know if one day these powers will corrupt us or we'll get mind controlled or whatever. So if the day ever comes when one of us uses our powers for evil reasons, the other two will put them down, for the greater good.

We have no idea how strong our powers can get, but if they can get to the levels we see in comic books, then we are walking nuclear bombs. The destruction we will be capable of will be too much for us to be left unchecked.

We three are possibly the only three people in the world with powers which means we three are the only ones that could stop any one of us. I hope and pray that day never comes but if it does we have to do whatever it takes." I said, causing them to fall into thought.

'The possibility of there being other people or creatures with powers is more plausible now that I know that Bean exists. And as much as I would like to tell them about that, they're not ready. It's better to just say it subtly and open their mind to the possibility of them not being alone.'

"Okay." said Steve, who had finished thinking and had a look of determination on his face.

"Andrew?" I asked.

"Okay." he said, reluctantly.

"Good. I hope it never comes to it, but we have to be ready for anything."

"I hate how right you are right now." said Steve.

"Haha!" I laughed.

"All right enough laughing." said Steve punching me in the arm, "By the way, I heard about your app, Tinder. Nice job."

"Where'd you hear about it?"

"Andrew told me. To think your dream of becoming a tech genius is one step closer now."

"It's been in the works for a while but now that I graduated I decided it was time for me to start on it. But don't think that's the last of it." I said.

"It's not?" asked Andrew.

"Oh no. It's only the beginning. The beginning of my empire." I said as I looked at the sky.



"I think he's gone crazy already, we have to take him down." joked Steve.

"Screw you. Let a man revel."

Twenty-third chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts