
Chronicles of a Telekinetic with a Group Chat (Archive)

You wake up as Matt Garetty the day you get your powers. Oh, and you have a group chat. What do you do? Go. (Currently on Hiatus) ----------------------------------------------------------------- (Daily chapter, but subject to change.) https://www.royalroad.com/profile/246535/fictions https://www.fanfiction.net/u/15132842/ https://www.scribblehub.com/profile/97664/rubberpeen/ Hello, everyone! This is my first try at fanfiction so forgive my rookieness. Also, kudos to you if you understand that reference from the synopsis. So, I recently watched Chronicle and I remembered how much I like it. I've also wanted to try fanfiction writing for a while now so I thought why not go for it. Chronicle is a small storyline overall so I decided to do something a little different with it, you'll have to read and wait to see. Also, this is more for my self-enjoyment than anything so sorry if you don't like it. As for romance, I'm not confident enough in my writing in general much less romance. I'll definitely keep it in mind, but it'll be a slow romance if at all. No harem, but MC will probably sleep around. Only one romance partner though, in the end. Obligatory notice of me not owning anything.

RubberPeen · Phim ảnh
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103 Chs


[World Merge complete]

[Background Creation successful]

A new stream of memories entered my mind confirming the success of the background creation.

'Whoa, started undergrad at 12, finished at 13, started med school, finished at 15, started my residency, finished at 17, and then got my board certification in Diagnostics with a double specialty of infectious diseases and nephrology. Awesome! And it seems like not a lot of people know about my genius besides those in the medical world, so no trouble there.

Now, I wonder what worlds and how many got merged into mine.'


'Holy shit! That many! I don't think I've even watched 150 shows. Oh well, I'll just live my life and if I encounter anyone from a show I know, I'll make note of it. Now, it's time for the part I've been waiting for the most.'

[Would admin like to send out the Invitations?]


<3rd Person POV>

In a world where the strong survive and the weak die. A world ravaged by war, death, famine, and pestilence. A world whose fate has been preordained and only those unlucky enough are able to do something about it.

A scene of war and death. A reality for those who live, and in this scene of war is a boy. A black-haired boy no older than 9 namedays doing what he must to survive. Killing those that can be killed, and fighting with those that can't. He fights to live and lives to fight. A closer look at the boy shows him almost losing the fight, losing his life. But he is saved in time by a man, his father. Or at least the closest thing he has to one.

Much later in the day, the boy awaits his pay. After all, people don't do jobs for free. The boy is no different. He runs to his father, eager to show his hard-earned spoils and all he receives in return is some encouragement and some coin.

The boy now in his tent is waiting for the night to come so he may rest. So he may awaken the next day, and do his job. But as he awaits the night, he sees a foreign object in his resting area. A scroll. Curious, the boy opens the scroll and reads the words it holds.

[Do you desire power? The power to not worry whether you live or die?]

Surprised at the contents of the scroll, he utters



A dark forest where the shadows dance and the monsters hunt. The only light in an ocean of darkness is a campfire. A silver-haired girl sits at its side, eyes closed in tranquility.

She opens her eyes to stare at the sky in quiet contemplation. Her eyebrows furrow in confusion, unsure if her eyes play tricks on her. In the sky she sees a book, falling towards her location. Unsure of what to do, she moves out of the way letting the book hit the ground. To her surprise, it made no noise or sign of impacting the ground. As if it was a mirage.

She stares at the book on the ground confirming what she saw earlier was no trick. Deciding on her approach, she goes to pick it up. As her hand reaches the book she notices its decoration. A beautifully gilded cover with designs she's never seen before. She traces her hands along the book and decides to open it. On the first page, is only one thing.

[Do you desire strength? The strength to no longer worry about the future and the inevitable?]

The girl lost in thought at what she read is only able to say one thing.



In the moonlit night, a beautiful villa sits. On the balcony in quiet contemplation is a man one could only describe as beautiful. He sat there cross-legged thinking about something clearly important, noticeable by the look on his face.

A chilly breeze passes through the night bringing with it the smell of nature. The man breathes in the smell, admiring the tranquility of the night. He opens his eyes to bask in the beauty of the world and manages to notice something out of the corner of his eye.

A single piece of parchment riding the wind, as if a bird in flight. The man follows the paper and notices it's coming toward him. Deciding on his next course of action, the man grabs the paper as it floats by. Looking down at the parchment, he sees two sentences.

[Do you desire tranquillity? The tranquility you may never be able to have?]

Looking back inside the villa, the man turns to look back at the paper and says.



A day like any other. A night like none. On the roof of a small shop lay a cat. The cat lazily laid there like any other of its kind would. It stared at the moon, its' thoughts unknown. Deciding it had enough of laying there, the cat took off to explore wonders unknown.

The moon as its backdrop, the roofs, and alleys as its road. The cat leaped and with each leap, it traveled farther than any cat should. On the apex of its leap, the cat noticed an object catch the glint of the moonlight. Curious as any cat, it decided to make its way to the object.

On arrival, the cat saw a phone, but not a phone that belongs to its' time. A phone far beyond what should be capable. As if human, the cat stepped on the phone and on it a message.

[Do you desire camaraderie? The camaraderie that slipped through your fingers?]

As if with a smirk, the cat replied



In an office not like any other, the moon draped its light onto the woman at the desk. The woman working on the computer at her desk was lost in her work. A sigh escaped her lips as she stood up to stretch, to avoid creating future back problems for herself.

Deciding she needed a break, she went to make herself a cup of tea. Upon returning to her office she noticed something. A phone on her desk, where previously there was none. Cautious, she quickly scanned the office. Finding nothing, curiosity got the better of her so she approached the phone.

The phone was like any other, perhaps sleeker than what she was used to. Picking it up and powering it on, revealed a message.

[Do you desire adventure? The adventure you seek every time?]

With a smile, the woman spoke


Thirteenth chapter done and as always let me know what you think.

Who are they? Who are the members? I'm sure some of you can guess one or two of them. (⌐■_■)

Also I just put a random number when MC asked how many worlds were merged. I didn't want to put 10, and then want to add another one in the future. Just a precaution.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts