
A Talk

Waking up to the sound of my alarm was not something I missed. I turned off the alarm, sat up, and blankly stared remembering what transpired before I fell asleep.

'Small recap for myself. I transmigrated, got telekinesis, got a group chat, got a whole slew of abilities and knowledge, and now I have a mission to complete. Awesome. Let me check the mission and accept the character token, forgot to do that before I fell asleep.'

I picked up my phone and clicked on the Mission tab.


World: Admin's Homeworld

Due to the admin's unforeseen transmigration, the DGC has decided to give a mission before other members may be invited.

- Save Steve Montgomery from being killed by Andrew

- Stop Andrew from using his powers for evil

- Investigate the mysterious object(Optional)

- Help Andrew's mom (Optional)

- Help Andrew's dad or Kill Andrew's dad (Optional)


- 5 DGC invitations

- ???

- 1,000 DGC points

- Random Item Token

- Random Ability/Skill/Talent Token or Rare Item Voucher

'So I have to stop Andrew and save Steve, well I was going to do that anyway so getting rewards for that is just a cherry on top. But, save Andrew's mom and dad huh. They are my family now, and I was thinking of doing something for them. Now that I have House's skills I can definitely try to save Aunt Karen. Richard on the other hand is a piece of shit alcoholic and abusive ex-firefighter who takes out his frustrations on Andrew.

I know he wasn't always a pos, but it's hard to come back from that. Well, I'll deal with it when the time comes it's only optional anyways. For now, let me accept House's character token, and then go talk with Steve and Andrew about yesterday.'

I went to the home page of the DGC and went to Status and clicked on the character token under it.

[Does member wish to accept Character Token for Dr. Gregory House?]

[Accept] [Decline]

I hit accept and then I had a headache like no other. Decades worth of medical knowledge from all fields rushing into my brain is not pleasant. But once the knowledge transfer was completed, I felt good.

My brain felt better like I was using an outdated model but I upgraded to a cutting-edge brain. Problems I had trouble with seemed much simpler now. It was baffling that two brains could be so different. Thinking through the knowledge I got from House gave me a newfound appreciation for the man. It was incredible. And now it's mine.

Coming out of my reverie, I decided it was time to get ready so I can go meet with Steve and Andrew. I lost my phone in the cave-in so this new phone is a godsend in more ways than one. Oddly enough, the phone already had everything from my old phone. Even Furious Pheasants was on there.

After texting Steve and Andrew to meet me at a local diner, I showered and got ready to go.


It seems I got to the diner first so I went ahead and ordered a full breakfast with some coffee.

'Ah, coffee. A vice from my past life. Truly a versatile drink, sweet or bitter. Cold or hot, yet delicious all the same. It seems that Matt was never into coffee, more into weed. Well, I don't mind participating in the chronic every now and then.'

As I reminisced about coffee, I noticed the waitress serving customers two tables over. One look at her and I knew she was pregnant. The biggest giveaway to her condition is the pain at the back of her neck she's trying to hide, Beccaria's sign usually shows up during the first trimester. Another clue is her stretched-out clothes, clearly due to the swelling from the prolactin causing the growth of her breasts. Not to mention, the motion sickness patch on the back of her ear that does nothing for the morning sickness she experienced earlier.

'Holy. Is this the medical prowess that House has? One look at a person is able to figure out what's going on with them. House could've made millions if he charged more, too bad he was addicted to puzzles and prostitutes. And Vicodin. Though that did make the show a lot more interesting. I should probably clue the waitress in before she does something to inadvertently hurt the baby.'

"Excuse me, ma'am." I call out to her as she passes by my table.

"Yes, what can I help you with hun?"

"I'm sorry, I don't mean to be crass but you're pregnant."


"You're pregnant, and judging by your reaction, you don't know. I just wanted to let you know so you can check for yourself."

"W-wait, why do you think I'm pregnant?"

"When you were serving the table over there I noticed you reaching for the back of your head with an uncomfortable expression. Add that to the fact that the shirt you're wearing is clearly too tight around your chest and the motion sickness patch behind your ear means you're pregnant.

The headache is Beccaria's sign usually goes away during your third trimester, the tight shirt is due to your breasts creating prolactin which causes your breasts to swell, and the motion sickness patch for the morning sickness you experienced earlier in the day."

I sipped my coffee to hydrate my throat after that very impressive analysis if I do say so myself.

"Uhh, are you a doctor or something? You look too young to be a doctor. Are you a genius or something?"

"Thank you, ma'am, but no I'm just studying to be one. I would still check just to be sure if I were you, ma'am."

"O-okay thank you, hun. I'm sorry I need to go make a call. Thank you again, hun." she said while looking lost in thought and walking away.

As she left, I looked towards the door and I saw Steve and Andrew walking in my direction.

"Yo, guys over here." I said waving them down.

"Hey Matt, what's up?" "Hey, Matt."

"Good morning, gentlemen. So how did you guys sleep yesterday?" I said while signaling a waitress over.

"I slept fine, just a little sore is all." said Steve before ordering some food.

"Nothing for me, thanks." muttered Andrew before I said, "Hey, it's my treat today boys, consider it an apology for yesterday."

"No thanks, Matt. I'm not really hungry." I could tell it was a lie before I got House's abilities, much less now. "He'll have what I'm having. Thank you, ma'am."

"I'm not hungry Matt."

"Just take it home if you're not hungry." I said with a finality in my tone. Kinda harsh I know, but Andrew was stubborn like that so I had to.

"Okay boys, let's talk about yesterday."

The fifth chapter is done and like always leave a comment and let me know what you think.

So the mission isn't anything that difficult all things considered but I felt like it makes the most sense story-wise. There's not much else to do other than that.

The mystery reward is something I know not a lot of people will like, but I have a way I want it to flow and I'll try my best.

Also, the pregnant waitress is an actual scene from an episode of House, but she's not a waitress. She's the Mother Mary.

RubberPeencreators' thoughts