
Chosen One’s Prophecy

Soulmates… an invisible force that ties the fate of two people together in a strong unbinding love. It is impossible to deny that strong pull let alone hate the person solely made for you. But what happens when you’re despised by the same person who’s supposed to love you? What happens when you’re humiliated by the person who is supposed to accept your flaws? What happens when you’re rejected? Wolves frown at rejection and the act is condemned but what happens when a particular alpha rejects his soulmate? Along her journey of power and emotional distress, she meets a mysterious man in the woods. What does destiny have in store for two wandering souls? What will happen in the life of Adira Wessex, the werewolf chosen by the moon goddess to defeat a force in the future?

Sharbie1 · Kỳ huyễn
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102 Chs

Chapter 6: Getting Rejected

You?! How can you be my mate?", he asked as his gaze darkened in anger.

I was shocked but wasn't surprised somehow, I knew my mate would reject me but I still held a tiny hope, a hope that he'll accept me and my suffering would be over and I can be safe.

"But I am your mate, I'm your other half and you are mine, we can't do without each other. I can prove to you that I'm worthy to be your mate… if you just give me a chance".

I whispered the last part knowing that he could hear me but I was nervous. He laughed in return, so loud that I backed up in fear.

"Even if I give you a hundred chances or a thousand, you wouldn't be able to prove that you're worthy enough because you're not good enough. You are a fat, ugly with no brains worthless thing and a sl*t. Just look at what you have on".

He gestures towards my dress, "It's so fit on you that it looks like a second skin, no, it actually looks like the dress wore you when it's supposed to be the other way round".

He growled as his gaze darkened even more.

"But please… I waited for you, I always hoped that my mate would protect and care for me. He would save me from my suffering. Please", I pleaded, "I can be a good mate".

For a moment his eyes softened then turned angry again.

Snorting he said, "Protect and care for you? No one wants a mate as pathetic as you are, you can't even stand for yourself and you want others to protect you?"

I stood paralyzed with pain as I realized that he doesn't even realize that everything that has been done to me made me this way.

"I'll finish this once and for all, I have a beautiful, caring and strong girlfriend who can become my mate and my Luna and can take care of my pack", my heart cracked and shattered into infinite particles.

Tears brimmed in my eyes making it look glassy and I took a deep shaky breath and closed my eyes, preparing myself for the rejection I knew was coming.

"I Drew Hamilton, True born Alpha of the Red Claw pack rejects you, Adira Wessex, omega of the Red Claw pack as my mate and Luna".

When he finished saying that, I felt a burning pain in my chest. I fall to the forest floor, holding my chest with both of my hands but it got harder and harder, my breathing came out rigid.

I wanted to cry but I didn't let a tear drop because he has broken me further than I already am and I will not give him the satisfaction of seeing my shed even one tear because of him.

Noella kept pacing in my mind saying 'no mate, no mate, no mate, no mate, can't do this, can't reject us, mate can't reject us'. She kept howling with pain.

"Stupid", he spat and left, leaving my heart broken.

As soon as he was out of hearing range, I screamed and screamed brokenly, letting out all the insults, pain and rejection I was holding in. I screamed until my mouth became so dry and my throat sore.

I will not let him reject me, I'll get him back at any cost. With that thought I stood up and walked back to the party, there was no one… just me and the silence. Hannah also wasn't here.

Going up to my room I didn't bother to change, I sat down and kept thinking about everything from the day my beloved parents died. When my life took a 360° turn and my pain started, now it seems there will be no end to this.

The whole night I kept tossing, thinking about the rejection, I didn't even sleep. It was like my eyes forgot what sleeping was as I lay on my mattress looking at the ceiling with an unblinking stare, not moving.

I didn't know when it was four in the morning, I got up thirty minutes after, changed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. I went back up to my room before Drew would be down, I didn't even eat… my appetite was gone.

I waited till noon, left my room and walked to his office to try and convince him to accept me as his mate. Right now I'm standing outside his office thinking if I should go in or not, I know he must have sensed my presence by now.

I took a deep breath for courage and knocked, I don't care if he will shout, yell or even beat me… I just want him and I'll get him.

"Come in", I felt butterflies from his strong voice in my stomach.

I walked up to his desk but I didn't look down this time, instead I was staring right into his beautiful eyes, they were so mesmerizing.

I think he got angry at my stunt because he growled, "What. Are. You. Doing. Here?", he emphasized each word forcefully with his teeth tightening with the force he was using.

"I just wanted you to convince you to please accept me" I said softly.

He growled and before I knew what was happening, he pinned me to the wall keeping his hands by both sides to trap me in.

His eyes turned black signifying that his wolf was in control. 'If I could just convince him' I thought to myself.

"His name is Troy", Noella said, "try talking to him because Drew made sure I was blocked from mind linking him".

I cupped his face, "Troy please, try to understand that we are your mates, me and my wolf are your other half. You don't like me wearing fitted dresses right? I'll never wear them again. I'll lose weight too so please just accept us, we'll do anything to make you happy… we just want you".

His eyes softened and he was leaning in when his eyes suddenly changed back to Drew's and I felt a stinging pain on my cheek.

Drew took few steps back, "Get out, I don't want to see or even hear from you. If you ever do this or try talking to my wolf again, I'll kill you with my own hands".

He shoved me outside and closed the door with so much force. After that I did my work and went up to my room to sleep but like my appetite, my sleep went on vacation.

I was staring at the ceiling when I suddenly felt a very strong burning sensation in my chest, like a hand on fire was squeezing it.

"Our mate… he marked someone else and is going to mate with her", Noella whimpered.

I felt another burning pain as Noella urged me again, "Hurry up before they complete the mating process".

I ran out of my room to his, ignoring my pain and slammed open the door not worrying about the consequences. But as I took in the scene I'm front of me, I gasped in disbelief.

What I saw was far worse than rejection, my mate was laughing and she was giggling, they were looking very happy.

My mate was laying naked on top of her.

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