
Chosen by the stars

The main character is an alien warrior sent to Earth by his people in search of new challenges to become even stronger. On his home planet, the other warriors don't have as many abilities and can't compete with the most formidable enemies. The main character has therefore become the hope of his people, as he is capable of defeating the most powerful enemies on the planet. However, he feels that his powers are still not enough and decides to seek out new challenges to become even stronger. So he is sent to Earth, a world where beings have no powers whatsoever and where the training conditions are ideal for developing his powers. He arrives on Earth as a lone fighter and must find allies to help him achieve his goal. The alien warrior continues his journey on Earth, seeking new challenges to become even stronger. In the course of his battles, he discovers that other beings from elsewhere have also settled on the planet, attracted by the same favourable training conditions. He meets fighters from different planets, some friendly and eager to train together, others hostile and seeking to dominate or destroy. Among them are beings with exceptional powers, capable of competing with the alien warrior and testing his ability to transform and adapt. In the course of his battles, the alien warrior learns to better control his powers and develop new techniques, with the help of his allies and adversaries. He earns a reputation among Earth's alien fighters, respected for his strength and determination. However, things aren't always easy for the alien warrior. He faces ruthless enemies who will do anything to achieve their ends, as well as difficult choices about how to fight and protect his loved ones. He must also face ethical dilemmas, wondering whether it is right to fight to protect his own planet at the expense of others. Despite all these difficulties, the alien warrior never loses sight of his ultimate goal: to become even stronger so that he can protect his people and his home planet. But as he nears his goal, he realises that the price of reaching his maximum power may be too high.

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3 Chs

Chapter 2: Planet Earth

The journey to Earth was a long and lonely one. Kuros spent most of his time training, meditating and thinking about the challenges that awaited him on the unknown planet. He knew that Earth was a planet rich in natural resources, but also full of dangers. Humans, the planet's inhabitants, had developed a complex technology and society, but were also capable of cruelty and destruction.

Kuros concentrated on his objectives, remembering the words of the President of the Intergalactic Council. He was here to find new challenges, to face even more powerful enemies and to become even stronger. He was the Space Warrior, and he was ready to take on any challenge.

Finally, after weeks of travelling, Kuros arrived in orbit around the Earth. The planet looked like a blue and green ball, magnificent and mysterious. He studied the different areas of the planet, looking for signs of activity or potential enemies. Finally, he found a place that seemed suitable for training: an isolated, mountainous region with few humans nearby.

Kuros set his ship down on the ground in the isolated area, concealing his presence with his camouflage technology. He stepped out of the ship, stretching his muscles after the long journey. The air on Earth was different from that on his home planet, but he didn't care.

Kuros spent the first few days exploring the region, getting used to Earth's gravity and the wild nature of the planet. He trained every day, honing his combat and survival skills. He used the techniques he had learnt in his previous battles, but adapted them for the conditions on Earth.

Weeks passed, and Kuros continued his training, growing stronger and more agile every day. He began to notice changes in his body and mind. His senses were sharper, his physical strength had increased tenfold, and his understanding of the universe had deepened considerably.

He realised that he had reached a new level of cosmic power, surpassing anything he had known before. To measure this power, he used a special object he had brought with him from his home planet. He called it the "Cosmic Power Calculator" and it was able to measure the amount of cosmic energy he had accumulated.

Using the Calculator, Kuros noted with satisfaction that his cosmic power had increased dramatically, from 4,000 to 7,000 units. He felt ready to face any threat that came his way. He continued his training diligently, knowing that mastering his cosmic power was the key to his survival and success in this unknown universe.

Kuros was also curious about the inhabitants of Earth and their culture. He knew that interaction with them was inevitable if he was to meet their challenges and achieve his goals. He had studied their history and technology, but nothing could replace the direct experience of meeting them.

So he decided to go to a small, isolated village in the woods to observe the humans and learn more about them. He blended in with his surroundings, using his camouflage technology to go unnoticed. He was amazed by the simplicity and harmony of the village. He saw rustic, charming houses surrounded by majestic trees and picturesque landscapes. He listened to the soothing sound of nature, the birds singing and the wind blowing through the leaves.

He also saw the humans, busy going about their daily business. Some seemed happy and carefree, while others looked sad and stressed. Kuros observed their behaviour, their communication and their way of life. He found that they were very different from the inhabitants of his own planet, but that they also shared some similarities.

However, while immersed in his observation, Kuros noticed something strange. He saw groups of humans gathering and chatting restlessly. He heard whispers of fear and panic.

Intrigued, Kuros decided to investigate the cause of the commotion. He followed a group of humans to a small village square where a strange scene was unfolding. He saw a woman holding a small boy, who was crying and shaking with fear. Around them, a group of humans were talking, looking worried.

Kuros approached slowly, not wanting to frighten the humans. He sensed that something was wrong, that the boy was in danger. He asked the woman what had happened.

She explained that strange creatures had been seen in the woods, creatures that had never been seen before. The villagers were terrified and didn't know how to protect themselves. Kuros immediately understood the seriousness of the situation and decided to act.

Kuros went over to one of the groups and asked in which direction the creatures had been seen. The humans turned around abruptly, surprised to see a stranger in their village. Kuros introduced himself and explained that he was there to learn and help if possible.

The humans hesitated for a moment, but eventually explained that a strange creature had been seen in the woods. It was large, ferocious and seemed to be looking for food. The humans were afraid for their safety and that of their village.

Kuros thanked the humans for their information and decided to go and investigate. He set off in the direction indicated, preparing himself mentally and physically to confront the creature.

As he walked through the woods, Kuros thought back to all the stories he had heard about the creatures in the area. Some were harmless, while others were known for their aggression and strength.

Suddenly, he heard a thud in the distance, followed by a ferocious growl. Kuros quickened his pace and made his way through the bushes, leaving a trail of broken leaves and branches behind him.

Finally, he came to a small clearing and saw the creature. The creature was covered in fur as black as night and seemed to emit a strange glow. Its eyes shone with an unearthly red glow and its claws seemed to be made of an unknown material, as black as obsidian. Kuros realised that this creature was not of this world and that he would have to use all his knowledge to defeat it.

The creature spotted him and growled, preparing to attack. Kuros took a deep breath and got into a fighting stance, ready to face his opponent. Time seemed to slow down as the two stared at each other, ready to fight.

Kuros pulled the Cosmic Power Calculator from his pocket and pointed it at the creature. He pressed the measurement button and a series of numbers appeared on the screen. Kuros watched the results carefully, assessing the creature's power.

A gleam of surprise passed through his eyes as he realised the true scale of his opponent, for the cosmic power calculator displayed 5,000. Kuros now knew that he would have to use all his strength and skills to defeat this supernatural creature.

The creature appeared from the shadows, advancing towards Kuros with incredible strength.

Kuros skilfully dodged the beast's attacks, using his agility to avoid its blows. He moved quickly, dancing around the creature as he watched its movements for an opening. However, he could not defend himself for long without tiring. So he looked for an opportunity to strike and ended up delivering a quick blow to the creature, managing to wound it slightly. It wasn't enough to kill it, but it slowed its strength and Kuros took advantage of the situation to continue dodging and looking for an opening.

The battle went on for several minutes, the creature attacking harder and harder as Kuros tried to contain it. Finally, Kuros managed to land a fatal blow and the creature fell to the ground. Kuros remained cautious, waiting to see if the creature would get up again, but it remained inert. Kuros had defeated the creature with skill and cunning alone.

He was exhausted, but relieved that the threat had been eliminated. Suddenly, he noticed something strange about the creature's body. There was a strange glow emanating from its heart.

Kuros went closer and noticed that there was a strange object inside. He carefully took it out and cleaned it of the creature's flesh and blood. It was a strange, shiny crystal that seemed to have magical properties. Kuros was fascinated by his discovery, but knew that it was probably dangerous.

As he held the crystal in his hands, Kuros felt an evil cosmic energy emanating from somewhere. He wasn't sure where it was coming from, but he had a feeling that this discovery wasn't just a coincidence. He decided not to tell anyone about it for the time being, for fear that it wouldn't be taken seriously or that it would cause more problems than it solved. Kuros knew he had to continue investigating this mysterious energy, but for the moment he needed to concentrate on his current mission. He carefully put the crystal back in his bag and set off towards his next objective.