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The main character is an alien warrior sent to Earth by his people in search of new challenges to become even stronger. On his home planet, the other warriors don't have as many abilities and can't compete with the most formidable enemies. The main character has therefore become the hope of his people, as he is capable of defeating the most powerful enemies on the planet. However, he feels that his powers are still not enough and decides to seek out new challenges to become even stronger. So he is sent to Earth, a world where beings have no powers whatsoever and where the training conditions are ideal for developing his powers. He arrives on Earth as a lone fighter and must find allies to help him achieve his goal. The alien warrior continues his journey on Earth, seeking new challenges to become even stronger. In the course of his battles, he discovers that other beings from elsewhere have also settled on the planet, attracted by the same favourable training conditions. He meets fighters from different planets, some friendly and eager to train together, others hostile and seeking to dominate or destroy. Among them are beings with exceptional powers, capable of competing with the alien warrior and testing his ability to transform and adapt. In the course of his battles, the alien warrior learns to better control his powers and develop new techniques, with the help of his allies and adversaries. He earns a reputation among Earth's alien fighters, respected for his strength and determination. However, things aren't always easy for the alien warrior. He faces ruthless enemies who will do anything to achieve their ends, as well as difficult choices about how to fight and protect his loved ones. He must also face ethical dilemmas, wondering whether it is right to fight to protect his own planet at the expense of others. Despite all these difficulties, the alien warrior never loses sight of his ultimate goal: to become even stronger so that he can protect his people and his home planet. But as he nears his goal, he realises that the price of reaching his maximum power may be too high.

YuNaaX · Action
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3 Chs

Chapter 3: The threat

Kuros had travelled several kilometres through the dense forest when he heard shouting. He quickened his pace, searching for the source of the noise. Soon he came to a clearing where a battle was taking place. A group of warriors were fighting a massive, terrifying creature.

The creature looked like a gigantic spider with crab-like legs and a body covered in spines. It was twice as big as Kuros and had fearsome mandibles. The warriors seemed brave, but their attack was ineffective. The creature defended itself with agility and retaliated with devastating force.

Kuros realised that the creature was the source of the evil energy he had felt earlier. He knew he had to intervene before the creature did any more damage.

He moved towards the creature, activating his cosmic power calculator at the same time. The exhausted warriors shouted at him to flee, but Kuros refused. He was determined to defeat this creature and measure his power with this invaluable tool. He needed to know what kind of enemy he was dealing with so that he could fight it better.

He couldn't believe his eyes, the device was displaying 11,000 cosmic power! Kuros felt a wave of fear sweep over him, for he knew that this was far more than he had ever faced before. But he quickly pulled himself together and prepared to face his new adversary. The creature was massive and terrifying, with sharp fangs and claws. Kuros knew he had to be quick and agile to have any chance of defeating it.

Kuros concentrated intensely, his gaze fixed on the devastating creature. He quickly analysed its movements, looking for an opening in its imposing defence. The warriors, admiring but worried, watched Kuros with concern.

With a powerful leap, Kuros dashed towards the creature, skilfully avoiding its menacing claws. He launched a series of precise attacks, targeting the creature's weak points. However, despite his best efforts, he realised that his attacks barely seemed to scratch the colossal creature.

The creature retaliated with fury, raining down powerful blows on Kuros. The shocks were so violent that each impact shook the ground. Kuros used his agility and speed to dodge as many blows as possible, but it was clear that his task was going to be much more difficult than expected.

Then a flash of inspiration crossed Kuros' mind. Remembering the teachings of the old masters, he realised that he would have to use the strongest means possible to triumph over this powerful creature. He concentrated his energy and channelled the flows of cosmic power.

An astonishing transformation then took place: something metamorphosed, merging with the cosmic energies to become a gleaming, oversized blade. It emanated a mystical aura, charged with the power of the cosmos. Kuros now held a cosmic sword, forged by his own will and imbued with his own powers.

Every blow struck with this divine sword seemed to have a colossal impact on the creature. Kuros's attacks were accompanied by lightning bolts and whirlwinds of cosmic energy. The warriors watched, filled with renewed hope, seeing in Kuros their last bulwark against this devastating threat.

In an unprecedented show of strength, Kuros struck with determination, deploying all his power and skill. The cosmic blade sliced through the creature's defences, weakening its resistance with each assault. Their colossal opponent was beginning to show signs of vulnerability, unable to withstand the combination of Kuros's mastery and the cosmic power of his sword.

Despite the creature's sharp claws and fearsome mandibles, Kuros continued his assault, determined to triumph. The battle reached its climax when Kuros struck a final blow, unleashing a discharge of cosmic energy that penetrated deep into the beast's heart. The creature let out a mournful howl before collapsing, its threat gone forever.

Kuros, exhausted but exhilarated, took a deep breath. His choice to use cosmic power through his sword had paid off. He thanked the ancient masters for the precious teachings that had guided him to this revelation.

Kuros lowered his cosmic sword, which immediately disappeared, returning to the flow of cosmic power. He turned to the warriors and nodded his thanks. The warriors returned the salute, clearly impressed by Kuros' mastery.

"You are a true hero, Kuros," said their leader. "We are honoured to have fought alongside you.

Kuros smiled modestly. "I only did my duty," he replied. "But I'm grateful for your help. We need to make sure that this creature doesn't cause any more problems for anyone."

The warriors nodded, recognising the wisdom of Kuros' words. They knew that the creature was only part of a greater evil that threatened their land. Kuros decided to carry out a thorough investigation to understand the origin of this threat and find a way to eradicate it once and for all.

The warriors lined up behind Kuros, ready to follow his command. They knew that their hero had a special connection with cosmic energies and that he was their best hope in the face of this growing threat.

Kuros gathered the warriors together and told them his plan. They were to go to the ancient ruins at the edge of the forest, where he suspected the source of the evil energy lay. The warriors nodded, determined to follow Kuros to the end of the quest.