
Chosen ability - now I have to save the world

Hello !!! My name is Jonathan ... I am a bored and lazy person ... I set up a company in just three months, and in two years it was the largest in the country ... But I got bored ... This thing didn't stimulate me anymore ... You could say I miss my feelings. Now I'm heading lazily to the company. I am currently 28 years old, and my life is lonely ... All I want is challenge and success ... I have quite a lot of knowledge, and the thing I never got bored of, was a novel with a mystery ... It seemed unmatched to me ... You couldn't believe how much I love to have mysteries and adventures like in Romanian ... But my dark ideas about apocalypse and murder were not well received by others ... In any case, however, God listened to my fantasies ... The world has suddenly collapsed, and I am the only one who can save it from ruin ... Finally the challenge comes! What does it matter if the end of the world comes? Anyway, sooner or later he would come ...

Jazmin16 · Thành thị
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2 Chs

Now the revitalization of the planet begins !!!

The sun was shining over the city of A.

Everyone was hurrying where they had to go ...

Nobody knew that great calamities were coming in the world ...

Jonathan, our wonderful character is currently walking through his personal office ...

He was the great CEO of one of the largest companies in the world.

But no one today could guess why he is so agitated ...

His strange personality has been known by many, but no one comments ...

Even though Jonathan was very handsome, rich and smart, no one approached him because of his pride.

No matter who tries, friendship is not tied to Jonathan in any way ...

That's how everyone came to hate him ...

Leaving that aside ....

Jonathan was agitated, he couldn't wait any longer ...

Ever since he woke up he felt something different ...

His senses tell him that something is happening to you today ...

For Jonathan, boredom was the ultimate punishment ...

He always wanted something new ...

He always wanted adrenaline and challenges ...

No one would believe, but the famous CEO number 1, loves online games, adventure and mystery novels ...

He always hopes for miracles ...

He wanted what he saw in novels ...

He wanted to experience everything he plays online live ...

You can say 'he was crazy' but he doesn't care ...

Suddenly the sky became black as night and the stars and different planets could be seen ...

Due to her location, from the skyscraper of the company cloud, Ionata witnessed a beautiful image ....

Suddenly a northern lights fell from the sky ...

There was panic all over the earth ...

What happened ?

Nobody knew what to do?

But the next moment, the sky came back, ...

The sun was shining in the sky as if nothing had happened ...

But then a robotic voice was heard in everyone's mind ...

[World 85421109.89 has entered the final process.

For the rebirth of the planet it is necessary to fulfill the missions given by the system ...

The planetary maintenance system has been activated and loading tasks and character pages ...

Process completed ...


Then everyone on the planet felt a huge pain, followed by an electric current and finally numbness ...

They hadn't even managed to wake up when a 'ding' was heard ...

[First mission:

-Kill a person


-The population of this planet is too large ...

-Each person must kill another person within a day ...

-Depending on the number of people killed, he will be given a bonus bridge ...


- weapons of mass destruction are not allowed ...

- depending on the character of your character, try to fulfill the mission


- the possibility to personify a weapon


With this, silence was heard over the planet ...

Different people with different thoughts ...

But we will focus on Jonathan ...

He was a busy worshiper of God who listened to his prayer ...

He had too many emotions on his face, the blood was flowing too fast ...

After a few moments of calming ...

He sat down elegantly on his armchair and opened the window of character ...


Personal: Jonathan

Character character: The Shadow Conqueror

The character's unique ability: The Shaded Collector

Special titles: 0

Power: 0

Agility: 0

Cunning: 0

Knowledge: 0

Degree of conquest: 0

Skills collected: 0

Inventory: 0


Now the revitalization of the planet begins !!!