
Chasing After My Wife

Jilyanna's face paled when she saw the man coming out from an expensive car. His face was as handsome as she last remembered but his dark eyes were cold and penetrating. His lips pulled up into a devilish smile making her heart faltered in its beat. "Why don't you return with me my sweet wife?" his voice was husky as he beckoned her to come closer. "I'm not your wife sweetheart. You've mistaken me for someone else." Jilyanna played along but her eyes were scanning her surroundings for possible escape. "You're not? Then give me back my sperm." Jilyanna choked at his words. She did promise him to be his wife, but she didn't want to get married at all. However, she did steal his sperm and it's over a month old.

_frieyaVida · Thành thị
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555 Chs


Wynwyn never expected that she'd have a someone so good yet so troublesome as her first artist. She didn't know what to do anymore. Riley had to let her boyfriend know about everything before telling her. 'Shouldn't the manager know it first before the boyfriend?' she asked herself internally but couldn't find an answer.

Riley was also staying silent on beside her while looking outside the window. Her reflection wasn't clear but you could tell that she was thinking about something.

"What's the matter? You don't seem happy to play the female lead."

"I am happy but I want to keep this a secret for a little while."


"Because I haven't taken my revenge yet. This is just the first step and I still have a long way to go."

Wynwyn didn't understand what she meant. She didn't even know that her artists attracted maggots and flies. "Why didn't you tell me about your enemies?"