

The next day.

Sitting on the Bus Stop Station Shelter Bench was a girl fidgeting with her fingers. Occasionally, she would look left and right in case those people were still following her. She had run away from her wedding and tears could not help falling from her eyes.

"Find her now"

"She shouldn't be far"

The girl was in hysteria when she heard those familiar voices. They were her father's men. Unfortunately, she accidentally locked eyes with one of them.

"There she is" The man yelled. With dilated eyes, she leapt up to her feet and ran away.

"Miss, stop right there...master is annoyed with your behaviour"

The girl was in the middle of nowhere, she didn't even know where she was as her father never allowed her to leave home. From the corner of her eyes, she saw the men were catching up.

'Lord, please help me...send a saviour to me and I promise from now on I will behave well' She prayed inwardly.

"Miss Suzy, please stop"

Suzy shook her head "Tell father I will never marry that old man...I am just seventeen for crying out loud...I want freedom" She yelled at them. Her slender legs went to another Bus Station. She saw an Audi R8 parked and with her devious mind, she quickly opened the back seat and entered just when the car began moving. 

"Move faster or you lose your life...quick go on" She took out a pen from her school back and pointed the sharp ink at the poor driver's neck. As she was too focused on escaping from her father's men, she didn't notice a certain person by her side.

Suzy rewinded the window open and stuck her head out and gave the men a piece of her mind "Tell father...fuck him, fuck his stupid businessman, fuck his house and lastly...fuck you" She scoffed and sat back, rewinding the window closely back.

"Thank you, mister driver, you must be a message from the Lord" She finally took a deep breath to relax but as soon as her lips closed, she could feel the temperature of the car alter.

'How come I feel cold all of a sudden?'

It was then she noticed the dark eyes throwing glares at her. Shocked, she screamed in fear.

"W...who are you?" Suzy looked from the dark eyes to the driver "Mr driver, is he your passenger?"

The driver who had intentionally turned mute felt like his soul had been drained. He shook his head quickly and said "He is my boss"

Suzy calmed down "Oh so he owns the car...he must definitely be the messenger" She stared at the face beside her and greeted "Thank you very much, Mr Messenger and I am very grateful for helping me" She searched for his hand and took it in hers for a handshake.

The driver watched the scene from the front mirror and gulped down "Young girl, you are chewing more than you can bite" He mused to himself when he saw the hardened expression on his boss's face. The man was literally exploding.

"I appreciate your efforts and...." Suzy continued non-stop but shut her mouth after the cold command.


As per his command, Luke halted.

"Leave the car, Now!!!" Suzy blinked her eyes as she was confused while she pointed at herself "Me or him"

The dark eyes glared at her "You!!!!"

"B..but it is so uncool...as a gentleman, you shouldn't leave a girl and not someone as pretty as I am! Humph!" She complained and leaned against the seat.

Luke was afraid his boss would kill the girl, so he tried to talk to her "Young girl, you see my boss as this allergy, he can't stand...emmm pretty girls...and as you are a pretty one. I advise you to leave the car and look for some other one"

"You could have just said that...though it's my first time to know someone can be allergic to girls...pretty ones at that. I will give him space" She opened the car and came out. Luke looked at his boss who was now throwing daggers at him.

"Mr Su, I am sorry but it is the only way to send her away"


The door to the passenger seat creaked open. 

"Now, he wouldn't feel me" Suzy clapped her hand and gestured to the driver to start the car. As she was getting excited, she didn't realise the trouble she had landed herself in.

Luke froze "But I just told you my boss can't stand girls"

"I know, that's why I am sitting here...or does he wants me back?" She raised her brows "And besides I am not just pretty but exceptional as well"

Luke could only reluctantly start the car while listening to her nonsense. And about his boss, he could already feel the burning furnace.


Su Residence

"Who drugged me last night?" came the hostile cry of the man as he was descending the stairs. The members having their peaceful breakfast jolted in shock.

"Stupid grandson, why do you always make a scene?" Elder Su scolded. Alex gritted his teeth "Last night.... someone drugged me last night, who is that?"

Barb dropped her cutleries "Why will anyone try to drug you? Alex, you are not speaking correctly"

The man stabbed his cane to the ground and yelled "I am not speaking correctly? If I don't get to know who had drugged me, then it is ok but if I found this person by myself...they will pay and I mean it"

Elder Su proclaimed to himself something bad must have happened. Looking at his shivering granddaughter, he shook his head.

"B...brother I only wanted to help...I thought sister-in-law was angry with you, so I just wanted to help" Gloria said nervously. Her heart dropped when her brother called the men.

"Green, Tyler, Cain...I want you three here" Immediately the men came forward. 

"Stupid grandson, what is this all about?" Elder Su was pissed. Even the other members were not happy with him.

"I want you three to do whatever you want with her...and make sure she bleeds" He didn't blink an eye as he ordered.




"If I don't smell blood on her...you three should consider yourselves dead,"  He said coldly and turned around to leave but before he could, his legs were grabbed, causing him to almost stumble.

"Brother, I just wanted to help...why are you been cruel to me? Did something happen? Did you fight with sister-in-law again? Brother, I am your little sister...you can't be savage to your own sister. I am sorry if what I did proves to be wrong" She knelt to the floor and begged. Elder Su was not pleased with all.

"Stupid grandson, last night was your wedding night and my precious granddaughter only wanted to help you...why do you want to punish her for helping you? She will not be punished" The Old Man gestured for the men to leave and obeying him, they left.

Alex felt more angered and pushed his sister away "I didn't ask for any of her help, did I? Sister or not, she will be punished no matter what and because of her my wife....grandfather must have helped you today but believe I will punish you"

"B...but brother" She was weeping.

"What happened?" All their heads turned to the owner of the voice. May looked at the weird environment and frowned. Her frown deepened when she saw Gloria on her knees.

"You...why are you kneeling? Come on, get up" Gloria weeps louder as if she had been wrong "Sister-in-law, I am very sorry. Please tell brother to forgive me...I just wanted to help him...I am sorry"

May suspiciously glared at the blind man "Even your sister...you can't spare her. How heartless can you be?" She sneered.

Gloria shut up immediately 'Ah sister-in-law you are not helping at all...you are adding fire...please say no more

Remembering the torment of last night, May's heart hardened "I have decided, I despise this man with all my heart and when there are just hated in a relationship, there wouldn't be any progress...I have decided to divorce him...I don't belong here"

Alex fisted his hand while listening to her. 

"And I will.........."

"The eldest younger master is back" A servant announced. Elder Su's wronged face brightened up immediately as his most favourite grandson is home.

"Stupid grandson, fix your problem with that wife of yours...you'd better explain divorce is out of this family's dictionary"

May wanted to protest but Alex had taken captive her hand and dragged her to their room. The previous heated environment soon turned merry as a man in his early thirties entered the house.

"Ah...my son is finally home...how is the vacation overseas?" Barb snuggled her son.

The man went to Elder Su and nodded "Grandfather"

"So he is grandfather? Not bad"

They all turned to the feminine voice, their jaws dropped in concussion.

Suzy looked around with a smile "Hello, I am Suzy and that man's girlfriend"


"Cough  Cough"

Elder Su looked at the man with an unsatisfied look "An endeavoured flower, Mark?"

Mark's eyes darkened and glared at the girl "I have nothing to do with her" He said coldly.