
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Kỳ huyễn
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56 Chs

Vampire Cult

Blood Incarnation

A woman with blonde hair looks up at the moon. Her red eyes look very beautiful when exposed to the reflection of the moonlight.

"My lord, what are you doing right now...? I hope you don't do anything dangerous... let us as your followers face all the dangers... you are the only hope for the vampires."

A beautiful blonde woman wearing a black robe was praying in front of Novar statue. A carved statue resembling Novar the vampire king is a form of majesty for vampire worshipers.

"We came all the way from the neutral zone to escort this girl...? she even looks much stronger than me…"

"She does look very strong... but she can't reveal her power... and you also have to maintain good manners in front of her... because she is the leader of the most wanted vampire worship cult in the entire continent…"

"Eh…!? She is the cult leader…!? isn't the leader of the cult a man...?"

"All of that was just fake news being spread around the public... so that everyone would go after the deputy cult leader…"

"Don't tell the vice president of this cult... the man whose posters are often seen in big cities…"

"Yap… a man named Burhan Corneus is the deputy leader of a cult of vampire worshipers... he is the one who appears in public the most so that people think he is the leader of a cult…"

A cult of vampire worshipers, they were created because of the greed of the human race. most of them want to live a long life. the reason the cult became so big was the influence of the human race's nobles. But initially, the cult of vampire worshipers only consisted of 4 villagers.

They almost died from the attacks of the monsters from the Outcast forest. Coincidentally they ran into Novar who was doing barrier repairs. after being rescued, the condition of four villagers was dying. Then Novar offers the four villagers a choice between life and death. Where those who choose life will live life like a vampire. whereas those who choose death will die painlessly.

Three out of four villagers chose life, while one person chose death. then the three of them were reborn into high-class vampire servants. They can live as humans and vampires at the same time thanks to the results of Novar's research.

"[Genetic Heart]... that was the reason why the three main higher-ups of the vampire-worshipping cult were so hard to catch. Our master sure is crazy sometimes... he created an artificial heart that can suppress the energy of a vampire servant. so they would look like normal humans... there was no way to detect the difference between a real human and a human using [Genetic Heart]."

"That's great... why hasn't master given it to me yet...?"

"First, you haven't achieved much... secondly... you also haven't become a servant of a vampire like them... being a servant of a high-class vampire like them is very dangerous... especially the transformation process... if you take one wrong step... you will change to Outcast…"

Mr.Goblin spoke while approaching the blonde woman who was still kneeling in front of the Novar statue.

"Miss… it's time... we can't stay in this place... this small village is dead."

The small village where they rested was a village previously filled with vampire cultists. they were exterminated because the heretical teachings they spread started to waft into the sacred shrine of the Revilion Kingdom. the woman who was praying in front of the Novar statue stopped her activities when she heard Mr.Goblin's voice.

"Ah, Mr.Goblin... sorry I was too focused on praying to the vampire king. then for this village... how unfortunate... they were burnt to death by holy knights before we came…"

"That's why we also can't linger in this place… because there's a possibility that holy knights from the temple of light are still standing guard around here."

"You are right Mr.Goblin... we as vampire worshipers must remain hidden in the darkness of the night. at least until the appointed time comes… so let's head off to the next place."

The main purpose of escorting the leader of the vampire worship cult is to keep the leader safe. the cult leader was conducting a thorough inspection of the new branches of the cult. the reason why Novar ordered Mr.Goblin and Delia to escort her was the important role of the vampire cult. The vampire worshipers have the role of creating an information network. Not only that, but they also played an important role in weakening the inner strength of the human race empire.

"Hmmm… So they checked the 4 new cult branches and the result was that 3 out of the 4 new cult branches had perished. what an irony... on the one hand humans call it heretic... but on the other hand they are always tempted by what vampire cults have to offer. Humans with limited lifespans were indeed very easy to tease in the first place… though I had to suppress my disgust since I now had to play the role of the cult's god… but this is truly advantageous… I can incite nobles who desire longevity to provide funds to the cult in kind. Not only magic tools, but they also had to donate armor, weapons, and women if they wanted to join the cult."

"So your plan worked...?"

"Yeah… So far it's good, I didn't expect your idea of creating a cult of vampire worshipers to be useful."

Milena who was hugging Novar's body smiled when she heard a compliment. at first, Novar didn't really support the vampire worship cult. he didn't really like being worshiped as a god or anything like that. But Milena continues to encourage Novar to support the cult because it has a lot of potentials.

"I was amazed to see your cult growing far faster than the cult of succubus lovers... even though I first started the cult of succubus lovers... but the cult of vampire worshipers spread even faster."

"Many minor nobles from the Revilion Kingdom have joined my cult… they are very greedy, but in another kingdom, the cult of vampire worship is growing more rapidly."

"You mean in that stupid country whose king wants to live forever…"

"Yap… 80% of the Kingdom's nobility had fallen into the clutches of the vampire worship cult and half had turned into low-class vampire servants. Who would have thought that I could take advantage of human greed against them… right now there's only one thing I'm worried about."

Novar stared at his bedroom window with a worried face. Milena could immediately tell what Novar was worried about at that time.

"Hero right…?"

"That's right... they're like pests that keep on growing and now it's been reported that they just finished their first stage of training... they're about to jump into subjugation missions to gain more experience."

There was very little information about the heroes, Novar could only find out what they were up to. Their whereabouts and how great the hero's abilities are still unknown. The Revilion Kingdom along with the other 3 Kingdoms are very good at hiding information.

"Are you going to directly intervene in the hero matter...?"

"Depending on the situation... I'll only step in directly if those heroes try to harass my people."

"If those heroes attack me what will you do...?"

"If that happens, I will kill them even if I have to die many times in battle… I will rise from the dead again and again until they all die."

Milena's eyes filled with tears when she saw Novar's face which was so serious when answering her question. She had never had such a response in her life. Her memory drifted far away and she recalled her mother's words.

'Even for a succubus who is called the most disgusting creature in the world... we will definitely get our own happiness one day... don't ever let go of that happiness when you already got it... remember that carefully, Milena…'

living as a succubus will make you look despicable for being a creature that is considered unfaithful to its partner. Milena herself was respected in the Succubus Territory for her strength. Even its strength has become known throughout the territory of the vampire race. However, there are still many people who talk about them as despicable sex-crazed creatures.

Novar doesn't care about what his people talk about, because they don't know anything about Milena.

"Thanks… Novar…"

"Your welcome my dear…"

Novar patted Milena's head gently when answering her words. That night Milena managed to find her own little happiness as a succubus.

'I will keep all this happiness until the last drop of blood... even if I have to fight the whole world... I will still be beside this man for the rest of my life…'

Meanwhile, in a dark forest, the leader of a vampire cult has finally found what she's been looking for. A thin man who has blood-red eyes and fangs like a vampire. He is a figure who has been sought after to perfect the power of the vampire cult. The aura emitting from his body faintly made the surrounding area have the scent of fresh blood.

"Blood Incarnation… After a long time, we finally found you…"

To be continue~