
Chaotic Era : Blood Line

This story begin after Galan Adnan Pati passed away at age 95. No one know about his past, people only know him as a Martial Art Teacher. When he is thinking about the peace that he finally get after die, his soul get transfer to another place. God of Life call his soul as a special guest to the god realm and makes him accept God's request. "The request is very difficult and you must have our gift to complete this request... because your enemy has a hero on their side..." Then God of Life used her authority to give Galan 3 blessings. Galan's soul transformed into a new form with enormous power. The finger of the god of life immediately touched Galan's forehead. "Remember, Your mission is to maintain a balance between the races that are on the side of the demon lord. so we gave you immense power to be able to face off against the heroes of the human race.... but you don't need to be in a rush... because the arrival of heroes usually takes tens to hundreds of years.... so enjoy your life before the time when war between human and demon comes..." The finger of the god of life pushed Galan's forehead, causing his soul to be thrown into another world. Then Galan's life changed, because he reincarnated as a vampire.

KannaSayu · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Kingdom Covenant

Big Plan

Novar is invited to have breakfast with the Queen of the Beast Kingdom on a sunny morning. They had breakfast alone in a particular room that looked very luxurious.

"How was the experience last night...? does Regina suit your taste...?"

"At least she is in accordance with my expectations... but who would have thought you could find out what happened last night…"

"This place was the palace of the Beast Kingdom... my home... so there was no way I wouldn't know what was happening inside my own home…"

Fosaina explained very casually while eating her hot soup. Novar stopped his breakfast activities and looked at Fosaina.

"It's impossible for a Queen to invite guests to breakfast together just to discuss trivial matters like this... so... can you not be too many pleasantries... let's go straight to the main point…"

"Looks like I can't hide anything from you huh... I actually intended to ask for your technology from the Vampire Kingdom… especially in the agricultural sector... then we also need help securing some areas... I hope the Vampire Kingdom will send some mercenaries or volunteer soldiers for us..."

'So they wanted to make me help out with the farming area as well as securing some areas... I did expect the Beast Kingdom to have a shortage of soldiers... all because of the weakening security of the border areas… but…'

Novar thought for a moment while considering every condition of the Vampire Kingdom and the Beast Kingdom.

"I agreed to help out with the farming area... but to help with the security of the area seems a bit difficult... because to be honest... we ourselves are still lacking enough people to complete the construction of the Vampire Capital…"

"My request is indeed difficult to fulfill... but at least we will be greatly assisted if our agricultural sector develops… "

"Maybe we won't be able to help send soldiers... but… I can help your soldiers to get better equipment…"

"Better Equipment…?"

Fosaina looked very confused when she heard Novar's words. The heart of the Beast Kingdom's problem was the lack of troops to secure its territory. they felt no shortage of equipment or weapons.

"listen... your Kingdom's main problem right now is the weakening of the guard in the border area of the Outcast Forest. that's the reason you increased the number of troops guarding the border, isn't it...?"

"yeah... you're right... that's why we lack people to guard the entire area of the Beast Kingdom…"

"The shortage of soldiers to secure the interior of the country can be overcome with new equipment from me... I can guarantee that 1 person using the new equipment will be able to match with a second-class magic knight…"

"Match the power of a second-class magic knight…!?"

Fosaina looked very enthusiastic when she heard Novar's words. She had seen some of the Vampire Empire's technology, but she had never expected that there would be equipment that could strengthen a soldier.

"Yap, the stronger the person using the equipment the more effective it is graded... for example... if Logan uses this equipment... he will not be killed against a first-class magic knight... unless... he is facing the strongest monster of the Revilion Kingdom…"

"Victoria San Asifa Van Deluce… who doesn't remember the monster that had killed the Crown Prince and King of the Beast Kingdom…"

"Correct, she's the only one to watch out for... but... I've also made a tool that can injure that detestable monster with a human body…"

"impossible...! even the Crown Prince and the King of the Beast Kingdom who combined forces could only crush that monster's armor…! her body was not scratched even a bit...!"

Fosaina can't believe Novar's words because she already knows about Victoria's power. Victoria's body was notoriously tough, even the magic weapons used by the Beast King couldn't hurt her.

"It was true that Victoria's body was very hard... she made her body as hard as a diamond when using magic... but her magic had limits... for example... after fighting against the Crown Prince and the Beast King... the wild woman didn't fight back The Beast Kingdom isn't it...?"


'He was right... how could someone who was busy taking care of repairing his own Empire... know the details about the battle that happened 4 years ago…'

Fosaina was speechless when she heard Novar's statement that was true to the facts. After successfully killing the Beast King and Crown Prince, Victoria just kept standing while threatening the entire Beast Race army. She did not strike back or destroy the Beast Kingdom's border areas. The Revilion Kingdom's army had also simply massacred the beast race troops that had invaded their territory.

"There was only one reason the woman didn't attack... she was almost out of magic energy…"

"The mad monster is running out of magic energy...!? Impossible…!"

"I know it might be hard for you to believe it... but in reality, that woman didn't come to attack... she instead chose to defend... even though in the past she tried desperately to destroy the vampire race…"

Fosaina sighed when she heard Novar who kept insisting about Victoria running out of magic energy.

"Fine, let's assume everything you say is true... then what will your new weapon do to that woman, if she attacks in prime condition...?"

"Easy… suck her magic energy to the bottom...! make her run out of magic energy... "

"It sounds easy... but I'm sure it's very difficult to do it…"

"Nothing is easy in battle... but I made this tool so that all your warriors have the opportunity to absorb Victoria's magical energy... even you can use it to absorb magic energy with my tool... but... this tool can only absorb the magic energy from the human race body…"

Fosaina thought hard about whether to accept Novar's offer or reject it. She still doubts about Novar's idea to drain magic energy from the human body.

"I understand... but... for such powerful equipment... what do you want from us in return...?"

Novar smiled faintly because his interlocutor had begun to realize that nothing was free in this world.

"an abandoned mine near the border of the Beast Kingdom and the Vampire Kingdom… I want to cultivate that mine for the next 20 years…"

"An abandoned mine…!? you mean the dangerous mine in the Cirara Mountains area...!?"

"Yap… I want it… but… I will also share some of the mines as taxes for the Beast Kingdom... the total ratio I offer is 85/15... 85% for the Vampire Kingdom and 15% will be sent to the Beast Kingdom…"

"O-only 15%...!?"

"What...? you are not satisfied...? OK, I'll change the contract…"

Novar also changed the contract in his hands before handing over it to Fosaina. Fosaina's face, which was relieved because Novar wanted to change the profit-sharing percentage, turned pale again.

"Wa-wait… this is…"

Fosaina read the section on mining revenue sharing which has changed to 90/10. Where the Vampire Kingdom gets a 90% ratio and the Beast Kingdom will get 10% from the mine.

"Yap… I change it because you think 15% is too much for this Kingdom…"


"Oi oi… don't tell me you're still not satisfied...?"

"We thought we could at least get 30%..."

"Huh…!? You think I'd risk the lives of my workers just for 70% profit...? and I also know that you can't cultivate that mine because it has a dungeon core in it… plus the mine included a large-scale dungeon… So... it's better for me to back down from the agreement this time than to hand over the fruitless military and agricultural technology to you guys…"

When Novar was about to take back the agreement letter, Fosaina avoided it. Novar put on an evil smile again when he saw Fosaina avoiding him.

"We will accept it... so please don't cancel the deal we made today…"

"Great… then please sign the agreement…"

When he was about to sign the agreement, suddenly a mysterious pressure appeared. the holy energy that comes from the presence of gods was felt by Fosaina. The god's eyes appeared on both sides so that Novar and Fosaina could see his presence.

'How could a cooperation agreement between kingdoms like this be overseen by a god...!?'

"Hmmm... thanks for coming god of transaction and covenant... we promise to carry out the contents of this covenant until the 20-year contract is fulfilled… isn't that right, Fosaina…?"

"Yes… We will honor this agreement with all our souls…"

Fosaina finally signed the agreement under the supervision of the god. She signed the agreement with her body trembling and covered in a cold sweat. That day a cooperation agreement between the Beast Kingdom and the Vampire Kingdom was successfully drawn up. Fosaina fell limp after signing the agreement in front of God.

"I didn't expect a god to be personally present to oversee this small pact… the pressure is incredible…"

"Is that true...? I've seen his presence several times... so I think these are the usual things that happen in every covenant."

'I see... even the gods favor this person's existence... at this rate... the Beast Kingdom must not become enemies with the Vampire Kingdom… all for the future of the beast race...'

To be continue~