
Chained Author's Transmigration

'I've always felt alone my whole life. I don't know if I like or if its because I’m used to it, but I know this' Being alone your whole life, changes you. Larian never had life an easy. Rejected by the people around him, he had legs crushed in an accident and lives in his Dad's place in his late 20s. He only had had one thing going for him. A novel that started as a diary for therapy, he pours his emotions into a fantasy world where Larian throws shit at his Main character. Transmigrated into his novel how is he going to survive all the odds he placed against himself? Author's note: Chain here has nothing to do with getting chained up(No BDSM). MC is not really an renowned author, but a person who was encouraged to write his feelings out like a patient dairy. The world he has written is a reflection of his own turmoil, so there is a lot of uncertainty in the area's MC has not written about.

WrittingCabbage · Kỳ huyễn
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45 Chs

Remnants of the Forgotten Past

Larian was attending classes as per usual. But today the curriculum was very different.

Donald the class teacher had brought the class to the school field.

"Today, we'll be pairing up for mock battles. I'll assign each student to their opponent. Any use of magic and weapons is allowed. However, refrain from killing one another. This is just a spare, not a death battle."

The class was each assigned an opponent. Opposite of Larian, Hans came close.

"Unlucky you. Looks like I'm going to get some fun in today."

Hans spoke with absolute confidence as he held his choice of weapon, a longsword.

'Would a surprise attack end it in a second? But unless I completely disable him, he probably won't accept defeat. And Shinki Style... specializes in an explosive strike. I'd be a fool to use it now.'

Larian chose to draw his weapon. The katana slid out the sheath and Larain assumed the pose of ShinkiStyle.

"Backwater style with a backwater weapon. Who uses such a small blade in this day and age? Tsk tsk not studying enough gets you these fools."

Larian felt his blood boil.

'I'll admit it, he has a talent for talking shit. But just you wait. When I cut you down you won't be so haughty anymore.'

The battle started on the first attack from either side. Larian chose not to execute this quickdraw since it had to remain as his trump card.

Hans dashed straight towards Larian, his sword swinging downwards.

Larian who spared with his master regularly could foresee the strike and he brought his blade up to tilt the strike to his side.

As the blades struck Larian felt his whole body shiver.

'The weight of the strike is heavy even if I divert a portion of it away.'

Hans continued his barrage of attacks, not letting Larian recover.

*Ting *Ting *Ting!

The blades conflict created a rhythm as Larian constantly send Hans attack elsewhere.

"You squirming Worm!"

Han's irritation had changed, he readied his blade for a heavy downslash.


As the blade came down on Larian, Larian shifted to his side and Hans longsword struck the floor.

Just as Larian was about to counterattack and strike at Hans neck, a pale green aura wrapped around Hans.

Clad in this new power, Hans moved at an incredible speed to dodge Larians attack.

"I can't believe I have to use magic with the likes of you."

Hans had finally used his Magic, the magic he gave himself was an advanced third year spell called Haste. With it he could now gain the advantage on Larian.

For Larian, dodging and diverting the attacks at every time was draining him quickly. Larian could hold on since he had trained his endurance greatly. However if the fight were to go on, anyone could see Larain would tire out first.

*Clang *Ting*

But Hans was having none of it by winning a game of endurance. With one big swipe, he swung Larian across the field.

"You're fucking going down!"

Now Han's green aura enveloped his blade, he was going to cast a big one and cut through Larian even if he would break the rules.

'I don't have time. I have to do it too!'

Larian executed his quick draw and slashed. The blade covered the distance Hans had build for his cast.

The Katana laid close to Han's neck before he could react.

"W-what. I lost…?"

Han's expression made Larian smile, and it angered Hans.

"...Like I'd fucking accept this! There's no way I lost to someone who waste his time fucking whores!"

Hans didn't concede even with a blade to his neck. The spell he concentrated on his blade activated and came into full effect.

'This guy! He already lost, what is he doing?!'

With a swing the longsword spun and smashed onto Larian.

Larian nearly blacked out from that impact of receiving a full blow.

'W-what the… where am I?'

Recovering his bearings Larian realise he was still on the field.


Hans didn't announce anyone the victor of the fight. He directly left, his face was filled with shame and disappointment.

"How could I have lost…?"

He mumbled under his breath as he left.

'What an asshole, he knew he lost and still didn't apologise for attacking me after he lost.'

Larian examined himself and only found superficial wounds.

'At least he had the brains to not pull out a killing move. But it was a shame I'd have to show off Shinki Style. I hope word doesn't spread of my new technique.'

Ending the mock battle Larian took his time to watch the others sparring.

His classmates were already ending their mock battles and the next class was probably about to come.

'Let's stay and watch. Maybe I'll learn something.'

Larian was satisfied that he could overcome the gap between the other students with his training with Master Shiro. It showed that his efforts were making progress.

Overcoming one's hurdle was quite an achievement for him who was lagging behind because of his transmigration and disability.

Grabbing a piece of cheap barley bread, Larian took a seat to have his lunch. It was time for the other class to start their mock battles.

There was a difference in Larian's class from the current class. A crowd was gathered and there were 4 people who were against one another.

It was a 2 on 2 mock battle. There were 2 girls which Larian didn't recognize that formed a duo, but on the other side of the field, a familiar figure came into view.

'That's… Triss?'

Larian nearly dropped his bread.

"Wooo! Triss, the Golden Princess!"

"Ren! You can do it!"

The crowd was cheering on the stage.

Unknowingly Larian had gripped his fist tightly.

'Don't get fooled. She's just a character you made in a book.'

Larian tried to look away but he was drawn to her no matter how he tried to leave.

Soon the battle of the duo started.

Triss took the initiative and drew a set of twin blades. Ren prepared a spell with the staff behind her. The duo were in sync as they attacked together.

Their opponents were a fighter with a sword and shield and an archer with her bow.

Triss charged into the fighter and slashed at the shield. With her other blade, she parried the counterattack of the fighter. The two in the frontlines were equally matched.

The archer who tried to support her friend was being tied down by Ren. A constant barrage of water missiles flew which intercepted the arrows that were sent to Triss.

The more the battle went on, the more Triss's stance changed. It shifted into a dance that added feints to her already unpredictable attacks.

The fighter found herself blocking at the wrong timings and getting stuck on her feet. This caused her to be pushed back every turn.

Triss barrage of attacks gave her opponent no time to react, the fighter was constantly giving up ground to avoid Triss's attacks.

From advantage to total domination, the Ranger and Fighter duo had to quickly unleash their magic. The Ranger girl locked multiple arrows into her fingers and fired them in quick succession.

The arrows which glowed green flew in multiple curves and found their mark in Ren.

But Ren smiled as he anticipated it.

The floor which had turned muddy rose to shield him from the arrows.

Triss was able to fall back and dodge the projectiles, since she pushed the enemy so far back she had the whole court to play around in.

The fight was at a standstill since no one had been injured but it was obvious that Ren and Triss were still taking it leisurely while the duo was getting pressed into a corner.

"We have to do it now!"

The ranger girl yelled for her swordswoman. As if they had rehearsed, the fighter started casting behind her shield.

Small bolts of fire formed around the fighter. The flames would spin around the fighter, burning any targets that got close around her. It was a perfect offense for a shield.

But using her own natural ability to dodge, Triss ducked and weaved around the fire while she continued her assault.

The fighter finally dashed out Triss's way, leaving the flames to content with Triss.

The flowing flames converged on Triss. The archer who was ready shot at the floating flames.

"Triss! Behind you!"

*Boom! * *Boom!

The green arrows which came in contact with the flames exploded directly around Triss.

But surprisingly Triss is completely save behind a mud wall which surrounded her.

Ren who reacted the earliest blew a sigh of relief.

"Thank you, Ren."

The combo which the duo had planned failed to injure Triss but they didn't give up.

The ranger started to barrage Triss with the rest of her arrows while the Fighter chose to forgo her defense and attack more recklessly.

"Enough. It's time to end this!"

Triss was the last to unleash her magic. She required no casting as the spell came into effect immediately.

A bright golden light descended upon her, giving her enhanced agility.

Leaving after images of herself, Triss directly dodged every attack of the duo.

Sensing the end, the fighter unleashed her strongest attack. Her blade was engulfed in flame and she slashed in a wide arc. The flames spread like a fan and covered the entire space in front of her.

But her target was not in sight.

Triss had leaped above the flames and struck her squarely in the head. The blade was tilted at the last moment so her flat surface would slap the fighter instead of cutting her down.

"This is the end, you've lost."

The fighter looked back to her partner, she was bound in mud during their final clash.

Ren had already finished his side of the battle while they fought.

"We lost… you two are really strong. You know that?"

Triss laughed at her opponent's remark.

"Haha, I'll take that as a compliment, Senior."

Meanwhile, the crowd continued cheering

"The Invincible duo are at it again!"

"They won against the upperclassmen!"

"That's 13 Wins in a row, this is unprecedented in the history of Selarian!"

"So strong. How hard do you think they have been training to get this far."

Larian could see how well the couple had synergized and worked with one another. The way Triss smiled when she was with Ren made Larian's heart ache slightly.

'The Triss I know from earth... I wonder how you are doing. Would you mourn my death? Or would you have already forgotten me.'

Unbeknownst to Larian, Triss and Ren escaped the crowd in his direction.

In a moment their eyes met.



Triss's face turned ugly and hollow.

Larian couldn't hear her thoughts but he understood what her expression said.

"I can't even look at you. Just Leave. Get out of my sight. I never want to see you again"


Larian never expected such an expression from Triss. Standing up Larian directly left without looking back.

He didn't want to stay and be mocked by the crowd or see what Ren had to say, the aching in his heart was something he was too used to.

In the past and in the present, Larian chose to leave.

He had to go to somewhere else, anywhere else where he felt save.