

Tyler the Twin brother of Tayler who's 21years old , creates an Instagram account for his introvert sister just to show the world her unbearable beauty, and also just to have fun with it too because he's a very social person and likes having fun anywhere and anytime. In the account he meets a man, Tenor,, who is an introvert too and they seem to click so they keep talking to each other, the guy knowing that he's talking to a girl that he saw her pictures , it's not her because she's not a social person but it's her brother talking to him instead. As days pass the guy start having feelings for this new person he met , he never used to text or waste his precious time on anyone but with this person he just want to text all the time and make unreasonable stories, he's also curious why the other person never picks his calls but just want to text. On the other side, Tyler knows very well that the person he's talking to is a man , and when they started flirting he told himself that he was just having fun because he's not gay nor bisexual, that's what he thinks , but also as time goes he starts being engaged to this new found person, he even stops going out all the time as he used to with his friends to fool around and flirt with hundreds of girls. He convinces himself that he is being like this just because the guy seem to be mature and gives him great advice and that's why he wants to be friends with him. Not knowing that he's actually falling for him. They leave in different countries ! Tenor is 26yrears old and owns a Jewelry company that has three brunches in different countries which his dad left when he passed on. One of the branches is where TYler comes from, one day there was a function there which he was to attend and he was excited about it because he was going where the person he's fallen for is , he was planning to ask 'her' out when he gets there but unexpectedly the person asked him out first Everytime he visits there he always stays in a hotel but this time there was complications , the couple at the company that were in charge of him decided to invite him to there house just for the night as they find him a good hotel , he didn't argue about it because of how worn out he was due to previous day function and today's, but what he didn't expect is that he was brought right to his Love's house. Tyler is the very first person to meet him once he get in the house, he doesn't know what to think about this ! He started dating the guy but the guy thinks it's his sister he's dating but his sister has no idea that his brother has been talking to a person in form of him. TYler wonders what he's gonna do with the situation.

ShengLi_Victory · LGBT+
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
73 Chs

6. Text.

Remember when I said I have something else in my mind about the guy ? There's nothing at all! It's been two weeks since I found him but I have nothing to say to him. Attacking him with insults suddenly felt stupid. For some reason I even forgot I had his number.

It's a Friday and today am not planning to go out because of the family dinner every Friday night. After today's class at 2pm , am in the car heading home, am not feeling so good and am unusually quiet , sitting in the back sit.

Leon, "Hey, it's okay , you'll get over it , it's life and am sure she'll come around , I mean, which girl wouldn't want to be with you?"

Our driver say , confusing me .

"What are you talking about? And what's with the girls and coming around??"

Leon , " You're not yourself today so I am thinking you broke up with your girl,, I mean , is there anything else that can make you be quiet like that?" 

"And what makes you think that a girl can make me like this? I don't even have a girlfriend, I'll never date those girls who throw themselves at me, The only girl I know is Lexy."

Tayler, " Why then do you entertain them if you only have eyes for Lexy , maybe that's why Lexy doesn't like you in the first place , flirting and fooling around with many girls and you expect her to like you back ?" 

"For fun, Lexy has never seen that side of me so I wouldn't say that's the reason , and how sure are you that she doesn't like me? ..but maybe you're right,

I told her today that I like her but she just left..without any word."

Leon , " I knew it was something to do with a girl..So you were turned down that's why you're looking like a rained on chick?"

By the time Leon finish saying those words ,we're at the parking lot already so I get out of the car ,, they are just making me feel worse .

I think my pride is the one that's hurt more than I am because I've never been turned down like that , even when I know Lexy isn't like others , her turning me down has never crossed my mind , maybe I over did it , confessing like an idiot in the crowd!

The moment I heard that someone is after her, I didn't even think, I went looking for her and she was exactly where she has always liked to be in most of her free time 'Library' And she fuckin' left me there standing like an idiot after confessing!!!

I need a distractions , try watching , nope it's not working, listen to pop music and dance it out ,,ugh sh*t ! Not working either ,maybe I should hangout tonight with my friends, forget about dinner,, am not a person who is used to something bothering me, so am feeling as shitty as hell.

I take my phone serching for Andy's contact , I don't know what am searching by scrolling so much because his name is at the top, but still I scroll aimlessly ,, Wait ,Tenor ?? Who's this? Owh shit! The rude dude hah.

Suddenly my interest changes to something else,, I go to WatsApp look for his name , it's like now my frustrations have found somewhere to settle.. 'send message'

 Me: Hey ! That was rude you know? How could you say so rude . And to make it worse you don't know me! Am trying my level best to talk to you nicely because am not insensible person like you, but I must say this.. 'buy a brain dude!' (Sent)

After furiously typing so many massages and deleting them I finally settle on this one and send, it shows two ticks which means he's online but he hasn't read it.

"Honey , can I come in ?" I hear my mom's voice from outside my room.

"Sure" I say .

Mom, "You don't know how this makes me happy, you at home on Friday... now we can have a complete family dinner, that's so nice of you to be considerate today." She says .

Mom insists on family dinner because on week days we rarely see each other , sometimes we take dinner from our rooms especially Tayler. While Dad eats out with his friends most of the time , so on Friday we get to eat together and talk through some family stuffs, not like I've done that recently.. am remembering what we do at that dinner from before I went to highschool, and also from once in a while of attending it.

Mom shouldn't have made it to be on a friday night , who stays indoors on a friday night, for heaven's sake.

I smile at her as she says that looking so happy.

Mom, " You don't seem okay,, are you alright?"

"Absolutely, why do you say that?"

Mom, " You're quiet and also you didn't go out."

"Owh so you want me to go?"

" No , not that , am just wondering"

"Am absolutely fine"

" Okay then , c'mon, dinner is ready."

I didn't realize time flew by so fast and it's already 7:30, I leave my phone there and follow her, at dinner I try to be as cheerful as always.

Tayler, " You can stop pretending, it's terrible, they already know something is up with you"

" What?! You told them?!?"

" I didn't , it's obvious, I don't even know why you're stressing about it, maybe she was just embarrassed that's why she left you like that."

" I made fool of myself, people are gonna talk about it"

"So what if they do?? Have you ever been a person who cares about people's opinions??"

Damn she's right, she always knows what to say at the right time, fuck that shit, now I feel much better. I don't care what people are gonna say about it .

Dad, " what's with the whispers??"

" What's with the curiosity ?? Dad men don't gossip, so cut the curiosity and be a man."

They both laugh .

Nanny, "This kid.."

"Nanny, am 20years old in case you're forgetting"

Tayler, " Then act like a 2otear old , even just for a second"

Everyone laugh at that except me and Tayler. I don't even find it funny.

" Hey that wasn't funny" I say .

Dad, " We should watch 'friends' am really in the mood to laugh till Dawn ."

We both support the idea , 'friends ' is a comedy series that we both love so much , after dinning we settle to watch,, staying home wasn't a bad idea because am feeling like me again, if I had gone out with my friends I would be so drunk now and doing shitty stuff.

But this feels so good , well, thanks to mr. Rude man, I didn't go out.