

Tyler the Twin brother of Tayler who's 21years old , creates an Instagram account for his introvert sister just to show the world her unbearable beauty, and also just to have fun with it too because he's a very social person and likes having fun anywhere and anytime. In the account he meets a man, Tenor,, who is an introvert too and they seem to click so they keep talking to each other, the guy knowing that he's talking to a girl that he saw her pictures , it's not her because she's not a social person but it's her brother talking to him instead. As days pass the guy start having feelings for this new person he met , he never used to text or waste his precious time on anyone but with this person he just want to text all the time and make unreasonable stories, he's also curious why the other person never picks his calls but just want to text. On the other side, Tyler knows very well that the person he's talking to is a man , and when they started flirting he told himself that he was just having fun because he's not gay nor bisexual, that's what he thinks , but also as time goes he starts being engaged to this new found person, he even stops going out all the time as he used to with his friends to fool around and flirt with hundreds of girls. He convinces himself that he is being like this just because the guy seem to be mature and gives him great advice and that's why he wants to be friends with him. Not knowing that he's actually falling for him. They leave in different countries ! Tenor is 26yrears old and owns a Jewelry company that has three brunches in different countries which his dad left when he passed on. One of the branches is where TYler comes from, one day there was a function there which he was to attend and he was excited about it because he was going where the person he's fallen for is , he was planning to ask 'her' out when he gets there but unexpectedly the person asked him out first Everytime he visits there he always stays in a hotel but this time there was complications , the couple at the company that were in charge of him decided to invite him to there house just for the night as they find him a good hotel , he didn't argue about it because of how worn out he was due to previous day function and today's, but what he didn't expect is that he was brought right to his Love's house. Tyler is the very first person to meet him once he get in the house, he doesn't know what to think about this ! He started dating the guy but the guy thinks it's his sister he's dating but his sister has no idea that his brother has been talking to a person in form of him. TYler wonders what he's gonna do with the situation.

ShengLi_Victory · LGBT+
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73 Chs

5. Found him!

Andy, " Owh shit!!, guys I really need to go , I forget am supposed to drop my mom at the airport , she has a 4pm flight and now it's almost 3pm!" he say as he packs his things.

"Dude, you told me that your mom left yesterday! If you wanna go just say so . You guys can go if you're bored, it's fine."

Greg, " Come on man.. stop this bullshit , let's go have some fun somewhere..." as they are complaining non-stop am still burying my head in the computer, suddenly before he finishes his sentence I cut him.

"Found him! I've really found him, hahaaaa , I told you guys I'll find him look! look!'' Lifting my head up I didn't even realize that I was shouting and everyone in the lab has stopped what they were doing and are staring at me, including my friends with surprised faces.

"Uh..Am so sorry , I didn't realize I was so loud " I say addressing them .

Dylan, " Okay fine, you've found him but why are you so happy about it."

"Because am a king in manipulating the computers , nothing can challenge me , especially simple things like this one." I say feeling proud of myself.

Greg, " Now you're calling it simple ?! After struggling and crying like a lost kid."

Andy, "How sure are you that it's him?" 

"Come.. check it out, I've hacked his phone and turns out he didn't delete his account , he muted me which means he really have a problem with my sister.. I mean, my sister's picture."

Andy, " so?!?"

"I've searched my sister's account name and look this is the picture he commented on and here is "my comment".

Greg, " Whoa bro! You're really something , huh?"

"Here's his number!! Give me my phone , it's in the side pocket of my backpack,,wait what?! he's not in America!!"

Dylan, " where is he from??"

" Look , it shows that he's in France. "

Greg , "whoa..I've always wanted to go to Paris in France. "

Dylan, " So what next , you've found him, so..?"

" Non of your business buddy" I say tapping his shoulder as he fuses there.

Andy, "I must say , you are being so weird Tyler ,, following a guy like that just because of a comment,, maybe he's even an old man, you're going to throw insults at him??"

Greg and Dylan both laugh.

"I never said am going to insult him, okay , maybe I wanted to but not anymore, now I have some other thoughts."

We depart from school and head to Andy's house to play video games that we love so much , we're also planning to steal his dad's alcohol because he's not around too.

We've ordered alot of food with the money that he was left with , which is supposed to take him through 2weeks before his parents come back but Andy doesn't care because he has us, he would never go hungry.

After alot of partying, we take his mom's car , driving around , we're drunk but am more sober than all of them so I drive , alcohol doesn't get to me so easily because of the many times I've drunk it . And also I have a lisence , if it wasn't for an ever worried mom I would have my own car by now . Sometimes I think that she just doesn't trust me because am reckless maybe.. and they can't give a car to my sister alone because.. never mind, they would rather give me alone because my sister won't even say anything , but me?? Am another story.

I don't even know why am like this, it just comes naturally.

At 6:05 pm am completely worn out , I start dropping them to their places one by one and lastly, I return the car with Andy back to his house. "I'll see you on Thursday bro."

Andy, "You won't be in class tomorrow again?!"

" Dude , on Wednesday we don't have classes,, I can even forget

my birthday but not the day that I don't have a class haha.. see you bro."

Andy "But still tomorrow I'll be alone ,, you won't come??"

"You have a girlfriend silly, bring her in for the next 2weeks."

Without waiting for his reply I get out of the car.. he say something that I don't hear because am running home,, I don't want to upset my mom again.

Am rushing towards the bus stop and by the time am in it's 6:45, I'll need 25mins to be home ,, 7 : 30 is still far, I can manage.