

CAT MAN CAT KNIGHT LEGENDARY TALES PROLOUGE In the Supernatural Realm of Giddolink The Force Of Evil Have Started Prevailing Conquering Kingdoms and Killing Innocent People For Thier Wicked Plans and Supremacy Then They decided to Attack The Kingdom Of Avalon The CAT NATION Which was the home of the CAT FAMILY where the lion, Tigers, Cheetah e.t.c resides After a long war The Kingdom Of Avalon were victorious but at a great cost. The Kingdom Of Avalon were now living in Peace with the hope of no war anymore but that will soon be cut short as the Forces Of Evil are gathering together again to Attack Avalon with more powers join together. Now A boy in Avalon Is born he is born with great powers and great destiny according to the saying with great powers come great responsibilities he was born with the destiny to save his People Avalon From The Enemies. With The Forces Of Evil Knowing These Attempt has been made to kill him to destroy him by the Forces Of Evil because they fear his Powers they know he is Thier doom and has the luck and blessings of the gods. He Is From The CAT FAMILY A ROYAL BLOOD BORN TO SAVE AVALON FROM IT'S ENEMIES HE WILL FACE THE EVIL ONE'S LIKE THE CYBOROG,DEMONESS Though his task won't be easy will he scale through find out in this Action Filled Story. HIS NAME IS AVAN ELLISON CATAN

Young_Write_0633 · Khoa huyễn
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Chapter 3

CAT MAN (CAT KNIGHT) Legendary tales Chapter 3

2 years later

Avalon Knights Pavilion

It was a bright sunny afternoon Avalon Knights Were gathered in the Pavilion for grouping That is They we're grouping The Avalon Knights into Thier Commanding section People were grouped into 100,50,30,20 and 10

"Team A Ranonon,Ravion,Trambion,Vragyoung and Sirion

The grouping continued until it reached Team D

"On our team D List we have Tatenium, Ellison, Lexa, Malfoy, Bullion, Ella,Texa,Venza,Genza and Kexa.

"Arrange in your Truck"said the Instructor as they arranged as King Rio Walked up to the Podium

"Greeting's my Lord"The knights said as they kneel down with one kneel as they bowed

"Risesaid King Rio as they rose Knights of Avalon Both Old and New I have gathered you here to tell you that a war is coming up and your services is needed The Ozada kingdom has challenged us and we can't let Them win if not our wives, our parents, our children will all be slaughtered, butchered and rape so together let's fight together



"Everybody with Thier squad tommorow we March To the Battle field Along side The STRAKON FORCES

The STRAKON FORCES Came from a kingdom far from Avalon thier kingdom was invaded by another kingdom They were people related to the dog or Canidae family They were hyneas,Coyote, dipole, Wolves and also Foxes e.t.c during the Invasion The STRAKON FORCES kingdom was subdued as the dog knight took few of his people and escaped.

They seeked help from other kingdom Who turned them down until They reached Avalon Where King Rio Accepted Them and they were given Land To establish Thier own town in gratitude They pledged loyalty to King Rio.

"And Remember to give your Team Thier names for example Team A you can give yourself Team Venus Strength squad"Immediately King Rio Walked away as squad members clustered thier self for Thier team and squad name

"Why don't we give our Team Team Elli"said Ella "No way answered Genza

"Team Elli Raise your hands Immediately everyone except Genza rose Thier hand up as Ella stick out her tongue at Genza

"What of our squad name"

"What about Biject squad"said Genza

"Yeah that's a good one Genza"replied Texa

"Ok let's go prepare our weapons and armor And please gather around Four O'clock in the morning for training let me go and ready myself and Transmittor for the Battle.

Well Transmittor is Ellison Robot which Ellison Built after a battle with the wasted Tech Material He also invented a weapon using the enemies nation best Technology Transmittor was a robot with a black lower part with a red upper part and a symbol which resemble a bat man symbol but had a little difference

It was dark and creepy in the early morning as Ellison Walked to the Training to Meet his squad

"Firstly we have Bullion vs Ellison"

Bullion and Ellison stepped out as they held Thier weapon Bullion held his Axe as Ellison held Transmittor electric axe as the both duo charged at each other Ellison stopped Midway as he listened and calculated the steps of Bullion as Bullion leaped to the air to kick him As he caught Bullion leg and slam him down Bullion still rised as he charged at Ellison.Ellison connected an axe swipe at Bullion as Bullion evaded the Attack Bullion initiated an arc kick as Ellison initiated a drop kick as they both Collided together Bullion made a wave of Wind and merged the Attack with his Axe as the attack Hit Ellison away Ellison press a button on Transmittor Axe as the axe unleashed Blue electric current Ellison Then swipe the axe to Bullion as Bullion shifted to another direction he launched it again to Bullion who shifted to another direction as he did a side roll picking up his Axe as they fought together

Ellison Hit Bullion with his Axe As the Electricity Flow inside Bullion body Bullion still carried his Axe but Ellison pressed a red button as the Electricity from the axe flowed into Bullion axe and zapped bulllion as he fell down

"Next Ella vs Genza"

Immediately The March wanted to start A bell was rung signifying Time for going

"Guys before we go I have a gift for you come with me"They followed Ellison to his room as he pressed a button as a secret door open as he showed them some Blue armour

"Biject armour invention of Malfoy and me it has wings pack which enables you to fly highly Indestructible and other benefits.
