

CAT MAN CAT KNIGHT LEGENDARY TALES PROLOUGE In the Supernatural Realm of Giddolink The Force Of Evil Have Started Prevailing Conquering Kingdoms and Killing Innocent People For Thier Wicked Plans and Supremacy Then They decided to Attack The Kingdom Of Avalon The CAT NATION Which was the home of the CAT FAMILY where the lion, Tigers, Cheetah e.t.c resides After a long war The Kingdom Of Avalon were victorious but at a great cost. The Kingdom Of Avalon were now living in Peace with the hope of no war anymore but that will soon be cut short as the Forces Of Evil are gathering together again to Attack Avalon with more powers join together. Now A boy in Avalon Is born he is born with great powers and great destiny according to the saying with great powers come great responsibilities he was born with the destiny to save his People Avalon From The Enemies. With The Forces Of Evil Knowing These Attempt has been made to kill him to destroy him by the Forces Of Evil because they fear his Powers they know he is Thier doom and has the luck and blessings of the gods. He Is From The CAT FAMILY A ROYAL BLOOD BORN TO SAVE AVALON FROM IT'S ENEMIES HE WILL FACE THE EVIL ONE'S LIKE THE CYBOROG,DEMONESS Though his task won't be easy will he scale through find out in this Action Filled Story. HIS NAME IS AVAN ELLISON CATAN

Young_Write_0633 · Sci-fi
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11 Chs

Chapter 4

The Children of King Rio was also going to the war As the one who were not in a Squad was given roles too.

"Venxa You will lead The Jaguar Faction, Manson you will lead the Snow Leopards,Max you will lead the Cheetahs,hexa lead the Ocelot then Leo lead the Tigers

King Rio Children all had Thier Animal Spirit Venxa the First Born was a Jaguar, Max the Second Was a Cheetah, Manson Was a Leopard but a Snow One Hexa was an Ocelots,Leo was a Tiger,Lexa The Sixth was a Leopard,Texa was a Caracal,Kexa a Serval,Geza was a Lion Ellison and Ella Posses no exact Powers but Ellison had his Mother Powers Of a half Phoneix and an Ordinary Cat.

"With that let's go"

King Rio stepped outside as his Subjects hailed him as he Mounted his horse "We move"King Rio said.

Immediately The Avalon Knight and Soldiers Moved but the Steel Squad was inside Thier Jet as they discussed.

Later at the evening Time The Avalon Armies arrived at the Place they were supposed to camp Along with the STRAKON FORCES Who Later Joined them on the way but were too tired To build Tents ⛺ as the Armies Murmured.

"What do we do now" King Rio said

"Well Fortunately for you guys I and Malfoy invented Something the Houstro Jet Capable of Carrying many people Prepared this days ago" Ellison then Pressed a button on a remote as Some Jet appeared.

"Everybody enter in your Squad Father and the Elders yours is different and Special"

"Thank you Ellison I am Proud of you"

"Thanks Father" he Answered

The next day was Bright around 8:00 Am The Jet Alarm for The Steel Squad warning of intruders rang out as the Warning bell also rang out aloud.

"Demon's approaching Demon's approaching" The Watchman said

"Ok Squad let's move" Ellison said From his Jet.

The Armies of Avalon and the Strakon Forces were gathered together as they faced the incoming demon army.

"Attack" King Rio said but none of the Army dared to move an inch after seeing a demon with a Pluto blaster it contained Plutonium, Silver, Neptunium and Titanium bullet mixed together which could Kill them.

"What to do What to do Ellison thought Biject Squad Assemble we are going there"

"Ellison are you crazy can't you see That Man with the PLUTOTINEP SILVER BLASTER" Asked Texa

"Don't worry I gat you all covered follow me"The Squad members Followed Ellison to the Jet as he distributed a Watch Press the Two sides that is the right and left to activate Those Armour he said referring to the Biject Armour. Meanwhile let's bounce" Immediately he Pressed a Red button as the Jet Voice rang out.

"Jet Engine Activated" Ellison held the Jet Control Gear as he dragged it Front and back and march on a place as the Jet shot Forward on the air with full speed Towards The demon army Ellison Press another button as the Same voice rang out.

"Engine Lasers Online" Immediately the Jet gun activated as the Jet down part as Ellison Then pressed another button as Laser rained down on The demons.

The demon's launched Thier blasters at the Jet but the Jet shield was activated.

Then the Demon Knight the ruler of The demon army launched a dark smoky ball at the Jet making The Shield deactivate as the demon shot the Jet with a blaster as there was an explosion.

"Oh no Ellison"King Rio said.