

This is a story about a guy named Ronin , who was basically a thief in the city of Jianx. His everyday works were like deceiving people. He was a part of underworld society. After a pitfall childhood, he wanted to become the leader of Underworld. He wanted to get the highest place of humanity where he would be the one in power . Here the journey of the greatest criminal in history begin.

Professor_Riko · Hiện thực
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29 Chs

Case 3 : Abducted Son (7)

Kenji had just explained the trick behind their enemy's scheme.

It was actually Ronin's set up. Ronin had first bought a lot of phones which later revealed that the number was counted to 21 phones in total.

Then Ronin made the set up. In those 21 phones, Ronin himself would use 1 phone for himself. Now there left 20 phones.

So, first Ronin would call into the first phone. Both were connected. Then using the second phone, Ronin would contact Kinzo's number. That's how second phone and Kinzo's phones became connected. Then the voice comes from Ronin's phone to first phone. The same voice transmitted from First phone to second phone. Then that voice again went from second phone to Kinzo's phone.

So whenever Ryuen's faction tried to trace the number they had traced the second phone as only the voice was being transmitted. And that voice was being transmitted from second phone to Kinzo's phone. So, Ryuen's faction was tracing second phones location. If enemy ambushed at the location , Ronin's faction had to destroy the phones using the self destructive system. But if the enemies didn't attack using Attacking Factions, Ronin's faction would use those phones again and he didn't have to lose anything.

But because of the ambush of the enemy, Ronin's faction had lost his two phones. He had 18 phones remaining. With calculations, if this continued for every negotiation soon, Ronin would ran out of phone.

But Ronin had another plan developed right now.

According to his plan, Ronin after negotiation would only abandon the second phone and retake the first phone.

But this plan had a flaw. Ronin didn't know how much power Kinzo holds with Tom , Harris , Kenji and a whole community. The risk of this plan was 'What If attacking factions or other influencers of Kinzo reaches the location after tracing it before Kai receive the first phone and abandon the second phone ?'

This would endanger Kai's life. Also even if Kai tried to take both phones, with high tier Tracing Pads the location wouldn't be hidden anymore.

Even after cutting the call,Tracing Pad would still work on the device and would keep tracking it.

And even if Kai was fast enough to run away with the phones he would leave a clue that might be very dangerous to entire Ronin's faction.

People often makes mistake when they are rushing something.

That's the flaw of the plan.

So, Ronin didn't have any other choice but to abandon two phones everytime. Because of Ronin's cautious nature, he couldn't abandon a single information that would end up with his demise.


December 22,2077

At night, Around at 11 o'clock .

A call came into Kinzo's phone.

Kenji looked at this.

" Seems like a second negotiation. Go ahead. "

Then Kenji looked at everyone and shouted ,

" Listen, do as I said. Everyone will follow my previous instructions. Got it ??"

Ryuen's faction replied

" Yeahh. Let's catch that thief."

" He will have his last negotiation today."

" Only thing that waits for him is death."

" He will realise the consequences of his actions."

Everyone overjoyed.

Kinzo picked up the phone.

A voice immediately entered Kinzo's ear.

" So, what's your decision?"

Kinzo didn't reply for about 20 seconds. Ronin couldn't cut the call yet. Because if he did he would only cut the call from the first phone. As the second phone was still connected to Kinzo's phone, Ronin couldn't risk it.

Ronin shouted ,

" You old no leg person. Say something or I'll...."

Ronin couldn't even finish his words then Kinzo shouted,

"Shut up. I won't give you the rings ."

Ronin clearly understood that Kinzo was again buying time.

Ronin said ,

" Listen Kinzo. I said that using this types of cheep tricks won't work. You've to decide whether your son or the ring ."

" Listen, I know you won't kill my son. You want the ring. But I don't mind "

Kinzo didn't finish his words but he had cut the call.

Ronin suddenly stopped hearing voices.

Kinzo had cut the call because Ryuen's faction had already traced the location.

According to Kenji's instructions Kinzo wasn't supposed to continue the negotiation after Ryuen's faction traced the location. Why ?

There was a deep reason behind this action.

Kenji had complete trust in his reasoning earlier.

So, by cutting the call, Kenji was simply buying his enemy's time. How ?

Simple. At first Ronin would make set up to negotiate with Kinzo. But during the conversation, in middle, if something occured Ronin would recreate the set up again which would take time.

According to Kenji's instructions, Kinzo would cut the call when Ryuen's Faction had traced the location. By doing this Kenji would make Ronin's faction members recreate the set up . During this period of time when Ronin's faction would be recreating the set up, Attacking Factions of Killer Community would already reach the location. Therefore the attacking factions might catch a member of Ronin's Faction who was supposed to recreate the set up. The set up was broken because of the occurrence via cutting the call by Kinzo. The time it would take to recreate the set up would be the time for Attacking Factions to rush at that location. Even if the enemy was fast and recreated the set up even before Attacking Factions reached at the location, the attacking factions would definitely find a clue about that member who was working to recreate the set up. And Kenji needed either that clue or the member.

It was Kenji's plan.

At that moment, Attacking Factions were already heading towards the traced location. They were all prepared with guns and investigative machines.

There were total three cars of them.

On the other hand seeing an occurrence in the negotiation, Ronin had instructed Kai to recreate the set up again for negotiation. Recreating the set up would definitely take time and this was the time Kenji needed.

Unaware of Kenji's plan, Ronin decided to recreate the set up again so that he could negotiate with Kinzo about the matters related to his own son.

Soon attacking factions had reached the location.

At the same time a call came into Kinzo's phone.

Kenji noded his head indicating Kinzo to pick up the phone. At the same time Kenji had sent a voice message to one of the three attacking factions which had reached the traced location.

" The enemy had just recreated the set up. Catch everyone around that location, let no one escape . The member must be there as he had just recreated it."

Kenji's work was done here.

Kinzo picked the phone ,

" Who is this ?"

" Why do you cut the call ? You don't want to see your son ?"

" It was an accid...."

" No bullsh*ts. I'll be sending my men to your house soon. Give them the necessary items ."

" Soon. I'm prepared for this. But I needed some more time to consider."

Ronin shouted " No more time will be given"

At the same time Ryuen's faction was tracing the location. They were just trying to corner the enemy from every side. It was just their job to trace the enemy.

Also by tracing the second time ,

Their morale will surge and they will have a boost of confidence in their works.

Also by tracing second time, there were chances that they would receive another new information.

Kinzo had to make a move at the end. Because

1) Their enemy most probably knew the secret of 8 items as they only wanted two out of the eight items.

2) Their enemy was the same enemy who had stolen the Black Orb as it was one out of the eight items .

Kinzo was now trying to catch the enemy by taking precaution measures.

Here Kinzo didn't agree to give the ring yet. In all these two negotiation Kinzo didn't even talk about rescuing his son. Why ?

Because he was testing if he and his team could catch the enemy without going any further in this deal.

The deal was like this , " Ronin receive Rings and Kinzo receive his son ."

But in these two negotiations Kinzo didn't agree to give the ring and Ronin didn't make any move to receive the ring and give away Kinzo's son.

Why Kinzo didn't agree to give the ring ?? Because he wanted to finish his enemy as fast as possible using different methods and plans.

And Kinzo also wanted to use every possible plans during this period of negotiation .

Ronin was trying to convince Kinzo to give him the rings.

On the other hand, Kinzo was trying to catch Ronin without taking further risks and making any progress in the deal .

Why Kinzo was doing these ?

Because no one would like to keep an enemy for a long time.

In simple, Kinzo trying to catch Ronin with the help of Killer community was all Kinzo's offense to Ronin.

More simply, when Ronin made moves against by kidnapping his son, Kinzo was also making his moves to catch his enemy. Kinzo not agreeing to give the ring was his move to buy time . By not agreeing with Ronin, Kinzo would get more time to formulate plans to catch Ronin.

Ryuen's faction tracing the location, Kenji investigating the school, Kenji deducing the cell phone trick , Kenji making a plan to entrap the enemies via taking time, all these were Kinzo's attack to Ronin.

For normal people it would seem like Kinzo had the disadvantage as his son was kidnapped. But in reality,

Kinzo and Ronin both were engaged in a fierce battle of wits trying to subdue each other via different methods.

While Kinzo was attacking, Ronin was defending.

Ronin's attack such as convincing Kinzo to give him the rings weren't that effective. Ronin tried to induce fear into Kinzo but he wasn't that good with words. Also Kinzo wasn't a fool.

On the other hand, Kinzo's attacks were all effective and they had chances drowning many of Ronin's resources.

It was the current situation between Kinzo and Ronin.

After about a few minutes a call from a member from Attacking Factions had ringed into Kenji's phone.

" Any news ?"

Kenji asked with a curious mind.

" No one's here."

" Any clue related to anything or a person coming or leaving the place ?"

" No ."

Kenji was calm still.

After that, A member from Ryuen's faction had shouted ,

" How is this possible?"

Kenji looked there and asked ,

" What happened ?"

Carter, a member of Ryuen's faction replied while he was in shock ,

" Remember, earlier according to your instructions we had traced the location of the enemy ?"

" Yes I remember. "

" So, after tracing Kinzo had cut the call and attacking factions had reached the location during the time period of recreation of the set up. Right ?"

" Yes ."

" Another call came into Kinzo's phone . So, according to you the enemy had recreated the set up . Right?"

" Yeah ."

" If the enemy went to the place and recreated the set up the location would be the same isn't it ?"

" Yes. Because the enemy would go into the same place, recreate the set up and leave."

" Then why it's showing a different location ? After breaking the negotiation, a second call came today. When we traced the location, it was entirely different from the first location. "

Kenji had placed his palm into his forehead.

" Damn . We didn't succeed."

Kinzo was listening all these and understood clearly what was going on.

Kinzo said ,

" We had cut the call. Instead of recreating the set up, the Enemy choose an entirely new location to set up things for the negotiation deleting all the chances for us to track their location. "

Kenji noded in affirmation indicating that he was agreeing with Kinzo's statement.