
Entry 21 - The masters (AZKi)

Today we met our new teachers for our idol work, who just happened to be the siblings of our caretaker.

I had a feeling that Kyrell was special, from the moment I met him, something about him felt different. He exuded this aura of someone who was quite capable and amazing, ever since then I kept a close eye on him. At first, nothing seemed off, he was a hard worker, calm minded and a great businessman, but nothing extraordinary.

However as I continued to stay at the inn, I learned many things about Kyrell. For one, he was knowledgable, very knowledgable. His familiarity with both earthly and otherworldly wisdom is incredible. He can answer just about any question he is given and is even able to cater to just about every Hololive member.

He knew that both Choco-sensei and Towa-chan would exert demonic aura so he set up several totems to reduce the effects and not scare off any spirits that were living nearby. He knew that Lamy-chan needed to have a cooler bedroom since snow elves could get sick under too much warmth, but he also made sure it wasn't too cold to suit her tastes. Another surprising thing he had knowledge of was the ingredients and equipment Shion-chan needed for her witchcraft. I honestly question where he got those.

Kyrell is definitely one of a kind, but so are his siblings.

This morning we all waited with Kyrell, Coco-chan and Aloe-chan in the living room. Kyrell didn't seem particularly excited to see his family, rather he seemed to be more or less agitated.

I asked Sora-chan why he looked like that and she told me that Kyrell had been experiencing a headache all morning due to being constantly anxious about what his siblings would do upon arrival.

I thought, how bad could it be?

Well, when the first thing someone does as a greeting to their older brother is kicking them right in the face, then I would say it's bad.

I wish I was joking but I'm not. The moment the doors burst open and a boy with red hair came in calling for Kyrell's name like a father wishing to his daughter after months of being separated. It didn't take 5 seconds before Kyrell planted the bottom of his foot into his brother's face and sent him flying back out of the dorm.

Kyrell then went on to berate his brother on entering like a madman. Meanwhile two of the most beautiful girls came in and greeted us.

One of them looked like a female Kyrell, albeit a lot happier than the regular, she emitted the same aura as him and was very beautiful. Her luscious silk-like hair and those eyes, you could get lost in them. Her voice was so swooning, its deepness can entrance anyone.

She was a total queen.

Next to her was a girl that looked more like the guy that Kyrell kicked, she had his fiery red hair in twin tails and she dressed like a rockstar. She had this blazing aura, as if she was ready to take on the world, and she sure dressed the part. This little was more like Kyrell's brother, energetic and loud, her peppy attitude was telling me she was a girl with no troubles at all.

These were undoubtedly Kyrell's sisters, Kara and Kana, and the one who was launched outside was Kai.

Seeing the siblings interact was a sight, Kyrell and Kara were on the same wavelength, managing to predict and counter each other perfectly. Kana was ecstatic to see her brother, hugging him tightly while vigorously rubbing her face against his chest. As for Kai… well, they didn't have a bad relationship, rather they were on very good terms despite Kyrell's violent greeting.

When the four were together it's like I was seeing a gathering of stars, they all looked so… astonishing.

I can't quite put it into words, but it was like seeing world-famous celebrities on the red carpet, not that I've ever been to one, but that was the feeling I got. It was just that amazing, maybe even more.

Moving on from that fangirling, we were then introduced to each of them before Kyrell made us all lunch.

Tomorrow we start practices! I'm honestly very excited, my heart is just booming at the thought, I might not be able to sleep tonight.

I can't wait for what they can do and if I'm to go with just their aura alone, then I know me and the girls are gonna be in a ride of a lifetime.

Alright hopefully this one got published.

We're now finally entering the third part of the Aelin arc, once this part is finished then we're onto the final part which is exciting.

Now I know this looks like I won't be adding 6th gen and the overseas branches but don't worry I do plan on going that far, I'll explain everything at the end of the Aelin arc.

Anywho, I've been looking forward to bringing the siblings in because they literally bring the best out of Kyrell and you probably already caught a glimpse of that in this entry when Kyrell kicked Kai's face in.

Anyways that's all for this week, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I'll see you all next time.

Monochrome_Librarycreators' thoughts