
Captain Superior

Nathan Rogers is the first of his kind. A Bionic Superhuman Soldier, created by Hydra to be the downfall of the world and his father, Steve Rogers AKA Captain America. Read as he makes his own way in the MCU.

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Character Bio

Captain Superior

Name: Nathan Rogers

Gender: Male

Date of Birth: 16 February 1997

Race: 'Cloned' Super Soldier/Bionic Human Hybrid

Nationality: American

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Sapphire Blue

Skin Color: Tan


Cloned Super Soldier: Born as a force-grown clone, from a piece of Captain America's (Steve Rogers) DNA, Nathan has a similar power set to Rogers, that has been augmented due to liquid Bionics (Nanotechnology) administered to him at a young age. He also possesses the memories and fighting skills of Captain Rogers

Liquid Bionics (Nanotechnology): At a young age, Nathan was injected with supreme Nanotechnology of unknown origins, found in liquid form that flowed through his body becoming fully incorporated with his tissues, bones, muscles, and eventually DNA, creating one ultimate bionic superhuman soldier, and granting him many powerful abilities including;

Super Strength: He is able to exert a force of over 75+ tons, with 80 tons being his max limit

Super Speed: He can move fast enough that he turns into a glowing blur of vibrating motion and can't even be seen by others. He can run over 11,000 miles an hour, or Mach 15. He can run in circles so fast, he creates a whirlwind, cyclone, vacuum of powerful winds. His speed can also be used for talking, typing, and fighting. He, as well as anyone he carries with him, never seem to experience extreme forces, temperatures or lack of breathable air, only strong winds, meaning that the glowing aura around him may protect him somehow from the force

Sonic Cyclone: When Nathan spins around fast enough, he can make a sonic cyclone

Super Intelligence: Nathaniel possesses incredible intelligence and knowledge in many fields, including science, math, law, circuitry and combat. His intelligence is way higher than the intelligence of regular humans. He is also a capable strategist

Super Durability: He can withstand more punishment than regular humans and most superhumans/mutants. He is highly resistant to penetration wounds, even from high-caliber machine gun shells. He can also withstand tremendous impact forces such as falling from great heights and being repeatedly struck by superhumanly strong opponents, while also showcasing high resistance to extreme changes in temperatures

Super Stamina: Nathan's Bionics grant him near unlimited stamina and makes him nearly immune to fatigue, and able to fight for weeks or months

Heat Vision/Laser Vision: Nathan has laser-like heat rays that shoot from his eyes. He can control the intensity. His eyes glow with energy immediately before using this power.

Flame Vision: As an adaptation of heat vision, he can shoot beams of pure fire from his eyes

Plasma Grenades: He can shoot balls of electricity from his hands

Super Jump: Nathan can use the super-strong muscles in his legs to jump incredible distances and heights

Wall Sticking: He can stick to walls like Spider-Man, but is still affected by gravity

Super Agility: Can rapidly respond to change by almost instantaneously adapting his equilibrium

Energy Projection: Nathan can fire energy beams powerful enough to destroy buildings

Force Field: He is capable of creating a shield to protect him and others. He can also extend his Force Field to encompass other objects, but in this case it must stem from his hands. After long periods of time of being around gamma rays, the force field melts. He can also shrink the force field into a ball and use it as a weapon to throw

Super Senses: Nathan possesses superhuman sight, hearing, and smell

Mental Database: Nathan possesses an incredible and extensive mental database; using it, he can match things that he sees and quickly identify them. It holds information like fingerprints, profiles, schematics, navigation, and criminal data

Bionic GPS: He can track cell signals using his bionics

Hacking: Nathaniel can remotely hack computers

X-ray vision: He is able to see through solid objects

Energy Blasts: Nathan is capable of firing energy blasts with various appearances (waves, beams, and bolts) and energy types, including; Electrical, Kinetic, and Thermal

Lightning Manipulation: He can harness green lightning, or plasma in his palm and use it as a weapon. It is presumably powerful enough to blow apart buildings and structures

Electrokinesis: Similar to Lightning Manipulation, Nathan can harness the electricity in the air to form dangerous lightning bolts

Geo-leaping: He can teleport himself and others from place to place, sending their molecules in the form of signals anywhere he thinks of

Pyrokinesis: Nathan has the psychic ability to create and control fire with his mind, allowing him to shoot fireballs and streams from his hands

Laser Sphere Generation: He can generate laser spheres from his palm or fingers, he is able to power them up enough to turn the spheres into an EMP Grenade

Bio-Thermokinesis/Thermal Invisibility: Nathan is able to control his body temperature, and he can use this power to camouflage himself from heat detection

Thermo Touch/Thermokinesis: He can heat up things with his hands and shoot beams of pure Thermal energy

Electric Cage: He can freeze someone in an electric cage, shaped like a force field

Energy Manipulation: Nathaniel can create and manipulate various forms of energy to unknown degrees. He first learned of the ability when he discovered he could emit ionic energy blasts of devastating force from his hands and eyes

Rapid Gyration: Nathan uses this ability to spin at an incredible speed in a cyclone like matter (Picture Tasmanian Devil)

Molecular Manipulation: He can create shape and manipulate molecules, a group of atoms and the smallest unit of a physical substance or compound to achieve a wide variety of effects, including; Shapeshifting, a Regenerative Healing Factor, and Flight

Power Replication: Nathan can touch someone and have whatever ability he/she has. When he touches another person, the old ability is replaced with the new one

Night Vision: He has the ability to see in the dark

Shapeshifting: Nathan's body can rearrange its molecules to resemble another's, therefore taking on their appearance

Regenerative Healing Factor: Nathan's body can automatically heal itself from gunshot wounds, surgery, and even severed limbs. This allows him to constantly survive death more often

Flight: Nathan possesses the ability to float by defying gravity, using his superhuman speed to fly far above hypersonic speeds (above mach 10)

Nanotech Suits: Nathan can use automatically form an Uniform of any size, shape, color, design, or material on his body, through the use of the nanotechnology in his body


-Master Tactician

-Master Strategist

-Master Martial Artist

-Master Shield Fighter

-Advanced Military Operator

-Master Acrobat

-Indomitable Will

-Expert Marksman

-Expert Swordsman

-Weapons Proficiency


-Expert Vehicular Driver