
Can you love me, Dear husband?

A girl tries to change from her dark past when she meets her true love. But her past won't let her go. The more she tries to run from it the more it became more obvious... What would she do? Face her past and tell her love with the consequences of losing him or hide it from him and manipulate him to be with her. Unknown to her, his husband knew some secret that would shock her.

_EverSmile · Kỳ huyễn
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14 Chs

The Threat 3

Mrs. Henry saw that her daughter was already sleeping as they both lay on the bed. She stood up quietly and went to their room.

"What! Have you been waiting for me? You would have to sleep now. The girl has some things to tell me that was why I stayed a bit" Mrs. Henry said trying to fake a smile.

Mr. Henry wanted to ask her some things about what he heard but he changed his mind, he thought of asking her some other time.

"It's alright. Though I didn't feel like sleeping too" Mr. Henry replied.

It's time for breakfast, Mr. and Mrs. Henry are already seated. After some time, the cook got up to go and call Loveth

She got to her room and began to knock on the door.

Loveth heard the knock on the door and quickly woke up.

"Oh! I'm already late for work" Loveth thought and stood up.

"Who is there? I'm coming" Loveth said.

Loveth rushed to the bathroom to freshen up.

Williams got to his office and thought that he haven't seen Loveth that particular day.

He picked up his phone and dialed Loveth's number.

Loveth was about to leave her room when his call came through. She picked up the call and Williams asked about her and also reminded her about their meeting by noon. She replied to him. They talked about other things and ended the call.

Loveth got to the dining table and discovered that people have eaten and left. She dished her food and eat.

She carried her bag and was about to go to work when her dad called her back.

"Daughter, how are you? I guess you woke up late today, you didn't join us at the dining table earlier" Mr. Henry said with a smile.

"I'm fine dad, I woke up late. I have to go now, I need to prepare some information for the meeting by noon" Loveth said hurriedly and was about to go when her dad called her back the second time.

"Just know that in whatever you do, I love you and care so much about you. Enjoy your day" Mr. Henry said and walk away.

Loveth stood still for some seconds and smiled and then left.

Williams too got to his office and began to gather some information about the company and also attended to other files on the table.

Loveth wants to attend to some files waiting for her before she leaves the office.

As the secretary was calling them one after the other. After some minutes. Loveth was surprised to see the nan that has been threatening her.

"What? what are you doing here? Haven't you done enough? Whatever you like to do. " Loveth said in anger.

"Instead of begging, you are shouting, look at you. If you don't pay the money into my account. Just know that you can't marry Williams" The man said and laughed wickedly.

"You lie, I won't give you any money. How did you even know Williams? How do you know that we are together? I've told you to leave my life alone. I don't want to have anything to do with you again. Aren't you ashamed of yourself? If you are not ashamed, I'm ashamed, and I'm not going back" Loveth said in anger.

"How I know Williams is not your problem. What I will adadviseou of is to pay the money into my account, or else, you are on your own" the man said and vanished like a lightning.

"What! Haven't I put myself in trouble now? How am I going to save myself from this trouble?" Loveth said to herself. She placed her head on her desk. Tears began to drop easily from her eyes

Meanwhile, Mr. Henry was seeing everything that was going on through the camera.

He was able to see the face of the man very well. He was so sad that his daughter was going out with a man of his age.

"Why has my daughter decided to put me to shame? Is it money or fame that I did not have? The man here will be like my age" Mr. Henry said to himself sadly.

"But I should be happy that she has changed. She has a responsible young man now" Mr. Henry consoled himself.

"How am I going to get this man? This wicked man is blackmailing my daughter. Okay! I know what to do" Mr. Henry thought.

Loveth heard a knock on the door and quickly wiped her eyes.

'Who is that?" She asked

"It's your dad! " a husky voice answered.

"Dad! " she said quietly.

She stood up and rushed to the restroom. She washed her face and dried it. She applied a little powder and went to open the door for her dad.

"Daughter! How are you? Hope work goes well. " Mr. Henry asked, looking at his daughter.

Loveth quickly faced down before she could reply to her dad. She knew that her dad would detect that she was not fine.

"Just know that I love you, you can tell me anything. anything at all I won't criticize you, I will just advise you," Mr. Henry said.

Loveth could not look up. Tears welled up in her eyes. She didn't know what else to do.

"How can I explain this to my dad? What would I say? Will he even listen to me?" Loveth thought.

"You can tell me anything you know. I'm your father, just say them" Mr. Henry said. By now he was sitting close to her.

Loveth just hugged her father and began to cry profusely. Her father did not know what else to do but to find a solution to the problem.

Loveth showed him all the messages that the man had been sending. She also told him how the man threatened to scatter her relationship with Williams if she didn't give him some huge amount.

"I know everything. The next thing is to find a solution to this problem. To find a solution to it. Both of us have to work together" Mr. Henry said calmly

Loveth was shocked to hear that her dad is aware of what she was going through.

"How did you know?" Loveth asked in surprise.

Mr. Henry smiled and asked for the man's number and his name. Loveth provided the information and Mr. Henry stood up and left.

Loveth was relieved, it was as if a heavy load was taken away from her head.

Loveth continued with the work she was doing. A few minutes later, she heard the knock on the door again, but by now she was not scared again. She went to the door, opened it, and went back to her seat. She raised her head and was surprised that it was her dad that came back.

Mr. Henry also was surprised his daughter that was crying for not long continued with her work.

" I forgot my car keys," Mr. Henry said and walked towards the direction where the key was.

"Alright, dad! I need to input this data before I close today" Loveth said with a smile.

"It's the alright daughter. Well done" Mr. Henry said and went out.

Mr. Henry called one of his soldier friends and invited him to a restaurant very close to his company.

Not long after, he came and Mr. Henry explained the matter to him.

The military man swung into action.

After a few hours, the soldier tells Mr. Henry to meet him at his destination. He also told him to bring his daughter along.

Loveth was about to close when she discovered that her phone was ringing. She checked who the caller was and discovered that it was Williams.

"Hello! How are you? I've been calling your number but it was not going through. Hope you are fine?" Williams asked from the other end.

"Thank you, I'm fine. How are you too?" Loveth asked with a wide grin

"I'm fine too. I'm very busy with office work. I needed to clear my table. As you know that the auditors are coming" Williams explained.

"You are right, I'm busy with my own too here," Loveth said with a smile.

"It's alright. We will chat later in the day" Wiliams said and hung up the call.

As Loveth was about to drop the phone. Her dad's call entered. Her heart skipped a bit. She didn't know what her dad wanted to say.

"Hello, dad! " Loveth said calmly.

"Daughter! Round up for today. We need to get somewhere now. I'm waiting for you outside" Mr. Henry said and hung up without listening to her daughter's reply.

"What! Where are we going? Has my dad found a solution to the problem?" Loveth thought.

She quickly shut down the system, carried her bag, and went out.

She got down and her dad told her to enter his car. He drove out of the company premises and zoomed off.

They got to Mr. Henry's friend's house and Loveth was surprised to see the man threatening her life being captured like a fowl.

"What!" She exclaimed.

The man was made to sign an undertaking that he won't move close to Loveth again. Also, he won't interfere in her affairs again.

Loveth's joy knew no bounds as they drove back to the company.

Loveth thanked her dad and carried her bag. She entered her car and drove home joyfully.