
Mr Newyork


Las Vegas…….

I checked the hallway repeatedly until I was satisfied no one was watching then I decided to step out of my hiding place.

I held my red heels in my right hand and my red purse in the order as I sneaked out of the hall and into the stairs. I breathed in relief as I saw no one. I came down from the stairs and headed towards the door. I twisted the knob.

"And where do you think you're going young lady".

I cursed and turned back. "Nowhere father, I just decided to take a little fresh air in the garden".

My father stared at me and out of instinct I shifted the heels behind me.

"You're going to the garden at this time of day" he searched my eyes and I blinked repeatedly.

"Yes father, the cool breeze would make the garden smell more pleasant".

My father nodded. " If you say so. But let Diego go with you".

I scoffed. "I'm going to the garden father, I don't want a guard following me around". My father's blue eyes glittered in mischief. He wore his normal clothing. Khaki shorts and a t-shirt.

"He won't be following you around, just think of him as a guy friend keeping you company".

He walked towards me and my heart leapt. He would see the shoes and he would know I tried sneaking out again.

"I'll go back to my room, if it makes you more happy". He smiled.

Of course it does. "and don't try anything stupid the bugs are watching". He replied.

I rolled my eyes as I passed him by bringing the heels to my front as I left him standing behind me. Attempts to run away three __ missions failed__.

I sat on the side table and thought about my life.

Valeria Hortensius, daughter of the richest billionaire mobster in the world. My father deals in real estate, hotels and other stuff I don't care about and this always made me the center of attraction. Hey I've been kidnapped four times but that doesn't mean it's a big deal. Of course it is. At age twenty one I still had a lot going on for me. five feet nine. I had a pair of forest green eyes and dirty blonde hair that rolled down to my waist. My oval shaped face held long lashes and full eyebrows. And a straight nose with full pink lips. I had the curves that I wasn't ashamed to show. And mostly I cause too many distractions.

My father had me locked up and under house arrest when the last kidnapping almost cost him my life. Yeah him.

Others would say I was a proud peacock who lived on her father's money but what else do you expect from haters who would do anything to be in my place. It's not like I loved it. Heck I don't. It sucks to be locked up and only go out when your father sees fit or only when he wants to boast about how great of a daughter you are. I was his only daughter.

I took off the short gown I wore. I smiled. The gown was really visible and I can see why my dad didn't buy my lies.

I put on my nightgown and of course my ear buds.

My earbuds were a device that alerted me if someone was coming in and going out of my room. My dad got it for me in case someone attempted to kidnap me when I'm sleeping. I jumped on the bed and closed my eyes to sleep.


I heard the door creak open. I quickly grabbed my shocker from under my pillow. I heard footsteps approaching my bed. I Layed still waiting for the perfect time to attack.

Then I heard the voice.

"Ria, Ria wake up". The voice whispered.

The voice sounded like Andrea's. But Andrea was in Paris.

"Ria, wake up. Seriously stand up".

I opened my right eye while the left remained closed. "Andrea is that you?."

She groaned. "Come on you baby get the hell up". She grabbed my hand and attempted to drag me out of bed.

I groaned as I sat up. "What are you doing here". I leaned sideways to turn on the light.

My room brightened up and I gasped seeing what she was wearing.

"What the hell is this?".

"Shhh". She lunged at my mouth. "We're going clubbing".

"What do you mean we, I can't get out of this house without my father's consent".

"I know, that's why I came prepared". She smirked. "Stand up and get dressed".

I stood up and headed for my closet. "Aren't you supposed to be in Paris?". I asked.

She sighed leaning against the headboard. "I came back two days ago. But mum won't let me come here". She answered.

I nodded in understanding. Andrea's mum was a bit like my dad. They were both rich, famous and of course strict. I could say the only thing different was their sex. But Andrea had more freedom than I did. She could go out whenever and however she wanted considering the fact that she had never been kidnapped. But her mother feared the fact that if people saw her with me. It will draw attention towards her and Andrea could also become a victim of child napping.

I couldn't blame her mother. She was just looking out for her daughter.

Andrea was my best friend. We've known each other since when we were first graders. I smiled remembering the time Andrea had fallen into the mud and cried when the students laughed at her. She looked so dirty and stupid. I was part of the children laughing but when she faced me with her trembling lips. I pitied her and walked to her, helping her out of the mud and following her to the nurses office. And that was how we became friends.

I took out the dress I wore when I attempted sneaking out.

"How did you get here and how are we sneaking out". I asked.

"Who said anything about sneaking out." She smirked. "When I came your dad told me you were asleep. And also told me how you attempted to sneak out".

I nodded, urging her to continue as I fought to zip up my clothes.

"We made a deal. I begged him to let you come with me to a party and promised that my mum already placed security that could look out for both of us and of course Diego, your bodyguard was allowed to come as long as he was ten feet away from us".

"And my father agreed?". I asked unbelievably.

"Yes, as far as Diego stood ten feet from us". She answered.

"Well then smart ass". I wore my heels. "Let's get to the party".


I sighed in contempt as the car stopped. Four other cars stopped behind us.

Of course I'd almost forgotten the cars behind us were full of bodyguards. Andrea didn't seem bothered about it. She was busy fixing her make-up.

"I thought you said we were going to a party?". I said staring out the window.

"And I also said we were going clubbing". She answered.

"Did you tell my father that". I asked.

"Of course not". She scoffed. "What am I……. Four?"

I shrugged. "Maybe".

"Well Doofus, I knew if I told your father we were going to a club he wouldn't have let you come. So just think of this as a party being held in a club".

yeah, typical Andrea. She had answers for everything.

We came down from the car, the securities quickly came out also following behind us. The guards at the entrance of the club let us in immediately muttering something in French while Andrea replied to them.

"I'm guessing you're a regular customer?".

"No. They're part of my mum's guard".

"So you mean to tell me all the guards around the area are your mum's.".

"They're never as much as these, but considering the fact that a daughter of a billionaire that has a hubby of getting kidnapped is here today. My mum decided to add to the security".

I nodded, I hated this. Diego approached us.

"Put this on". He said. He held out a wire.

"Oh for Christ sake, no one's going to kidnap me with this much security".

"Not taking chances". He stretched it further.

I glared at him collecting the wire. I clipped it around my neck and put the ear bud in my ear. "There, are you satisfied?" I asked. Still glaring. He nodded and walked away.

Andrea laughed, holding my hand and dragging me into the club.

The heat that collided with my body was enough to keep me warm for ages.

Andrea didn't seem affected.

"Let's take a seat". She shouted over the loud music. I nodded following her to a VIP section of the club. We sat down and Andrea immediately ordered a drink for the both of us.

I watched the people dancing. Their body moved in rhythm along with the beat.

"Are we just going to sit?". I asked Andrea who held a glass of liquor in her hand.

"No, but I can't help but notice that guy staring at you". She said,

"Which guy.?". I asked. She nudged her head towards my back but I didn't turn to look.

"Do you think they serve dinner here, I'm starving."

Andrea choked on her drink. "Christ Emiliana. This is a club not a cafe".

I shrugged. Andrea blinked repeatedly, which made me think she was trying to get something out of her eyes. And then she raised her brows and smiled.

"He's coming, he's coming". She whispered.

"What." I asked then frowned when I understood what she meant. The weird eye and smile was for the man. "Are you crazy, do you know who he is?".

Andrea shrugged. "I don't care, and besides he doesn't look like an American.

I groaned. "all men don't look like Americans to you".

"Well hello there". The voice had a deep sensuous baritone sound to it. It lifted the hairs on my neck but I didn't turn to look.

Andrea's face fell. "Well that's bad". She sighed. "I was expecting an accent, men with accents have a delicious and Cool vibrating voice when they speak".

"I'm sorry to disappoint you". He didn't sound disappointed at all. "Was that an invitation to sit down ten seconds ago".

"You're a quick one". Andrea said, sliding over to make room for him. I couldn't help but think of what could be going through Diego's head when I looked at him. He was staring behind me.

I saw his backside first as he walked past me to sit. Okay so he was hot at the back. He had jet black hair that was cut short. It had some curl to it. A hunter green crew neck sweater covered thick broad shoulders and muscular back. My gaze traveled to his butt tucked into faded jeans. Hmm, possibly an athlete.

I concluded. The front of him would be a big mess. No one could look that good on both sides.

He could possibly have brown teeth, scars on his forehead, cross eyes.

But when he turned and sat. Sweet Jesus. This man could make the statue of David look overweight. My defenses went on red alert. This was a common reaction my body made when I felt nervous. His ocean blue eyes met mine and he gave me a broad smile showing perfectly white teeth. I scoffed and gave him an inaudible harrumph, looking away. What was he promoting? —toothpaste?.

"To whom do we have the honour Mr……". Andrea muttered as she eyed him from up to toe.

"Name's Octavian". The man replied. " I'm from New York".

I scoffed, no one asked him where he was from.

"New York". Andrea replied. "New Yorks great at this time of year, I'm Audrey and this is my friend Camilla".

I thought I heard wrong, did Andrea just say her name was Audrey and I was Camila?.

He took Andrea's outstretched arm and then turned to me. I quickly placed my hand down.

"Nice to meet you Mr Octavian." I groaned inwardly. I really wish I didn't sound so stiff. He withdrew his hand, his eyes still on me. He had a look of amusement.

I turned my eyes away from him. I couldn't take the hot intensity of the way he was staring at me.

Andrea coughed awkwardly. "So why are you here, business or pleasure". She eyed him again. "You look too good to be here for pleasure".

"Yeah". He answered. "I'm here for business. Just thought of going out a little before I went back." He muttered, turning to look at me.

"Camilla won't you have a drink" Andrea asked.

"Oh no, I'm good". I answered glaring at her.

Andrea turned to Octavian. "Well that's too bad ,'' she said. "It's a good place to mix business with pleasure".

What the fuck. I gasped. What the hell got into Andrea.

"Hey, do you guys come here often". He asked.

Andrea gave him a suggestive smile. "Anytime, Mr New York". She ran her hand across his sleeve

"Why Mr New York. You've got something in mind?"

And that's when I stood up. "I'll be back". I walked away not waiting to hear what Andrea still had to say.