
seek the Hikrata

The door flew open and the cold wind of winter rushed in, Diana stood at the door staring into my swollen eyes, slowly, her face drifted down to the floor, I could tell the moment fear and terror overcame her but I was to involved in my own grief, my guardian was dead, and her father was dead. She choked on a sob, rushing towards me. she knelt down and screamed, I sobbed harder.

"Tara," she called. "He's really dead!". Now the tears came, rushing like a tsunami, the droplets fell into the rug, which was already soaked with his blood. She dragged his clothes, willing him to wake up, screaming and trashing his body in agony. I shifted back towards the wardrobe. Diana needed to cry, she needed to let it out.

"Tell him to wake up Tara, tell him to wake up."

Knox Hortensius was gone, and in his place, pain, grief and sorrow arose.

A heavy breeze suddenly blew, carrying along the melted snow. I inhaled, the temperature suddenly dropped, Diana must have felt it also because she released her father and turned to look at the door.

Something was coming, or someone, I could feel it in my veins. Something dangerous and utterly sadistic. Camila, our neighbor, suddenly rushed in.

Her hair was scattered all around her face, tears flowed freely as she also stared at the body on the floor, her hazel eyes were wide, her irises looked like a cat's, her body trembling, she took in a breath and directly stared into my eyes.

I watched baffled as her eyes turned pure white.

"You need to leave, you need to go, they are coming!, They are coming for you!," Her hair flowed around her head, giving her the look of an angry witch, not like I've seen one before though. "Get out of the house, leave, they'll come for you."

I didn't know what was happening, but I stood frozen, Diana also watched in awe. Camila took steps forward so she was directly in front of me.

"The Mother seeks her Child's help

The child knows not what to do

Her guardian dead, seek refuge with the Hikrata

The mother seeks help, sleeping, waiting despite in agony

But she endures

Because she believes

Her young prodigy is coming to save her."

Diana suddenly stood up, her eyes wider than I've ever seen her, all trace of grief gone. She suddenly ran into her father's room, seconds later she came out carrying two duffel bag. She threw one at me but it fell down because I didn't attempt to catch it.

"What the hell is going on?, what happened to her eyes?." I asked, finally finding my voice.

Diana came and picked up the bag, forcing my arms up so she could wear it on me.

"There's no time, we must leave, they are coming". She answered and shifted me a little so the door to the wardrobe was visible. She grabbed the handle and forced it open.

I gasped at what I saw, the clothes that used to be in the wardrobe were absent and in it's place was money, lots and lots of money.

Diana grabbed another bag and started stuffing it full with the money. Once she was satisfied with it, she looked down back at her father.

"Rest in peace pa."

She didn't even look sad.

"Tara, let's go."

"Go where?"

"To my cousin in California."

"Why, what about your father, who's gonna bury him?" I was so confused, looking from Diana to her father then at Camila.

"I'll call somebody for him, but we need to go, or we'll be the one dying next."

"What about Koala." Koala was Diana's adopted brother, but he's not been around for some days.

"He'll be waiting for us there." Diana replied in anger, getting irritated at me and my questions.

"I thought koala was going to visit a friend in Las Vegas?"

"What is this? Twenty questions? Do you want to die or leave."

"I don't understand anything, I'm trying to understand, why would Koala be waiting for us in California?"

"Because that's were the Hikrata is, you heard what the seer just said, 'seek refuge with the Hikrata'"

"How is Camila a seer?"

"Oh for Christ sake," she came and dragged me toward the door, "question me on the plane."

"I don't have a passport."

"I'll take care of it." And that was the end of it.