
Build A Scientific And Technological Civilization

Jiang Fan had transmigrated to a world where everyone could awaken a planet. The larger the planet, the higher the origin energy, and the stronger the civilization. Some people made theirs with qi to create a martial arts civilization. Everyone on the planet was a martial arts practitioner. Some people made theirs with magic power to create a magical civilization. Everyone on the planet was a mage. Some people made their spiritual energy to create an immortal civilization. Everyone on the planet was an immortal cultivator. Everyone was trying their best to construct all sorts of extraordinary planets. Jiang Fan, on the other hand, used his memories from his previous life to create a technological civilization! “Your Star Destroyer directly pierced through the opponent’s planet, and the opponent lowered their head.” “Your two-way foil turned the opponent’s immortal cultivation planet into a piece of paper. You scared them silly!” This is a story that uses technology to break through all sorts of extraordinary civilizations. Sorry, my English is average, so forgive me if there is a mistake. The later chapter will have better quality, This novel and the cover are not created nor is it owned by me. I am only translating it to English. Credit to the Original Author. The cover art is from: ( https://www.desktopbackground.org/download/800x600/2014/06/26/783994_civilization-5-wallpapers-and-images-wallpapers-pictures-photos_1366x768_h.jpg )

Sokdavid · Khoa huyễn
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466 Chs

Jiang Fan’s Intervention Again and A Once-in-a-millennium Scientific Research Genius!

Jiang Fan had to take action.

Because if he doesn't take action.

This peerless genius will just hang up.

For the Xia people.

This winter is a little cold.

Inside the Xia Kingdom's palace.

A bleak stillness.

Since Taiwei Dong took control of the government.

The smiles on the faces of the people in the palace became less and less.

The palace maids and eunuchs walking on the road were also in a hurry.

Next to the Great Wilderness Research Institute in the backyard.

There is a tall building dedicated to observing the stars.

It's called the Star Tower!

In the earlier years.

It is a place that all scholars like very much.

Here are the most advanced telescopes in Xia Guo.

You can see above the sky.

Closer stars.

Of course.

These are not stars.

Instead, Jiang Fan used the power of the source to transform into a star-like energy group.

In order to maintain the normal operation of Blue Star!

Except there is no entity.

From the outside.

Just like ordinary stars.

At this time.

The building is empty.

Since the closure of the three colleges.

There were also fewer scholars in the palace.

Most leave here and there.

There are only a few scholars tasked with teaching princes and princesses to read.

Naturally, fewer people come to the star-gazing building.

The entire nine-story star-gazing building.

Only on the top floor.

In front of the huge telescope, there was also a little girl who was only four or five years old.

She stood on tiptoe.

Difficulty in front of the telescope mirror.

Looking up at the sky with curiosity.

I don't know how long.

Until the night darkened.

A shout came from outside.

"Princess, it's time to eat!"


The little girl looked at the sky for the last time and reluctantly left.

Follow the maids back to the palace where they live.

Finished eating.

This little girl is not like the other siblings.

Go out and play.

Picked up a book and looked carefully.

The focus was written on his face.

This is a book that records the beginning of the famine,

A series of relatively significant research experiments.

The little girl turned to one of the pages.

After seeing the "Leaning Tower Iron Ball Experiment".

Involuntarily fascinated.

"Why are these iron balls, one weighing 100 jin and the other only 1 jin, able to land at the same time?"

She was full of doubts.

Then flip down.

Seeing the answer at the back.

But the answer was not to make her too satisfied.

There is only one simple explanation.

It doesn't fully explain why.

There are also speculations and assumptions about this by scholars.

"It's so complicated."

The little girl looked at these complicated numbers and symbols.

Although I feel a little scratching my head.

But still watched with relish.

"Princess, it's time for you to sleep."

The palace maid came in and put the book away.


The little girl reluctantly came on stage.

''The girl doesn't go to study etiquette and poetry at home, what do you read these things for?"

The palace maid was very puzzled.

The little girl grew up.

What came out became more and more agile.

But the interest has not changed.

Her favorite is still sneaking to the star-viewing building every day.

Look at the stars in the sky through that big telescope.

The Great Wilderness Research Institute of the Imperial Palace.

At this time, it has become a place to teach princes and princesses.

But now.

What is taught has changed.

Mainly learn poetry and book etiquette.

Physics, chemistry, medicine, etc. in Kai era, the content that must be learned has been ignored.

The few scholars who remained were very embarrassed.

If they teach here.

They have status and get a salary.

Otherwise, they would have long since left.

Every day in their classroom.

A whole lot of skipping classes.

Few of those who stayed listened carefully.

The only thing that makes them happy is.

A little girl named "Jian" was very attentive.

After class.

Occasionally ask a few questions.

Time goes by day by day.

Great changes have taken place in the Xia Kingdom.

Not sick.

Taiwei Dong completely controlled all the power.

And established a puppet emperor.

The emperor was only five years old.

She is the youngest of the princes and princesses.

Court turmoil.

Nature has also affected this.

Although nothing has changed here.

But the number of princes and princesses who come to study is decreasing day by day.

The soldiers standing guard changed a group.

Quantities become more!

Yan is still the same year-round not affected by these events.

Go out early and come back late.

Finish the class.

She hurried to the star-viewing building.

Another two years passed.

Yan is ten years old.

Looking slim.

The appearance of a beautiful ruffian has initially grown.

This day, Yan finished her class.

Only to find, there was something wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

Many soldiers came outside.

Immediately after.

A tall, well-dressed old man walked in.

He has a very majestic aura.

The old man walked in directly.

Come to the front.

After taking a few glances at her, he nodded slightly and said.

"Not bad."

Finish these two words.

The old man guarded by soldiers left.

Yan was a little puzzled.

He glanced at the scholars and teachers around him.

The scholar teacher's mouth moved and want to say something.

In the end, they didn't say anything.

Go back to the palace where you live.

Yan finds out...

The mother who has always looked so affectionate, this time actually prepare a large table of dishes by hand.

There's a smile on the face!

The emperor harem is very large.

There are not just a hundred concubines but also dozens of them.

Yan's mother is just one of them,

A very inconspicuous one.

Come here once in a while.

Only when it is set.

Good to see the mother's smile.

Sitting in the room all day.

Only today, she smile for the first time!

"My Yan'er has grown up."

Yan's mother looked at Yan's face lovingly and showed a smile.

I think this sentence is a bit strange.

But didn't think much of it.

After eating.

Just keep reading.

"Princess, starting today, you have to read these books."

The palace maid put a thick stack of books on Yan's desk.

Yan looked curiously.

But it is "Etiquette", "Book of Poetry", "Virtue and Talent" and so on that she hates the most.

"Can I not?"

Yan asked quietly.


The palace maid sternly refused, and said.

"This is what the mother said, and you must read it within ten days."


Yeon can't do it either.

Can only temporarily abandon that "Introduction to Mathematics".

Check out these books!

Another year passed.

Yan grew up.

Inside and outside the palace.

Yan's good name began to spread.

During this period.

Taiwei Dong came to the classroom again to check the knowledge of the prince and the princess.

But Yan thinks.

Captain Dong seems to come and specifically to see her.

The siblings around also seem...

She began to feel a little alienated from her.

This year.

Yan has memorized all the etiquette poetry books.

On the bright side.

But on schedule.

He lied that he had only read half of it.

Remaining time.

Naturally, I took it to read the idle books from the mouths of those palace maids.

What makes Yan a little unhappy is that.

Going to the Star Tower is not so convenient.

There is always the caretaker behind the palace maid.

Just stay longer in the star-gazing building.

Immediately will be called!

This day, a small poetry party was held in the palace.

Participating is a group of young heroes from the upper class.

Including princes and princesses, ministers outside the palace, and children of big clans.

Yan is not interested.

But was forced to come by her mother.

Hiding in an unnoticed corner.

Quietly ponder a math problem she saw in the morning.

"Your Highness."

A voice came.

Yan looked up.

It was a boy of fifteen or sixteen.

I've been here two or three times before.

Yan still had an impression of him.

Seems to be the son of a certain minister.

The traitor nodded and said hello.

"Your Highness."

The young man glanced around, then got close to Yan, lowered his voice, and said.

"Come with me!"

"Going with you? Where are you going?"

Not sure why.

It's dark outside.

Besides, there is nothing to do in the palace.

Are you going to the Star Tower?

But at night, the Star Tower is also closed.

"Go anywhere.''

There was a look of determination in the boy's eyes, and he said.

"I have prepared a carriage outside, and there are people outside to support us. As long as we leave the capital, the people of Taiwei Dong will not be able to catch up with us!"


Yan felt inexplicable.

What the hell is this guy talking about.

In such cold weather.

What are you doing out of Beijing?

"I know we haven't known each other for a while.''

The boy continued in a deep voice.

"But I fell in love with the princess at first sight, and I can't bear to see the princess fall into the clutches of the devil, and I will definitely give my heart to you, the princess!"

Now I finally understand something.

The other party...

Like her?

Elope with her?!

Yan didn't know how to say no.

She is not familiar with this young man at all.

Although we met a few times.

But he didn't even pay attention to the other's name.


Seeing the traitor seemed hesitant, the young man strengthened his tone and said.

"Come with me, do you really want to marry that ward ghost Dong Fu!"

"Marry Dong Fu?''

She was stunned.

But she is so smart.

Responded quickly.

Figured out everything that's happened this year.

The attitude of the people around her changed.

Is it because of this one?

For the first time, Yan lost the mood to think about math problems.

She ignored the self-assured young man.

Leaving the poetry club in a hurry.

Back to the palace.

"Yan'er, why did you come back so early? Did something happen?"

Asked the mother softly.

"Mother, am I going to marry Dong Yi, the son of Taiwei Dong?"

Yan plucked up the courage to ask.

Yan's mother was slightly taken aback.

Then he smiled and said.

"Who told you that?"

"Yes or no?''

Yeon looked at her mother.

There was a hint of sadness in her eyes.


Mother didn't notice the sadness in Yan's eyes, smiled and said.

"This is a good thing."

"Tell me that Dong Fu is a sick man.''

Yan continued to ask.

"That's all nonsense from outsiders. Taiwei Dong's son is just a little weaker. Now that the medical conditions are so advanced, you don't have to worry about what disease can't be cured.''

Mother comforted.

But the evil heart has gradually sunk to the bottom of the sea!

The next day.

The traitor continued to go to class.

Start asking teachers and siblings.

The answers were basically the same.

Everyone is congratulating her.

She is going to marry the son of Taiwei Dong, who is a powerful man.

That famous sick ghost.

Yan's face gradually disappeared from the smile.

Although she still read books every day.

She still like to go to the Star Observation Building to see the stars through the telescope.

But occasionally be stunned.

This day.

Yan is finishing her class and came to the star building.

Because of the development of a few tempers.

So the palace maids dare not come up now.

Just stay downstairs and wait.

Not only a few people come up, but also the building is in disrepair.

On Yan's head, there are spheres like stars hanging there!

This is the masterpiece of a hobby astronomer in Kai era.

But after so long.

The orbs are also old.

A ball fell off.

Just hit the head.

if nothing unexpected happened.

This ball will directly hit Yan's little head.

The princess would die on the spot.

Seeing this Jiang Fan finally made his move.

He shook a pinch of air.

The trajectory of the ball's fall was deviated by a little.

Thus avoided.

A thud.

The big ball lands on the floor.

There was a dull sound.

She was startled.

Yan turned to look.

Only to find out that one of the balls on the head fell off.

It's not bad

Yan patted herself.

Just wanted to breathe a sigh of relief.

But realize something is wrong.

She looked up.

Look at the place where the falling ball is hanging above your head.

Just above her head 483 square.

The ball falls.

Why didn't it fall on her head?

Instead, it went to the side?

The more she looked, the more strange she felt.

She was deeply curious.

Start bringing tools like ladders, rulers, and ropes.

Measure the position and height of the sphere.

Air resistance and wind are also added.

Do the math.

Yan became more and more puzzled.

Is the theory in the book wrong?

Does the falling object follow the free-fall motion?

There was deep confusion in Yan's eyes.

She put the result aside.

Move the ladder again.

Ready to test again.

"No need to test, I just made the trajectory of the ball deviate."

In the air.

Suddenly a line appeared.

Yan was taken aback.

The ruler in his hand was thrown out.

As a materialist, she never believes in ghosts.

This scene simply turned Yan's worldview upside down.

But mentally strong.

After awhile, she carefully asked.

"Who are you…?"

"Do you know the legend of the ancestors Huang He Qi?

Jiang Fan displayed the text to ask questions.

"Two ancestors?"

Yan was slightly taken aback.

Of course, she had read stories about Huang and Kai.

In her heart, she also uses Kai as an example.

Inside the palace.

Any collection of books about Kai.

She has read almost all of them!

At that moment she thought a lot.

Yan is smart, so she immediately linked to some of the legends of Kai.

Finally, he said nervously.

"You...are you a god in the sky?"

The legend that was left behind.

The most famous is.

Once under the guidance of the gods in heaven.

And fought side by side with the gods.

There are still a lot of people who just started believing.

But over time.

Especially after a hundred years.

Most people think that this is just a legend created to beautify Kai.

In this world.

Where is the god?

"You can call me Father God!''

Jiang Fan displayed the text.


Yan pondered the word for a while, and then bowed down and said.

"Thank you God Father for your help just now!"

"I once taught Huang, Kai, and Han."

Jiang Fan continued to display the text and said.

"Now would you like to be the fourth?"

Hearing this, Yan opened her eyes.

It turns out those legends were true.

Several ancestors of the Xia Kingdom had indeed been taught by the gods.

''I will."

Yan Bingxue is smart.

Without any hesitation, she bows down directly.

At the same time.

There was a tinge of excitement in her heart.

She wants to be like her grandfather.

Able to communicate with the gods!!