
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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Chapter 46: Grand Gesture!

For Wei Yang to claim he was a native of Wutan City didn't come as a surprise to the members of the Xiao family.

After all, following the transaction for a large quantity of first-tier medicinal herbs, they had privately investigated Wei Yang's background.

Given their influence as the local power in Wutan City, investigating a local was a simple task.

Moreover, Wei Yang had already been a well-known physician for several years.

Using this as a clue, it was easy to uncover numerous details about Wei Yang, including his birthdate, his parents' identities, and other basic information.

«I lost my parents at a young age. They perished in the Magical Beast Mountain Range when I was only six years old.»

Wei Yang's eyes grew distant. «At that time, I felt lost and confused about the world. I had just started on the path of cultivation and had no one to guide me in practicing Dou Qi.»

He then turned to Xiao Yan, his gaze clearing, and smiled, «In the following two years, your reputation began to spread throughout Wutan City. Don't laugh at me, Xiao Yan. I saw you as a goal to chase after. I often inquired about you and used you as my motivation to keep pushing forward.»

«Because of that, I've managed to achieve a little success today.»

Everyone fell silent.

Who would have thought that Physician Wei was actually Xiao Yan's… little fan?

Of course, they didn't know the term "little fan," but they got the gist.

Wei Yang's words were half-true.

When he first arrived in this world, he indeed used Xiao Yan as his goal and motivation for self-improvement. This was not a lie.

He worked hard to cultivate Dou Qi to avoid lagging too far behind Xiao Yan.

At twelve, he finally became a Dou Fighter.

This comparison drove him and served as his motivation.

In a corner, Gu Xun'er rolled her eyes upon hearing Wei Yang's words.

You call that a little success?

That's modest.

Forget Wutan City, even in the entire Jia Ma Empire, your talent and achievements are enough to make you famous.

Even in Central Plains, you'd still be considered exceptional.

With her affection for Xiao Yan, hearing Wei Yang's admiration for him made Gu Xun'er look at Wei Yang more favorably.

The deeply hidden indifference in her eyes also melted a bit.

At the same time, she felt a bit of admiration for this young man.

Losing his parents at six, and making it this far on his own, he must have endured a lot of hardships.

«I…» Xiao Yan opened his mouth but found himself at a loss for words in response to Wei Yang's kind gaze and words. He felt a bit restless.

Too sudden!


Xiao Yan's face turned slightly red.

I, Xiao Yan, had many fans back then; this isn't unusual.

But two or three years ago, he could have accepted such compliments without a second thought.

Now, however, he felt extremely awkward.

He had no face to respond to such praise!

A sense of warmth and gratitude filled Xiao Yan's heart.

Who would have thought?

I, Xiao Yan, am now down and out, yet there's still a fan who remembers and supports me…


These past two years, having experienced the coldness and warmth of human relationships, Wei Yang's words were like a balm to his soul.

Those who once flattered and praised him, where are they now?

Only Physician Wei remained his true fan!

One who stood the test of time.

Lost in his thoughts, Xiao Yan's imagination ran wild.

A six-year-old child losing his parents, like a small beast trembling in the cold, dark rain, utterly pitiful.

To survive, the child had to work hard at cultivation, becoming strong to avoid being bullied.

Day after day, he persevered, sweat pouring, undaunted by hardships, his small face always determined and serious.

When on the verge of giving up, the child would think of me, Xiao Yan, and find the strength to continue…

Uh, my true fan, perhaps along with Xun'er.

At this moment.

A small, delicate hand quietly slipped through the sleeve and gently held Xiao Yan's clenched fist.

Xiao Yan glanced sideways, and Gu Xun'er playfully winked at him.

Warmth filled Xiao Yan's heart again, his gaze softening, and the bitterness and gloom in his eyebrows seemed to dissipate.

Gu Xun'er was delighted; she hadn't seen Xiao Yan this happy in a long time. She even felt a bit grateful to Wei Yang.

She didn't dare tell Xiao Yan about Wei Yang's true strength and level.

She feared that Xiao Yan, who had just started feeling better, would be deeply hurt.

Imagine being surpassed by your own fan?

It would be a bigger blow than any other.

Xiao Yan's gaze towards Wei Yang became much more gentle and sincere.

No longer the distant, detached look from before.

But noticing the mocking and ridiculing eyes of his clan members around him, he gave a self-deprecating smile and lowered his head.

Eyes to the nose, nose to the heart, silent and speechless…

Wei Yang noticed and withdrew his gaze as well.

«Ahem~» The Great Elder coughed, breaking the silence in the hall.

Now wasn't the time to be lost in thought.

Xiao Zhan also came to his senses. He looked at Xiao Yan with some pity, then turned to Wei Yang, looking a bit embarrassed.

He forced a smile, his face showing a mix of bitterness and regret, and sighed, «Given my son's current situation, I fear it may disappoint Physician Wei.»

The three elders remained silent, a faint trace of ridicule on their faces.

Wei Yang, however, waved his hand dismissively, speaking to Xiao Zhan in a gentle tone, «I've heard about Xiao Yan's situation. It's indeed a pity… but perhaps there's still hope for recovery, so there's no need to worry too much, Clan Leader Xiao.»

Xiao Zhan's eyes lit up slightly at Wei Yang's words but then he bitterly smiled and nodded, «Thank you for your kind words, Physician Wei. I hope so too.»

Over the past two years, he had tried countless times, consulted many physicians, and even sought alchemists to treat Xiao Yan, all to no avail.

The repeated failures and disappointments had left him reluctant to hope, though he couldn't bring himself to give up entirely.

At this moment, a clan member, along with several servants, carried in a large round table.

The Xiao clan members all turned their attention to Wei Yang.

Wei Yang stood up, walked over to the table, and with a wave of his hand…


A large number of jade bottles neatly stacked themselves on the table, filling it completely. At a glance, there were no less than one hundred fifty bottles.

«This!» Xiao Zhan stood up abruptly, his face filled with shock.


The three elders and many Xiao clan members also stood up, their eyes glued to the jade bottles.

A faint medicinal aroma wafted through the air, filling the entire hall.

«What is this?» Xiao Zhan looked at Wei Yang, his expression a mix of disbelief and excitement.

«These jade bottles contain first-tier pills, a total of one hundred sixty-three.»

Wei Yang smiled and explained, «I'd like to entrust your Xiao family with selling these pills for me. What do you think?»


A collective intake of breath was heard.

The Xiao clan members' faces turned red, their eyes starting to redden.

First-tier pills! One hundred sixty-three!?

What a grand gesture!

Am I dreaming? These are pills! Seeing so many first-tier pills laid out so openly, how could they not be excited?

«These pills include hemostatic, healing, energy-restoring, cultivation-aiding, detoxifying, and more…»

Wei Yang returned to his seat, took a sip of tea, and casually said, «I didn't label them individually as it's too much trouble. I'm sure you can identify them.»

(End of chapter)

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