
BTTH: Emperor Yang

A transmigrator into the universe of «Battle Through the Heavens.» Without a system or overpowered cheats, but with good talent, steadily achieving their goals. Continue reading 300+ chapters for free at the link: https://ficcult.com/category/battle-through-the-heavens/battle-through-the-heavens-emperor-yang/

noslnosl00 · Book&Literature
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Chapter 47: Shock

In the silent hall.

The members of the Xiao family were utterly shocked by the revelation. Their breathing became heavy, and their eyes fixed intently on the hundred small jade bottles on the table.

Seeing such a vast collection of pills was a rare occurrence for everyone present.

So many pills, in such a variety of types, it was simply unbelievable!

No one from the Xiao family could remain unmoved.

They knew very well how valuable this collection of pills was.

If these pills were to enter the market, they would cause an uproar.

If the Xiao family were to be responsible for selling these pills…

The Xiao family would truly prosper!

Beyond the revenue from selling the pills, there were numerous hidden benefits, such as influence, popularity, and reputation.

Xiao Feng, the manager who brought Wei Yang to the Xiao family, was so shocked he couldn't speak for a long time.

Initially, he thought that this Wei Yang might at most bring out some semi-finished medicinal powders, which would already be impressive.

Because even experienced doctors or apprentice alchemists could produce semi-finished medicinal powders.

But the quality would vary greatly.

Only a true first-tier alchemist could create actual pills.

True, formed pills.

Yet now, Wei Yang had not only brought out first-tier pills but a whole pile of them?!

Gulping sounds filled the air.

"What do you think? This deal?" Wei Yang asked.

"No problem!" The first elder quickly responded, his excitement barely contained.

"Yes, Doctor Wei, you can rest assured. Entrusting these pills to our Xiao family will be absolutely fine. We have the capability to sell them for a price that will satisfy you!" The second elder added eagerly.

"Indeed, Doctor Wei, you can trust our family's reputation." The third elder chimed in.

Xiao Zhan took a deep breath to calm himself, then seriously nodded at Wei Yang, "Doctor Wei, rest assured, since you have chosen to cooperate with our Xiao family, we will not disappoint you!"

Wei Yang waved his hand dismissively, "That's all minor details. You can decide the prices yourselves. For now, inspect the pills. If everything checks out, we can discuss other matters."

"Yes, yes, let's inspect them first." The first elder nodded repeatedly, then respectfully added to Wei Yang, "Of course, Doctor Wei, don't misunderstand. It's not that we don't trust you, but it's a necessary procedure…"

"I understand, go ahead." Wei Yang waved his hand.

"Thank you, Doctor Wei, please wait a moment." Xiao Zhan said.

With that, Xiao Zhan, the three elders, and several other senior members of the Xiao family began inspecting the pills personally.

One elder carefully picked up a jade bottle, his hands trembling slightly with excitement. He gently opened the lid.

Immediately, the faint medicinal fragrance in the air became more intense.

Just by smelling the fragrance, it was evident that this pill was of high quality.

This scene made Xiao Zhan and the three elders breathe a silent sigh of relief.

It was indeed genuine, high-quality pills!

They felt assured, dispelling the last bit of doubt in their hearts.

Next came boundless joy.

Wei Yang couldn't help but feel nostalgic: The Xiao clan, once so glorious! One of the eight ancient clans, with Xiao Xuan as the continent's top expert, a half-emperor, now reduced to this state…

"This is a first-tier Qi Recovery Pill. The fragrance is rich, the surface smooth and flawless, and the color bright. This pill is of top quality!" The first elder praised as he carefully put the pill back into the jade bottle.

"This is Blood Replenishing Powder, a first-tier pill for external use. It's excellent for treating sword wounds or injuries from magical beasts! The liquid is bright green, thick and gel-like, with no impurities, and a strong fragrance. This is top quality!" Xiao Zhan admired as he examined a bottle of thick green liquid.

"This is a first-tier Healing Pill for internal injuries…"

"This is a first-tier Detoxification Pill… also top quality!"

With each pill they inspected, the excitement among the Xiao family members grew.

Though they weren't alchemists, they had the basic skills to identify the types and quality of pills.

All these first-tier pills were of top quality!

At the same time, they occasionally glanced at Wei Yang with increasing respect, even flattery.

Wei Yang, however, sat indifferently, feeling a bit bored.

His gaze wandered to the corner, where he saw Xiao Yan, utterly shocked and speechless. This made Wei Yang feel a bit better.

Being able to shock the yet-to-be-risen Xiao Yan was an achievement in itself.

After a while.

The Xiao family finally finished inspecting every single pill.

Without a doubt, all 163 pills were first-tier, and all were top quality!

This was astounding.

Only a skilled alchemist could produce such consistently high-quality pills.

If all these pills were made by a single alchemist…

That alchemist must be at least second-tier!

This batch of pills was incredibly valuable!


Xiao Zhan placed the last pill back into its jade bottle and exhaled deeply.

He exchanged glances with the three elders and several clan members, all nodding slightly, their faces filled with joy.

When Xiao Zhan turned to Wei Yang again, his expression was more respectful. He bowed and said, "Doctor Wei, we have finished inspecting the pills. They are indeed first-tier and of top quality, with no issues!"

The three elders and numerous Xiao family members watched in silence, not daring to interrupt.

At this moment, no one was foolish enough to cause trouble. Even the three elders kept quiet, leaving the negotiations to Xiao Zhan.

Personal and official matters were clearly distinguished by the three elders.

"No issues, good." Wei Yang nodded.

Xiao Zhan hesitated, looking like he wanted to say something.

"Clan Leader Xiao, if you have something to say, just say it." Wei Yang smiled.

"In that case, please forgive my boldness…" Xiao Zhan hesitated before asking, "These pills, may I ask who made them?"

"Of course, if it's inconvenient for you, Doctor Wei, you don't have to answer…" Xiao Zhan quickly added.

The surrounding Xiao family members also looked at Wei Yang nervously, their eyes filled with anticipation.

This concerned an alchemist who was at least second-tier. They had to treat this seriously.

A second-tier alchemist was prestigious. Currently, only the Miteer Auction House in Wutan City had one.

The three major families only had cooperative relationships with first-tier alchemists, whose skills… left much to be desired.

They could barely get by.

Even so, it was just a cooperative relationship. The alchemists could end it at any time.

Sometimes, when providing materials for alchemy, they had to please the alchemists and cater to their moods.

If the pill failed? The Xiao family bore the loss.

If it succeeded? They split the profits fifty-fifty.

Sometimes, providing three sets of materials might not even yield one ordinary first-tier pill.

This showed how much alchemists were in demand and how unreasonable they could be.

Now, someone had come to them, offering a large batch of top-quality pills, saying: Let's cooperate, you sell them for me.

Such generosity, such a good deal.

It was enough to make them laugh in their sleep!

It was like a pie falling from the sky.

To Xiao Zhan's question, Wei Yang casually replied, "There's no inconvenience. These pills were made by me. Oh, and some were made by my friends."


A collective intake of breath filled the room again.

Everyone was stunned, looking at Wei Yang.

Though they had guessed, they were still shocked to hear it confirmed.

Xiao Zhan, Xiao Yan, the three elders, and the entire hall of Xiao family members were all agape.

Gu Xun Er remained calm, clearly having anticipated this.

After all, she could sense Wei Yang's powerful soul force. It wouldn't make sense if he wasn't an alchemist.

(End of Chapter)

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