
Breaking Limits: A DBZ Fan-fic

She really wasn't expecting things to be this way. She wasn't expecting to die. Not so early. She had dreams she wanted to achieve. She wanted to change the world. To make it a better place. She was a good person. How did she die so soon? She was sad. Disappointed. She wouldn't be able to achieve those goals. It was ironic seeing as she was hoping to die since the age of ten and when it finally happened she was disappointed. Her life had ended. Or at least that's what she thought. When she suddenly finds herself reincarnated into the dragon ball universe she had to improvise her dreams and goals. From then on her new goal was to become the strongest female fighter in the universe. No to become the strongest fighter even surpassing Goku himself. She would make sure females had a more prominent role in her new world. In a world where you kill or be killed only the strong survived.

Archer_Phoenix · Tranh châm biếm
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63 Chs

Chapter 54

The group arrived at capsule corp after dropping the egg off at the lookout. Sarada promised to return after she had certain things taken care of. Her interface's warning was still fresh in her mind. Her tail tightened around her waist as she wondered what the angel could want. She seriously hoped she did not dig her own grave by catching his eye. She did not want to die yet. Not again. Whis could easily wipe her off the face of the earth. The galaxy. The universe. She'd be done. She didn't even mean to catch his attention. She didn't think she was interesting enough. She wasn't strong. Not enough to impress the angel. She could not go super saiyan god. At least not yet. She couldn't even hit super saiyan. She was nothing yet. Why would he be interested in her.

[He questions your existance]

Her existance. Yes of course. She was not supposed to exist turns out. A certain someone already threw a fit about her reincarnation. No one knew where she came from. She didn't either. Not really. She sighed. Things could turn out very bad for her. But she wondered. She thought that at least Whis would have some idea as to what the hell her deal was. He was none the wiser. So of course he knows nothing. She knows nothing as well. And he'll come asking questions she knows not the answers to.

What luck.

Just fantastic.

Absolutely amazing

Splendid. She could not have done better.

In fact it was supercalifragilisticexpialidocious

She was screwed.

[The chance of you suffering is balanced out by the chance of you being trained by the angel. You are a great danger to him and everyone else. However you are also a great asset. Your power is pathetic to him. The rate at which you grow is what impresses him and he will consider taking you under his wing]

Sarada raised a brow. That's good to hear. Reassuring actually.

But how in the world does her interface know all of this?

[I cannot say]

Of course. She should have expected that. She never actaully gets answers out of her system, does she?

Her hands slipped into her pockets, her eyes on the floor she walked on. She watched one foot move before the other. She let out a heavy breath and relaxed her shoulders. She has been very lucky throughout her entire life. Hopefully that luck does not abandon her in the time she needed it most. She didn't know what Whis would decide to do. Hopefully he takes her in. She wouldn't mind if he left her alone entirely either.

Gine watched Sarada with a nostalgic gaze. She's doing it again. It's been a long while since she's done this. She zoned out and was just letting her feet carry her. She hadn't seen her do that in a long time. She wondered what had her so distracted. She didn't even seem to hear the conversation around her. She didn't notice the way Bulma looked at her in slight concern. She didn't hear her younger sister call out her name.

She turned down a hall. She wasn't really focused on where she was going. She was seriously worried here. She didn't notice that she branched off from the others. She didn't feel someone follow after her.


She didn't hear the voice as her mind ran a mile a minute.


She was in serious trouble. She was either very lucky or very unlucky.


A hand on her shoulder made her tense. She sighed when she noticed it was Bulma. Her reaction of course had the other worried.

"Sarada you really need to tell me what's bothering you"

Sarada looked away for a moment. How does she even begin to explain?

"Don't pull anything out of your ass"

Sarada sighed. "Why do you keep telling me that? "

"Because you always do that"

"No I don't"

"You do"

Fine. Sarada shrugged. She really didn't have anything to pull out her ass anyway. There was no lying to Bulma. She had learned that the hard way. It's best to just tell the truth and be done with it. But the truth is a bit...well it would sound like something she pulled out her ass.


[He's arrived]

Bulma's eyes fillwed with worry when Sarada suddenly stiffened. All color left her face as she stared past her. She had never seen Sarada so stiff.


"What's going on? "


Bulma jumped when she heard a voice behind her. She almost stumbled into Sarada as she twisted on her heels to face whoever was behind her. She had to tilt her head up just to get a good look at the person before her. The most obvious thought about this person was that they were not human. At least she never met a human with blue skin. The person had a passive smile on their lips and eyes were focused on the very stiff Sarada.


Was this person the reason Sarada was acting so odd. Was she actually afraid?

"It's nice to finally meet you, Sarada"

Sarada could only nod, not sure sure her voice would work at the moment. Crap.

"Do you know who I am? "Whis asked with a slight tilt of his head. "I have a feeling you do. You seem to possess some impressive knowledge "


"Yes, so you do know me. Who am I exactly? "

"The angel assigned to our god of destruction" Sarada felt her throat dry as she said this. She was slightly relieved to see the angel without said god of destruction. That meant he was asleep as she hoped.

"Yes" Whis continued to smile. "You're quite the creature aren't you?"

She chuckled very nervously. "I guess"

Bulma watched the interaction. Angel? God of destruction? Sarada had told her about them. The god of destruction and the angels stood high on the later of power. A later Sarda admitted she was not even close to. To think she was standing before one. When she had heard Sarada mention angels the first thing she pictured were the holy creatures with pure white feathery wings. Of course Sarada dismissed that picture soon after, but never told her what these angels looked like.

It was not what she expected.

The angel, who's name she assumed was Whis, was a tall, thin humanoid with pale blue skin, white hair, violet eyes, and rather effeminate features. He sported a long scepter with a gem that floated above it, and was holding it in his right hand. Around his neck was a large light blue ring. Whis' attire consisted of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with white and orange diamond decorations that along with a blue sash. He also wears black high-heeled shoes with white spats.

No wings, she noted.

Another thing she noted was that she could not sense his ki at all. That's why she was so surprised by his appearance. Usually she would know if someone approached.

"I must say, I am very curious about you. Your existance is very questionable " Whis stepped closer to the frozen Sarada. Bulma had never seen Sarada be afraid of anything or anyone other than her mother. So seeing her in her current state before Whis was new

Of course it was maybe a good reaction to someone who could erase her.

Sarada looked away for a moment. Her heart was beating out of her chest and her nerves were on end. Oh damn. When was the last time she felt this way? It's been a long while. A very long while. The feeling was almost foreign to her. She took a deep calming breath.

Calm down.

Angels are neutral creatures. The likelihood of him removing her from the plane of existance was as high as Krillin ever growing a pair of balls.

Krillin-owned count:23-??? - (We're experiencing some technical difficulties. Krillin has been roasted a good amount for the five years that passed. The count has surpassed any countable numbers so the counter shall need to be repaired)

She almost chuckled at her thoughts.

That helped her nerves a great deal as she managed to look the curious angel in the eye.

She sighed.

"Whis" she started, thinking her words over carefully. "I just want to let you know that I don't know either"

Whis quirked a brow at this, inspecting her.

"Is that so? "

"Yes. I don't know how I'm here. I don't know why I'm here. It confused me to a great deal in the past. I seriously don't know"

Whis hummed as his eyes roamed her face. She was being honest with him. Ah, well that just makes things even more curious doesn't it?

"I see. That is quite the problem"

He could say that again.

Whis was looking at her again. He was quite disappointed that he could not learn of her existance. However, his thoughts on her had not changed much. He still found her to be a rather curious for a saiyan. He still found her to be an ideal candidate. His violet eyes then drifted to the former human. Bulma had been eyeing him cautiously. He wondered if she noticed how she migrated to Sarada's side. He found Bulma to be interesting as well. If he was correct the scientist's potential was also impressive. Not endless, but impressive none the less.

After all. It's not everyday you find someone with angelic potential.

"Your potential is impressive. The same can not be said for your power, however" Whis was very blunt with his words. Sarada shifted at that. As a saiyan she still had an amount of pride. While she knew how pathetic her power was compared to well, everyone above king Kai and maybe the grand Kai she still felt a hit to her pride at the words. The way his lips pulled up at that made it clear that he was very much amused now. Which just made it sting a bit more.

She sighed. "I'm aware Whis"

"Her potential?"

Whis nodded with a hum. "Yes. It seems your lover here has no actual limit. Her potential is unlimited"

Bulma blinked as her mind processed the information. She was soon looking at Sarada with raised brow. She read the look on her face and realized that Sarada already knew this. Bulma's tail twitched behind her at that realization. Is that so?


Sarada looked at anything but Bulma. Whis rose a brow, a hand coming to hide his smile.

Sarada shot Whis a look. It only lasted a second as she was trying very hard to not look at Bulma. She noticed how she felt easier around Whis now that the chances of her life being cut short where almost zero.

"I thought you said no secrets, Sarada" Bulma's tone had sweat rolling off Sarada's brow.


Happy wife, happy life.

So of course that meant that an unhappy wife makes a very unhappy life. And right now Bulma was unhappy.

"Well you see, it's not like that "Sarada tried to explain. "I never thought it was so important, you know? "

"Oh, of course. An angel looking for you because of your existence and potential is nothing at all"

"Well, I didn't think that would be enough for him to be interested in me "

"What's this about your existance anyway? "

Sarada could not answer that question.

Whis decided to intervene when it became very clear that Sardada despertaly needed help.

"Ah yes,Bulma"

Bulma glanced at the angel in question

"While she has unlimited potential, you have Angelic potential"

Again, Sarada seemed to know this. She showed no signs of surprise. She had figured that if Bulma adopted her latend ability and such her potential would be impressive as well. Angelic potential just meant she could rival the angels one day. At least that's what Sarada thought. She wasn't sure.

"Angelic potential" Bulma repeated the world. "I was not expecting that"

Whis hummed, his eyes back on Sarada.

"I will be taking you with me"

"You will? "Sarada and Bulma spoke in unision.

"Yes. Your potential has made you a suitable candidate. So I will be taking you with me"

"Just like that? "

"Just like that"

"Hold on" Bulma had to interrupt whatever was taking place. "For how long? "

Whis chuckled. "I almost forgot that the two of you are not used to being too far away from each other for too long" he was obviously amused by this. "I wonder how affected you would be if you were to be separated for an entire year. Can you handle being light years away from each other? "

No, not really. Sarada did not like the sound of that. Damn, she really got attached. She swore she heard Bulma mutter something about dying in a corner.

But then Sarada suddenly realized something.

If Whis was set on training her that meant she was a GoD candidate.

Huh, who would've thunk it?

"Oh yeah, Whis can I interest you in some food? I promise it will change your never ending life"