

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Kỳ huyễn
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Chapter 7of7 THE WEDDING

Sky was staring at the beautiful woman lying next to him sleeping soundly, her freckles on her cheeks looks really cute on her and he smiled tucking some hair behind her ear, she can really be a wild little beast in bed and looks Innocent when sleeping. what got him thinking though was the fact that his monster inside was tamed whilst making love to her, he didn't feel the urge to bite her and snap her head off, was it because she told him she trusts him? Anna slowly fluttered her eyes open meeting a pair of brown eyes staring back at her," good morning." she smiled at him," morning." Sky kissed her lips surprising her with a kiss, she smiled snuggling closer," how do you feel?." he asked," just a bit numb in the legs," Anna said," thank goodness the wedding is in the afternoon otherwise I don't know how I would have gotten there." she added," then I would have carried you there." he told her, Anna wanted to ask him about the woman at the party but held back," I will go ahead and take a shower." Anna said getting out of bed, after taking a bath she wore a white robe going to the living room," coffee." Sky said and she simply smiled," thank you." she took it taking a sip, Skylar went ahead to take a shower and wore his clothes after drying up.

they left the apartment going to Lucian's Villa," Anna in the house!" Anna shouted with a wide smile," can you keep it down I could hear you all the way up to my room." Leah shook her head descending the stairs," morning Skylar." Leah greeted," morning." Sky simply greeted back going upstairs to Lucian's study," are my eyes deceiving me or did I just see you arrive with Sky?." Leah said once they were alone," well he spent a night at my apartment, we spent a night together." Anna smiled," fuck yes, you guys finally did it." Leah jumped up excitedly," shh, keep it down Lee."

" so are you guys a thing now?." she asked," no, I don't know we just had sex nothing more, yet." Anna smiled and Leah nodded knowingly

Lucian sat in his chair as he laid his head on the wooden smooth table, Sky furrowed his brows when he saw him lying there unmoving," Lucian." he simply called out to him but he wouldn't even raise his head, this made Skylar really worried and approached him touching his shoulder, that was when he lifted his head to look at Sky, he looked pale and weak to even get up," shit when was the last time you fed?." Skylar cursed folding his shirt and stretched out his arm to his lips, Lucian sank his sharp fangs into Skylar's flesh drinking his blood, he held onto his hand tightly," don't leave me dry." Skylar spoke, Lucian pulled back wiping his lips with the back of his hand," you perfectly know you're not a pure breed you need to drink constantly, we don't want you going on a rampage like last time." Skylar spoke," and my little kitty cat?." Lucian asked instead," she's with Anna downstairs." Sky said, Lucian didn't sleep in the same room with Leah last night, when she fell asleep after their love making he left to sleep in the guest room cause he suddenly felt the urge to bite her, he stormed out of the room before he could do something he would later on regret," I need a favor." Lucian said leaning back in his chair," which is?."

" I want you to go to Mystic falls and invite Leah's family, that includes her sister." Lucian calmly said," those women are crazy they don't listen to anything, they will attack before they hear me out." Sky said calmly," they will be more crazy to find out she got married without them knowing, besides you're only inviting her mother Hazel and her two sisters to witness, go with Xander if you want." Sky sighed walking out," you're leaving?." Anna spoke when he descended the staircase," I will be back soon." he said," well hello ladies." Xander came in with a cheerful mood," we're leaving." Sky spoke," seriously, but I just got here." Xander ruffled his hair but have no choice but follow

When they reached the village it wasn't a pleasant welcome," what are you doing here?." Elena said narrowing her eyes sharply at the two," we mean no harm, I simply want to speak to your leader." Skylar said," you people are about harm, you think I would let you see my mother just like that? without a fight your grace."

" I'm not here to fight."

" you will fight me vampire." Elena moves to attack with a punch but he swiftly dodged it," I said I won't fight you little girl." he said," less talking more fighting your grace." Elena attempts to punch him but he holds her hand," that's enough Elena, they're our guests so treat them like one." Hazel spoke with a smile facing Skylar," to how do I owe this surprise visit?."

" I simply came to invite to Lucian's and Leah's wedding per Lucian's request." he simply said," Leah is getting married today?." Hazel and the others stared at each other," he wants you to be there for her sake, I will bring Elriel with me later on." he said turning around and disappeared with Xander from the place," what are you thinking mother?." Elena spoke who was standing beside her," I don't know whether to be happy about the news or not."

" if she's happy we can't do anything about it." Elena said and Hazel nodded In agreement

Elriel got out of the shower and went back to the room to dress up, the door cracked open revealing Xander, she turned around with her eyes wide open same goes for Xander, his intense brown eyes stared at her white smooth naked body, he swallowed hard before looking elsewhere, Elriel quickly picked up the towel wrapping it around her body," don't you know how to knock? you can't just barge into a girls room." she furrowed her brows," I apologize." he could only say," what brings you here?." Elriel spoke coldly, Xander gave a sideway stare making sure she was covered up before turning around," I came to pick you up."

" to where exactly?."

" Leah's wedding." he simply said," she's... she's getting married?." Elriel looked at Xander with creased brows and he nodded," your mother and sister will be attending too, I got you this to wear, just to fit in." he stretched his arm handing her a black shopping bag, Elriel took it looking inside the bag," I will be waiting for you outside." he added before leaving her room, Elriel brought out a red ravishing long sleeve off shoulder tight dress, it was beautiful and fit her body perfectly, she added black heels and tied her reddish hair into a ponytail. staring herself in the mirror she smiled slightly putting on her eye contacts and went out, Xander was waiting patiently outside her bedroom door, his eyes sparkled staring at the beautiful woman that stood a few inches away," how do I look?." Elriel asked staring elsewhere but his intense eyes," beautiful." he smiled, Elriel nodded leading the way

Leah stared at herself in the mirror and couldn't believe she was going to get married today to someone who she just met not for more than three months, but she feels like she has known him for the rest of her life, she feels safe when she's around him, she's happy when she's around him and most importantly, she feels like she's home, she will be known to be his wife and he as her husband, most women would go for a luxurious expensive dress that sparkles with diamonds but Leah went for a beautiful simple Victorian off shoulder dress that was flawless, it held her waist and loosen from her waistline to the bottom, it was beautiful and a great choice, her blonde hair was curled and left hanging loose behind her, she had little make-up on and red lipstick on," you look so beautiful Leah." Anna smiled from behind, Leah turned to look at her best friend with teary eyes," I can't believe I'm getting married."

" you will make a great wife." Anna gave a soft chuckle," you think?."

" I Know." Anna smiled giving her a hug," we need to be on our way now, everyone must be at the church by now, you don't want to keep your soon to be husband waiting." Anna giggles

they proceeded to the church when everything was ready, Lucian was in a black suit and stood in front patiently waiting for the woman who meant the world to him, he couldn't wait to wed and make her his wife. the sweet sound song began announcing the bride's arrival, April was given the mic to sing as the bride made her way in front

" wise men said, only fools rush in..but I can't help, falling in love with you

oh shall I stay, would it be a sin? for I can't help falling in love with you

oh like a river flow slowly to the sea, so darling so wake up somethings are meant to be...oh take my hand, take my whole for I too

oh for I can't help, falling in love with you, for I.. can't help, falling in love with you.

Lucian's eyes never left Leah's eyes for a second as her grandfather led her to him, he took her hand with a slight smile facing the priest," we gather here today to unite two people in love as they dedicate their vows to one another," I, Lucian Reign take you Leah Ansh as my wedded wife, to love and respect you, protect and cherish, to death do us part."

" I Leah Ansh, take you Lucian Reign as my wedded husband, to love and respect you, cherish and honor, till death do us part."

" with the power invested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife." the priest concluded, Lucian pulled Leah in for a gentle soft kiss on the lips then her forehead," I love you." he whispered," I love you." Leah smiled back. everyone cheered for the newly wed, they went back to the house were the party was held in the backyard, Leah changed into a more comfortable dress, a white silk long dress that held her perfectly," Congratulations my dear." Leah stood with Lucian when she heard a woman's voice speak from behind, she turned around and saw a beautiful woman she oddly feels so familiar with, Leah looked at Lucian who instantly answered her unspoken question," she's family." Hazel gave her a hug with a smile," it's so good to hold you after so much of longing." Leah hugged her back with a smile," it's good to see Lucian's family attend our wedding, I thought most people will come on my side of the family."

" well I couldn't miss this day for anything." Hazel smiled, Leah nodded staring back at Lucian who held her waist. he let her talk to the rest of her family and sisters before leaving," that girl earlier, Elriel."

" what about her?." Lucian asked while driving off to their honeymoon destination," I felt a deep connection with her, like have known her all my life." Lucian didn't say a word, he just kept his eyes fixed on the road, Leah sighed leaning on the car seat, it was already dark out when they arrived and Leah fell asleep due to the long exhausting day, Lucian gathered her in his arms taking her inside to sleep comfortably, after tucking her in bed he went to freshen up and joined her

Anna laid on her back catching her breath, she tilted her head to look at Sky who was also staring back at her, he tucked some hair behind her ear placing a soft kiss on her forehead," shower?." he spoke in a sexy husky voice, Anna nodded with a smile and he carried her to the bathroom, she was starting to live her best life yet with someone she truly cares about and likes, after they were done with their bath they entangled in bed in each other's arms going to sleep


" I'm tired of waiting around here." a woman's voice thundered with anger," calm down they just got married, let them enjoy their little honeymoon." an amused husky voice spoke," we are wasting time Dante, Lucian is mine and mine alone, I thought she would die forever and never come back, how pathetic." she scoffed," she's his weakness and we have that to our advantage, think smart woman." he smirks and the woman gave a sinister smile


the next morning Leah rubbed her eyes as the sun rays hit her little face, she got up when she couldn't spot Lucian in the room, she went to freshen up before leaving the room, now that she thinks about it. she realizes she was in a glass house, like this house was made of glass from scratch, she opens the curtains to the bedroom and is welcomed by the beautiful beach view," where are we exactly?." she asked herself smiling at the magnificent place," good morning wife." she heard Lucian's voice behind as he drew her into his arms from behind," from kitty cat to wife huh." she smiled," you're still my kitty cat wifey." he kissed her cheeks," it feels good, though nothing would feel more great than a good breakfast I'm starving." Leah said," great, cause I made you breakfast." he said carrying her out of the room and into the living room, Leah giggles wrapping her arms around his strong neck, there was toast with juice and bacon," you made this?." Lucian simply nodded. Leah took a bite and was swept off her feet for the deliciousness it gave her mouth," this is so good husband." Leah exclaimed, Lucian gave a wide smile hearing her call him husband, he moved and kissed her soft lips stunning Leah," what was that for?." she blinked her eyes," for calling me husband." he simply said making her chuckle," this house, it belongs to you?." she asked," it's one of my private island, so yes." he simply said," one of your private island?." Leah repeated," I have three more in different locations."

" oh." Leah sipped on her juice," can we go to the beach?." she excitedly suggested," anything you want." he told her bringing a smile on her face

April opened her eyes scanning her surroundings and noticed she wasn't in her house, neither was she in her clothes. she was in a white shirt that wasn't her size leaving her confused and wondering," about time you're awake." she heard a deep cold voice speak, April followed the line of the voice and spotted a tall figure standing beside the window with his hands in his pockets, April sat up holding her head that was spinning painfully," did you change my clothes?." she asked staring at him," I didn't see anything that could arouse me you don't have to worry about that." Zach simply said," excuse me, are you saying I'm not sexy enough for you?." April furrowed her brows," those are your words Ms Young." Zach said," you're very rude you know that, not to mention cold and brutal Mr Kinn." she said getting up and stood on the bed crossing her arms over her chest," you do realize that's my bed you're stepping on."

" I'm perfectly aware Mr Kinn, I can't help it cause it's comfortable and soft." she said," get down." he told her," what if I don't want to?." Zach raised a brow at her, he took a step and the clicking sound of his shoe on the marble floor made her heart skip a beat, he continued taking a step forward till he stopped on the edge of the bed, his eyes trailed from her pretty face to her chest all the way down to her revealing thighs and legs, April felt her cheeks burn up due to his intense scorching eyes, the next thing she felt was a pull on her wrist making her land in his strong arms, her eyes widened coming face to face with his dark eyes staring into hers, his hand sneaked around her waist pulling her closer, she swallowed hard staring at his red soft lips," y... you, I_-

" short of words?." he said, April shook her head innocently, he moved closer to her ear. his warm breath caressing her skin, she bit her lower lip closing her eyes," I'm only attracted to attractive women, it's nothing personal." he whispered getting her out of her daze, April pulled back glaring at him," does he mean she isn't attractive at all?."

" you have three minutes to change into your clothes and leave." Zach added before leaving the room. last night she was so drunk that she couldn't stand on her two feet or think straight for that matter, Zach had to take care of her so she wouldn't get herself into trouble, April changed into her now clean clothes before going downstairs," I will take my leave now Mr Kinn, excuse me." she said leaving, Zach watched her back till she disappeared through the door

Lucian and Leah were in a heated love making, her moans drove him insane making him increase his pace of thrusting in and out," yes hubby, Ahh, yeah." she was moaning all kinds of words that came into her mouth and he delivered per her request. after going for five rounds they laid on their backs panting for air," it gets better and better every time, especially now that we are married." Leah smiled and he kissed her lips softly," can we go to the beach now?." she added and Lucian nodded getting dressed, they went to the beach taking a long walk while holding hands, Leah ran into the water splashing Lucian with laughter and giggles, Lucian ran after her splashing her, they laughed falling into the water. she captured his lips and he kissed her deeply and passionately like he doesn't ever want to let go

they did different activities like playing bored games, and a drinking game of cards to whoever lost, of course Lucian won but he would temporary lose just to make them even, Leah prepared dinner while Lucian assisted her with whatever she needed," A can of tomato." she stretched her hand," tomatoes." he handed it to her," salt."

" salt."


" onions."

she drained the pasta adding the sauce and it was ready, they ate and cleaned up before going to bed, they made love and entangled in bed staring at the dark sky full of sparkling stars," it's beautiful here, thank you." Leah whispered, Lucian kissed her soft hair holding her closer to him.

Anna was turning in bed holding her stomach painfully the next morning, she grabbed her phone dialing a number which was answered immediately," Sunshine." Skylar spoke from the other end," Sky, I need you to do me a favor."

" are you okay?." he furrowed his brows hearing her painful voice," it's that time of the month and I forgot to get extra tampons, can you run to the pharmacy and get me a pack."

" what are tampons?." he said and everyone surrounding him stared at him, he was currently standing in the supermarket getting groceries because they had ran out of food," seriously Sky, don't you know what tampons are?." Anna puffed her cheeks annoyingly," please don't be angry Sunshine."

" don't tell me not to be angry I'm damn furious."

" excuse me Sir, the stuff your wife is asking for is in that section." a woman said with a smile," she's not my wife." Sky corrected," oh sorry, your girlfriend."

" she's no -

before he could correct her again Anna had already disconnected the call, he sighed going to the section the woman had directed him to, he stared at them weirdly reading the content on it, his eyes widened both confused and wonder, the women around that section giggled and whispered to one another

" he is so cute and innocent."

" he really loves his woman, my husband would never agree." another woman said

" all men should be like him, so sweet and considerate." Sky picked up about five and left to pay for the stuff before driving back to the apartment," about time you got here," Anna said grabbing the bag full of tampons," why did you buy so many?." she stared at him," for future use." he shrugged, Anna smiled running to the bathroom, when she was all ready she ran to Sky hugging him," what plans do you have for the day?." she looked up at his beautiful face," I have no plans for the day." he simply told her," hmm watch a Netflix movie with me." she suggested, Sky wasn't a fan of movies, just sitting for hours in one place staring at the screen, never the less he found himself agreeing to it, Anna smiled connecting her Netflix to her big flat TV, she got popcorns and sodas with snacks, she spread the quilt on the floor and they sat on it," do you prefer horror, comedy, romance, action or drama?." she asked," anything you like." he told her, Anna chose a horror movie and they began watching

" Zach Kinn is such an asshole, I can't believe he called me and thinks am unattractive can you believe -

April swallowed her words when she spotted Sky," I, I had no idea you had company." she forced a smile," yeah, next time make sure you actually lay your eyes on me before saying words." Anna widened her eyes pointing at Sky who just pretended to hear nothing," looks like you guys are busy, I will come back later, excuse me." April rushed out face palming her forehead," so stupid April." she cursed herself taking in a long breath and left, Anna bit her lower lip suddenly squatting on Skylar's laps, he raised a questioning brow at her sudden move, before he could ask she already captured his lips kissing him hungrily, Skylar held her waist kissing her back with the same intensity, he placed soft teasing kisses on her neck all the way to her collarbone and chest. Anna moaned running her fingers through his smooth soft hair, he suddenly paused as if remembering something," why did you stop?." she asked," you're not well." he simply said, Anna wanted to face palm herself, she completely forgot. Sky cupped her cheek kissing her softly," I can wait." he gave a slight smile placing a kiss on her forehead and they continued with the movie

Leah found herself standing in a pitch black dark room, she was wearing a brown cloak that covered her head," Luna Danvers, daughter of John and Kara Danvers, protector and ruler of the two last dragons.. your people need you, your clan needs you, you're their last hope. remember, remember! remember! remember!!

Leah woke up panting for air, she was holding her chest with wide eyes, she was trembling and frightened by the images she just saw in her dreams, Lucian came into the room and saw her shaking and trembling on the bed," Leah! he ran to her side holding her arms," what's wrong?." he asked touching the side of her head," I, I.. I'm scared, I'm terrified Lucian." she said breaking into tears, he pulled her into his arms stroking her back gently," I'm here for you, I won't let anything happen to you wife." he assured her," Luna, my name...is Luna, Daughter of John and Kara Danvers, I am... a Raven, pro.. protector and ruler of the last two dragons, now one because I slaughtered one, I am all powerful and mighty, I will kill all my enemies." she whispered before passing out, Lucian laid her down on the bed carefully," did she just remember her past? or was it a phase? anyway, the sooner she remembers the better, this is a good sign." he thought covering her with the quilt before walking out the room.


Anna laid back in her chair after going through the files and paperwork at the office," your latte you asked for Ms Young." a woman came in with a cup of latte, her favorite," thank you Jenny you're a life saver." Anna took it taking a sip," oh before I forget, Ms April wants you to handle the meeting with a client at a restaurant, here is the address." she was handed the address," and why does she want me to see this same client?." Anna asked," I was only given word Ms."

" you may leave now." she nodded walking out, Anna sighed softly getting back to work for the rest of the day, it was already 7:30pm when she stared at her phone," shit it's almost 8pm." she stood up picking up her bag and phone rushing out, she drove to the addressed place and went inside, she spotted a fat man sitting in the far end," no wonder she pushed him over to me, gosh." Anna muttered approaching the table," Mr Wyn."

" you must be Anna Young, you're very beautiful." he shook her hand staring at her from head to toe," Uhm thank you, I would like to get straight to business if that's ok with you." she said taking a sit," of course, of course." he smiled, they finalized the deal and Anna left the restaurant, it was already dark out and pouring, she rushed to the parking lot where she had parked her car," why the rush beautiful, don't you wanna dance in the rain? women love that." she heard a voice speak from behind, Anna turned around to see two men dressed in black surround her," your skin looks more appetizing whilst wet." the other spoke," do.. don't take another step, I, I'm warning you." Anna warned, the men stared at themselves before bursting into a loud laughter," how cute, wouldn't you say bro."

" I'm craving for her even more now." he grabbed her wrist pulling her closer to him," no! let go of me please." Anna panicked crying out for help," no one can help you beautiful, you're ours now." they laughed," help me please somebody help me." Anna cried out, they tore her shirt up exposing her chest, their eyes were filled with lust and desire that scared her to the core, he moved to touch her when he was pulled back forcefully within the shadows, Anna could only hear the horrifying scream, the other man panicked grabbing Anna and pointing a small knife around her neck," w.. who's there? show yourself now before I kill this woman." he shouted out, Anna could only cry her eyes out," I said show yourself damn it." he was getting out of patience, Sky came out of the shadows, his eyes blazing red, his sharp fangs and claws dripping with blood from the man he just killed, Anna's eyes widened seeing this terrifying side of him," S..Sky, is..is that you?." she stuttered, the man holding a knife at Anna's neck trembled with fear, before he could run he was already pulled back to the ground, finding it hard to breath cause his neck was being held tightly," how dare you... touch her." Skylar spoke in a dangerous threatening voice, he snapped the man's head killing him on the spot and tossed him away, Anna was glued to the ground, her eyes widened staring at the man she thought she knew, the man who she's spent nights and had intimacy with, there was only one thing in her head and that was that, she has been living a lie.

" who, who are you? what are you?." she managed to get these words out, Skylar didn't say any word he simply disappeared from the place living her alone, Anna stumbled back weakly opening her car door and drove off to her apartment, she rushed into her building closing the doors and windows, she hit the shower and got dressed into her robe afterwards, she poured a glass of wine remembering what she just saw back there, she walked back to the living room and saw Skylar sitting on the sofa in a dark corner," fuck," Anna cursed startled taking a step back," how did you get in here?." she asked in a flat tone," you're afraid." Skylar spoke calmly, Anna tilted her head staring at him," I'm curious to what you are?." she said which in fact wasn't a lie, Sky found himself standing in front of her making her gasp," take a guess." he told her, he was back to his usual self, normal like anybody else, Anna stretched out her hand to touch his face, her fingers trailing to his lips, she remembered seeing his eyes glow and his teeth being sharp and nails, she's watched many movies and that could only explain one thing, what he could be," are, are you a...a vampire?" she said staring into his eyes," this, this..is so cool," Anna smiled widely," oh my god, that explains the glowing eyes and sharp fangs and claws, you're a vampire of course," Sky raised a surprisingly brow," wait, is Lucian and the others like you? Skylar nodded simply," does Leah know?." Skylar sat her down explaining everything to her and she listened carefully, her eyes filled with amazement and excitement," so you mean to tell me, my best friend is reincarnated, she possess unique powers and she doesn't remember her past." Anna blinked her eyes at him and he simply answered with a slight nod," you can't tell this to anyone, not even your sister."

" I don't kiss and tell, your secret is safe with me." she smiled capturing his lips, Sky held her waist deepening the kiss, they only shared kisses and went to sleep.

Leah fluttered her eyes open the next morning, she scanned her surroundings seeing she was in an unfamiliar place, she abruptly woke up looking around," Lu.. Lucian! Lucian!." she called out, Lucian came into the room rushing to her bedside holding the sides of her head," where, where are we? what is this place?." she asked," we're on our honeymoon vacation, for our wedding remember?."

" honeymoon? we are married?."

" yes, two days ago." he told her," I, I remember our wedding, mother and my sisters attended it, it was beautiful, we're not in Mystic falls are we?."

" we're staying in Europe England, and this little Island is our getaway place to spend quality time together." he cupped her cheek," it's beautiful and quiet, I like it here." she smiled her eyes trailing to the mirror, she ran her fingers through her silky blonde hair," my hair, it's...I have blonde hair."

" it's a new look, you like it?."

" I hate it, you hate blonde." she said," since it's you I'll make an exception." he smirks and Leah chuckles kissing him," I'm glad you remember, I kind of missed the badass naughty side of you wife." Lucian grinned," you will like it better." she smiled deepening the kiss, she pushed him onto the bed getting on top, she took off her shirt revealing her white naked upper body, Lucian held her waist smiling," like what you see?."

" I love it, I love you." he said placing soft kisses over her body, Leah moaned running her fingers through his hair, they made love skin to skin and enjoyed the rest of the day in each other's company, they didn't want to be apart from each other

Louise wiped her cheek that was stained with blood staring at the dead bodies lying on the ground, while Caroline finished up the rest of the remaining rouge vampires," awwr they're done already." Carol gave a sad disappointing look, Louise rolls her eyes cleaning her bloody dagger," you're not much of a talker are you?." she added," I work alone." Louise simply said walking away, Carol watched her leave crossing her arm over her chest staring at the dead bodies, these people were paid to kill Leah in that car accident, Carol was asked to track them down by Lucian, she was a good tracker and assassin for that matter," looks like my job here is done." she said leaping away

" did any of them disclose anything?." Dante spoke in a cold hoarse voice," no sir, apparently they did stick to their loyalty taking it to their graves." a woman spoke, she was damn serious dressed in black jeans and a black leather coat with black high boots, her long black hair was tied into a long ponytail, she was a vampire assassin that Dante trusted to do his evil dirty works," keep an eye on them." he said referring to Louise and Caroline, she nodded before leaving

" thank you." Elriel said receiving the flowers that Xander handed her, they were purple roses her favorite, the second rarest roses in Mystic falls, the uncommon ones are black roses," you're welcome." he smiled at her making her look elsewhere but his eyes, she always acts weirdly when he's around and she doesn't know why," I spoke with Lucian, Leah remembers her past."

" she remembers?," Elriel's eyes sparkled with happiness hearing that," you can also retain to your family." he added, Elriel smiled widely hugging him," thank you, for everything." she whispered, Xander hugged her back taking in her scent, he never wants to let go but he has to, he slowly loosened his hold staring into each other's eyes, his hand cupped her cheek gently slowly leaning in, Elriel wanted to resist but her body wanted to give in, before she knew it their lips had already collided, her lips so soft and sweet, warm and tender. she opened her mouth letting him deepen the kiss and she felt really good, Xander finally pulled back after what felt like a life time," maybe I will see you around." he gave a slight smile before leaving, Elriel just stood there frozen to the floor staring at the place where he stood a few minutes ago, her fingers touched her lips recalling the kiss she just had, a guard came in informing her that the car was ready for her, she nodded following behind. soon she arrived at her village and everyone welcomed her with smiles and love," Elriel, my sweet sweet Elriel." Hazel hugged her tightly," mum I can't breath." Elriel said," sorry," Hazel chuckles," how are you? did they try to hurt you or do anything funny?." she asked, Elriel remembered the kiss she just had a while ago, she shook her head slightly," no, nobody tried anything funny, besides they know not to mess with me." she said," mother, Leah remembers her past, she remembers everything."

" really? she finally remembers? Hazel smiles," I can finally have my daughter back home? back here?."

" she's married now remember, we do have our Luna back but she can't return home." Elriel said," I know, I just miss her." hazel said," I miss her too." Elriel said," let's get you freshen up and have something to eat, sounds good?."

" sounds perfect." Elriel smiles

Lucian and Leah went back to England, back to their house," I wish we could have stayed a little longer." Leah said clinging onto Lucian's arm," we can always go back if you want." he kissed her lips," welcome Master, Ms." Mr Williams bowed," prepare something to eat for my darling wife." Lucian said," yes Master." Lucian and Leah went upstairs to their room, he pinned her to the wall devouring her mouth, they tore each other's cloths , she wrapped her long legs around his waist kissing him hungrily," fuck me Lucian, hard and fast, fuck me hubby." she said and she found herself lying on the bed with him on top of her, he sucked and nipped on her breast, his tongue teasingly biting her nipples," Ah." Leah moaned, Lucian moved licking her clit, his tongue playing in cycles on her cherry," Ahh, hubby...yes." she moaned running her fingers through his hair, aching her back for more, more heat, more pleasure and torture, pleasurable torture, Lucian licked his two fingers before putting them inside her cherry," Ahh..shit..fuck yeah, Lucy I, I want you now." Leah begged, Lucian captured her lips and entered her, their love making was hot and pleasurable, the only sounds being heard was the thrusting, moans and groans filled the room, they laid on their backs catching their breaths," you're so sweet wife, I love you." Lucian kissed her lips," I love more." Leah smiled, they went for another round before hitting the shower and went downstairs," I'm starving like crazy." she sat down taking a bite from her grilled beef," when can we go back to Mystic falls?." Leah asked," you can't go back there, it's not safe for you, this is your home." Lucian simply said," Lucian you're forgetting I'm not an ordinary human."

" you still haven't gotten your powers, until then you can't go back to Mystic falls." he told her, Leah huffed, Lucian stood up approaching her, he kissed her lips with a smile and said," don't you miss your friend? I can drop you off while I get some work done." Leah nodded and they left, he dropped her off at Anna's apartment and escorted her inside, Leah was about to knock on the door when it opened revealing Skylar who was about to walk out, Leah smiled warmly," hello."

" hi, she's still in bed you can go ahead." Sky calmly said, Lucian kissed Leah before leaving with Sky," I bet you're having the sex of your life with Sky." Leah spoke walking into the room," Leah, when did you get back?."

" today, so are you and Skylar a thing now?." Leah asked sitting on the bed

" more like sex partners." Anna said," and you're okay with just being sex partners?."

" I will give him time." Anna said, she didn't want to pressure him and force him into making a decision he didn't want to, she wants him to realize that he actually likes her by himself," I understand." Leah said," do, did you really remember your past?." Anna's next sudden question made Leah freeze for a while, she stared at Anna eye wide," I know what Skylar is, what Lucian and the others are, I know you're not an ordinary human Leah, Skylar told me everything, I'm your best friend you're like a second sister to me and I love you no matter what, you can trust me." Anna said," I know I can, I was thinking of telling you but I didn't know how to, how you would react, I'm a freak."

" don't you say that, you're special, god I'm so jealous." Anna chuckles and Leah laughed too hugging her," now tell me everything, about your home and family I'm excited." Anna said, Leah joined her in bed making herself comfortable

Lucian and the guys sat in the office doing nothing in particular," and how did she take it?." Xander asked," she's weird, a normal girl would scream and run for their dear life but she, she was pretty excited and curious." Sky calmly said, Xander chuckled in amusement," you shouldn't have revealed yourself in front of her Kai, no human is supposed to know of our existence." Zach calmly said," so you expected me to stand in the dark and watch them rape her, abuse her and beat her to death?." Sky said with grit teeth," you could have approached the situation calmly Kai." Zach still spoke in a calm careful tone," I was hunting by that time, I couldn't control it, especially when I saw Anna surrounded by those men."

" enough you two," Lucian said looking at Skylar," and you, Anna's safety is your first priority, for my wife's sake." he said," she's my responsibility." Sky said calmly

" Ms you can't go in there, he's busy." a woman's voice said," shut up or I will cut off your tongue Lady." Louise said," please don't threaten me Ms, I'm telling you Mr Reign is busy." Louise barged into the office looking badass as always, behind her was Caroline and the receptionist," Sir I'm sorry they -

" it's okay, you may leave." Lucian said, she nodded closing the door behind," humans are so annoying, I almost ripped off her head." Louise said," they work for me Louise, keep your claws in your pocket."

" Kai." carol smirked

" Caroline." Sky gave a slight nod," did you take care of everything?." Lucian asked," yes, but they wouldn't say who sent them to kill Leah, they were damn loyal to their master." Louise said," and I'm still looking, they cleared up their tracks pretty nicely, but I will find them." Carol said," oh, an invitation for you and your wife." Louise said handing him a card, it was an invitation from the royal family hosting a Ball party at the castle, Lucian scoffed staring at it," if that is all we will take our leave now." Louise said leaving with Carol. At sun down Sky and Lucian went back at the apartment, Leah said goodbye to Anna and left with Lucian

" how was your day?." Anna asked taking his jacket," okay, how about yours?." he asked," wonderful, it was fun having my best friend around." Anna said," hmm." Sky nodded knowingly," what would you like to have for dinner, spaghetti or fried chicken with plane rice beside grilled potatoes with vegetable mixed fruit salads?."

" aren't you on the menu? cause I would like to eat you instead." Sky gave a naughty smile, Anna's cheeks flushed red blushing hard," my legs still feel numb from last night's event." Sky kissed her holding her waist closer to his body, he pulled back staring into her innocent eyes," close your eyes." he told her, Anna closed her eyes and she felt his hand moving her hair from behind to her front, he was putting something around her neck," open your eyes." he whispered, Anna slowly fluttered her eyes open touching her neck region and felt a necklace, she turned around facing the mirror in the living room, it was beautiful and simple, and had little diamonds around it, you could tell it must have cost a lot of money," this? she stared back at Sky who held her chin," will you be my girlfriend Anastasia?." Anna's eyes teared up, she smiled hugging him tightly," yes, damn yes I will be your girlfriend Skylar." she kissed him hard, even though her body was still sore she still let him make love to her and they both enjoyed it.