

what's danger without warning signs "you are playing with fire little girl, I can burn you in a second ." he warned with his burning eyes. " I am determined to go to hell with you, if that's what it takes, make me yours." she was also determined to make this work " take my hand then, hold on." he smirked

Ta_Sha_6022 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 6of6 ~°^°THE LOST TALE °^°~


in a small village far from town and the majestic castle lived a group of women and little girls and boys running around happily, it is a peaceful place away from the noisy town far ahead and everyone lives in perfect peace," come on Elriel let's go the party will start soon." Luna said convincing her sister to go with her into town," Luna do you hear yourself? you're suggesting to go into a castle surrounded with vampires do you want them to kill us?." Elriel said looking at her sister as though she had gone mad," I know it's a crazy idea but aren't you curious to see one? I hear they are the most beautiful creatures you could lay your eyes on, the two princes and there's this other man who's not a prince but everyone respects him including the royal family, he is known for his charms and I hear he's damn hot and sexy, we have never seen a vampire up close and this is the perfect opportunity Elriel, the royal family invited the entire town." Luna said," the entire town who are humans and other vampires not us." Elriel said," we're humans too, except we're a bit different from actual humans."

" the vampires consider us a threat Luna, if mother finds out that we are actually planning on going into the lion's den she will be the first one to cut off our heads and feed us to the vampires."

" you're over thinking this Elriel don't you trust your big sister?." Luna blinked her lashes cutely," honestly I don't." Elriel simply said," look they won't know that we're not humans fully, we will sneak into the party have a little fun and return back, mother won't know anything no one will even notice we are gone, come on." Luna said holding Elriel's hand," fine but only a few minutes okay." Elriel finally agreed," ok." Luna nodded with a smile, they went and got dressed up quickly and wore cloaks around them so no one gets suspicious, they covered their heads with the cloaks hoodie and stepped out about to leave when someone blocked their way, Luna and Elriel came to a stand still," and where are you two rushing to?." a woman folded her arms," sister well, we are going to the next town to look around that's all." Luna said," and did you get mother's permission to live the village?."

" why bother mother about it sister, will be back soon we won't get into trouble." Luna simply said, the woman narrowed her eyes at them as if telling them she's keeping a close eye on them," your contacts Elriel."

" yes I have them here." Elriel brought out her color blue eye contacts wearing them, she couldn't risk exposing herself, everyone had foggy mist eyes but they could change them into normal human eyes, Elriel was the only one who couldn't change her eye color so she could only wear contacts to blend in with ordinary humans," be safe." the woman said," yes sister." both Luna and Elriel said before walking away, they passed through the thick dark forest and into town, they took off their brown cloaks and headed to the Castle on the hill. they were stopped on the entrance by the guards," your names?." they ordered," Uhm Isabel and Marie." Luna said," you're not on the guest list." one of them said after checking the list," are you sure about that? please check closely." Luna said giving Elriel a slight nug by the arm, Elriel twirled her two fingers behind her and their fake names appeared on the list," apologies please go ahead." he said, Luna smiled going in with Elriel walking into the long empty corridors," this place is amazing." Luna smiled widely admiring the texture of the inside castle," it is pretty beautiful." Elriel agreed, Luna and Elriel walked into the hall where the party was crowded with people talking and socializing with one another as the music played," Elriel look, it's the royal family." Luna wiggled her brows at the family seated far ahead from the dance floor," the queen looks young yet has five kids, beautiful ones." she said her eyes falling on the two males ignoring the females, Zach and Skylar had a boredom serious expression on their faces making them dangerously hot and intimidating to approach even to look at, they carried that royal majestic aura that would make you flinch, Elriel felt a finger tap her twice on the shoulder and she turned to see who it was," may I have this next dance with the beautiful lady?." Xander smiled simply, Elriel blinked at him obviously surprised, she could tell he wasn't human but a vampire, her heart was racing like crazy inside her chest and it might pop out any second," relax, I don't bite." he smirked which was actually the opposite, he stretched out his hand for her to take, she looked back at Luna who gave her a slight nod, Elriel took Xanders hand and he led her to the dance floor holding her hand and waist. Luna left the dance hall to explore the rest of the castle, she went upstairs walking into the long empty corridors, her eyes landed on the big brown wooden door at the far end, she simply approached it going inside, it was a study with many ancient books, Luna's smile widened seeing the many books cause she loved reading, she grabbed one of the books by the shelf and sat on the chair behind the table opening the book, she was lost into her reading that she didn't hear the door open in front of her. Lucian furrowed his brows when he saw a little woman in his study sitting in his favorite chair, she had her eyes glued on a certain book that she didn't realize his presence at all," the nerve of this little girl." he thought to himself, Lucian cleared his throat jolting Luna in her seat, she looked up and her eyes widened realizing she has been caught red handed," who are you and what are you doing here?." Lucian spoke, his voice cold and dangerous making her shrink back," I, I am one of the guest attending the party." Luna said in a flat tone," the party is downstairs not up here." he coldly said," yes am sorry, I will leave now." she hesitantly said standing up and nervously walked towards him, she inwardly cursed why the door had to be next to him or more like why he had to stand near the door, Luna stood in front of him staring down about to by pass him when he held her little arm stopping her, her eyes widened looking up to meet his gaze while he stared down at her," this is my private territory little girl, I don't like trace passes." he calmly and dangerously warned before letting go of her arm, she quickly ran downstairs when she left the study, she bumped into Elriel in the corridors on the way," hey where did you go I looked everywhere for you?."

" we should leave this place now." Luna said walking at a fast pace," what happened? earlier you were excited to be here." Elriel frowned," and now I want leave, I will explain on the way." Luna said and Elriel followed after her quietly, they quickly left the castle and went back to their village. Lucian stared at the young woman through the window as she left in a hurry

" Luna what happened back there did you get caught?." Elriel asked when they reached their village and went to their room," yes I got caught, but not because to what I am but because I went into the study of that breathtakingly charming vampire, Elriel you should have set your eyes on him he's dangerously and sinfully gorgeous." Luna blinked her eyes as though she were already in love," earth to Luna, come back to reality don't even think of falling for him mother would kill you, he's a vampire for goodness sake." Elriel said," I know, don't tell me your heart didn't skip a beat for any of those charming princes and the one who asked a dance from you."

" well they are unbelievably handsome but it's not right for a Raven to fall for a vampire." Elriel said," I'm starting to think these rules are stupid." Luna frowned," which rules are stupid girls? what are you talking about?." Hazel came in," greetings to you mother." Luna and Elriel greeted," greetings, why do you have your contacts on Elriel?." Hazel asked," well I just wanted to look normal like everyone else." she simply said," oh sweetie your eyes are perfect, you can only wear contacts when leaving the village but here you can be just as you are, remember we all have eyes like yours."

" except everyone can control theirs." Elriel said, Hazel touched her cheek placing a soft kiss on her forehead before leaving," you're such an attention seeker." Luna said when they were left alone," would you rather have explained what stupid rules we were referring to dummy." Elriel rolled her eyes," you have a point." Luna said and Elriel gave her a teasing Punch on the arm and they both giggled

Lucian sat in his leather chair with his eyes closed, the door to his study cracked open but he didn't bother to see who it was," you asked for me." a woman's spoke in a calm flat tone," did you bring her?." Lucian spoke in his sexy husky voice without opening his eyes, Louise motioned for the human young woman to come in, she hesitantly walked in holding a sketch tablet, Lucian slowly opened his boredom eyes staring at the young woman," sit." he simply said and she sat on the couch staring elsewhere but to meet his dangerously beautiful eyes," I hear you can sketch a face by description only." he spoke," yes Sir." she nodded facing her tablet," I want to find someone, so you better do your job well."

" Yes." she nodded flipping the cover on her tablet and took out her pen," she has narrow grey eyes, a slightly pointy nose, thin brows, slightly pumped lips, cheekbones and long dark- chocolate brown hair." Lucian thought that was enough to get a full picture and now he waits, the woman did her final touches, she was fast and really talented with her work, once she was done she handed him the sketch," is she the exact woman my Lord?." she slightly bowed her head, Lucian stared at the sketch, it was the exact woman," good, you deserve a reward." Lucian opened the small drawer to his desk and took out a small bag of gold coins sliding it to her," thank you my Lord." she bowed, Lucian handed the drawing to Louise who knew exactly what to do, she took it and left with the human

Louise wore a black cloak looking for the girl in the sketch through town," have you seen this girl around?." she asked around but no one knew who she was," how can a human girl be so hard to find? Louise thought it was too suspicious, if she was really human and lived within town someone might know her, unless..

Louise decided to go to far villages and still found nothing, the only place left was a small village far from other villages, it's a territory belonging to the Raven clan, Louise hated those people, let's just say their hatred for one another comes a long way. Louise leaped up in one of the trees when she heard voices from afar," why did you have to drag me in the woods Lu." Elriel complained," stop whining and relax," Luna said," we're here to train, I want you to fight me." she added," why would I fight you?." Elriel creased her brows," it's part of training I can't fight myself." Luna said," I'm not going to fight you."

" why not, fight me." Luna said stretching her hand and fire appeared on the palm of her hand," Luna, don't you dare." Elriel said puffing her cheeks, Luna threw the ball of fire at Elriel who swiftly dodged her attack," is that all you got?." Elriel smirked, Luna enlarged her fire attacking her little sister, Elriel opened a portal in front of her with her two hands letting the ball of fire go through it," you're kinda boring for someone who possess all tans of different powers." Elriel smirked trying to lure her up, Luna used her manipulation powers, both Elriel and Louise found themselves in a dark abandoned scary building, of course Louise didn't find it frightening because she liked being in dark lonely places, on the other hand Elriel creased her brows, she hated being in the dark cause it creeped the hell out of her, Luna was nowhere to be seen, even though she knew they were still in the woods and it was only an illusion it still felt real and it scared her to the core," Luna! you win, bring me back into the light." Elriel closed her eyes, Luna knew how much Elriel was afraid of the dark, she simply snapped her fingers together getting rid of the illusion, Elriel slowly opened her eyes," I should have used it from the beginning." Luna smirked," haha very funny." Elriel said heading back home," hey wait for me." Luna ran after her.

Louise leaped back down, she had an amused smirk on her face with her discovery, she disappeared from the place to report back to Lucian," find anything?." Lucian spoke pouring a glass of wine in a wine glass," don't tell me you actually took interest in this little girl Lucian." Louise spoke," do me a favor and stick to your job Louise, what did you find out?." Lucian simply said, Louise sighed taking a sit on the couch," she's a Raven, and not just an ordinary one for that matter."

" meaning?." Lucian raised a brow," she's the girl in the prophecy, who possesses all the different Raven powers from their ancestors, the girl known to have two dragons in her control, the dragons blood can make you immortal Lucian, you..can..rule forever and destroy your enemies." Louise said, Lucian knew about the prophecy that was told to his late parents decades ago when he was just a boy, there was a very old vampire who could see through the future and she predicted this to his parents stating, a girl would be born to an enemy's clan, she would be a special girl with multiple powerful amazing gifts, besides her lies two small dragons gifted by her ancestors," slay one of the dragons and let your son drink it's blood for immortality and greater power." the woman said," how are we supposed to find this girl great prophetess?." his mother asked," you don't have to find her, they will find each other with time and become one, that's all I can say." she said and left. Lucian grew up in search for the girl but had no luck finding her until today, they actually found each other, Lucian leaned in his comfortable chair staring at Louise," I will take care of it you may leave." he said and she stood up walking out, Lucian sighed pitching the skin between his brows and leaned back in his chair closing his eyes

Luna and Elriel returned to the village and a woman approached them," sister," she greeted placing two fingers on her forehead and they responded by placing two fingers on their forehead," is there a problem?." Luna asked," the dragons are not eating, they refuse to." she informed, Luna furrowed her brows heading to the cave further to the village, she went inside and they groaned noticing her presence," why aren't you eating?." she said touching them, it bowed it's head and Luna carefully climbed up on its long neck, the other dragon bowed it's head at Elriel, Luna nodded her head slightly and she anxiously got on top," fly." Luna whispered and they got up getting ready to fly away, Elriel held on tightly when they took off in the air, she wasn't used to it because it was her first time riding a dragon, this was Luna's thing and she absolutely loves it," try to keep up." Luna smiled heading to the mountains in the west, Elriel threw up when the touched the ground," I think I'm sick." she muttered wiping her mouth," you think?." Luna shook her head patting her dragons, she let them go to find food for themselves while she sat near the cliff with Elriel," do you miss them?." Elriel spoke," miss who?." Luna asked looking far ahead, she knew who Elriel was talking about but she still pretended not to know," your parents, it's okay to miss them you know."

" I rather not." she simply said," why not?." Elriel looked at her," because missing people who aren't there is rather stupid Elriel, let's not talk about it any further." Elriel sighed speaking no more. at sun down they returned to the village, Luna snuck out going into town, she was wearing her cloak so she wouldn't be spotted, she went into the bookstore looking around," are you looking for a particular book young lady?." an old man smiled warmly," yes, do you have romance fic?."

" we have all kinds my dear, I think you will find what you will like in that section." he pointed, Luna went there and picked up one titled ' she's his to obey' it was rated 18+, steamy and strong content just the kind of book she's into, Luna paid for it and went out, while she was walking she could feel and sense someone following her, she came to a stop looking back but saw no one suspicious apart from people minding their own business, she continued walking and that feeling was still there, she turned to a dark lonely alley hiding, a man dressed in a black cloak looked around and saw no trace of her, Luna couldn't see his face cause it was covered with the cloak, Luna slowly turns around to leave when her little weightless body bumps into something hard, more like someone, a hard chest. she looks up and her eyes widens slightly seeing who it was," y..you? are you following me?." she furrowed her brows, Lucian tilted his head not answering her question, he grabbed her waist leaping away, Luna felt the cold air wash over her, before she can process everything she found herself standing on a tall building, her eyes widened looking back at Lucian who looked at her with a boredom expression," w...why did you bring me here? take me back." she yelled," pretty sure you can get back down without a sweat." he told her," what's that supposed to mean?."

" playing dumb doesn't suit you, I know what you are."

" I don't know what you're talking about." she said making Lucian smirk, the next thing she felt was a push on the side shoulder making her fall off the building, Luna used her teleportation to teleport back onto the rooftop, she landed hard groaning," are you insane? how can you push a selfless lady off the roof?." she argued," except you're not selfless." he calmly told her," what do you want from me?." Luna asked," you." he simply said," m..me? for what reason would you want me for?."

" by your dumb expression I can tell you're unaware."

" unaware about what?." she was definitely lost and confused, Lucian brought out an ancient book throwing it to her, Luna caught it looking at him weirdly," I give you till sundown tomorrow." he said and disappeared from her sight, Luna took the stairs down going back to the village," where have you been Lu? I was worried." Elriel asked when Luna came into the room," not now Elriel please." Luna said going on her bed, she opened the book reading through," what do you have there?." Elriel asked," just a book, one of my collections." she said continuing reading, her eyes widened slightly not knowing what to think or feel, she had mixed emotions that frightened her and broke her, she shut the book closed curling in bed," are you okay Luna?." Elriel asked," yeah, I'm fine just.. just sleepy." she said closing her eyes to sleep

The next morning Luna approached Hazel throwing the book on the table next to her," how did you get hold of this?." Hazel asked picking up the book, she had it kept away in a safe isolated place, somewhere no one can find it and hidden away," it doesn't matter how I got it, the fact that you've been lying to me my whole life and kept this from me is what matters Mother."

" I was only trying to protect you."

" protect! protect me from what? from finding out who I'm bounded to?."

" you're a Raven Luna! he is a freaking vampire, enemies to our clan to our people, their kind are the reason for your parents death, they killed your mother and father when you were just a baby, I took you in your mother's dead arms, everyone was dead I was about to flee when I heard a baby's cry, your mother dead but she still held you tightly in her arms, I was heavily pregnant with Elriel by then, if it was anyone in my situation they would have left you but I stayed, I took care of you, I found out about the prophecy a year later, I didn't want to tell you to protect you."

" you're saying it like you did me a favor, you've kept me in the dark for years, you've lied to me mother, I trusted you, I did everything a good daughter can do, enough..is.. enough." Luna said walking away," Luna, Luna come back, Luna!." Hazel calls out but she was already gone

Luna sat across the river in the woods, she stayed there the entire day and eventually fell asleep, it was already sun down when she woke up," welcome back sleeping beauty." she heard a deep hoarse voice, Lucian stood near the river staring deep within the water, Luna stared at him closely in silence, he was tall and had a strong healthy figure, his aura was intimidating and dangerous, quite handsome and tempting which Luna found exciting and scary at the same time, he finally moved to look at her," give me a good reason why I should leave my family and go with you? why I should trust you? why I should take your word?." Luna simply said," because you're mine to protect." he calmly said," but I don't need your protection, you're well aware of that."

" you're bounded to me." he told her, Luna scoffed softly," I can't come with you, I won't leave my family, my people and clan, they need me."

" they lied to you, kept you in the dark."

" and I'm supposed to trust you and your kind? Luna scoffs," I rather surround myself with my kind even though they kept me in the dark, at least I'm assured they wouldn't try to kill me behind my back."

" you are coming with me." Lucian said," Luna! don't." Hazel said from a distance, Elriel and Elena stood behind her," come back home." Luna was still hurt with the lies and betrayal, she needed time, time to think and heal, she threw herself in Lucian's arms who wrapped his arms around her and leaped away disappearing from the place," Luna! Hazel's eyes widened staring at the empty place she was standing a few minutes ago," I, I lost her, I just lost my daughter." she muttered in shock," give her some time Mom, she needs time." Elriel said," I agree with Elriel mother." Elena agreed

Luna found herself in a huge bedroom, the grey curtains were laid down making the inside dim light, there was a huge bed in the middle which looked comfy and relaxing to lay on, Luna instantly figured it was his room," you don't expect me to share a room with you right." she argued," that's exactly right," he simply said," if you want to survive here, you do exactly what I tell you." he added, Luna puffed her cheeks but argued no more, the sun had already set and it was dark out, she went to the bathroom to freshen up and laid down on the right side of the bed," don't you dare do anything funny or else." she warned, Lucian raised his hands in surrender, obviously amused. he laid down on the left side of bed turning off the lights

Luna's forehead was dripping with sweat, she was turning in bed uncomfortably, it looked like she was having a nightmare," no, no.. please," she muttered in her sleep, Lucian woke up gently shaking her, Luna opened her eyes breathing heavily," it's only a nightmare, you're alright." he whispers patting her hair, Luna nodded moving closer to him, Lucian held her close tightly in his arms


" Lucian I -

a woman froze when she spotted a woman in his bed," who the hell are you?." she yelled out making Luna snap out of her sleep, she quickly got out of bed standing beside it, the woman was rushing to Luna like a mad man when a hoarse husky sexy voice spoke from the bathroom door," Rosa." she halted glaring back at Lucian," who the hell is she Lucian? and why was she sleeping in your bed?."

" you know I don't like anyone barging into my room without authorization." Lucian calmly said," I apologize, but I need to have a word with you urgently, alone." Rosa said, she was beautiful and proud with brown hair and emerald eyes, she was Zach and Skylar's younger sister and the oldest of her two sisters, she's super obsessed with Lucian and gets rid of any woman who even glances at him, and right now she was giving Luna her killer look," in my study," he said before turning to Luna," stay here and don't leave the room." he added, Rosa turned her heels walking out and Lucian followed her behind

Luna sat on the bed when her stomach grumbled, she was hungry. a knock echoed inside the room," w..who is it?." Luna asked," have brought breakfast my lady." a young woman's said," come in." the door opened and the woman walked in with a tray of food and juice, she laid it on the table pouring some juice in a glass, Luna sat down on the chair taking a bite," are you human?." Luna asked taking a sip," yes my lady."

" my name is Luna, what's yours?."

" grace." she said," take a seat grace." Luna offered, she hesitated for a while before taking a seat," y... you said your name is Luna, it isn't common among humans, you're not an ordinary human are you?."

" no, not really." Luna said," you're a Raven, one of the gifted, my grandmother has always told me stories about your kind, I look up to you people." Grace said," have you always worked here?." Luna asked," yes, half of my life."

" aren't you scared surrounded by Vampires all around?." Luna asked," most servants here are humans, and no it's not scary, we are assured of safety and other stuff, they're pretty nice, some of them," she smiled," I see."

" If I may ask, are you and Master Lucian a couple?." Luna wanted to choke on her juice, she shook her head violently," no no, we're not. it's complicated." Grace nodded asking no more," I should leave now, we're not allowed to socialize." she said cleaning up and left

" who's that woman Lucian?." Rosa asked when they reached the study," did we come all this way to ask me this?." Lucian spoke," are you sleeping with her? is she good in bed than I am?."

" are you jealous?." he raised a brow," damn right I am."

" Rosa your job is to pleasure me in bed, not getting jealous and being in my business, understood."

" understood." she said and he left her.

Luna sat in the tub filled up with warm water, she felt relaxed and good leaning on the tub board, Lucian walked in startling her, she covered her chest with her knees staring at him shockingly," what are you doing here?." Luna furrowed her brows," it's my room and I can be anywhere I want." he simply said," leave, now."

" or what?." he said squatting next to the tub, his scorching eyes scanning her naked body from her wet hair to her lower body, Luna blushed staring at his gorgeous handsome looking face," you shouldn't be in here Lucian." she said his name in a flat soft tone, Lucian gave a slight smile that was unnoticeable to her, he stretched his arm to caress her cheek, Luna's heart skipped a beat staring at his lips, Lucian stood up walking out, she sighed smiling at herself lowering her body into the water.