
Chapter Twenty One.

Elena's Pov.

"Thank you once again"

I delivered my speech splendidly, even much better than I had practiced. Maybe it was because of my burst of confidence,but when I was done, the place erupted in applause.

I smiled when I climbed down the stage, this was definitely the second best night ever, the first being my date night with Lorenzo. Speaking about the latter, I looked around for him and found him standing at a far end corner, he was talking to a tall woman, she seemed really desperate for his attention but he looked like he would do anything for her to leave his presence, he wore a constant scowl and I almost laughed at his uneasiness.

"Who is that" I asked Katie, when I finally took my place next to her at a secluded corner.

"That is popular socialite and heiress of rich business man, Camille Richfield, her father is Mr Rogers Richfield." She stated.

Those were some really big names, Camille Richfield,was one of the highest paid models, she was beyond influential. Her father on the other hand was a multi billionaire.

"Why does she look so desperate for his attention" I asked, baffled at the bluntness of her desperation.

"What do you think, let me enlighten you if you don't have a clue, people that see her talking to the boss will think that she has some sort of connection to him, because he does not talk to just anyone,this will give her more publicity and people will want to work with her to put them in the good books of the CEO." She explained.

"Then, if he knows this, why does he indulge her in her conniving endeavors" I asked, not able to wrap my head around the reason he would still support her endeavors, if he knew she was just using him to publicize herself.

" Multi billionaire, Rogers Richfield,cherishes his only daughter, and thinks that she has  taken a fancy of the boss,which I don't doubt she has, this encourages him to invest more in the businesses owned by the CEO, so it's a win win situation" she further explained.

"Oh I get it now, but I do not think Lorenzo needs his money" I relayed.

"True, but as a business man, the boss knows that stakeholders and investors are very important especially in a start up of a new venture, they help in many different ways that you will definitely come to understand,if you pay close attention, that is". She finished.

"Oh, I guess that does it" I turned and looked back at the spot they had been standing,it  was now inhabited by  a few people, who were huddled around the model, admiring or complimenting her, she looked like she was used to that kind of treatment,  and obviously she was. 

Mr CEO was nowhere to be seen, and I decided that I needed another drink, but I feared another encounter with Amelie Banks, "she definitely rubbed me the wrong way" I thought.

"Who rubs you the wrong way?" Katie asked, I did not realize I had said my thoughts aloud.

"One Amelie Banks girl" I answered. 

"she is definitely a hell of a rude girl and she seems to be a bully" I continued.

"She was previously handled by a small management, they mistreated their models and entertainers, but she is the only one that had the guts to cry out, and refused to suffer in silence, she is pretty talented, so LSC decided to take her under their wing and make her better than before" she continued.

"That was pretty brave and courageous of her, but she still behaves like she owns the industry, when she has not even started making waves" I was  surprisingly amused at her character.

"You said she rubbed you the wrong way, what happened" she asked.

"So I had this dance with this really handsome man, and after two consecutive dance sprees, I was exhausted and he offered to get me a drink".

I went on to recount everything that had transpired to the best if my ability. By the time I was done with my narration, she had doubled over and  was laughing her heart out, I was thankful that we were standing at a secluded corner because her cackle would have attracted so much attention to us.

Finally she wiped the laugh tears from her eyes and straightened.

"That serves her right, remind me not to mess with you again from now on, your catchy replies made my night, she will never be able to show face again when you are around, and you took a picture, I'm dead" and she began the laughing spree again.

"She'll never be able to recover from this first encounter, neither would she be able to live it down, I have taught you well,you really made me proud" she continued, nodding in acknowledgement.

"I don't know what came over me, I just wanted to let her and her colleagues know that I was not some footstool to be used for their pleasure, I didn't really mean to embarrass her in front of her clique" I confessed.

 "You did a good job, you do not need to feel sorry about anything,she asked for it with her actions and she got it in full measure" Katie coached.

"Oh, don't get it twisted, I don't feel sorry for what happened, it was obviously her doing and she provoked me first, so she deserved it, I just said I didn't really mean to embarrass her in front of her friends, she seems to be the high and mighty amongst them" I continued.

Then it hit me.

"Where is Ms Valerie, did she not attend the party, she was supposed to be on attendance today"I asked.

"I don't really know, I saw a glimpse of her earlier but now I can't seem to find her anywhere, how do you know she is not in attendance, when you have not even seen her to know what she looks like" she asked.

"According to the description I had of her, she did not seem to be one to go unnoticed and I did not really see anyone that fits that description, and also her constant pursuit of attention from her step brother would have not gone unnoticed, so I immediately knew that something was amiss" I explained myself.

"We I am definitely glad she is not here,and whatever is holding her back is definitely doing a good job, it's supposed to be a fun night and that is exactly what it is without her in attendance" Katie said.

"Well, I'm definitely glad that you are glad, if her lack of  attendance makes you happy, then,it makes me happy too, I wouldn't like to see you struggling to see that everything goes as planned, so it is definitely fir the better, it is supposed to be a fun night anyway" I replied, earning a sweet smile from her.

"Oh you don't know how relieved I am, she really sucks the life out of me" she groaned.

"And everyone else, but you sound like you've personally been her victim before"I speculated.

"Oh, yes, I didn't tell you, but I used to be her assistant" she answered.

"You used to what?!" I sputtered.

"That is why, you need to be extra careful, because you stand a sixty percent chance of becoming her victim, because of her hate for me and mine for her" she replied.

 I was about to ask another question but just then my phone rang, I removed it from my purse where it was stuffed away.

The caller id read MR CEO.

"Lorenzo is calling, what do you think I should do" I asked.

"Why are you even asking, answer it at once a d stop delaying". She replied, looking amused.

I answered the call.

 "Hello, why are you calling me here,

."I asked.

"Come to the west wing,and tell Katie not to wait for you" He commanded and ended the call.

Okay sire.

Author's Note:

Hello darling readers❣️❣️, how are you guys faring on this beautiful day. I made a promise to serve you daily updates and I will make sure I keep it.

What do you think is going to happen next, the west wing sounds pretty secluded don't you think (😉),what does Lorenzo want from not so sweet Elena, find out tomorrow ❕ ❗

I have a new book suggestion (as I've told you before), The first (sexy one shorts) is a book for short sexy stories (with age restriction) and the second (A teenage love story) is a coming of age book (with age restriction too), tell me your opinion on which one to write on Twitter @cancerzodiac9. I would really appreciate it 🥰♥️. Make sure you follow me while you're at it.

For the mean time, CIAO 🥰 my lovelies (A writer needs her sleep), we will meet again tomorrow ♥️♥️❣️.