
Chapter Ten_instructions.

Elena's POV.

I blinked once, then  twice.

Rays of sunlight streamed in. I was lying on a bed in an unfamiliar room, oh wait, it was the room Nancy had shown me to, my room.

I sighed and nestled into the fluffy pillow that was supporting my head. My mind started wandering. What  exactly had happened yesterday? Everything happened so fast, from a normal afternoon at the park to me getting all entangled with one of  the most powerful elite family in the society,  I did remember details of our conversation, but after he told me his name everything went dark, and the next thing I'm lying here on this bed without even knowing how I got here.

I wondered about Lorenzo, a child whose parents were faraway and he was forced to grow up faster than her age mates, but instead of dwelling on his awful past, he went ahead and decided to succeed in his life,and now he is Lorenzo Shane Cole, Founder of LSC groups, he actually owned it. I was reeling, this is too good to be true, if he owns LSC groups, he'll definitely be able to help my mom, with that I smiled.

I resolved to go to sleep as I was beyond exhausted, when suddenly I heard a knock on the door. The first person that came to my mind was Nancy, because MR CEO would not  have bothered to knock,so I figured that if I'd been carried in here the door must be unlocked.

"Are you awake ma'am" Nancy's asked quietly.

"Yes,and the door is not locked so come in"

She came in and gave a slight bow. 

"You have a visitor ma'am"you

"First of all, it's either I'm delusional or I told you clearly yesterday that you were to call me by my name"


"That's better, who did you say has called on me" I enquired.

"A woman, she introduced herself as Kate and says she has business with you" she answered.

"Very well, I will just have a quick shower, where exactly is she?"

"She's at the terrace" she started "do you need directions"

"I think I can manage on my own,have a good morning Nancy" I said, dismissing her.

I made my way out of bed reluctantly and cursed Kate under my breath to hell and back.

After spending quality amount of time in the shower, partly because I fell asleep in the tub, I went out of the bathroom all wrinkled and scrubbed clean.

I didn't waste much time in the dressing room looking through clothes to wear and threw on the first comfortable be thing  that entered my hands which just happened to be a blue coloured cropped off shoulder top and matching blue coloured ripped jeans. 

Having dusted myself up a little bit, I opened the door and made my way towards the direction of the terrace. After several minutes or maybe hours, I finally came to the double doors and pulled it open.

She was already waiting for me, though she did not see me because she was rummaging in her handbag, wearing a black coloured one piece dress suit,she looked so formal and put together that my hands began to sweat. I was anxious.

"Good morning" I volunteered.

"Good morning, Elena you've made me wait for a long time, you will  need to learn to be more punctual"

"Okay" I replied,head bent like a child enduring reproof from an angry mother.

"Now, Let's talk about last night"

"What happened last night" I feigned ignorance.

"You fainted Elena" she said, raising her eyebrows and waiting for me to contradict her.

I remained mute and did not utter a single word.

"Mr L informed me that he disclosed his identity to you and you did not take the news so simply"

"You don't just wake up one day and be acquainted to Lorenzo Cole,  THE Lorenzo Cole, so I'm sorry if  I did not take the news  as easily as you may have expected, obviously". My temper was high and my blood was boiling.

"You need to check your temper, we still have a lot to discuss"she urged soothingly.

"Sorry, I just lost control a little bit".

"No offense taken" she said.

I sat down on the sofa and she turned and looked me in the eye.

"So let's establish some things" she started "As you already know, I'll be your manager from now on and I'll have control over what you eat, drink or do. Mr L specifically ordered that you should get this".

She reached into her bag and brought out a mobile phone, it was a very nice device and I turned it over in my hands. Next she brought out my diary, which I'd completely forgotten existed.

"Oh my gosh " I swore a little bit under my breath. Apparently, it had fallen off when I fell down in the park and I'd paid no thoughts to it. I hugged it to myself, then looked at her

"I'll be managing your phone calls too but you may specify the numbers or people that are allowed to call you unrestricted."


"Lastly the matter if the contract you signed, you have to read it now, the third page only for now, you'll read others later". she ordered, and bringing out the contract from her bag stretched it to me.

I reached over and took it, Opened  it and started reading.

This contract is between party A (Lorenzo Shane Cole) and party B (Elena Young Anderson), binding party B to Party A, until party A says otherwise.

These are the rules;

1. Party B must not engage in sexual intercourse with anyone apart from party A. Party A will try as much as possible to do the same.

2.  This contract cannot be voided. The contract ends when party A says so.

3. The contract should not on any circumstances be mentioned to anybody else apart from the people who already know and can contribute positively to the adherence of this contract by the two parties.

4. Party B should on no account ask Party A the reason for this contract.

5. The both Parties are allowed to have intercourse with each other,but no party is allowed to have sadistic pleasure from the other unless agreed on by the two of them.

6. Physical violence is highly prohibited.

6. These rules must be adhered to and any Party that breaks or bends them will be punished by the other in any way that best fits them.

After reading this, I looked at her and she asked.

"Any questions?"

"So this contract cannot be voided and he can have me for as long as he pleases?"

"Yes" she answered unblinking.

"This can go on for the rest of my life, if he wishes it"

"Yes, but you see,he is not holding you as a prisoner, you are allowed to enjoy your life, just don't keep  any secrets,be honest,this is equivalent to a marriage contract, and it is not in your hands,so be careful, I suggest you embrace this new life and make good memories because it can last for life or not last at all, the snap of his fingers can change everything for you, so take my humble advice and make the most out of it."

When she finished her speech she looked directly at me, probably to see if I had gotten anything from it.

"Okay." I replied, to ease her mind and show that I was listening after all.

"Good, I wish you the best of luck, you are extremely lucky after all."

"How many people know about this contract" I asked.

"Just me and Chris".

I recalled Chris to be his personal assistant.

"Alright then, please tell me what I'm getting myself into, the entertainment business I mean."

" It's a gruesome and cruel place there, people will try to trample you, decieve you and use you to raise themselves, you have to be alert, don't believe everything you see, you have to know everything about yourself, like your alcohol tolerance and your bodily functions so you can recognize when something is wrong,you may be poisoned, abducted or something equally bad may happen to you and you wouldn't know who orchestrated it. All I'm saying is what you'll come to find out as time goes by."

" Then what must I do."

"Don't trust anybody, use your brain to counteract whan someone tries to give you problems, and DON'T KEEP SNY SECRETS, from me or the CEO."

"I'll try my best" I said.

"Let's go"she said standing up.

"Where?"I questioned.

"You'll see" she answered.

Author's note:

Yay🎉🎊 I updated again, thank you for sticking with this book people, you are the best, I'll make sure to do daily updates to appease you. Please rate and review the book,tell me what you think about it, it will encourage me a lot. Thank you to everybody reading this book, and remember this book is only available on LIGHT READER. So if you see it somewhere else kindly message me on Twitter @cancerzodiac9, follow me while you're at it ♥️♥️. See you on my next update🥰.