
Chapter Eleven_ Friends.

Elena's POV.

I followed her and we made our way out, after I had grabbed a few granola bars and chips, and gobbled it down like an hungry wolf, recieving a good scolding in the process about how unhealthy it is.

"Where are we going?" I whined.

"I've said it before and will say it again,have patience you'll see when we get there." She said while climbing into her car.

The drive lasted for  a good 30 minutes and it was a very silent one. We finally arrived at the destination.

It was a three storeyed building apartment.

"What is this" I asked "I mean,who owns this,you?"

"No. You".

"What?!." I was flabbergasted.

" This is Your new home" she replied.

"I thought.."I began.

"You thought you were going to live with him? That would have caused a lot of controversies" 

"Let's go in" she urged.

"What do I need this house for?" I was seriously confused and did not want to  have him spending so much on me, I mean the garage had more than ten cars, that I'm sure we're very expensive, including the voitre noire, which I rejected many times.

She made her way inside after showing me the password combination at the door. I was still too confused to pay any attention to what she was doing.

"You don't need to look so muddled."

"Well maybe it's because I am muddled!"

"What don't you understand?" She asked.

"What I don't understand is why I need a three storey apartment" 

"You'll need one cause you can't live with the Boss"

"Why?" She was not making any sense as far as my question was concerned.

"Imagine that you are introduced to the people at LSC entertainment, as you will be in a few days, you get close to a couple of people, then one day,let's say a girls night or even a sleepover is planned and you are to host them, what would you do?, would you take them to the villa?, You can't do that and you wouldn't have a good enough excuse to explain why. You would stand the chance of exposing your connection to the Boss, bear in mind that the Boss is an aloof faraway figure that must not be messed with to most people, and nobody knows that he is your aegis and it should remain that way, so instead of taking chances this is the best alternative and it isn't a bad one anyway." She explained, heaving a sigh when she was done.

"Am I allowed to visit the villa at any time"

"Most definitely, just make sure you are not being followed, the Boss has a lot of enemies and you don't want to be used as bait, trust me on that one"

I nodded slowly and digested the information. Thinking about it, it wasn't a bad reason at all, I would stand the chance of exposing myself if I acted recklessly and I do not want that to happen, for my mother's sake, I do not also want to be put on his enemy's radar, so this was better. I was still clutching the contract, my diary and the new mobile phone.

"Can I see my  room now" I asked.

"Come right this way" she led me to a spacious room.

It had pastel colored designs and I smiled,then something caught my eye, it was a portrait of my mum, with three year old me sitting on her lap. She looked so young and beautiful I was supposed to look like her, but her features contrasted mine. Her blond hair contrasted my black, her hazel coloured eyes and my brown ones did not harbour any resemblance. I sincerely hoped that I did not look like my father in any way, but a part of my heart was uncertain about that. Shrugging the feeling off I went to a drawer and placed the contract there with my diary and the phone was placed on top.

"She looks so beautiful" she said behind me.

"Yeah, I can only wish to be as beautiful as she is".

It was still morning and I was bored. I turned to look at her.

"Am I just going to stay here at home without doing anything?" I asked.

She had made herself comfortable on a rocking chair.

"No, but you can rest today, since yesterday was really hectic for you" she replied.

"But I'm bored" 

"So what do you propose" she asked hesitantly.

"Let's play a game what game?" I suggested.

"What game" 

"Let me see" I said while rubbing my chin. "There is  twenty questions, never have I ever,the alphabet game, truth or dare."

"Never have I ever or twenty questions or the alphabet game sounds okay and not too galling as truth or dare, so should go with any of the three."

"Let's start with never have I ever, you know the rules right"

"Yes, I do"

"Okay, so we'll need bottles of soda and two plates of chips"

We found some chips in the kitchen cabinet and a dozen cans of fruit punch in the refrigerator.

Kate was mumbling something about how unhealthy all this was.

"Relax and enjoy for now without looking back" I shrugged.

"Diabetes and weight gain will definitely be happy to hear that" she retorted.

I set the stuff on the table in the dining room and chose a chair opposite her, such that we were facing each other.

We started with a game of never have I ever and by the time we both entered our third plate of chips and fifth fruit punch, we were cackling like mad women.

"You did not do that" I laughed in between mouthfuls of  chips at her story about the most embarrassing thing that happened to her at the club, where she thought the bartender was her class mate from school whom she used to prank, so she went to him and slapped him on his bald head, only to find out that it was not her class mate.

"Oh, yes and the man turned beet red and I couldn't stop saying sorry".

"Oh, I've had one moment at a party, I was rocking this white bikini and I was lovin' it, when someone told me that I had blood all over my butt, my menstruation, I had  been walking around in a bloodied bikini and everyone saw, I was so embarrassed".

"That is really embarrassing".

Our game of never have I ever, had turned into  shared stories.

"And this one time where I was doing exercises in gym classes back in school and accidentally farted, I blamed it on someone else in front of me, but it backfired when the person behind me affirmed that I was infact the culprit. I was so ashamed that I made sure to skip gym classes for the rest of the term." She said laughing at the memory.

"Oh my gosh, I even waved at someone I thought I knew, only for the person to give me the middle finger, it was a really annoying experience" 

I heaved a sigh, my stomach ached from so much laughter and my cheeks hurt. She was so easy to talk to and I was far from bored with her.

"You are so affable Elena" she said.

"Funny how I was thinking the same about you"I replied.

"It's been so long since I had a really good time, thank you"

"So, are we friends now?"

"Sure" she smiled.

"Then, a toast to our friendship" I  raised my glass to hers and we clicked our glasses muttering 'cheers". The ice that existed between us before had completed melted, now I felt very comfortable to be with her, my first friend.

My mind diverted to Azalea and I felt a pang of guilt at not even remembering her at all.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Go ahead"

"Why did I faint yesterday"

"Well the doctor said it was from mental exhaustion, turns out the information overload of yesterday and some factors from before you met the boss caused it, nothing so serious" she finished.

"I guess I was really exhausted that I couldn't take any more information, I was also depressed before now, so I guess my whole body just shut down because if that"

"That is probably the case".

I guess being friends with my manager was going to make our relationship bearable and better than most. I was sincerely hoping that she would guide me in the new world that I would soon be plunged into, I looked at her again and smiled, she was right, it was better to enjoy what I had now, whether it would last or not did not depend on me, 'You have to act the part', those were his words to me and I was going to abide by it, so that I would not put  myself or my mum at risk, I would start  now by embracing what I had now and ACTING THE PART.

Author's Note:

Hello people, another update 🎉🎉, so,  contact me on Twitter @cancerzodiac9, and please tell me what is the most embarrassing thing you've ever done or what is the most embarrassing thing someone has done to you?. Let's take an example from Kate and Elena and get to know each other!😘. ILY.