
Boruto: Naruto next generation

Reincarnated in Boruto Series. The main character is an original character not present in the canon. He will be OP and handsome : ) not yet ready to be read...

Kim_dizzy · Tranh châm biếm
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11 Chs

The dragon scroll

There once was a legend about a great warrior.

When the demon from the netherworld had risen to conquer all lands, a warrior of legend also rose with them. Armed with unshakeable courage and filled to the brim with strength. The warrior stood as a mighty general and led the guardian army to chase back the invading demons.

But no one was prepared for what awaited them. The invading demon legion had powers unrivalled by anything in the world nor those despicable beats feared death for they were death themselves.

Despite all lost, the guardian army managed to pushed back the demons halfway with all their might and courage but... at the cost of their lives.

But they would have never known, the warrior who was leading the army had a part of royal Dragons bloodline flowing in his veins.

A sword was stabbed to his heart and as his blood flowed to the ground it formed a pool. The blood seeps deep into the soil and as if a mysterious work of fate, there was an ancient summoning contract made of dragon hide right beneath where the man laid.

Pleased by the man's will to protect his land and kind, the dragon chief rallied his army and chased the demons away. And thus formed the first ever human-dragon contract. However the man succumbed to his injuries and died a warrior.

The northern storm dragons tribe in respect for the man had left their summoning contract in the human world and whom so ever deemed worthy shall command the Dragons.


"This gotta be it, I can feel the heat." Said Hyoka. He was a silent man and only spoke (in rhymes) when necessary.

It took me an entire month to find the shrine which house the scroll. I left for my journey in May and now it was already June. Probably, the quest would have ended within a week if I had solo'ed.

But again, it wasn't bad teaming up with the others, there were unknown danger and since they were fairly strong... I ended up going together with them.

'Also I've always longed for romance like this.' I mused myself.

The shrine was in the middle of a forest, it was a three storey pagoda with biomes in it, making it exude an ancient aura. The nearest settlement known as Blue-hill Village was about 50 kilometres away.

"Stay down. I sense some movements." I said as I crouched down on my knee and surveyed with my enhanced sight.

Yukino a shrine maiden with flaming red hair and the man was a samurai named Hyoka, were my travel partner. Both were fairly strong, almost at kage level. And they had the same goal as me- The dragon contract.

I was acting like the weakest of us three. My role was mainly scouting and support - healing injuries and all that.

"What's the scale of enemy?" Asked the worried Yukino, she was running low on chakra.

"30 A rank thunder crow... wait! There's more. also an S rank blood python!"

I said with shaking voice and tried my best to look terrified. I was basically trying to make it seem like we were in a grave situation... the numbers were true but I was just acting.

It was funny when, Hyoka tightened his grip and cursed silently. Even Yukino already lost hope and plopped to the ground defeated. I snicker quietly on my own.

"My god... Wait! Where are you going? Do you have a death wish!" Shouted Yukino as she saw me run forward.

I rushed to the front and threw a kunai which stabbed one of the crow. Turning my back, I face the two.

"We've come too far... and I'm not just giving up, that's my ninja way.."

I threw a bottle of chakra pill to them and rush forward without looking back. I created a rasengan and threw it killing another crow. That caught the agro as all of the crow rushed to me.

Griting my teeth, I inhale a deep puff of air and

calmed my fear then I took out two kunai and rushed forward and began clashing with the crows.

At least, that was what it looked like to them.


A crow managed to 'injured' me and I spurt a lot of blood and fell down.

'Good job ketchup!' I was trying to make the two fight by motivating them a little.

Actually, I had lied about my strength and has been hiding my true strength from them. So, I didn't want to betray their trust unless we were in grave danger. The one month we spend together has made them warmed up to me.

I 'trembled' as I got up and staggered, seemingly dizzy. But as I was about to fall, Hyoka caught me and passed me to Yukino.

"Hold still. Let me treat you." Yukino is a sixteen years old summoner from the land of lightning. She's well adapt in using Ninjutsu but she isn't a shinobi.

"Cough... cough... it's not time for that.... Hurry, go support Hyoka." I said looking pained.

Hyoka is a strong samurai and he is one of the best kenjutsu user (sword fighter) I've seen so far.

He has slained about 4 crows and was already surrounded.

Yukino nodded to me as she swallowed a red chakra pill. Slowly moving forward, her red hair began to rise and chakra begin to visibly swirl around her.

"I'll show you my true power!"

Ram>Boar>Ox>Snake. Four huge fire dragon came out of her mouth incinerating almost dozen of crows. Then she began to pant hard and fell but I caught her as she was about to fall. With the most charming smile I could muster, I said, "Thank you Yukino.. I'll take it from here."

"Tsk. You better.." Maybe I was mistaken but Yukino seemed to be blushing a bit.


Just then, a human ball flew towards me, it was none other than Hyoka getting thrown out by the blood python tail sweep.

The blood python was pissed as we were disturb it's rest. I quickly check up on Hyoka but he had sustained serious injury and fainted.

The blood python like it's name was blood red and was more than 30 metres long. Without wasting any moment the python spat out a green coloured poisoned gas with rotten smell. I avoided it easily using teleportation and appeared on the roof of the pagoda.

However, Yukino was caught up in the gas and she got entranced with a genjutsu. I quickly teleported and carried away her and Hyoka to safe distance.

Honestly, I expected a more thrilling adventure but it has been boring so far. And the acting had tired me out.

Then the poor snake without even realising it. Had it's head blown away by a rasengan. But I created another rasengan and continued hitting the poor snake, soon it was completely obliterated only leaving behind a jar made of jade in it's place.

"That was easy..." I thought.

Since both Yukino and Hyoka were seemingly fine and only unconscious, I brought the two inside the pagoda. It would have been better if I had mastered Aegis, they wouldn't have been hurt. I could just create a barrier and that would be basically unbreakable. Same with my mastery of teleportation...

'Nah. It's my fault for hiding my strength.'

Keeping all worries aside, I inspected the Jar dropped by the snake.The Jade Jar emitted green light and the scroll was preserved inside it.

After applying basic first aid to Hyoka who had his ribs broken. I opened the scroll and signed my name in it with blood. The wind started howling and the sky began to crack. And nature chakra started gathering in a crazy speed.


A stone sculpture of an eastern dragon was summoned.

There were few squirrels running and peeking with curiosity but none of them seemed harmless so I let them be.


And that's it. No Senron or Albion, just an ugly sculpture of worm. A few moment of silence later with another poof a paper appeared from smoke. It was written "turn the statue head."
