
Boruto: Naruto next generation

Reincarnated in Boruto Series. The main character is an original character not present in the canon. He will be OP and handsome : ) not yet ready to be read...

Kim_dizzy · Anime & Comics
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11 Chs

Enter the Dragon

The place was foggy and hidden within the mists. But that didn't hinder me from seeing it's majestic sight.

Floating mountains moving slowly and scrapping each other like some icebergs at sea. Waterfalls originating from those mountain streams down the side and disperse into the clouds like an upside-down geyser. The misty fog made the air cold but there were trees growing on the mountain.

A few dragons were soaring the sky.

"Greeting dragon warrior."


Then a fluffy panda wearing a robe flew towards me. He made all of my danger sense tingle. I had activated my hide presence but he still discovered me.

The aura he emitted made my back drenched in cold sweat and I suddenly felt thirsty.

"Fear not warrior, I'm am the dragon chief Akai. What makes you come here?" As if smelling my fear, Akai sniffed me.

"Great power I sense from you but still hungers for more. Why you seek power child?" He said as he lift my left arm while measuring it.

"....To be safe from all kinds of harm." That was my honest answer.

"Hmm... interesting for a selfish being. While the power of us dragons are to protect. I don't find you worthy. But we will heed your call if the world needs us to. Now go and prove worthy of the contract."

Like that I was thrown out of the dragon mountain.

'I was too careless, I should've read the contract first before signing it.'

• Good for good, not glory.

The contract said only a hero could summon the dragon and I am no hero.


"Levi! It's been a pleasure working with you." Yukino said with a bitter smile.

"The pleasures all mine."

Then, Yukino and I shakes hand before I depart. She had few cuts on her face and arms but other than that she was fine. But Hyoka hasn't still regained consciousness and was resting at an inn at blue hill Village.

"Will we see each other again?" She asked with a little laughs.

"Maybe... if it's in our fate, till then do take care Yukino." I thought that line was pretty cool.

"En. I will."

Maybe it was my imagination but I saw a bit of tears in her eyes. But all I wanted right now was to go home and eat Sakura's cooking.

I left the village in a carriage, Yukina was waving as I leave. The carriage was bumpy and uncomfortable so I told the coachmen to stop in the middle of the forest and then teleported right away to Konoha's gate.

Though the two were disappointed we didn't 'get' the summoning scroll. The treasures we found in the shrine made up for it.

I walk towards the main gate and there were two guards watching out, one of them whose name I didn't know greeted me.

"Ah! Sir, welcome back."

It seems I had saved his sick mother's life but I've saved too many to remember which one. Both Sakura and Sarada had gone to work or school so, I was pretty much alone.

Since no one was home I decided to roam Konoha to see what had changed in my days of absence.....

Lively people, blooming business and children laughters, Konoha was truly a beautiful place.

Sitting on Tsunade's rock head, I watched the red sun set in the western sky.... the chirps of the birds that were returning to their nests was nice to listen.

"System use the weapon ticket."

I was strong and I know it. But I'm not the strongest, the universe is vast. Mighty beings existed. I just met one of them not long ago. The fear of being near Akai was still vivid in my mind.

Moreover, the Otsutsuki are coming.

[Ticket used.]

[Reward: Death note (mythical)]

"..... Fuck!"

Honestly, I shouldn't really give a shit about anything at this point...



The door open and Sarada walks in, only to stop moving as she saw me. I spread my arms waiting for a hug.

"Hey~ I'm back hehe."

But instead of hugs, I was bitten.

"Ouch! Ouch! Stop biting sis it hurts!" Of course I was acting.

"..... Why did you stay out so long? I hate you..." Sarada complained with her cheeks puffed up.

"Pfft! Hahaha.. sorry for worrying you."

I don't know if Sarada likes me the same way I liked her. She's too young anyways but right now she's only attached to me which is mainly due to me filling in the role of Sasuke.

Speaking of Sasuke, he knew Sakura had adopted a kid and sometime he would send a hawk with messages asking something like how we are. I respect the man but isn't he taking his family for granted...

He's still probably expecting me to be a young kid like Himawari. Well everyone were surprised by my growth but they just normalised it to 'anything can happen in world with chakra'. Good for me, I didn't have to explain.

I had visited Sakura's office earlier but she was busy so I left a message. Seems she got the message as she returned early. I was then smothered with questions and had to made up everything. Only when she was satisfied, she went to cook for us. It was understandable, what mother would not be worried sending a Ten years old on a journey.

"Ne lil bro, are you really coming tomorrow?" Sarada asks as she pass me a plate to dry.

"Hmm... yeah that's the plan."

I didn't have any plans now and no reason to get stronger. The death note would do all the work. Until I decide what to do next, I will enjoy the canon - go to academy, beat kakashi and surprise him perhaps.... also the chunin exam is a must.

Speaking of canon, it seems Mitsuki already made his appearance and I also heard from Sakura about few people acting violent all of a sudden.

'So, Nue arc it is.'