
Born To Fight

Wilson has a dream to become a pro-wrestler. he goes against his mom's wishes to follow his dream, and he will do anything to become a successful fighter. He does not get into the academy but gets caught in the scandal of various nobles. Then he joins the revolutionaries to rebel against nobles but soon realises he can't give up his dream. Note: This novel is definitely not one of those cultivation type of books the MC is some OP dude, with girls flocking around him and the likes. cos it is simply not one of them. He makes lots of impulsive decisions and is understandably naive. He will only grow stronger as the novel progresses. So, if this doesn't look like what you prefer, at least do not post some annoying reviews. Thanks for understanding.

Mich14 · Kỳ huyễn
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143 Chs

Chapter 36- The Goddess Watching after Him

Ruthless had a confident smile on his face.

"Come on. Show me what you got. Try to impress me." He mumbled as he watched Wilson swing a right fist hook at him. He took a step back to dodge. Wilson followed up with a straight left punch. He took another step backwards and dodged it as well. Old man Jenkins appeared by Wilson's left and kicked at Ruthless' gut. At the same time, Wilson swung a right hook at his neck. Ruthless, who moved sideways and slapped the old man's leg away also ducked under Wilson's fist and retaliated with a right fist of his own. His fist connected, sending Wilson a couple steps back. Old man Jenkins took a step forward and swung his left palm at Ruthless' face. Ruthless moved his head slightly backwards and avoided the palm but old man Jenkins twisted in a way totally unbefitting for a man that old and his palm slapped Ruthless left shoulder.


A slap sound rang out. Ruthless felt an unusually sharp pain and he took three quick steps back. But how could old man Jenkins throw away such a nice opportunity away? He followed with three steps almost in tandem with Ruthless' and swung his right palm, aiming for Ruthless' chest. Ruthless was not stupid. Why would he allow himself to be hit twice by a move he did not understand? He blocked the palm with a fist and swung his other fist at old man Jenkins' wrinkled face. Old man Jenkins quickly stepped back and deflected the fist coming for his face.

Wilson's fist appeared from behind. His fist went straight at the deflected hand of Ruthless and struck his wrist. His intention, to take out the power in that right hand. Or at least reduce the punching power. One cannot punch well if the wrist is too shaky. Old man Jenkins smiled and kicked at Ruthless' gut again while Wilson swung his left fist, going for an uppercut. Ruthless grabbed old man Jenkins' leg by the ankle and Wilson's fist by the knuckles. He shook his head.

"Too weak! You can die now!" he declared with the face of an aristocrat that held their lives in his hand. He held tight to those parts of their body, bent his knees and jumped.

He went high up in the air, his victims trailing below him helplessly. As old man Jenkins wanted to make a move, Ruthless raised his hands above his head, swung both Old man Jenkins and Wilson at the same time, roared and threw them down with smile on his noble face. He then proceeded to land on a tall partly burned roof and watched them drop from high up.


Wilson yelled as he hurtled down uncontrollably alongside old man Jenkins. They dropped from high up without any idea on how to stop their descent. Wilson, for one, did not want to end up pancaked on the streets of..... Streets of what? What was the name of this place anyway? Damn, he was going to die in an unknown place. Somewhere whose name he did not even know.

As they neared the ground, two seconds from impact, Wilson closed his eyes. By now, he did not even know which part of his body was up and which was down. Was he going to land headfirst or leg first. He suddenly felt a soft sensation on his skin. He bounced a little and landed on his feet. Wilson did not open his eyes. Wow! What was that? He really did not die? What a miracle! A sweet smelling scent entered his nose. He knew it. A goddess was definitely looking after him. She deserved a kiss. She kissed him first. How nice! Is this what it felt like to be kissed.? Not bad. Truly not bad. Wait a minute. He could never quite feel the kisses. But this one, he felt.

He opened his eyes and came eye to eye with red vertical pupils. Was this the goddess that was kissing him? His brain short-circuited. He gasped and he fell unconscious.


Roars of laughter filled the room.

"I told you he would faint!" old man Jenkins' voice boomed across the room.

"HAhahaha! Okay, you win. Here's the money." Baldy said and threw a bundle of cash at him. Then he burst into laughter again.

"That is enough! We don't have all day. Wake the boy up." The old cane lady frowned and said authoritatively. Baldy and old man Jenkins looked at her and then at each other. She was definitely not going to take no for an answer. They either listened to her and did whatever she said, or they faced the consequence. That her cane was nothing ordinary. Baldy immediately ran towards Wilson and slapped him awake.

"Who are you?" Wilson asked as soon as he woke up and saw a bald old man in front of him.

"God!" Baldy said with a dignified look on his vastly wrinkled face as he bent down beside him. Wilson gave him a head butt and quickly stood up. He followed up with a kick to the head. Baldy's head hit the hard floor. The whole room vibrated and old man Jenkins burst into laughter and the youngest looking oldie among them giggled with delight.

"You...…" Baldy had almost begun to spit out curses but was abruptly shut up by the old cane lady.

"That's enough! It is already time! The portal is ready. Move it!" She commanded.

Wilson, who was trying to gather his thoughts, ran straight through the portal without hesitation.

"Well, that is our confirmation. The brainwashing worked like magic!" The old cane lady said. The only other lady in the room chuckled which made old cane lady smile. Then, without any further delay, she stepped into the portal. The other oldies followed behind at their different paces.

Baldy was the last to enter. He grabbed his aching head, dropped a small beeping device at the foot of the portal and walked away in anger towards and out the exit door He then, made a phone call.

"It is done! Wait for five minutes, then, you can go in. I want my family back!"

The woman on the other side giggled sweetly and said; "Change of plans, you follow them in! I will let you know what to do next when it is time."

And then she cut the call. Baldy frowned and smashed the phone against the floor. It scattered into many pieces. He then grabbed his aching head again and cursed at the absent Wilson and old man Jenkins and that stupid old cane lady and that his ugly nemesis and then finally at the quiet twins who were always so quiet, he usually forgot that they existed.

"F*ck!" he cursed one last time, retrieved the beeping device, turned it off and entered the portal.