
Born To Fight

Wilson has a dream to become a pro-wrestler. he goes against his mom's wishes to follow his dream, and he will do anything to become a successful fighter. He does not get into the academy but gets caught in the scandal of various nobles. Then he joins the revolutionaries to rebel against nobles but soon realises he can't give up his dream. Note: This novel is definitely not one of those cultivation type of books the MC is some OP dude, with girls flocking around him and the likes. cos it is simply not one of them. He makes lots of impulsive decisions and is understandably naive. He will only grow stronger as the novel progresses. So, if this doesn't look like what you prefer, at least do not post some annoying reviews. Thanks for understanding.

Mich14 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
143 Chs

Chapter 35 - Big Boss

Wilson ran for his life. The men followed closely behind. They threw fireballs and sharp, visible sword waves and icicles, making Wilson's escape impossible. He dodged as his instincts instructed, and the result, he only received ten shallow cuts across his back. It still hurt though. Abilities had that special effect on regular ability- less people. Wilson and his pursuers exchanged somewhat pointless conversations as they ran.

"Stop right there!"

"In your dreams"

"If you do not stop right now, I will cut you in a million pieces." The big boss, who Wilson beat up, threatened in a loud voice, booming amidst the battle cries and frightened and painful groans of the people around.

"And what will you do if I stop?" Wilson asked and ran into a long narrow alley fit for only two persons to pass through at the same time. The big guy followed closely behind him, taking all the space. His men had to take turns passing through after him. They could no more throw their abilities and magic on Wilson because of their big boss. Their boss' size was very well a pain right now. Not only was he blocking their powers and point of view but he was also giving Wilson the perfect chance to escape. Unfortunately, big boss did not realize it for a long time. He was stupidly blinded by rage and his men following behind him were too scared of him to let him know.

"What the heck are y'all doing? Did you men run out of juice? Cook this motherfucker's ass before he escapes!" the big boss shouted. His men responded with frightened 'yeses and 'right away sir' responses. They looked at each other as they ran, wondering what to do.

"Don't give me half assed answers. Just get the job done." Big boss shouted again at his men while making sure to keep his eyes on the motherfucker who beat him up and humiliated him and was slowly getting away from his grasp and that of his eleven men.

"Yes boss!" The lackey right behind the boss said with a shaky voice. That was a big mistake. Big boss angrily turned around in this tight alley and swung a mighty fist at him. This unfortunate lackey's brains and blood immediately splattered on the lackeys behind him.

The remaining ten lackeys stopped abruptly in shock and fear. They were beyond horrified. They had seen all kinds of deaths. They had seen people burn to death and heads cut off. They had seen people bleed to death and even girls be raped till their last breath. But never! Never did they even imagine that someone's brains will splatter out of the head in a single punch. Their boss was maniacal. They had all been to prison which was where they came across big boss and they had heard stories but had never seen something like this. They were shaken to the bones.

"If you don't make yourself useful, you will be next!" Big boss said and turned around. Wait a minute! Where is that motherfucking son of a bitch that was right in front of him earlier? How could he have escaped the alley so quickly? Like, was he not just halfway through the alley two seconds ago? How could a random man without any superpowers have run that fast? Or was he actually with a superpower and he just hid it well and awaited the right opportunity? That scheming son of a bitch! No wonder he managed to avoid all the deadly blows. No wonder he was unable to catch up to him. No wonder he could not land a successful punch on that fella while they fought. He had super speed after all.

"That motherfucking, son of a bitch!" Big boss turned around to face his stupid lackeys that allowed his prey to get away. He was visibly steaming from anger. The temperature in the alley had changed from being cold to being manageably warm. His lackeys looked at him in fear. It was obvious they were going to be tortured; beaten up and killed in this alley. Since he could not get Wilson, he would use them to blow off some steam instead. They began to regret ever following an animal like him in the first place. Heck, they should not have lived a crime filled life in the first place. At least, that way, they would never have come across a monster like this colossus known only as 'Big Boss'. The lackey nearest Big boss peed his pants. He was definitely a goner.

*TAK* *TAK* *TAK*...…..

The silence was interrupted by the sound of fast disappearing footsteps. It was loud and sounded in quick successions. An obvious sign of someone running away. Big boss looked up and saw one of his lackeys at the far back making a hasty retreat.

Big boss frowned and groaned and grunted and jumped right over all the other lackeys' heads. With a burst of speed, the kind no one would ever expect from a man that huge, Big boss chased after his fast retreating lackey.


The painful sound of bones breaking resounded across the narrow alley.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!" The lackey's pain-filled cry followed right after.


Big boss was not going easy on him. He broke all his limbs. His lackey began to beg for mercy.

"Big…big…boss…please...mercy…..have mercy…..i am sorr…..sorry!" he cried with snot and tears distorting his average looking face. Big boss said nothing and looked straight into his eyes, freezing his lackey up.

*CRACK* Cracking sounds kept resounding throughout the alley. The painful cries of the lackey complemented the chaos going on in the other areas. Big boss kept breaking bones. At one point, even the dumbest lackey knew that the already broken bones were being broken over again. how many bones were in the body? Big Boss most probably knew by the precise way he broke so many bones and the lackey was still not dead yet. His fellow lackeys shivered in fear. Too scared to move. They were afraid if they took a step, Their bones would be broken too. Nobody wanted to experience that.

Finally Big boss was done having fun and snapped his lackey's neck like a twig.

"Let's go! I am done!" he said and walked away. His lackeys quickly followed behind, making sure to keep their distance. They all had looks of pity as they passed by the lackey who had taken the fall on their behalf. They all had looks of appreciation on their faces, especially the one who peed his pants.

'We will never forget you. Thanks for your sacrifice. I will make sure to light candles for you every year.'


Ten minutes later, Wilson jumped down from a broken roof. He had hidden there and was scared out of his mind. Is that what would have happened, had the monster caught him. The man definitely had some insane level of strength. Not as much as Ruthless but close enough. And he was fast too. WIlson wondered how the man, Big Boss, was able to move so quickly through an alley that barely fit him. As for the lackey with broken bones all over the place, he deserved it. How could one wear shoes that went *tak* *tak* *tak* even on snow? Whatever did he do to those shoes to make them sound that way anyway? Oh well, not his business. He still had to get out of this nightmare. Wilson turned to leave the way those men left. After all, that was still the only way out of the place.

As he took a step forward, old man Jenkins fell from god-knows-where and landed right before the dead lackey's broken body. He stood up fairly quickly and looked at Wilson who was looking all roughed-up. Then, he looked at the dead lackey.

"Damn, kid! You are a lot more dangerous than I thought. Come on, I need you help with Ruthless! He should be arriving in this alley in a few sec…"


Ruthless landed on the alley, blowing off the snow all around him.

"Jenkins, are you not too old for this? Look, how about you spare me the extra trouble and kill yourself? At least, die with some dignity! Don't worry! I will take good care of your granddaughter. She will be a good concubine for one of my sons. So, just go ahead and die, okay? Oh? Wait, are you not that Wilson boy who tried to kill me? You seem to be doing fine. I wonder if you have improved since then. How about this; If you can impress me, I will let you live another year before finally killing you off. How does that sound?" Ruthless guffawed but Wilson was having none of that. This was the bastard that told his men to ruin his village. He still had nightmares about the incident. Wilson saw red.

"Die for me!" he roared at Ruthless and ran towards him. Old man Jenkins followed behind providing backup.