
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Tranh châm biếm
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71 Chs

Chapter 24: A Day to Remember

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 24: A Day to Remember

1 month later*

Days?: Weiss' Birthday!

(Altas: Unknown City: Unknown Region: Unknown Snow Forest)

"[Pyro Jack]." I called out for my chosen [Persona], as I pull the trigger on [Evoker] to summon my [Persona]. As the sound of glass scatters and a pale blue fog cover my whole body, then into flames which spread across the field around me. But, the blue flames didn't melt the snow in the area as the flames didn't even produce any heat at all.

No sooner than a few seconds, as my [Persona] took its form. A familiar floating pumpkin as a head, with glowing white orbs as eyes, with a blue witch hat and blue cloak, along with a single white glove as a hand to hold [Lantern] that contain a small fire inside. Only these appear before me while under the blue cloak is nothing, to show the world that this pumpkin wearing a costume is possessed by a soul.

After [Pyro Jack] is summoned, the blue flames disappear and the background return back to normal as there weren't a blue flame inside the Snow Forest in the first place.

'[Fortune Hunter].' I mentally command [Pyro Jack] to activate a [Skill] belong to it. As [Pyro Jack]'s [Lantern]'s fire came out of it and expand in a 10 meters radius.

[Fortune Hunter]:

Active Effect: Reveal anything that related to the concept of treasure and its location within 10 meters radius.

Type: Active

Target: Area

Rank: Tier 10

Cost: Double the [Cost] that required to summon [Pyro Jack] and require [Pyro Jack] to be summoned in order to activate, with a time limit of 1 minute staying active

Instead of the flames melting the snow around me or burning anything at all. The ring of fire didn't even harm me at all and only felt the warmness of it. And the only reason I'm not getting burnt from these flames is because of [Pyro Jack] not allowing it to.

A whole minute went by as [Fortune Hunter] disappear without a single change to the flames. Showing that no treasure related is within 10 meters radius of me.

'Well, that's something to see.' I thought to myself, as I find myself amaze of the display of [Fortune Hunter] as this is the first time I use this [Skill] or [Magic]. 'I could never tell if it's a [Skill] or [Magic] with these [Persona].'

Of course the main point of me using this [Skill] was to see what it looks like. As last night was when I gained [Pyro Jack] as my fifth [Persona].

I rejected the idea of using [Pyro Jack] to cast [Agi], when the cost is higher compared to mine. With [Pyro Jack]'s [Agi]'s [Cost] half the amount required to summon [Pyro Jack] in the first place.

Which is [E+: 25% Aura Unit Level] per summon and what annoyed me the most is that compared to [Pyro Jack] and the rest of my [Persona]. All [Pyro Jack]'s [Skill] cost the same for each usage.

I let out a sigh, as I dismiss [Pyro Jack] back to my Sea of Souls before anyone could get a chance of seeing my [Persona] out in the open. Then, put my [Evoker] back in my [Inventory].

Afterward, I switched back to [Accelerator], as the feeling of coldness disappears once [Accelerator]'s passive ability to [Redirection] any oncoming vector coming towards my body, besides the [Gravitational Force] and light affecting me. Plus, having [Pyro Jack] equipped actually made me colder than I should be, which made me wary of using [Pyro Jack] in a cold environment, with [Pyro Jack]'s weakness being towards [Ice] seems to apply to me as well.

Now, thanks to [Accelerator], even if I just wear only a short and nothing else. The temperature wouldn't affect me, but this lead to the combat effective to decrease because of my limitation of 30% vector control.

So, I can't [Redirection] both the temperature around and incoming projectile aiming to harm me. Until I raise the percentage in vector control or summon [Accelerator] out of my Sea of Souls, then I could do both and much more.

I glance at the broken moon in the night sky with a blank stare. "I wonder why I was born into this world." I spoke softly as the question on why my soul came to this world and curious about what did I do before I die, that lead to me being born as Pyrrha's older twin brother.

"Em! Where are you?! Come on! It's time for Weiss' birthday party!" I heard my little sister calling out to me from a distance.

I close my eyes for a moment to activate [Eagle Sense] to find Pyrrha and found her just a few meters away from me and the only reason Pyrrha wasn't able to find me just yet. Is because of all the trees around us that block our vision of each other. I felt even happier for recreating [Eagle Vision] when I could track down Pyrrha so easily, depend on the range of [Eagle Vision] that is.

"I'll find my answer. One way or another, but if it cost the life of Pyrrha. Then I don't have any regret of discarding the chance of gaining my answer." I quietly thought out loud, as I walk over to Pyrrha, who kept on calling out for me.

"Em! Em! Come on! I'm freezing out here!" Pyrrha called out once more before she heard a footstep behind and see me walking to her, with a gentle smile on my face.

Pyrrha stop shouting as she let out a laugh, "Em! Come on!" As my little sister rush over to me and grab a hold of my right wrist, as she pulls me towards the place Weiss' birthday party is taking place.

"I'm coming, Pyr. No need to tear my arm off." I joke with Pyrrha, who just giggle at me and stop for a moment, much to my confusion as I raise an eyebrow at her.

Next thing I knew it, Pyrrha let go of my wrist and quickly run behind, then jump on my back. On reflex, I caught Pyrrha and stabilize my center of balance instantly before I could think about what just happen.

"Carry me." Pyrrha said in a cheerful tone, as she rubs her cheek against mine and continues to giggle at the surprised expression on my face.

"Pyr. There's no point of asking me to carry you when you've already got on my back." I said dryly, but didn't let this get to me and started walking back to where everyone is.

"You didn't reject me, though." Pyrrha said in a singing tone, then let out another giggle when I push her up and made her whole body jump off my back a little, but I adjust myself to have Pyrrha fall onto my back while giving her a better grip onto me.

"True." I smile back at the giggling Pyrrha, who love having me giving her piggy back ride once a while and sometimes more in a single day just for the heck of it.

In a few minutes silence of walking back to Weiss' birthday party. Neither Pyrrha or I speak for a while, but enjoy the presence of each other in silence. As it's just us alone in the Snow Forest for just a walk; nonetheless, this is a moment we wish to become eternal just to keep enjoying the beautiful sight around us.

Thanks to [Accelerator]'s [Vector Transformation], to [Redirection] all the coldness away from my body and now applied to Pyrrha's body as well. The cold doesn't bother us at all and Pyrrha didn't feel like ruining the moment just to ask about how the coldness isn't affecting her.

"Do you think we could spend more time together once more, with just us two alone. Later in the future?" Pyrrha quietly asks me while her grip tighten a little as she afraid of some kind of fate would break us apart in the future.

I raise my head towards the night sky, then glance back at Pyrrha as she looks back at me with her bright vivid green eyes.

"I don't see why not." I give Pyrrha a smile, to show that I'll make sure we spend more time together alone more often. Making Pyrrha smile bright as the stars and give me a nod and hug me from her piggy back ride position.

"Just to let you know, there are some secrets that aren't meant to be told to anyone, even family member." I continue off, causing Pyrrha to look at me with eyes filled with curiosity as she wonders what's I'm trying to tell her at the moment.

Pyrrha kept her mouth shut to listen to what's going on and don't know if it's something bad or not, but didn't interrupt.

"But, some secrets told by others than the owner of those secrets could lead to countless problems. Problems that could end up with many deaths. So, before anyone could discover my secrets. I'll tell you one of them, since you are my loving twin little sister." I didn't look back to see Pyrrha's expression, but could sense that Pyrrha is paying more attention to each word I say in case she missed anything important.

"At first, I didn't want to let you know this secret of mine in the case of something dangerous would come after you because of just knowing this secret. So, Pyrrha. I'll tell you that my semblance isn't the ability to manipulate the [Earth] around me." I reveal one piece of the whole secret to Pyrrha, who gone stiff on my back, but didn't speak just yet, when she knew I wasn't finished.

I stop walking for a moment as this is a very important thing I must say to Pyrrha and there no one in sight to my eyes and in [Eagle Sense].

"Do you believe in [Magic]?" I finally look back at Pyrrha, who look at me with a confused look and a bit of sadness of being lied by her own twin.

Pyrrha is surprised at my question on rather if she believes in [Magic] or not; nonetheless, she answers in a serious manner, "I will only believe in things I know for sure is true or false. So my answer is a maybe. Not a yes or no, but a maybe. As far as I could tell. Nothing up to my life has proven me that [Magic] isn't real, but there could be many things that are placed under the term [Magic]. Why do you ask?"

I didn't say anything at first, then made a gesture for Pyrrha to get off my back and usually it would take much effort at my end or someone else to get her off. But, seeing how this is very important at the moment. Pyrrha didn't bother to make it difficult and got off my back.

Then, I turn around to stare at Pyrrha as I raise my right hand to bring out my [Evoker] out of my [Inventory].

This caused Pyrrha to let out a gasp at the sudden appearance of my [Evoker] before her eyes as it magically appears before my hand out of thin air.

Before Pyrrha could ask if I hide it in my overcoat sleeve. I place my [Evoker] against my head, much to Pyrrha's horror and panic with the urge to stop me, but was too late.

As I pulled the trigger as Pyrrha let out a cried for me to stop, but instead of Pyrrha hearing the familiar sound of a [Hand Gun] being fired. The sound of glass scatters echoes across the Snow Forest while my body is covered in a pale blue fog once more today.

Just before I decided to summon my [Current Persona Equip: Accelerator]. I switched to [Pyro Jack] the second I took out my [Evoker]. As the rest of my [Persona] would cause too many environmental changes once they are summoned.

"What is that?" Pyrrha asks me, as she carefully walks over to [Pyro Jack] that just floating above my right shoulder.

"This is [Pyro Jack]. My [Persona]." I answer as I begin to explain what a [Persona] is and how they became to be, but explain further that not everyone could summon their own [Persona] or the fact they have the ability in the first place to summon one.

Also, I explain further about my [Persona System] and the fact that she isn't the first person I told about, which she easily guessed it was Shigure I told first.

Pyrrha was angry at me for hiding this all these years from her, but she understands that some things aren't meant to be revealed to the world. Nonetheless, this didn't lessen her anger.

Of course, I calm Pyrrha down once I reveal the reason why I decided to tell her this secret now than a few years back.

"You have to know that everywhere there is someone could be listening in our conversations all the time. This is the only time I could tell you, when we're in a forest, where even some flying patrol droids can't find us and listen on to us. Back then, I risked it by letting Shigure know and at the time." I put away my [Evoker] and dismiss [Pyro Jack] back to my Sea of Souls.

"Why couldn't you tell me at the time when we were camping in a similar forest like this one, back at the Mistral Kingdom?" Pyrrha calmed down a bit once she realizes that it was true there were many unknown beings hiding in the shadow just listening to everyone's conversation.

"Again. Too many people could hear us and if it makes you feel better. You're the second person to know about this." I tried to cheer Pyrrha up, and I see her smile for a second, then return back to a frown to show she still mad at me.

"Plus, I was planning to tell you earlier, but with the academy and your sponsorship. You're kinda busy all the time before I could even find a good place to reveal this secret of mine to you. I'm just lucky at the time, where the room I used to reveal this to Shigure. There were no one hiding to listen onto us." I spoke truthfully, since at the time, the whole family was mainly focused on Pyrrha instead of paying any attention to either Shigure or me.

Pyrrha look at me for a moment, then look at the ground, "Well, I guess I can't fault you for that. With both of our busy schedules and all. I'm still mad for you keeping this from me, but I understand your reasons. Doesn't mean I like it."

I raise an eyebrow at Pyrrha, "You don't like that I kept this secret all these years or that I told it to Shigure first?" I wanted to see which one made her more angry with me.

Pyrrha snort at me, "Of course, it's because you told Shigure before me. I'm your twin, Em. I should be the first to know all your secrets and I would tell you mine before anyone else." I could tell Pyrrha isn't mad anymore, but just annoyed.

"I thought you be more mad that I kept this secret of mine all these years than letting Shigure know it before you do." I said dryly.

"That too, but mostly because I should be the first one for something like this. I know some secrets aren't meant to be known by many; well, it still isn't many when only 3 people know about this. But still, I should be the first one for you to reveal this secret of yours." Pyrrha rolls her eyes at me, then finally bring back out her smile at me. "I'm glad you tell me this, Em. Thank you, I know how hard it is to keep secret from someone you care about." I let a smile appear on my face as Pyrrha hug me with all her heart and I return it.

Slowly, I feel my aura going down as Pyrrha apply a bit more strength into her hug. I started to sweat when I realize what's going on.

"Uh, Pyrrha-" But, I was interrupted by Pyrrha before I could tell her something.

"Quiet. It's punishment time for taking so long to tell me this. So deal with it until it's over." Pyrrha said to me in a fake cheerful tone as my aura reserve is going down rapidly.

1 hour later*

(Altas: Unknown City: Schnee Family's Main Household: Ballroom)

After Pyrrha deliver her punishment for a few minutes and caused my back to ache like no tomorrow. I begin to remember the old days where Pyrrha would tend to break a bone or two of mine by accident alone just from hugging me.

Afterward, we head back to the party, which took place in Weiss' family's Main Household and is in the Ballroom, where all kinds of different foods are there compared to the one at the last meeting between the Orihara and Schnee's family for Izaya Orihara and Weiss Schnee to meet each other as both are in an arranged marriage.

Once we entered the Ballroom, we're greeted by loud voices among the guests talking to one of another. While at the same time, we could see Weiss greeting and welcoming everyone for coming to her 14th birthday party.

Yup, Weiss is the youngest in my group by a few months. This has led to a small problem between Izaya and Weiss when the subjects would include Weiss' age.

"So what did you get Weiss' as a birthday gift?" Pyrrha asks me a little curious about what I got for Weiss' 14th birthday.

"A few coupons for some discount, on future deals with me." I answer Pyrrha's question, causing Pyrrha to look at me with widening eyes as if she couldn't believe what I'm giving Weiss for her 14th birthday gift from me.

"This is me we're talking about, remember?" I smirk at Pyrrha, who gave me a deadpan expression once she remembers what kind of person I made myself into. So I could gain the resources to protect everyone I care about while having the power to destroy my enemy.

"Plus, you got to remember how much I charge people for my products and those that wanted to pay me to [Cook] them something. I would charge them even a higher fee." I continue off another reason these gifts of mine would be great for Weiss.

Pyrrha let out a sigh, but didn't hide that smile appear on her face once she realizes how much people would pay me to [Cook] for a party of theirs or at special events.

"Did you at least make it look good, though?" Pyrrha didn't want Weiss to be embarrassed with something like a few cut up piece of papers written with a few words that detailed about their usage as coupons.

"Of course I did; and to make it much better for Weiss. I didn't bother to give her a physical form of a coupon, but a digital form instead. Remember, I kept my prices online to save myself a few Lien not to carry any list with me. But, if there is a chance of someone don't own a scroll. I still kept a few business cards for me to give away, so they could call me later in the future for the checking my products." I explain to my twin about how I'm pretty much giving Weiss an account to my website for her usage and maybe have a chance of Weiss even charging more Lien into the account I'm about to give us.

Just as we walk closer to Weiss; she notices us and greet us with a happy smile, "Enma. I'm glad Pyrrha found you and thank you for coming to my 14th birthday party." Weiss bends her knees while bowing her head a little in my direction.

"Thanks for inviting us over." I give Weiss a small nod in return, as the people around us are staring at us and whispering just loud enough for us to hear. I could see Weiss' smile strained a little as we continue to hear a few people speaking about how someone of my status would talk to someone important as Weiss, without even bringing a gift for her 14th birthday.

Usually with this kind of crowd back in the 50th Floor Area. I tend to use killing intent or scram them with one of my products by overpricing them because they made me mad. But, since no one but a selected few people knows about my group in the 50th Floor Area for our training trip.

'I guess option number 2 will have to do. Overpricing my stuff if these guys become my customers.' I hummed softly to myself, causing Pyrrha to shiver a little as she gives a small prayer to the poor 'victims', which are the crowd around us still whispering about us like we're not here, as she felt the Lien the 'victims' going to lose would be massive when they're going to try to purchase one of my products in the future.

"Do you guys know when Izaya is coming?" Weiss asks us, as she kept on glancing at the entrance where more guests are entering.

I look at Pyrrha, with a confused look on my face, "Didn't he come with us, though? I was sure he was here along with us when we arrived."

Pyrrha shrugged, "He told me he was looking for Weiss." We turn to look at Weiss, who look confused like us as well.

"I didn't see him entering the Ballroom, though." Weiss started to worry for Izaya, even if she kind of blame him for this arranged marriage between the two. Doesn't mean she won't treat Izaya as a friend, a very stressful person to deal with; nonetheless, still a friend and later soon to be husband.

"He fine. Look." I stop Weiss from leaving the Ballroom, when there many people around us looking at us. "How about I call him on my scroll to see where he is?"

Weiss looks like she didn't want to bother me with this, since we could just wait for him to show up. But, she saw me contacting Izaya already.

Sadly, all I got was Izaya's answering machine to call him back later when he not business.

Looking back at Weiss, who looks like she, even more, worry than before.

'Huh, I guess Weiss starting to get along with Izaya much better compared to a month ago.' I thought myself, as I pocketed my scroll while trying to calm Weiss down while Pyrrha took out her scroll to test her luck.

"Maybe we should go search for him? Not like I'm worried for him, but my place is big and people could get lost here easily if you don't know your way around." Weiss made up an excuse to find Izaya to hide that she worry for her fiance.

At the corner of my eyes; I see Momoyo coming over to us, and the crowd moved away once they realize who Momoyo is and which family she belongs to.

"Happy 14th birthday, Weiss." Momoyo greets Weiss, with a smile on her face while sending a hidden glare towards the crowd for bad mouthing her friend, even if he is a greedy bastard that scram almost anyone if he gains the chance to.

"Thank you for coming, Momoyo." Weiss welcomed Momoyo to her birthday party while keeping on looking around the place for Izaya.

"What's going on?" Momoyo ask Pyrrha, when she watches Weiss keep on looking at the entrance every few seconds now.

"Izaya is missing and we tried to contact him through our scrolls, but he didn't pick up our calls." Pyrrha explains to Momoyo about how Weiss is being her usual self, where she worries for her fiance.

"Man, after that one incident 2 weeks ago. Weiss' feeling towards Izaya went into a major change." Momoyo whispers to us, with amusement in her tone. "Then again, I would too if I got someone to save me before the kidnapper could take me away right in my own room and being betrayed by a former friend out of jealousy."

Pyrrha nodded in an agreement with Momoyo's comments.

"Can't blame Weiss for trying to reconnect with her former old friend, which they disappeared on her for months and show up out of the blue while Weiss was in her singing class at the time. Afterward, Weiss personally invited the so called former friend to Weiss' personal room of the same building Weiss take her singing lesson. The next thing you know; a bunch of people rushed into Weiss' room and Weiss just lucky Izaya came to visit to remind Weiss about the same day, where we're going to beach afternoon, and save her by knocking out the kidnappers and capture Weiss' former friend before they had the chance to escape the scene." I said to both Pyrrha and Momoyo while feeling a bit grateful for Momoyo's appearance that drives the crowd away from us so they can't hear our conversations.

'Plus, if someone tried to kidnap you, Momoyo; well, I would pity and respect the poor fool that got the gut to try to kidnap Momoyo herself, when she could break a grown man in half if they don't got aura or trained in combat.' I thought to myself, not wanting to make a remark at Momoyo's comment about Weiss' almost kidnapped situation.

"You would think it be weird for someone to appear out of nowhere after disappearing after a few months." Pyrrha thought out loud, as she looks at Weiss, who is pretty much ignoring her surroundings as she continues to look at the entrance and now even going as far as using her scroll to call Izaya more than once now.

"Speaking from experience?" Momoyo asks Pyrrha while stopping Weiss from trying Izaya once more.

"Kind of." Pyrrha didn't continue to explain further, which she is happy that Momoyo drop is once she knows it's a touchy subject.

Of course, as Pyrrha's older brother. I would know what happened in the past with Pyrrha, when she made her first friend came along with everyone to Pyrrha's first year in the Mistral Region Tournament and became the champion.

Afterward, slowly, as days go by as Pyrrha's friends begin to crowd Pyrrha for benefits in their insight of being friends with Pyrrha Nikos could lead to their career become brighter.

However, I saw through their plots of using my own little sister as a tool for raising their status and remove them instantly by threatening to cripple their chance of becoming a Huntsmen and Huntresses. Destroying all their hard works during class and end up a failing grade for those that ignored my threats if they didn't leave Pyrrha alone.

Sadly, even with all this done. Pyrrha became lonely from the lack of her own friends now that she became the Mistral Region Tournament's Champion. Due to some wanting to use her fame for their own usage and others trying to lead Pyrrha's downfall from the shadow.

If that was just it, then Pyrrha could easily deal with it, but thanks to multiple variables in Pyrrha's life now. It became worst compared to her canon life and I be happy to help Pyrrha's problems with her knowing or not.

Which leads to Pyrrha rely on me more often when it comes to stuff she lacks knowledge of the subject.

Among other stuff Pyrrha don't know about, she would ask for me to be her partner for anything that turned into a group work.

Over the months of losing her friends from her rising fame; I managed to get Pyrrha to talk more with Shigure, Izaya, and Momoyo besides myself, which Pyrrha understand perfectly about her situations.

I pull Pyrrha for a hug, startle her a little; nonetheless, Pyrrha hug me back since it was me who did the hug first instead of her usually. This made Pyrrha much happier since this is a rare experience for her being hugged by me with my own free will instead of getting me to hug her after she hugged me first.

I raise an eyebrow when I see Izaya sneaking behind Weiss and look like he came from a different entrance than the one everyone is using.

"Hey, Weiss." I call for Weiss' attention, which I successfully did; and stop both Pyrrha and Momoyo letting Weiss know that Izaya is right behind her. But, I'm not going to let that happen since I owe Izaya a favor and seeing this is a chance for me to repay him back.

"Yes, Enma?" Weiss blinks at me, as she did her best to focus on what I'm about to say to her.

"How much do I need to offer for you to provide me a discount on getting some [Dust]?" I ask Weiss out of the blue, causing those just barely able to pick up a few words from my mouth and begin to talk with their groups while pointing at my direction.

"That depends on what I want as an offer from you, for those discounts." Weiss answer on pure instinct she learned from her tutor in business and already begin to see if she could get something beneficial to her family, or mostly to herself.

"How about a way to get Izaya's heart?" I offer something randomly, causing Izaya who just about to announce his presence to Weiss. Almost tripped from hearing what I just said and could have crashed into Weiss' back, but managed to get back on his feet before he falls over.

This got Weiss complete attention and straighten her back, as she stares directly in my eyes. "I'm listening. B-Bu-t that doesn't mean this is enough for me to give you a discount!" Weiss was eager to learn how to get to Izaya's heart, but tried to look like this isn't a good offer.

I open my mouth to answer, but a glare from Izaya sending in my direction stop as I got his silent message: Shut up.

I made a fake cough as I look away, confusing Weiss from my lack of response and was about to ask me what's wrong. When Weiss let out a yelp of surprise as Izaya pulled her in a hug with one arm.

"Surprise?" Izaya asks the still shocked Weiss, then not a second later, Izaya ends up getting elbowed in the gut by Weiss. Forcing Izaya to release his fiancee while placing his left hand over his stomach as he gives Weiss a strained smile.

Luckily, Izaya didn't drop his gift box being held by his other hand and open the box to let Weiss see her gift, who let out a gasp in excitement when Izaya present her an icicle shaped [Tiara].

'Huh, I was wondering why Weiss was missing her canon's signature [Tiara]. I guess Izaya is the one that gave it to Weiss. Could have sworn it would be Winter, who would gift her the [Tiara].' I thought with amusement as Weiss let Izaya help her put it on once she pulled back her hair into an off center bun tail and pinned with the [Tiara] Izaya gave Weiss as her 14th birthday gift.

Pyrrha tilts her head to the side a little curious, then raise her right hand to touch the [Bronze Circlet Headpiece], that could be seen above her ear and under her bangs. Also, with a pair of small, green, teardrops-shaped emeralds hang from the [Circlet] on thin chains.

"Did Izaya get his gift idea from you, Em?" Pyrrha asks me, since it was me who gift her the [Brozne Circlet Headpiece] on our 14th birthday, which is similar to Weiss' [Tiara] for being worn with other outfits as well. Like Ruby's [Red Cape] as well.

"Maybe." I smile at Pyrrha, who return a smile of her own as she treasures her twin's gift to her and feels like Weiss would treasure her [Tiara] like with her [Circlet].

Momoyo glance at the Nikos twin, then look back at Izaya and Weiss and connected the dots. "Maybe I should find my own signature [Item]?" Momoyo thought out loud in a quiet voice, but both Pyrrha and I heard her since she not even a couple steps away from us.

"Where have you been?" Weiss ask Izaya right after he finishes helping her put on Izaya's gift and glare at Izaya for making her wait for his arrival for more than a hour.

"Getting your gift." Izaya said simply, and if I didn't know Izaya that well over the years. I would have believed him since the [Tiara] looks expensive, but I knew he was lying since he was already holding his gift box on the way here.

"Uh huh." Weiss looks like she didn't believe Izaya's words one bit, but since today is her birthday and didn't want to ruin it. So she didn't push Izaya for the truth, yet.

"Hey, at least I made it, right?" Izaya said in a cheerful tone, as he gives Weiss a grin and she just rolls her eyes at him instead of finding it amusing.

After all, Weiss had to wait for her friends to arrive, then discover her fiance wasn't there to greet her and made her wait for an hour or so, but that didn't keep the smile off her face when she feels the weight of her newly acquire [Tiara].

"I'm guessing, your other friends not coming?" Momoyo asks Weiss, as she glances around to find any other kids around our age group, but it looks like it just us or she missed seeing one.

Weiss didn't say anything, but silence is also an answer, which Momoyo understand once she sees the frown on Weiss' face from remembering her former friends.

Pyrrha walks over to Weiss and places a hand on Weiss' shoulder in comfort, which caused Weiss to tend a little before she realizes who hand it belongs to and relaxes a second later.

"Don't worry, Weiss. You got us." Pyrrha said in a cheerful voice and Weiss feel happy that her life changed from one meeting that could lead Weiss gaining real friends compared to her former ones.

"By the way, where Shigure?" Momoyo asks me, as she glances around for any sight of Shigure in the Ballroom.

I was about to answer, when someone caught my attention from the corner of my eyes.

"Hold that question for a moment." I said to Momoyo, then walk over the person that caught my attention, drawing the attention of Pyrrha, Izaya, and Weiss once they notice me walking away for some reason.

I walk towards two people, where one is a male around my age and the other person is Shigure, who looked very annoyed and uncomfortable.

Now normally this wouldn't catch my attention and I know Shigure could take care of herself, but the guy is really annoying Shigure by continuing on ranting about how she should hang out with him after Weiss' birthday and will have a fun time.

However, this isn't the whole part that made me come over and it was the guy himself, since this is one of Weiss' former friends.

What I don't get is how he got into Weiss' birthday and wasn't kicked out; furthermore, what truly catches my attention is who the guy is and the guy happens to be Cardin Winchester. Which is a big shock for me at the first time meeting him with Weiss before their friendship broke apart.

"Cardin. Mind leaving my fiancee alone?" I walk over to them, drawing both their attention, where Shigure let out a sigh of relief while Cardin scowl at my direction from seeing me and remember the time I humiliated him in front of a crowd for stopping him from picking on a faunus at the time.

Sadly, I didn't find out why Cardin, of all people would come to the Mistral Kingdom, even he was a former friend of Weiss, but he caused more problems for Weiss' family and herself by lying about how they're hiring faunus for the [Dust] mining sites and continue to speak false facts about it.

So I had no idea if this was a thing in canon with Blake introducing Weiss to Ruby at the time, but now I could at least have the knowledge that it was Cardin who started this rumor and lead to more rumors that either is true or false.

Not that the White Fang would care in the first place, since they already have a bone to pick with the Schnee family, but at least I know it wasn't because the whole [Dust] mining site being mined by faunus, without any safety equipment to help them.

Then again, even Weiss didn't know at the time and begin her own research if what Cardin is saying is true or something he made up to bring down her family's name down with his for being a faunus' hater.

"This is your fiancee? Likely story." Cardin snorts at me, but didn't take a step forward in my direction. In fact, he kept on glancing around the area for some reason, but he stops in one direction and it happens to be my friends and sister heading on our way.

Cardin's scowl turns for the worst as he started to take a few steps away from Shigure and me, where he begins to look for a way out of this Ballroom without letting Weiss see him.

"CARDIN! What are you doing in my birthday party?!" Weiss shouted at Cardin before he could escape and cause everyone in the Ballroom to stop in their conversations as they heard someone shouting, which happens to be the birthday girl and wanted to see what's going on.

"Shit..." I heard Cardin whisper under his breath and gave up escaping once he realize he caught, and by Weiss of all people. I felt Cardin glaring at me, as if this is my fault for letting Weiss see him, which I didn't feel any guilt at all for this.

"I'm very sure I didn't send an invitation to someone like you." Weiss growl at Cardin and if it weren't the crowd around us watching; Weiss would have attacked Cardin the second she saw him in her sight.

"Like I need one. Didn't your Daddy tell you? He invited my parents and this included me in the package. So it doesn't matter if you invited me or not." Cardin answers with a smug look on his face, causing Weiss to grit her teeth and really wanted to punch him the face.

'Ah, the life of living in a family of business.' I thought to myself; and felt that my life would have been worse if I was reborn into a family focus in business and getting a bit clearer picture of why Weiss didn't react to Cardin during at Beacon Academy that much.

"Do I have to humiliate you in a front of the crowd once more?" I ask Cardin before he could continue mocking Weiss in her own birthday party.

"Heh! That was just because I wasn't ready and you sneak attack me when my guard was down." Cardin snort at me, then crack his knuckles to look tough in front of everyone and some that don't know who Cardin is would think we're the one about to get hurt instead of Cardin.

"Enough. I won't have any fight during my birthday party." Weiss quickly stop before either of us could launch the first attack, even if she wants to be the one to do it; however, she knows the best time and place for the fight, which isn't at the moment.

"I would like you to leave my friends alone before I ask the security to escort you out." Weiss continues off by threatening him before he has the chance to responsed to make it worst.

Cardin is seeing the crowd whisper to each other while pointing in his direction. He knew if he risks attacking anyone, which would lead to more problems to his family that already have enough troubles. One of the reasons why they agreed to come to Weiss' 14th birthday party is to speak with the Head of the Schnee family in the hope to resolve this problem before Weiss' Father could later use this as an advantage over Cardin's family in the future.

Which is why they are using Weiss' 14th birthday party to meet up when their many people here already, but since Cardin is seen by many, there is a chance of this private meeting be leaked out to the public.

I watch Cardin snort at us and walk away, but not after he sent a glare in our directions once more before he left the Ballroom to find his parents.

"Already been over a month and your family has more problem with the faunus." I whisper to Weiss, who let out a sigh of despair when she knows it's the truth, but at least she managed to get her former friend, Cardin, to leave her birthday party; well, more like out of her sight at least.

"Well, let enjoy your 14th birthday party. You can only be 14 once in your life." Momoyo pulls Weiss into a one arm hug, much to Weiss' annoyance and happiness of having friends once more.

'Sorry, Momoyo, but this my 2nd time being 14 years old.' I thought dryly, and once more question life itself from listening to Momoyo's words and put them the back of my mind a second later before I zone out again.

Shigure grabs my left hand while Pyrrha grabs my right, as they both drag me towards the tables filled with all kinds of foods, but the one we re awalking to is filled with mostly sweet.

"Please don't eat too many sugary food." I said to both Pyrrha and Shigure; however, I was ignored instead.

"Enma. You should really give up on the idea of getting in between women and their sweets." Izaya said to me, as he walks behind me with both Weiss and Momoyo following us towards the sweet table to enjoy for the rest of the party.

"You should listen to Izaya, Enma." Momoyo grin at me, as she agreed with Izaya's statement, with Weiss nods as well. Plus, it was Weiss, who ordered her chefs to make extra sweet stuff for her birthday party.

"This is going to be one long night." I roll my eyes, but no one saw me doing so.