
Book 1 of the System Series: In Remnant with Persona System(New)

"Who I was before? I don't know. Should I worry? Maybe? Will I save the world? Yeah, not my problem. Good luck, though. My little sister is in trouble! Get outta my way! Big bro is coming to help! Even if I have to leave the world to its destruction!" This is also on Fanfiction.net, same name and everything. The author is the same, but with Web novel limiting the word count, so I had to make it similar to my fanfic's username. Warning: Bad grammar, English not my first language. Check the other stories of mine in https://www.fanfiction.net/~imboredsojustdoingrandomfanfic Ignore the profile, I'm too lazy to get rid of it and place it in a single chapter for one of my fanfics. I'm may or may not post the others on this site. Most of my work will be on fanfiction.net. Thanks for reading. As one of my readers told me to post this fanfic over this website, and I find myself why not. patreon.com/theBoredAuthor

ImBoredSoMehl · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 25: Almost There!

Disclaimer: I own nothing; this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.


"Active skill name or magic spell"

'Active skill name or magic spell in thought'

"Activation phrase"

'Activation Phrase in thoughts'






[Skill Name] - Passive or Active - AP cost: or none

Description: Info on skill

[Item Type]: [Type]

[Name]: [Item Name]

Durability: 100%/100%

Quality: Poor - Common - Uncommon - Epic - Legendary - Ascendant

Grade: E-/EX

Value: [System Point]/(Cannot be sold to [Persona System])

Description: Info on [Item Name]

[Extra Info]: [Extra Info]

Chapter 25: Almost There!

3 year later*

Days?: No Progress...Maybe?

(Altas: Unknown City: Schnee Family's Main Household: Weiss' Bedroom)

"So any luck on your searches if your family are actually using faunus for manual labor to mining [Crystalline Dust]?" Izaya asks Weiss while the rest of us just lazing around the room, where Momoyo is playing a video game on her scroll with Pyrrha and Shigure.

For me, I continue with my experiments on making new [Talisman]. Mainly towards defensive than offensive and supplement usage.

"Not much, since some of the files in the Schnee' database I don't have access to. How about you, Izaya?" Weiss replied while ignoring her friends not helping her one bit;\, and only Izaya is trying to help and mostly because he gets something out of this too in exchange for his help.

"My people aren't getting leads and mostly end up in a dead end while bringing up more questions than answers. I hate when that happens." Izaya growl to himself, as he lay back down on the white couch Weiss bought a few years ago since it's going to be a bit crowded inside her Bedroom, with her friends coming over more than once every month over the past 3 years spent together with her friends. Either in person or online.

Weiss let out a sigh, because her research hasn't gone that well over the years and not to mention the part where her Father actually took the bribes from Cardin's family to make up a cover story, that it was only Cardin on his own when he speaks about how her family used faunus manual labor with bad safety and health problems.

However, both Weiss and Izaya managed to discover this false cover story from a few gossips employees and Weiss gain access to her Father's scroll when one time he left it on while unattended for a few minutes enough for Weiss to download all the open files to her own scroll for later research.

Sadly, all the files she managed to download into her scroll was just future business deals with her family's [Dust] business with other companies across the Four Kingdoms.

"You two need to relax." Momoyo said to both Izaya and Weiss, but mostly towards Weiss than Izaya.

"And why should we? I think this is very important, which my so called friends should be helping me out before another assassination attempt come before us sooner or later." Weiss rejected the idea of stopping her research.

"Tomorrow is when you and Pyrrha are heading towards the Vale Kingdom for Beacon Academy remember?" I help Momoyo out by pointing out this little fact; and the reminder that Weiss and Pyrrha won't see us that much often until they graduate Beacon Academy. By then, both of them should be at the age of 21 during their 4th and final year at Beacon Academy.

'Wow. 17 years went by and RWBY canon timeline is about to start soon.' I thought with dull surprise from repeating this to myself once more over the year.

Standing up from the ground as I stretch my stiff muscles, then glance out the windows.

"I think it's time for us to help Weiss get pack. After all, we came over to help Weiss with all the packing while her Father is out of town at the moment." I pointed out another thing to stop Weiss from bringing up more stuff to counter us.

"Fine." Weiss glare at me, as she shut down her scroll before she gets off her bed and head over to her closet, where she kept all her luggage along with her clothes.

Taking out my scroll from my pocket when it started to vibrate to let me know someone messages me.

Activating my scroll to check this message and I had to suppress the smile appear on my face.

Message: Target Eliminated. Returning back to base. Waiting for new orders.

'Sorry Pyrrha, for not coming with you to Beacon, but there are some unfinished businesses I have to deal with in the Mistral Kingdom.' I thought with a bit of regret for not coming with Pyrrha to enroll into Beacon Academy after we finish with our time at the Sanctum Academy.

After finishing reading the message, not a few seconds later. I deleted the message.

"Well, I guess fun time is over." Momoyo stops her games, as she stands up and heads over to help Weiss out, with Pyrrha and Shigure following behind her.

"Em. You mind, making us something to snack on while we help Weiss pack her stuff?" Pyrrha asks me, as she pulls a suitcase from her right and places it on Weiss' bed before she opens it.

"Sure. Let just hope no one is using the kitchen at the moment. I rather not have to deal with Walter and any other chefs." I replied back, as I start walking out of Weiss' Bedroom.

Izaya frown once he heard Walter's name, but didn't bother to say anything and help out the girls with the packing.

2 hours later*

(Altas: Unknown City: Schnee Family's Main Household: Airfield)

After everyone help Weiss finish packing all her stuff she wanted to bring with her over to Beacon, then carry them into the Airship, where Pyrrha's luggage are as well.

"Are you sure you can't come with us, Em?" Pyrrha looks sad that she is going to be separate from her older twin once again.

"Don't worry, Pyr. I'll come over once I finish my business in Mistral." I said to Pyrrha, as I give her a hug of my own, which Pyrrha gently return and not break my back like she usually does with her hugs, not like she can anymore.

"How about you, Momoyo?" Weiss asks Momoyo while keeping on staring at Izaya, who keep on giving Weiss a grin for some reason.

"Nah, Beacon doesn't sound that good for me at the moment. Plus, I got to stay here to keep an eye on these two idiots with Shigure. She is going to need all the help she could get." Momoyo rejected the idea of enrolling in the Beacon Academy.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I ask Momoyo, with my eyes narrow at her, but she just waves me off like its nothing to talk about.

"Have...fun...out...there." Shigure gives both Pyrrha and Weiss a small, gentle smile.

Pyrrha release as she walks inside the Airship with Weiss, but before they could close the door. I walked over to them as I give them two small black boxes.

"Is this what I think it is?" Weiss asks me, with surprise and shock in her voice as she carefully held the small black box in her hands.

"Yup, I just finished making them last night. I've already put a small note of instructions inside for you two to read in order to use these [Talisman]." I answer Weiss' question, much to her delight, along with Pyrrha.

My eyes color flash to blue for a brief moment and no one notices it as I use [Eagle Pulse], the variation of [Eagle Vision] that could be used without having my eyes closed and during combat as well, but only a limited time.

Which is why I would use it every few seconds to recharge the lost aura to be reactivated [Eagle Vision] just in case some hidden enemy is hiding near us.

"You two should leave now before Weiss' Father returns." I continue, as I pass Pyrrha her last suitcase.

Pyrrha's eyes started to water as she is going to be separate from her twin, but quickly wipe it away once she remembers her twin will come over to Vale in a month or less.

"Hope you finish quickly." Pyrrha said to me, with a bit of hope in her voice that I would come over to Vale as fast as possible after finishing my business.

"I'll try." I answer Pyrrha, but not really sure it would end that quickly in a matter of days.

Once the Airship's door is closed. All of us walk a few feet away before the Airship starts to launch into the air, as the Airship begins to hover above the ground.

"So are we going to head back to the Mistral Kingdom?" Momoyo ask us while we watch Pyrrha and Weiss' Airship taking off and heading towards the Vale Kingdom.

"Yup. And once we're done. We are going to Vale as well. It's time for us to finish all our unfinished businesses." I replied, then head to our Airship to return back to the Mistral Kingdom.

3 month later*

Days?: Finishing Unwanted People!

(Mistral: Mistral City: 14th Floor Arena: Unknown Enemy's Branch Base: Unknown Hallway)

Grabbing a hold of a stretch out fist, then twist the wrist of the owner of said fist, causing them to shriek in pain. Afterward, I throw them over my shoulder as they crashed into other enemies behind me.

Aiming my [Mana Gun] at the fallen group of enemies. I fire a few times, with the aim to kill as the [Mana Bullet] pierce through what's left of their aura shield for a brief moment before there are newly formed holes across all their bodies. As the blood of my enemies begins to leak out all their bodies and form a small pool of blood.

I let out a tired sigh, "This is just plain tiring." I walk over a few corpses and head towards the Control Room.

"Time is money and I'm wasting it on taking down these guys. Also, they're making me take much longer than needed before I could reach to Vale, where Pyrrha is" I thought out loud, 'Man. Even after all these years. Some people don't know when to quit. Only by destroying something importance of belonging to them, would they get the picture. If not, well, I guess I have to step up my game by taking down something even more important to them, or outright murder them in cold blood.'

Carefully, I continue to walk towards the Control Room while activating [Eagle Pulse].

I fire another [Mana Bullet] on my left, where an enemy lying on the ground playing dead while hiding among their dead comrades' corpses, but now are killed by me once [Eagle Pulse] notified me one enemy is still alive in the color of red aura.

'Sickening how these people would use their own comrades as a decoy for almost all operations.' I thought with disdain against this enemy of mine and even using this Branch Base as a decoy as well to relocate a different base.

(Mistral: Mistral City: 14th Floor Arena: Unknown Enemy's Branch Base: Control Room: Front Door)

I blankly stare at the door that lead to the Control Room, but it's shut tight, along with any defense mechanisms behind the steel door that I don't know about.

'Plan B it is.' I grab a dozen or so [Explosive Tag] from my [Inventory] and place them on the steel door in front of me.

[Item Type]: [Talisman/Paper]

[Name]: Explosive Tag

Durability: 10%/100%

Quality: Common

Grade: E+

Description: A [Talisman] infused with a large amount of [Powdered Fire Dust] and written with a [Rune] for an explosion, along with a few other [Rune] inscribed for other different ways to activate this [Item], along with additional effects. Allowing the user to either set amount of time or after being ignited by flame for the [Explosive Tag] to activate. This [Item] can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy. Also, they work even under heavy rain.

few minutes later*

(Mistral: Mistral City: 14th Floor Arena: Unknown Enemy's Branch Base: Front Entrance)

After I place a dozen [Explosive Tag] on the steel door, then I quickly use aura enhance to rush around the whole base while planting more and more [Explosive Tag] until I reached outside the base and appear at the Front Entrance.

Pulling out a [Fire Dust Round] out of my [Inventory] as I insert it into my [Mana Gun], then fire at the left side of the Front Entrance's wall and caused a chain reactions\ of explosions.

As the fire raised up sky high, that a few miles away could see it. I didn't stick around for someone to record my appearance and disappear with a burst of speed, as my whole body is out of sight of the area.

1 week later*

Days?: Nice To Meet You!

(Vale: Vale City: Vale Port: Docks)

"Now, this is a surprise." I thought out loud, as I glance out my side of the window as I watch Penny Polendina, the first synthetic entity to be capable of generating an aura. A robot that contains an actual soul, which should be true at this point. As I watch her sending White Fang henchmen flying using her [Floating Sword].

"How long until the rest is arriving?" I ask the pilot through my scroll and not once have I taken my eyes off the battle below me.

"Around a few minutes from now, Sir." My pilot answers me in a calm voice, with a hint of happiness from gaining this job for someone important to the Mapiya family.

"Open the hatch door." I order my pilot, who didn't think for a second and from the Pilot Room, the hatch door next to me is open.

Getting off my seat, then walk until I reached in front of the opened hatch door as the strong wind push against my body.

I crack my neck, then jump out of the Airship and descend straight towards the Docks.

'[Ten Collapse Force]: First Collapse.' I activate one of my Second Stance's [Technique] I created through the fusion of [Gravity Magic]'s [Gravitational Force] and my [Advanced Unarmed Strikes Mastery].

[Ten Collapse Force]: Second Stance's [Technique]

Active Effect: Inflicts severe [Impact] damage to the selected target. As this is a customized fusion of [Skill] and [Magic], where one gained supernatural control/manipulation over [Gravitational Force]'s size, force, distance, and directions towards a single or multiple targets, but with great [Cost]. Up to 10x the [Gravitational Force].

Type: Active|Fusion: [Kontgrydyne] and [Advanced Unarmed Strikes Mastery]

Target: Single-Multiple-Area

Rank: Tier 3: Power| Tier 5: Control

Cost: Vary, lowest cost of [E+]: 1% Aura Unit Level per second

Without warning, the Bullheads that Penny was about to destroy with her massive concentrated beam, are crushed into a big compressed metal ball.

Shocking everyone on the ground at this sudden display in front of them. Leading to having Penny cancel her attack and begin to analyze what just happened before her very eyes.

Not a second later, I land right in between Roman, and Blake and Sun, with the two behind me and Roman in front.

Slowly, I stand up from my crouching position until I stand straight as I look at Roman with cold eyes, sending shivers down Roman's back from this.

"Who the hell are you?" Roman ask me behind a fake arrogance in order to hide the fact he scared out of his mind. A second a few of his getaway Bullheads turned into a scrap of metal into a shape of a ball. Then next, someone drops from the sky and didn't look like the impact of the landing did anything to their aura from the look of it.

Of course, instead of answering, I rush straight at him with incredible speed without the help of aura enhance as I send out a straight right punch.

Roman hurry puts up his guard as he uses his [Melodic Cudgel] to parry away the attack, but was too slow to stop my fist.

On contact, I send Roman off his feet and crashing into one of the many metal crates while at the same time, knocking down a few metal crates and caused a mess to the area.

Not letting up, I rush right back into combat with Roman, who let out a groan as he gets out of the newly man made hole on the side of the metal crate he was forcibly crashed into.

Roman's instinct screams at him to get away where he is at the currently before his life is going to end if he stays in his current spot any longer. Trusting on his instinct that saves his life more than once times in his career as a wanted criminal.

And get the hell outta here, if he had paused for a second later. Roman would lose an arm or leg the second he looks back to find his sneaky enemy rip the beyond repair metal crate even further by literally rip a good chunk of the metal frame from the main body.

"These kids just keep getting weirder by the second." Roman made a remark, but looks like he speaks mostly to himself than anyone who listens.

"He's mine!" Blake screams as she rushes in for an attack to Roman's back, but thanks to her shouting. Roman was prepared and knock the wind out of Blake with a quick jab with his cane to Blake's stomach.

Roman use the handle of his [Melodic Cudgel] to pull Blake by her neck and throw her straight at me in the hope it would distract me long enough for him to escape.

With just a thought, I switched to [Joukyuu Kunitoshi]; and easily flip Blake around like a rag doll and place her back to her feet while she a bit dizzy from suddenly being flipped at high speed.

Usually, [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] would go for a feeling or two; and this is Blake Belladonna, who got the look to get any boys to chase after her depending on their tastes. But, right now, [Joukyuu Kunitoshi] is too eager for the fight, then having the chance to feel Blake's body, even if he wanted to, but had to deal with just the small time touching her from flipping her would do for now.

Roman tried to stop me by firing at my head, but with a tilt of my head for a second, as the unstable flare or discharged [Dust] missed me by a hair length and blast the metal crate behind me.

Afterward, I continue my approach to Roman with the intent to capture him, if needed, kill.

"Don't worry, comrade! I'll take care of the henchmen." Penny called out to me once a few White Fang tried to get in my way, but I easily weave through their defensive formation, which is pretty pathetic.

Nonetheless, Penny uses her [Wire Cables] to drag them away during the moment these White Fang henchmen was confused by the disappearance of the enemy before their very eyes.

'Well, that something new from Penny.' I thought a little surprise from Penny calling me comrade, before I caught up to Roman easily enough, since the man isn't that fast in the first place and the grunts of White Fang only stop me a few seconds for me to outmaneuver them.

I grab Roman by the back of his coat while at the same time, kick the back of his left knee to disturb his center of balance and forcing him to lean towards his left, then flip him on his stomach.

"Ugh! Mind being gentler, Pal? I just got this dry clean." Roman grunt, then made a comment on how annoyed his outfit getting dirty while ignoring the fact that he is captured.

My response to Roman's comment was pulling out my [Combat Knife] and place it against his neck, with a silent threat to kill him if he thinks about escaping.

"Man, just like back in the days when kids would have the gut to stab someone with the intent to kill." Roman said dryly, "You're from Mistral ain't ya?"

Even without [The Fool's Curse]'s influence, I still allow a grin to appear on my face. I narrow my eyes once my [Eagle Pulse] picks up someone, then with Roman let out a grunt sound when I use the same arm to hold Roman, to perform a handstand and with the extra weight on Roman's back.

But, Roman let out a sigh of relief when I removed the sharp blade away from his neck, even if it cost him the addition extra sudden weight on his back.

Out of nowhere, a white boot almost kicked me in the back if I didn't do a handstand on top of Roman, which in return, I did my own counterattack. A strong kick to the enemy's rib, but I wasn't done and use the momentum of my first counterattack to spin around in the opposite direction to deliver a fast kick to the enemy's lower back.

While at the same time, Roman let out an, even more, grunt sound of having his back being twist, increasing the pain by two fold. As I send the enemy that tried to sneak attack me flying.

With another quick spin from the momentum from my last attack to pull Roman off the ground. Roman didn't feel too good at the moment and his aura is going down real quick if he didn't escape soon.

Just before I could knock Roman out, someone fire at me, forcing me to let go of Roman. Which is a bit of stupid of me to let go instead of just dragging Roman with me or use him as a meat shield, but Roman is still needed for now.

As I did a few backflips away from Roman, which gives Roman enough time, with Neo to drag him into one of the Bullheads that survive compared to the others and escape the scene.

Now, at the moment, I could use my [Ten Collapse Force] to destroy the Bullhead along with Roman and Neo inside it, but I really don't want to find out who would replace Roman and Neo later on in the future if I kill them right now.

So I allow them to escape before my eyes, but I could tell Blake was mad of having Roman escape, along with her former comrades the White Fang; well, some of them as there are a dozen of White Fang henchmen lying around the area unconscious.

Blake walks straight up to me, "Why did you allow them to escape?! Couldn't you stop them?! You just stand there and allow them to leave!"

I blankly stare at Blake while Sun looks a bit nervous at the moment, as he watches Blake demanding answers from a guy that literally beat the shit out of Roman and his partner, along with destroying a few Bullheads with ease. And is the same person Blake is demanding from.

"You do realize my left shoulder is dislocated, right?" I finally speak for the first time in front of everyone and of all things, I pointed out was my dislocated left shoulder, which happens during the time I did my third spin while using my left hand to do a handstand to keep my head from landing on the solid ground.

"I'm pretty sure, even if it's just a few minutes, knowing you, I know you could still stop them even if you only have one limb to use!" Blake outright shouts at me while she is right in a way. Since [Magic] doesn't always require using one's body to cast and also my [Magic] from the [Persona System] doesn't have a range limit but on my sight range alone. Not that she needed to know that little information.

Once my left shoulder was put back in place. I switched back to my previous [Persona], which happens to be my 6th [Persona]. The three-legged crow, the creature found in various mythologies and arts of East Asia, [Yatagarasu].

Not a second later after switching back to [Yatagarasu], the [Persona System] announce the result of the battle and reward me the [System Point] after a minute or two when the battle against the White Fang, Roman, and Neo for a bit, are over.

"You must be Blake." I comment, causing Blake to take a step back, with a surprised look on her face that someone she doesn't know would know her name.

Before Blake narrows her eyes at me, "How do you know my name?" I could sense a bit of fear in her voice that is hidden.

"He knows you from me." I heard Weiss' voice from my left and see Weiss and Yang walking over to us, along with Ruby running over.

"Someone you know, Weiss?" Ruby ask Weiss while looking at me with awe after she saw me take down the enemies alone, with a bit of help from Penny to take down the henchmen while I take on Roman alone.

"You could say that. So, what took you so long to come to Vale? You do realize how upset Pyrrha was when you told us that you going to take a bit longer than a month, right?" Weiss raises an eyebrow at me and places her hands on her hips as she wait for my answer.

"A few problems appeared and had to take care of them. Also, I did apologize and that I promised to make Pyrrha's favorite food after coming to Vale." I didn't go further into the subject since Weiss' team members and Sun are with us while I explain myself from being late to Vale like I said 3 months back.

"Yeah, you're going to have to do more than just [Cook] a few foods for Pyrrha to forgive you, but you're in luck. I've already calmed her down over the months to forgive you once you arrive. So you owe me a good [Cook] meal." Weiss smirks at me, when she knows she is right and I didn't have any come back when I know it's true and should just be glad Weiss help me out to get Pyrrha to forgive me for taking so long.

"Well, at least you here now. Also, where the rest?" Weiss asks me, as she glances around to check if Shigure, Izaya, or Momoyo are near us.

"They're coming around in the morning. Had to finish their own business and contact their family. I just finish mine first and got a friend to loan me an Airship, with a pilot, to take me to Vale." I answer Weiss while limiting as much information as possible, since I rather not have Weiss' teammates: Ruby and Blake, to capture me and put in a jail for being a member of a criminal group.

Not like Weiss won't help out, since her fiance is part of, said criminal group and will use her connection to break me out of jail if needed. Plus, the fact she is craving for my cooking is another factor to help me out.

"He must be a great chef if he got Weiss of all people to want more from the same person." Yang whisper to Ruby, who quietly nod in agreement and wonder if Weiss' friend knows how to make cookies.

Weiss let out a tired sigh, "Fine. I can't wait until morning. Also, it's been months and another night won't hurt me." I could tell Weiss is tired at the moment, then spin and point at Blake with her left index finger with a scowl on her face.

"Do you have any idea of how long we've been searching for you? 12 hours has been wasted and I could have done lots of things during that time. Didn't I tell you before I didn't care about if you were a faunus or not? But no! You just assume that as a Schnee I hate faunus in general!" Weiss shout at the surprised Blake, who jump a little and take a few steps back along the rest, but Penny and me.

"B-B-But I was associated with the White Fang. Back when I was with-" Blake tried to explain; however, she was cut off by Weiss once more by shoving her right palm at Blake's face to stop her.

"You said you're not one of them anymore, right?" Weiss asks Blake in a serious tone, causing Blake to look a bit nervous.

"No, I-I haven't been since I was younger-" Blake tried once more to explain, but once again was interrupted by Weiss again.

"Ah! Nope! Don't want to hear it. All I want to know is that the next time something big comes up. You'll come to your teammates. And not some..." Weiss pause for a moment to look at Sun behind Blake, " Someone else."

Blake looks at Ruby and Yang grinning at her while I just raise an eyebrow at us on why she looking at me for, as Penny give Blake a thumb up with a big smile on her face.

"Of course." Blake nods at Weiss, as a small tear goes down her cheek, which she quickly wipes away.

Ruby pulls both Blake and Weiss into a group hug, "Yeah! Team RWBY is back together!"

"That's your team's name, Weiss?" I ask Weiss, since I had to hide the fact I already know her team name, along with her members; however, over the 3 months, she only mentions about them a few times. But, not the team's name though.

I could hear sirens coming to the Docks, which could be the police cars finally arriving at the Docks after all the stuff going on in the area.

Weiss cough in her hand while glancing anywhere but my direction, "Yes. That is my team's name. Ruby with the letter W replacing the U and this is my team's leader: Ruby Rose."

I turn my stare from Weiss to Ruby, who let out a nervous chuckle.

"Hi, nice to meet you. Like my partner: Weiss said before. I'm the leader of team RWBY." Ruby raise her right arm towards me to offer a handshake.

I quietly nod at Ruby and shake her hand, even though Yang is looking at me carefully as if I was about to attack her little sister, so I ignore Yang and gently continue shaking Ruby's hand before letting go.

"Well, the name's Sun Wukong. Thanks for saving our butts. You got some amazing fighting [Skill]." Sun praise while giving me a thumb up, but slowly lower it and laughs nervously, when he notices Weiss looks at him with eyes filled with suspicion.

"If I find out anytime in the future, that you are the main cause of hurting Blake. I'll end you." Weiss said to Sun, who just continue to laugh nervously until Weiss stop staring at him.

I glance to my left to see Penny quietly escape from the scene as everyone else is busy paying attention the conversation between Weiss and Blake.

Just too bad, Penny can't escape from my [Advanced Detection Mastery] and also because I kept my eyes on Penny every few seconds just in case Penny tried to disappear from everyone's sight.

'Pretty sure, Penny figures out that I notice her disappearing with the way she glances at me for a few seconds before she left.' I was about to continue my monologue, when Weiss slap the side of my head to get my attention.

"Ow?" I said to Weiss, but she just facepalm and let out a tired sigh, then look at me with a blank stare.

"We both know it would take much more to hurt someone like you." Weiss said dryly, then glance at Blake for a moment, "You're going to explain the police on why you were here in the first place."

Blake gulps under Weiss's stare and slowly nod at her, then walk towards the police with Weiss walking along to make sure to provide support.

"So...are you Weiss' friend from her home?" Ruby ask me out of the blue while looking at me a little nervous and an awkward smile.

"You could say that. I'm Weiss' fiance's friend. So in a way, I could be considered Weiss' friend." I answer Ruby's question, who blinks at me for actually answering her question when it looks like I would attack her for just looking at me wrong.

Ruby, Yang, and Sun stare at me with a blank expression as if they didn't know how to react at first.

"Huh, so the rumors about how the Schnee and Orihara family actually made an arranged marriage between the two heirs? Welp, I owe a few people Lien for losing the bet." Sun is the first one to break the silence.

"Eh?! Huh?! Wait! What?! Weiss is in an arranged marriage?!" Ruby shout in surprise and took this as a bigger news than compared to finding out that Blake is a faunus. Also, being a former member of the White Fang.

"You don't get out much, do you?" I ask Ruby, who tried to glare at me, but end up as a pout instead. A cute pout indeed; however, it still doesn't affect me one bit.

"Heh! The only thing Ruby gets out is to get parts for her weapon and look up all kinds of weapons; well, anything related to weapons in general." Yang answer in her little sister's place while Ruby started to whine as she playfully punches Yang in the right shoulder for embarrassing her.

Sun took a step back away from Ruby and hide his weapons, because he got a feeling Ruby would dare to steal it from him just to study it, with a small chance of losing something important after getting it back.

"Well, tell Weiss to contact me later in the morning. See ya." I said to them, as I start walking away, much to Ruby's disappointment from getting the chance to see my [Combat Knife] and didn't get the chance to find out if I could make her cookies or not.

Yang and Sun let out a sigh of relief, more with Sun than Yang, since he saw what kind of damage I could send out with ease. Of course, Blake and Sun would think I have a limited movement in fighting when I dislocated my left shoulder so easy. Let's just say if they think this is a weakness of mine, which is kinda is, they got a big surprise later once I pull out my [Mana Gun] at them.

next day*

Days?: Hello Again!

(Vale: Vale City: Tukson's Book Trade)

"Man, where am I ever going to find that book?" I let out a tired sigh after going through what looks like hundred or so books, but couldn't find the one I wanted and the owner, Tukson the former member of the White Fang and a faunus, who couldn't find the book I was looking for, even when he thought he had one.

Sadly, going through the whole store didn't show any progress, if anything, it made me more annoyed and frustrated.


I heard the Front Door to the Bookstore open, and see two people entering. One is male and the other is female, who are very familiar to me and I seriously wish Shigure didn't ask a favor from me to come to this Bookstore to pick up her order.

Both Emerald and Mercury are surprised to see someone, but the owner of this Bookstore, to be here. As they glance at one of another, then Emerald approaches the counter and rings a service bell.

"Be right there!" We heard Tukson shouts to everyone, as everyone could see the Bookstore's owner through a set of double doors carrying stacks of books as he walks backward and out towards the counter.

"Sorry, Mr. Nikos. But, I couldn't find it in the back either." Tukson looks a little bit of regret not being able to find a book that worth a fortune and a customer would have paid tons of Lien for it. That Lien could have been used in his getaway to speed up a bit.

Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black tense when they heard my last name, as they put their guard up while making sure to act like they didn't know who I am. But, lower it once they got a good look at me and didn't put their guards up too much; however, they still kept their guard up just in case.

"It's fine. I'll leave you with your new customers." I said my goodbye and left the Bookstore. Plus, the fact that I don't know Tukson beside the little information I remember back in my previous life isn't much to give me a reason to help him out by stopping both Emerald and Mercury from killing him.

Of course, at my present self compared to the past is like heaven and earth. Complete different. I could easily take down them down with or without my weapons. Plus, I could always use Shigure's handmade poison to take them down without them realizing what happens before it is too late.

'If you survive, Tukson, then I will buy you a drink as a gift for surviving.' I begin to walk back towards the place I'm supposed to meet up with everyone once I got Shigure's book she orders to be shipped to Tukson's Book Trade.

few minutes later*

(Vale: Vale City: Unknown Park)

'Hmm. I need to restock on paper to turn into [Talisman] later.' I continue to think about what else I need to restock on after using my supply to take down a few enemies' bases and haven't got the chance to restock them because I was in too hurry to get to the Vale Kingdom.

It took me a bit of time to find Shigure, who is sitting on a branch up high in the tree and Shigure's stealth is already considered at a [Master Rank] from countless missions back at Mistral and with me as her training partner help out as well, since I have [Advanced Detection Mastery], which I develop other kind of [Technique] for [Detection] beside [Eagle Vision] and its variations.

If my [Detection] was to rank up one more time and enter [Master Rank], then I could find Shigure a bit faster than before.

I pull out my scroll and dial Shigure's scroll number. As I watch Shigure pull out her own scroll to answer, but instead of answering her scroll. Shigure blinks and look around the Park until her eyes made contact with mine.

A second Shigure was still on the branch, then the next second, she is standing in front of me with a small smile.

I roll my eyes at Shigure and turn off my scroll before putting it away. Then, Shigure grabs my left hand with her right and pull me to towards somewhere in the Park.

"So are the others here or are you just taking me somewhere to eat?" I ask Shigure, who didn't stop a second after hearing my question.

"To...the...others." Shigure answers me without turning her head, as it only took us a few seconds to find Izaya and Weiss talking to each other, with Ruby looks very confused right now.

Momoyo is sitting on a bench with a bored expression as she waits for something happen while Yang tries to think up of something to start a conversation with her.

I could see team JNPR, where Pyrrha is introducing all her friends back in Mistral to her teammates.

Once Pyrrha notice Shigure pulling me, she let out a squeal that is uncharacteristic of her image, that the people at Beacon Academy buildup since they met her has fallen to pieces and Pyrrha launch herself straight at me.

Shigure sees this let go of me and took a few steps away from me while looking at me with a blank expression.

Over the years from now, with Pyrrha always doing this whenever we're apart more than a few days. I got to the point in my training that I no longer need the help of aura enhance and on pure physical strength to stop Pyrrha from pushing me to the ground.

Furthermore, using the [Seal Version: Resistance Gear: Tier 9] to restrict 90% of my movement lead to me getting even stronger as well as using the [Seal Version: Gravity Weight: Tier 5], which apply 6x the original [Gravitational Force] onto my body.

So it's no wonder my physical strength is evenly matched with Pyrrha, if not more, when I remove these [Training Tool] and release my body from its limitations. As with these [Training Tool] activated, then I'm at Pyrrha and Shigure in strength and speed, but just a bit behind on Momoyo who excel over the control on her strength and speed together.

Sadly, I couldn't afford to give Pyrrha the same [Tier] of these two [Training Tool] like mine in a wristband form. As the [System Point] for the [Upgrade] is just too much and I barely got mine to where it is right now before I went bankrupt and had to put in extra effort to regain those major losses of [System Point].

Of course, if I had them in wristband form, then I could have lent them to Pyrrha, but they aren't. So Pyrrha had to deal with the lower [Tier] for now.

"I miss you so much, Em. And, I forgive you after you make me a few [Chocolate Cake] later." Pyrrha buries her face into my chest while trying her best to squeeze the life out of me with her hug like usual, but couldn't after my body went through extreme training beyond the training Pyrrha put herself through.

Heck, now I could just enjoy my loving little sister's hugs like normal instead of trying my best to survive through it like a death battle with my life on the line, which is kind of true in a way.

If Pyrrha use aura enhance, then she could cause just a bit of pain to me, but Pyrrha didn't want to ruin the moment and because she happy to see me again, even if it took 3 months to arrive here in Vale.

"Guys, I want to introduce my older twin brother, Enma." Pyrrha pulls me to her teammates and introduce me to them.

"Hello. I hope my little sister didn't cause you any problems." I smirk as Pyrrha pout at me and try to crush my hand, but once again, my present body holds up against Pyrrha's strength without aura boosting her strength.

'Hope this day won't end up badly...and I just jinxed myself.' I thought dryly, as Pyrrha begin to introduce her teammates one by one.