

At this point I was scared, I have never been alone in a house with a man let alone a stranger,even though uncle was mum's ex, I still consider him a stranger because I don't know him not until mum introduced him as his ex. Did I say how my mum and I look so much alike, I am a replica of my mum, grandma would always say she sees the younger picture of my mum I'm me. I love hearing my granny says that to me. Uncle Stephen finished bathing ,changed and was sitting on the couch in the sitting room right close to me, at this point my heart was beating faster,my breath could be heard afar off. I was praying in my heart for mum and dad to return home immediately but that seemed impossible. Soon uncle Stephen noticed my restlessness, he drew close to me and I moved away, he moved closer again till l had no where else to run,soon he started carelessing my body, I was scared and was about to scream when he gave me that dreadful look, I kept my mouth shut,he was about to go further when suddenly mum's car sound was heard outside ,he immediately let me go still giving me that dreadful look like if I say anything I will be dead look. I was terrified, mum came in and I rushed and hugged her with tears in my eyes, uncle Stephen greeted mum and hurriedly left. I told my mum about everything that transpired between uncle Stephen and I, mum was shocked and blamed herself for leaving me all alone in the house forgetting how dangerous and evil the world is becoming as each day passes by. My mum and I waited for my dad to get home and when he finally did,we narrated everything to him,he was furious ,at first he blamed mum for dated such a lunatic like, this almost broke my parents marriage. For me I suffer emotional trauma, I had to undergo some therapeutic treatment, I was happy it helped. My parents sued uncle Stephen,the court found him guilty with my doctor's report starting how I was hurt mentally and emotionally,with it serving as an evidence,the court sentenced him to 5years imprisonment. That was a long year for him to realize his bad deeds and amend his ways if he so wishes. With uncle Stephen been locked up, I thought I could go back to my normal life but I didn't. The Nightmares started, I couldn't sleep at night because I always see him in my dreams trying to force himself on me. This continued for a whole year until I finally decided to open up to my parents about the Nightmares. Immediately mum suggested I go see a therapist, hearing my mum say that made me feel like they think am going crazy , regardless I had to agree to it for my own good. I couldn't tell my two best friends because it felt so embarrassing, although they both complained that I have Changed alot. I don't laugh and giggle like I used to do, I stopped displaying those energetic vibes people loved about to me. I was entirely lost in my own world but I was determined to get my life back to normal and so I worked towards it.