

My name is Anna Johnson,am 11 years and this is my story. My parents Mr Michael and Mrs Stacy Johnson were the most adorable couples at my street San Francisco,they were the talk of the town and envy of some other couples. My mum was 21 when she had me,that was what I was told and my dad was the happiest man on earth. My dad had a bakery shop and he was so good at baking that everyone at San Francisco would always rush to his shop to have a taste of his cookies. Mum being that she works with housing agency doesn't spend much time at home nor with me and that brought my dad and I closer. We weren't just father and daughter but best of friends. Dad taught me how to cook and bake, so you can say that am a good cook. Everything was moving perfectly fine until my eleventh birthday, family and friends were invited,my parents wanted it to be a perfect party because i was turning eleven. After the cutting of caking and it was dancing time, that was when one of my nightmares showed up,Mr Stephen my mum's first love. There was this shock and excitement in her eyes at the same time, dad noticed and waved it off cause he didn't want to be overwhelmed by his jealousy and so he got his self busy with attending the guests. Mr Stephen walked up to us,greeted my mum saying it's been a very time then he turned to me and said, happy birthday my princess and I responded with a thank you and a smiled, he then smiled back and went to mix himself with the guest. Soon the party was over and everyone left to their respective houses. I as well left for my room,changing into my nighties and was about to sleep when all of a sudden I heard daddy's voice screeming at mum asking her if she still loves her ex . No, mum said trying to explain to dad that she only loves him and that whatever she had with uncle Stephen were all in the past. Soon there was tranquility in the house and I finally slept off happily .

( Church bell rings...) I totally slept like a log of wood, forgetting that I had to wake up early but thankfully it was a Saturday so no school,just me, myself and my messy room to deal with. The sound of the church bell woked me up and so I started arranging my room and cleaning it up,oh! Did I mentioned that my favorite color was purple and so made my bed with my purple bed spreed and pillow cases,my love for purple color made me plead with my parents to decorate my room with purple colored designs and flowers. Soon I had my breakfast and was waiting for my two best friends or should I say my gossip mates to arrive when suddenly it started raining heavily. And so I called up my friends,Tracy and Emma asking them about our plans for the day but they said they couldn't come due to the heavy rain, I felt disappointed yet I understood them as well and bid them goodbye on the phone,then heading to my room to play some video games, I heard a knock on the front door,at first was excited with thoughts that perhaps my two crazy friends might have wanted to surprise me but the on a second thought,I said to myself that It might be my dad. And so I hurriedly opened the door only to see uncle Stephen standing right there with his clothes drenched in rain,I hurriedly greeted him telling him as well that mum wasn't around. He asked me if he could come in and dry his clothes he further explained that his car broke down on his way home and since our house happened to be close,he decided to stop by and dry his wet clothes. I felt remorse for him and asked him to come in, as I wouldn't want him catching a cold at least that's what I thought mother would have done if she were to be home that moment. He stepped out of his wet shoes and then walked into the house,I showed him the bathroom for him to shower, then handed him a clean towel and immediately left to the sitting room as I couldn't go to my room because of him being around, I mean I couldn't leave our visitor all alone. As uncle Stephen was still bathing, o hurriedly dialed mum's number but it couldn't connect, I as well dialed my dad's number it couldn't connect as well.