
Blue Paint

"Hey, want to be reincarnated?" It all started with that simple question, sure it wasn't said exactly in that way or context but it's all the same, the events remained the same... and so did its effects, its effects on both her story and on herself. Mysterious beings sending people across the many worlds through a cafe and their strange sense of doing things have brought her into an experience that she would either regret experiencing or look back on as necessary suffering. An alien planet of human-looking people who display power and skills of unique origin. With blasters, air rifles, railguns, flying ships, flying cars, spaceships, teleporters, and enormous rings, she woke to find herself in a world that was foreign to her with all forms of objects that she could only dream of. They continuously went against what she thought to be humanly possible, though I guess that is no longer a valid thought to have, they however have predetermined thoughts about her. The people there despised her existence, they wished for her pain, her suffering, her death... Throughout many years of pain and suffering, she still found a way to come out on top, she found a way to prove her existence ignoring all that was done to her and said about her. Like a bolt of lightning, she came quickly, she came loudly, and she left her presence in the hearts and minds of the people she encountered, for that was what she desired, for however much they wanted her erasure and disappearance she wanted them to be reminded of her presence even more. Blue Paint. Her hair and eyes cultivate the paint that is splattered across the canvas that is her, and the pain she amasses shall be the brush she uses to plaster said paint. At the end of the journey even with the many things, she shall experience on the way her mind will always go back to when she was asked that very simple question. "Hey, do you want to be reincarnated?" *** Extra Tags – Gender-bender, Action, Adventure, War, etc. Chapter length - 1500 - 2700 One chapter a week. (No promises) COVER IS NOT MINE, I am not the cover's rightful owner. If the original artist wants it taken down then please contact me! Discord: https://discord.gg/cBKysw4VFx

Pasithea_Midnight · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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75 Chs

Questions For Tyvetta II

"No problem, Dear. Now, tell me any other questions in that head of yours."

Hearing her words I stared at her blankly as I tried coming up with new questions. There were many things I was curious about and wanted answers to but my ability to remember them at this moment was annoyingly complex.

"Give me a moment, I need to think."

Asking for a moment, I bit the side of my mouth, trying to delve deeper into my mind. But my attention was taken off questions momentarily as I looked down at my right arm and legs. The hexagonal plates on them and my back were burning up and smoking – obviously because of the lightning.

Luckily for me though, Tyvetta was here. I don't know what it was that she did, but she was protecting me from the fried machinery hurting me, though I wouldn't be able to walk out f here later, it was a situation in which I could only sigh and listen to Tyvetta.

"Alright, take your time, dear."

With her permission, I tuned out any noise from my surroundings – as there were still slight sounds of rolling thunder in the sky; but unlike how scary they were to me before, they were now energizing and welcoming to me.

Now that I'm mentioning the thunder, when I was energized by the lightning earlier it had subconsciously done something to keep my arm together while also numbing the pain throughout my entire body.

I've been told and have heard about quite a few people talking about their abilities and situations they were thrown in while using them. They mentioned sometimes acquiring injuries but they never mentioned their pain being numbed or a broken arm being kept together.

The only mention of their abilities doing something was either allowing them to manipulate the area around them and/or strengthening their bodies, which led me to question whether my case was just different.

Maybe it treated my body differently because I was so much weaker than others, or perhaps it's due to my status of being a child of Tyvetta? No, that's not very likely – because Karma can heal herself. Her flames would cover her wounds and heal them, so it wasn't that.

"Why did the lightning do that? Why did it make a bolt in my arm to keep it together, along with numbing the pain throughout my body?"

I wanted to raise my arm and show it to her, but it wouldn't move an inch, I was in for a world of pain when the numbing sense Tyvetta gave off disappeared.

"Lightning descends from the skies, which is my domain. You are my child, so it is only to be expected for lightning to fall under your control as well. As you know – you are weak, incredibly so; due to that fact, it has taken the liberty and decided to support you in the best way possible.

The red energy you see, Reverse Flauna works in a way to give your manipulated elements some form of intelligence, well in this case it chose to support your body and fortify it. If it did not do that you would have barely been able to handle it."

"So that red energy is called Reverse Flauna?"

I questioned her with a neutral face. I've always been curious about the red energy ever since I first saw it in the temple when I received my baptismal name.

"Yes, well at least in your Detrid common tongue. We, me and my sisters refer to it by a different name but never mind that. Are you interested in what Reverse Flauna is?"

Giving me confirmation she sent a question back to me as a smile graced her lips, it seemed to me that she enjoyed smiling; she's been sending bright smiles to me ever since we met – the only time I saw a frown being drawn on her was when she talked about the hunts on her other children.

"Yes actually. I've read through my family's library and there was not even a sentence mentioning it. It's an entertaining thing to watch, really – it's always fighting with the regular Flauna as it always remains around me.

I've been curious, why does it do that and why is it that I can usually always see it but not the regular Flauna?"

I spoke out my thoughts as I played with a lock of my hair. I had multiple questions about Reverse Flauna, well Flauna period. When I couldn't necessarily utilize Flauna by myself I was only able to remain positive about the situation because I was distracted by the voices intruding in my head along with the sight of red energy moving around me sporadically.

I've always dealt with problematic thoughts by distracting myself with things I enjoy such as drawing, listening to music, or both – It was also significantly better because I was good at art, but I digress.

"Reverse Flauna is... hmm, how do I explain this; well in layman terms, it is the direct antithesis to Flauna. It differs from Flauna in the fact that nobody is born with, except for you and me. Other than that it operates differently compared to regular Flauna.

While the regular– argh, I'll just call them red and blue. While the blue Flauna moves as many streams throughout the world originating from the core of celestial bodies – meanwhile red Flauna has no definite source. It can be found everywhere, yet can be used by none, but me, you, my Specs, and... the Creatures, De l'effroi."

Listening to her explanation of the difference between the two I heard quite a bit of new information and a few things I already knew, such as the fact that blue Flauna originated from the core of celestial bodies.

Grandma had told me about that and reminded me that if I were to be in a ship off-planet, that wasn't a Dreadnought or other ships capable of using warp drives, it would do me well to remember to watch my usage of Flauna.

The pipes on my arm, legs, and back wouldn't pump any more Flauna in that atmosphere – the only Flauna that I'd have readily available would be the remaining in the cores and the very minuscule amount brought into my body.

Other than that, everything else was new to me. The fact that red Flauna was everywhere was a shocking surprise, and it was expected that Tyvetta and her Specs could use it, I guess me being able to use it as well, was to be expected – but... the Creatures, De l'effroi...

I furrowed my brows at hearing her last few words. The way she spoke of the last users of red Flauna caught me by surprise as her bright tone faded and she lost the smile on her face. It seemed there was something more to those creatures.

"Among that, instead of merely bringing out our abilities to manipulate the world like blue Flauna, it also inscribes a will, or intelligence onto it. That is what happened when you had instinctively called forth lightning."

Wrapping up her simplified explanation of the two energies, Tyvetta placed a hand on my head and stroked my hair, waiting to see if I had more to say.

"What are... no, never mind."

I wanted to ask her about the creatures she mentioned, but I stopped myself. I didn't know what it was but something in the back of my mind was telling me not to ask about them at this moment – but with the fact that they could use Reverse Flauna, I was certain that I would learn more about them later.

"Why is my hair so durable? It has a reason doesn't it?"

I asked a simple question about my hair. I was certain that it had something to do with Flauna, or at least I could guess that it was – so I asked this question.

"Yes, it does have a reason. You have great intuition, my dear."

Tyvetta nodded at my guess and complimented me.

"Well, mom and grandma have always told me I was always one of the brightest tools in the shed."

I grinned, proud at the compliment she gave me as I reveled in it. I don't get compliments that commonly so I relished her words.

"Indeed. The reason your hair is so durable is the same reason that your, no, our, hair is blue. our hair is blue because it is stained by Flauna, blue Flauna. When you, when we, were born our bodies would hardly pull in Flauna despite our capability to use it.

In that way, when it tried to enter our bodies it was unable to properly do so. This led to it filling the only thing vulnerable to it with Flauna, which was our hair, being stained blue in the aftermath – leading to our strong and durable blue hair, also the reason why it can't be dyed."

She gave me an answer which I almost completely expected. I didn't know if my birth process was strange, or if it was common for people with durable hair to be born; but after many cycles of confusion and anxiety around my hair, I came to the conclusion that it had something to do with Flauna – and I was right.

"You know, there's this interesting thing our hair does. At times of night, our hair changes from blue to black."

Speaking once more, Tyvetta answered a question I just wanted to ask. When I first saw her blue hair I questioned if I was seeing things when I thought back onto her black – so I wanted to ask her about it.

"Really? But my hair never did that, did it? I remember my hair always being blue at night, were there times when it wasn't?"

Now that I had this answer I was once more struck by confusion because she had said "our" hair. I've never experienced such changes before, and even though I sleep on some nights, there are plenty of nights where I find myself unable to do so and those nights saw no hair changes.

"Oh yes, it surely did. It happened only a few times and your grandmother didn't inform you of it since it was of little importance – and it happened when you were asleep; note that now that you have completed all of this, unlocking your ability to utilize Reverse Flauna – it will happen all the time."

"Mm, note taken."

Nodding at her words I let out a soft hum and thought about one of my final questions, I was thinking that it was about time for us to wrap this up, I was certain that Karma was worried about me by now, and that wasn't good – both of us were quite clingy to one another.

"So, what was this task all about? You know, proving that I was worthy to acquire your will, what exactly was it?"

At my question, Tyvetta put the tip of her finger on her chin before tapping it multiple times before she spoke.

"Do you remember what I said? You must unlock the power hidden within you and accept my will, as you will need it?"


Quickly answering her question I waited for her to continue. I wasn't anxious for a reply, but I wanted to completely understand the situation as I was certain the will was bigger than simply uncorking my hidden ability.

"Well, the entire action of proving yourself worthy for my will was all about being able to utilize Reverse Flauna. Without it, someone such as yourself would never be able to accomplish anything that requires a go amount of ability.

I nodded my head, following along with her every word.

"Yes, I know that you were able to last a while facing off against my little red wolf."

At her calling that vicious beast a little red wolf I couldn't help but roll my eyes, like you could call that beast little, hah!

Haha – Tyvetta merely laughed upon seeing me rolling my eyes, I didn't need t say anything for her to understand why I did so.

"Continuing, that was only possible because of those fried machines on your body. Without them not only can you not stand, but you also can't fight."

"Yeah, but that's–"

"Yes, I know that you need them to even attempt a fight, I'm not blaming. There's nothing wrong with you having them, especially since there will be no limits to what you can have on your body in an actual body – I'm just pointing out the reasons for your survival."

Interrupting my attempt to explain, Tyvetta merely shook her head – denying my attempt to do so; to which I relented.

"Since you have proved that you can utilize the use of Reverse Flauna you have proven that you are more than worthy, so I understand all of your issues, but you must look at the grand scheme of things my dear."

Hearing her mention the grand scheme of things I went silent. The grand scheme of things for me was quite large, I was asked, well, told by higher powers to retrieve a Ring, a weapon of old. It was a mission that left me with a high probability of death.

Even if she knew nothing about the mission forced onto me, she was completely right, I needed to focus on the grand scheme of things. I might have fought off the Wolf, but at the end of the day, I nearly lost my arm to it.

I also wouldn't have survived longer if not for the lightning – I was forced to put my cores into overdrive, they were turned to dust, and that would leave me helpless against such a strong opponent, so whatever this will was; in her perspective, I needed it.

I looked Tyvetta in the eyes after I finished contemplating her words. She had a reassuring smile spread across her face as she had an understanding look in her eyes – I could tell what she was thinking.

"Then... What exactly is this will of yours?"

I asked my final question. Whatever it was, whatever it turned out to be, she was sure that I would need it – so I was left to also think I would need it. Leaving me to only wait for what exactly the will of a Lord was.

Seeing the look in my eyes Tyvetta smirked as she stroked my hair once more, she was taking her sweet time answering my question.

"... Veltae. You know three of us, all three of the Lords. Soletti, the Lord of First Daylight, Tyvetta, the Lord of Second Daylight, and me, Tyvetta, the Lord of Nightfall. We all have wills of our own and they're all unique to us, but you know what?"


I listened to her words, wondering where she was leading this to as I added on to her words with a question.

"My will, the will of Nightfall as those of old would call it is something of unprecedented levels to where it passes beyond the skies of our very planet."

I nodded my head at her words, I was anxiously waiting for her to get to the point as she led me on with every word of hers.

"What is it?!"

Clenching my fist and focusing on Tyvetta's face I waited for her to speak.

"My will, for you, my dear, is the very capability to take hold of and control the most dangerous and very definition of indestructible. The ability to use the most powerful interstellar weapon – the Tricuds Ring!"

Sorry if this chapter and the last felt like info dumps, I hope my efforts in trying to make these more entertaining worked, even though these pieces were somewhat important – this was the last one.

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Thank you!

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Pasithea_Midnightcreators' thoughts