
Blue Paint

"Hey, want to be reincarnated?" It all started with that simple question, sure it wasn't said exactly in that way or context but it's all the same, the events remained the same... and so did its effects, its effects on both her story and on herself. Mysterious beings sending people across the many worlds through a cafe and their strange sense of doing things have brought her into an experience that she would either regret experiencing or look back on as necessary suffering. An alien planet of human-looking people who display power and skills of unique origin. With blasters, air rifles, railguns, flying ships, flying cars, spaceships, teleporters, and enormous rings, she woke to find herself in a world that was foreign to her with all forms of objects that she could only dream of. They continuously went against what she thought to be humanly possible, though I guess that is no longer a valid thought to have, they however have predetermined thoughts about her. The people there despised her existence, they wished for her pain, her suffering, her death... Throughout many years of pain and suffering, she still found a way to come out on top, she found a way to prove her existence ignoring all that was done to her and said about her. Like a bolt of lightning, she came quickly, she came loudly, and she left her presence in the hearts and minds of the people she encountered, for that was what she desired, for however much they wanted her erasure and disappearance she wanted them to be reminded of her presence even more. Blue Paint. Her hair and eyes cultivate the paint that is splattered across the canvas that is her, and the pain she amasses shall be the brush she uses to plaster said paint. At the end of the journey even with the many things, she shall experience on the way her mind will always go back to when she was asked that very simple question. "Hey, do you want to be reincarnated?" *** Extra Tags – Gender-bender, Action, Adventure, War, etc. Chapter length - 1500 - 2700 One chapter a week. (No promises) COVER IS NOT MINE, I am not the cover's rightful owner. If the original artist wants it taken down then please contact me! Discord: https://discord.gg/cBKysw4VFx

Pasithea_Midnight · Khoa học viễn tưởng
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75 Chs

Meeting A Lord II

As I never expected something like this happening I also never expected to jump into another embrace in such a strange forest so willingly.

It all felt strange yet not at the same time. Many questions flowed into my mind and I decided I needed to calm myself down.

Although not the same, this feeling reminded me of how Karma described the feeling she got from the Mirror; instead, it wasn't addictive, but it still pulled me in – like a warm embrace of home. That was how it felt for my entire body.

Right, calm, I needed to calm myself down. After taking in quite a few breaths and opening my eyes I was finally able to pull myself out of her embrace and stared into those eyes of hers that were the exact mirror image of mine.

I guessed that this person was Tyvetta. I don't know why that was my first guess. but it was and she confirmed to me that it was infallible.


I called out her name, my nervousness showing with the quiver of my voice. I was certain I was right, but I needed more assurance, I wanted more assurance.

"Yes, Veltae."

I soothing voice gave me all the assurance I needed.

With the mentions of the Lords and more so Tyvetta I had a preset notion of what they would be like. I thought they would certainly be haughty, arrogant beings that could not sympathize with the average person.

Even though those that always mocked me tended to spit profanities and venomous words about Tyvetta and how she was "wretched", I thought differently, I thought she was nothing like what they described her to be. There were no facts to back it up but there was always this thought nagging at the back of my head that continued to reaffirm my thoughts.

She was undoubtedly a more sincere character when compared to the people back in the capital; well, at least to me.

I looked back at the beast behind me, it was resting its head on its front paws in something similar to a bow – it was bowing to her.

Haha – Tyvetta's beautiful and enchanting chuckle reverberated within the room, as she stared at the beast. Waving her hand it rose its head from its paws and stared at her with a longing gaze, as they flashed with red.

Now that I was getting a better look at our surrounding the air seemed to be vibrating as all the Flauna that flowed around us became so highly saturated that I could see them. Her mere presence shook the air.

The red energy was also present. Unlike how it usually was when I saw it, there was no fighting with the Flauna. They were both merely two ants trembling before their Lord, it was certainly a sight to see.

"You were the one that brought me here, right?"

I questioned her.

As I questioned her, I held my hand to my throat and the device wrapped around it – this was a strange experience. It had been more than ten cycles since I could speak this clearly, not to mention without it working.

"You are correct, my child. I, we, brought you here because it was determined that you were ready."

Nodding her head, Tyvetta spoke in a gentle tone as if she were speaking to a delicate creature.

"Why was I brought here so violently? My back still aches from being slammed into that boulder."

Even though I was able to walk and run over to this place my back was killing me. I was only able to ignore it this entire time due to being scared out of my wits along with me being under constant stress and anxiety. Leaving the pain as a minor thing.

"Ah, yes. Sorry about that, my specs aren't exactly the most subtle or gentlest of beings."

Apologizing, she gave me a somewhat acceptable reason. After seeing two of the creatures, in person, I was sure they weren't the types to focus on my well-being. Anyway, clearing my throat I returned to the topic at hand.

"What do you mean "Determined I was ready"? What am I ready for? Who is, "We"? What are the specs you're talking about?"

My purpose for being in this entire place was a question that always rang out in my head, now I'm being told it's because I'm supposedly ready for something. Of course, I'm curious!

Hearing my question, a smile graced the Lord's lips. She seemed genuinely pleased that I had asked her that question.

"I knew a curious little Lurat like you would ask the important questions first."

Tyvetta complimented and spoke like she knew everything about me, commenting on my tendency to be overly curious; she wasn't even bothered by the number of questions I asked.

"We, are me and my Specs, my specs are what is commonly referred to as Spectral Beast. What we have determined you were ready for was for your acquirement of my Will."

I nodded with each answer to my questions but found myself pausing at her final words.


I questioned.

"Yes, Will."

She gave me a soft response.

She wanted me to acquire her will? This sounded both generous and problematic at the same time. Normally a will might just give you money or property, that is if it came from a normal person – but who was Tyvetta? Certainly not a normal person.

She was a Lord.

The fact that she was a Lord made her Will, a Lord's Will, therefore it was a subject matter as important as the most important Detrid on this planet. Her will was of more importance than my entire being.

"Are you sure about this? I don't think I can accept something like this.–"

I tried to speak out my denial of this but I was shut off by the raise of Tyvetta's hand. There was still a beautiful smile gracing her lips as she spoke.

"Quiet now. Listen first, okay."

Looking into her calm eyes, I simply nodded. I always seemed to jump the gun when it comes to denying such things.

"I know receiving something like feels like quite the burden on you, Veltae."

As more words escaped her lips, Tyvetta used the sides of the coffin to pull her body out of it as she stood out for me to see. The swirls of red and blue continued to obscure any sense of skin tone that she had.

When she stepped out of the coffin the Flauna and red energy in the energy vibrated even more, and with each step, they bumped and danced in the air all around them. They were moving to just her presence and movements alone.

I slightly rose my head as she approached me, she was only a few heads taller than me – she was taller than Karma, but she was still growing so it wasn't relevant.

Placing her hands on my cheeks she made me focus on her eyes, which calmed my conflicted thoughts on what she wanted of me.

"My will, it will be something you need, but I can't explain more until after you prove yourself worthy. It is something that only you can receive, and it is something that you must receive."

Seeing the blank yet worried look on my face she paused as she let out a sigh.

"Do you wonder why you can't do anything unique? The Nazare Clan's people in the village with you can greatly enhance their physical capabilities. Your friend, Karma, can manipulate flames of great magnitude. Your aunt can manipulate space and your grandmother, who is the strongest Detrid yet – can wield the flames of a star.

Yet here you are, unable to even fathom doing things of that sort. That's what's been on your mind for quite a while aren't I right, Veltae?"

I was looking in her eyes the entire time she was saying these words to me and there wasn't a single hint of mocking or sarcasm in her voice... She was merely stating what she could tell and feel from me, otherwise known as my true thoughts.

My mind trailed off at her words as I began to fall into thought about the many capable people I've met in my life.

"...Yes you're right."

I broke out of my stupor and simply answered her words. I simply had nothing more to say, It was exactly as she said. There was nothing special about me, as I couldn't do anything to protect myself against people who might have similar abilities like Karma and the others she knew.

I stared at Tyvetta's hands, the nails on her hands were sharp and like claws yet even though they touched my skin no harm was done. I was merely muttering to myself about my situation as I stared at her nails.

Tyvetta had a slight smile on her face while I was muttering to myself. Everything she said about me not being unique and how everyone I knew was unique in a certain way, not to mention her stating it was something I always thought of.

"With my Will, Veltae, you will be introduced to the abilities hidden inside you. That is if you allow yourself to."

She left off saying these words and removed her hands from my cheeks before raising them to the side of the beast's head, rubbing its fur and under its floppy ears.

"How's it going, I'm sorry you ended up in your earlier state before, that was all my fault. I can imagine the amount of pain you were just in but just know I never meant for any of you to get hurt, okay?"

Her gentle voice once more escaped her lips, but instead of me, her words were being said to the beast as she soothed it.

Watching her pet the beast I thought it over. If I didn't accept her Will I would remain the weakest link for my family, including Karma and her family, which wasn't something I'd want.

As I am I will always be the target of some people or some group. It would be better for me to earn some type of way to directly protect myself from any dangers, especially when there always be someone there to protect me. It was something I had long since come to know as a fact.

"Alright. I'll acquire your Will, Tyvetta. I have some other questions, but what exactly is it that you want me to do for your Will."

Coming to a conclusion I could see Tyvetta's grin grow wider, the energy in the room vibrated even more violently as she did so. It seemed me accepting this from her had made her overly excited, I could tell by that light chuckle of hers as she calmed her head down.

"I know you are curious about a great many things, my child. Yet I am afraid I can't answer you until after. You must finish and return safely to receive all the answers you so desire."

Reassuring me that I'll be answered, that is if I'm triumphant, was a slightly reassuring thing to be told. I was certainly not the most confident person in this world so I needed all the confidence I could get, which wasn't going to be a lot.

"...Ok. So how are we going to do this?"

I was anxious. All that hyping myself up and I'm already anxious before I even get into it. Rubbing the back of my hand I once more looked into the eyes of Tyvetta, who was simply standing there, chuckling at the sight of me.

"You will be taken somewhere familiar where you will face some familiar things. The rest after that is up to how you do."

Saying this Tyvetta received a slight nod, before sending me off she gave me a thumbs up, then she swiped her hand in the air and I was momentarily blinded.

Shutting my, I stood still with my eyes shut but I could already tell that my surroundings had changed. Not to mention that there was a sense of familiarity with this new surrounding – that was when I heard the roar of rolling thunder.

My eyes flashed open as I gazed upon the familiar surrounding. A plane of blue going out infinitely on all sides and storm clouds above where thunder and lightning danced in the skies. I looked around, Tyvetta was no longer with me – which I could also tell by the returning pain in my throat.

I was now on this endless plane and was yet to comprehend what it was that I was supposed to do, that is until I spotted multiple figures inching closer and closer to me by the second.

As I guessed they were part of what I must do, I didn't try to run, no matter how much my instincts kicked and cursed at me to do so.

Bang! – "Ah!"

I yelled out in surprise and literally almost jumped out of my skin as a lightning bolt slammed into the ground right next to me. I had nearly forgotten how much of a hazard this entire place was, and I wasn't necessarily happy there was such a high chance that I would be struck by a random bolt.

Ugh! – Groaning, I stare down at the approaching figures. There were three figures, two seemed to be large four-legged beasts while one of them seemed to be a towering, yet lanky creature.

All of them seemed to be phasing in and out of transparency. After a while, I finally realized what the three were. One figure, the towering lanky one, had to be the elderly one that lead me to the temple. One of the four-legged ones was the beast that I met at the coffin.

The third creature though was unfamiliar to me. It gave off this vicious air, even though it acted similarly to the floppy-eared bear wolf it was much more visible when compared to it. The beast's dark red fur coat was covered in many scars and wounds, that wasn't the only thing that made it vicious though.

It was a pure wolf-like beast in its appearance and its eyes were flooded with red energy, along with its maw that was filled with dangerously sharp fangs and canines.

The Beast seemed like it was itching to jump into combat, yet the other two merely stood in place and watched me as if they were onlookers.

I waited to see if I would hear Tyvetta's voice informing me of what it was that I was to do, but seeing these creatures before left no words needed. It was clear that my goal on this plane was to fight this vicious red beast.

Even though I expected that I was supposed to combat this thing its next move took me by complete surprise as it rushed and pounced at me with great tenacity.

Upon seeing its claw above my head I quickly rolled over to the side, before my sense flared and I shifted over to the side, only to dodge another pounce from the beast, It was displaying overwhelming viciousness and tenacity; leaving me exasperated and lost for words.

This was just crazy.

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