
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Kỳ huyễn
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 51: ɪʟɪᴀɴ

'Let's go. Killing this filthy weak being only consumed our time.'

'Why are you in so much hurry. We had killed it. We can leave. I believe that whatever power is up there. It is only pure evil. It is better if we go away.'

Even though Ilian had many questions. She still followed Jade to swim all the way up where they can feel the power gets more close and stronger.

It was actually their presence that Ilian talks about. She just doesn't know that yet.

Eventually. The two made it back to the castle safely. While Ilian was beyond surprised and amazed by the old and buried castle. Jade immediately searched for Rhian.

'What is this place Jade? This is very old. And filled with many memories.'

'This is once a home... to one of my friends.'

Jade eventually located Rhian.

When Rhian saw Ilian. She was quite taken aback to see another tailed being other than Jade.

While Ilian became very aggressive and defensive at the same time when she saw Rhian. The girl completely screams the evil aura and that got the memraid riled up and had her spear pointed at the vampire.

The action made Rhian alert and quickly caught the spear as she battles glare with the mermaid.

'Stop Ilian. She is my friend. And you will not hurt each other.'

Ilian looked at Jade with disbelief. After a few more seconds of glaring at the vampire, Ilian finally withdrew her spear.

Jade gestured to Rhian to go back. So the three swam to where Samuel's room is located. Ilian and Jade practically had the same presence so nobody even noticed that there was exactly three of them coming back from guarding the perimeter.

Ilian watched in confusion as both Jade and Rhian jumped to the air bubble.

One. She was curious of how on earth does an air bubble exists underwater.

Second. The power is now stronger than ever. And now, she could finally tell that it wasn't just power but presences from various beings clashing at each other.

And third. Her cousin just transformed into a two-legged being like the vampire as she slid in a fabric which humans called clothes.

"Can you get anything to cover her? Don't tell them yet." Jade said to Rhian and Ilian was more than surprised when she heard a soundful of words coming out of her cousin.

Or the fact that she is standing and had no tail.

Ilian isn't really familiar with legs. Since she had ran away before she could have further lessons about it.

Rhian gave Ilian a very suspicious look. Before she opened the door and entered the room. She came back with a large and thick fabric and handed it to Jade.

'Come. And promise that you will not scream.'

Jade offered her hand because Ilian looks very unconvinced. Knowing that her cousin will accept it which she did. Jade harshly pulled her out of the water.

Jade had to cover her mouth with the large cloth so her screams of pain would be muffled.

Ilian was so shocked of the newly found pain. So painful that it almost seemed unbearable for any of her kind.

The sooner that Ilian had her own legs. Which kind of caused her a mental breakdown and now she's just staring at it and mentally panicking how her foot fingers moved just because she thought about it.

"You're lucky Trevor is in daze. Who the fu** is this bit** anyway?" Rhian whispered.

Jade only looked at her as she wrapped Ilian with the cloth and carried her bridal style. The princess is very strong so why not.

Rhian rolled her eyes as she opened the door for Jade. Eventually announcing their arrival. And another one very unfamiliar to them.

Ilian was beyond surprised to see different races in one single room.

A demon.

A phoenix.

A winter prince.

An angel of death.

A sleeping black sorcerer

A white sorceress.

A moon goddess.

And lastly a baby dragon.

"Wow. You caught a good meal." Yalex chuckled. He's already back in his human appearance.

"Shut up!" Jade glowered at him and sat her cousin on the couch beside Coleen.

"Oh. She's also a pureblooded mermaid." She giggled the sooner she recognized the mermaid's scent.

Ilian is not very unfamiliar with white sorcerers. So she was quick to exchange greeting smiles with Coleen.

"Who is she?" Yvel asked while stroking the baby dragon's head. He just woke up a few minutes after Rhian and Jade left almost five hours ago.

"This is my cousin Ilian."

'Ilian they are my friends I spoke to you about earlier. They are the power you speak of. And Iam one of them now.'

Ilian immediately looked at her with a bewildered expression. It was TMI in just a few hours of reuniting with each other.

One by one. Jade introduced her friend and what they are. But what caught Ilian's attention was the last two person to be introduced. The sleeping boy and his mate. Trevor and Yalex.

'I think the vessel is Trevor. Yalex said that many evil beings are coming for him. We are aware of that already.'

'He is a person. A black sorcerer. He killed Coleen's race. Let them come and kill him.'

"For your information. I understand every languages so you better watch what you say about my boy. Especially that Iam here." Yalex spoke to her calmly. But his eyes was very threatening.

Having heard of what he said. Coleen knew right away what he meant. And believed that she had to say something to the mermaid.

"Trevor is not like them Ilian. He is a very good person. We trust him and I trust him too." Coleen said to her while making their hand gestures.

It was a good thing that she had learnt how to communicate with them before her race was massacred.

'Evil creatures are all same. All greedy for power.'

'Not all of them. Trust me Ilian. Yalex is my best example for you.'

'I do not and would never trust a demon.'

"Then fu**ing don't!!! Why the hell are we even wasting our time on this bit**! We should be preparing for those things coming for us!" Yalex snapped finally releasing his once calmed demeanor into his real demonic one. And that may have finally made the newbie realized that she is actually in the same room with a real demon.

"Yalex. Calm down." Samuel spoke to him rather bluntly before focusing his attention to the mermaids the sooner he behaved.

"Coleen, will you translate for me?" Samuel asked and the girl nodded.

"It's okay if you do not trust some of us. It's not your fault."

"I could tell you are a very brave warrior. So we could really use your help to defend our remaining next seven hours from those coming for us."

"I see no reason to explain everything for you to understand. Except for one thing..."

"Everything is beginning to change. And all ten of us will make that happen.

I will make it happen because it is for the good cause."

"All of us are in for it. Either we are from the good side or the bad. We are a family now and we trust each other."

"This is no longer a fight between good or evil. But a fight against the strongest enemy of existence..."