
BLUE HOUR: The Primes

The story of ten magnificent beings. Merged and living in the same world. Despite their big differences and history. Samuel took the initiative to lead their team for a common purpose. And they are the first ever unity that came from both sides, either from evil or good. In this story, you will find how they will relate to and learn each other's culture. ᴅᴀᴛᴇ sᴛᴀʀᴛᴇᴅ: 09/03/22

SuitorofHell_v2 · Fantasy
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71 Chs

ᑕᕼᗩᑭTᗴᖇ 50: ʟᴏɴɢ ʟᴏsᴛ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅ

"I'm tired." Blue huffed the sooner he and Samuel re-entered the air bubble to exchange their area round-up with the others.

"Come on. You should get inside to warm yourself." Samuel said to him and the two walked back to his room.

"Trevor?" The first thing Blue noticed was the sleeping boy beside Yalex. The sooner he darted a glare at the demon, that's when he noticed that he's in his demon form again like he was in earlier when they were play fighting.

"What did you do to him?!" He glowered and harshly pulled the demon by his collar.

It's no question why he can touch Yalex.

He's literally the first being to have no soul and yet alive at the same time.

Or the fact that he does not fear him is maybe because of his angel instinct against demons.

"I needed to feed. Unless you had souls to offer!" Yalex said like it was a normal issue.

He pushed off Blue away from him and when the angel tried to check on Trevor. Yalex blocked him.

"You should step back Blue. This is a thing between mates. We can't be involved." Rhian decided to speak with a very stern voice.

Blue only deadpanned at everyone. He's very very angry. And yet he couldn't feel it. And the fact that he couldn't do anything boils his blood more.

Because Rhian had once mentioned to him that any business that are done between mates. It is sacred and can't involve any third person. Either it be a friend, family or a third party.

"Don't worry. He's still alive and he's gonna heal quickly if Yalex stick by his side. Although the process was very painful. There was no other way out for it other than death." Samuel explained as he can clearly see their curious expressions.

He could tell that everyone are intimidated of Yalex current appearance. It's only natural that he is like that since he just finished feeding like hundreds of souls from his mate. But his human appearance will go back soon in a few hours.

"Get a rest. I'll do the first night watch. Who wants to join me?" Rhian asked and passed by Blue and Samuel to the door.

Jade stood up from her seat and followed her.

"We should hunt first. We haven't eaten anything all day." The princess said before they both left.

Jade had to swim further since she will be hunting. While Rhian only stays at the castle since she needed to make sure that they are secured.

On her way to the deep part of the ocean. Where various kinds of delicious fishes are scattered swimming in a pack.

She wanted to hunt a much exotic fish. To treat her friends with her own type of meals from her humble abode.

The deeper she swims. The darker and quiet it gets. Although she and all mermaids have night vision sights. So darkness underwater is literally nothing for them.

The mermaid's eyes morphed into viper slits as she spotted a good and big prey. Swimming very unconscious of her nearing presence.

Jade screeched as she lunged herself to the huge fish. Baring her sharp teeth to its flesh in a very savage manner.

The blood dissipated along with the water as the fish fell deceased on her grasp.

Jade made a satisfied sound upon having

her first prey.

She carried the dead fish on her left arm and continued hunting for one more.

However, in the middle of her hunt. Jade encountered one of her species.

A very unexpected one at that.

It was her cousin from her father's side. She is called Ilian.

Ilian is also a very adventurous mermaid like Jade. So it's no wonder how Ilian suddenly appeared where Jade is currently at.

The two are a very closed cousins given that both are the only child of their family.

They would always go hunting together or sometimes play very savage yet fun games such as racing with sharks and playing with jellyfishes as obstacles.

Both mermaids are very brave. And had seen so much in the water world.

But ever since the mating season began back from a few decades ago. The two hardly see each other anymore.

They were both given a mission to reproduce. And was sent to the land.

Ilian refused and ran away. Jade would have gone with her but as a royal princess. She have a duty to fulfill. A role to play as an example among her people.

Which is why she couldn't accompany her cousin and also her bestest and only friend.

Without a single soul knowing, Jade helped Ilian escaped and she was never seen again. She became a fugitive among her kind and that may have been the reason why Jade became more aggressive.

To see her once respected friend. Being hunted down for trying to seek freedom.

Since then. They have never seen or heard anything about each other.

But today was different.

Jade and Ilian was beyond glorified and joyful upon reuniting with each other. Both their tails glowed with so much glee as they swim and celebrated.

It's one of the mermaid's beautiful traits. Their tails would glow very bright whenever they are very happy or emotional.

The two expressed how much they've missed each other. Since they don't really speak. They conversed with their own language while they swim round and round at each other.

'I have missed you my old friend. It is very good to see you again.'

'Same here cousin. I have heard some news about you being sent on land. I could only pray that it is not true.'

'I'm afraid it is. I have been on land for a while. It's not as bad as we were taught. Not all humans are vile.'

'You seem well. So I believe that you are being taken care of very well on that place.'

'Iam. I have also gained new friends. I would be delighted to introduce you to them.'

'I would be happy to be with you. But I fear that I have a much important task to finish.'

'You've been busy.'

'I'm afraid so. I'm hunting one of the kraken's children. I had it when I was at the Indian Ocean. But it escaped and fled here.'

'A child of kraken?'

'It is ridiculous as it sounds. But there are many evil creatures of underwater are being sent to the land. Hunting for what they call a vessel.'

Jade's eyes slithered and she hiss.

Is it a coincidence if it was Trevor that those creatures are searching for?

She thought.

'What kind of vessel?'

'I fear I do not know about it. But I do know that it is a vessel of ancient power. So I would no longer question why many wants it.'

Jade had stopped swimming around and halted causing Ilian to look at her with confusion.

'You said you are hunting a child of the kraken. To where?'

'Up. And I think I know why. You probably felt it too. There is an unbelievable powers gathered up there. I have already seen many water creatures everywhere. Heading for the same direction. Iam very happy that they did not encountered you.'

Jade could feel her heartbeat going into a marathon. She suddenly felt the rare fear again and that alarmed Ilian.

She knows Jade more than her parents knows her. And she knows that this savage princess is never scared. Especially underwater where she is the most dominant.

'We must go. There is no time.'

Jade immediately swimmed back and had to discard the dead fish. Ilian swam behind her very confused.

Jade had a very quick pace and it was obvious that she was in a haste. And Ilian admit that swim race is the one thing that she struggles to beat the princess.

'Is something wrong? Have you seen the power up there?'

'You will see. But for now. We must be quick.'

Jade could only pray in her mind. She knows that her friends are aware that things are coming. But the fact that even if they are, they are not going anywhere because of the mission.

No matter how dangerous it gets. They needed to complete the 24 hours required by the mission.

But what got Jade worried the most. Is the baby dragon who obviously still can't defend himself.

He is a baby. And she believes that he should only see the good and wondrous things for him to learn and be good as well. Meaning that battles is not one of them.

Or also Trevor who is unconscious after Yalex fed from him.

The two abruptly halted and quickly hid behind the corals. Making sure that their tails doesn't move much to announce their presence.

The two looked at each other with a very serious expression. Both of their eyes morphed into a viper slits and their teeth bared and gearing to stab some fresh and plump flesh.

'It's him. A child of the kraken.'